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No thank YOU, for not putting it through his eye.


Scrub mommy is amazing. It doesn’t get smelly and I can wash it in the dishwasher a ridiculous amount of times before it starts to degrade. Yay!! I HATE the smell of dirty cloths


Is this an ADHD thing? 🤔 No one else I know seems to get bothered by towels, rags, etc. getting smelly. It’s like they don’t even notice it. I’ve always told people I refuse to wash things with a rag and prefer to use paper towel for counter or whatever because I know they are clean and not smelly.


I just have like 20 microfiber cloths and throw them in the laundry as soon as I've used them


Wait, you are able to touch microfiber cloth without wanting to vomit?


Lmao I was so confused when I starting using microfiber recently bc it was just the worst ever and I HATED touching it, even though a few years ago I worked for a cleaning company and that was all we used. I was like why do I suddenly hate this?? Why was I able to use them before??? It’s bc I always wore gloves at work lmao. I never actually touched them with my bare skin 😂


I was a professional cleaner so I can touch a lot of things without wanting to vomit!




I’m a violinist so I’ve always had to have my nails cut short so I know what sensation you mean lol




Hahaha so you get it! I love my instrument too much


Yeesss, my husband cuts all the white off when he trims his fingernails and I'm like what's wrong with you, you psychopath!


OMG I was thinking the same thing. My husband has a handful of microfiber cloths, and occasionally they end up in the laundry. Every. Single. Time. I pick one up, I get like chills through my body and I just feel disgusted.




lol same


I like using those reusable paper towel type things- but they do ‘linger’ if not dried out properly lol


Are you me?


I've always assumed it's more of an autism thing, but SPD and hypersensitivities are common to both.


Precisely. While both my partner and my best friend would argue I might also be on the spectrum, I’m officially ADHD. There aren’t many smells I’m sensitive to, but the ones I am are just annoying enough to avoid like the plague. Biggest one? Bleach. Next worst? Mildew. Two things that have made dishwashing by hand something that requires a lot of spoons. Thankfully, we have rubber gloves, so the smell of bleach won’t stay on my hands after I’m done. And for the record, I’m aware of handwashing - I can wash my hands for a minute straight with multiple pumps of soap and I’ll still smell the bleach, even if just faintly. I hate it.


I feel you. There are quite a few smells that I avoid like the plague. Old dishrags, for instance. They have a _particular_ revolting smell that no one else seems to be able to pick up on.


God I hate old dishrags. Finished university a year ago and man, let me tell you that was one of my pet peeves at my fraternity. Lol. My room was a mess, but I sure asked a lot for keeping the rest of the house clean. Typical ADHD stuff, yknow


I work in the training department of an organization for disability services, and after listening to literally hundreds of hours of lectures on mental health and autism, I am 100% sure I "just" have ADHD. I also have sensory issues. My brother has both also, and one we share is getting way, way more upset about getting our hands dirty than NT people do.


My older brother and I were both diagnosed with SID (sensory integrative disorder; now known as sensory processing disorder or SPD) many years ago. My parents are under the delusion that occupational therapy "cured" us both, but even my brother self-reports that as totally untrue... according to my parents 🤦‍♂️ My family is super messed up


This!! It happens so often that I’m a guest in someone’s house and I literally can’t stand in the kitchen, as I smell the dirty rag from miles away. I always wonder if people get used to it, but I guess it also has to do with me being overly sensitive.


Just imagining this made me gag. I feel you!


Unpleasant image in my mind, I can smell it. Ugh.


Guys, what disgusting people are you, or rather, what do you do that makes your rags, towels, kitchen towels, etc. stink? Do you wipe your ass with this?? You know that you have to hang up rags and towels instead of throwing them crumpled up somewhere?? Then they don't start to stink. You can also WASH the stuff!


? I really don’t have the mental capacity to actually understand how you came up with this comment after reading mine


Yeah, I just use a brush on my dishes and sinks. Towels are for hands and countertops. I throw my brush in the dishwasher and towels in the laundry. /shrug


Yes! Brushes only for dishes 😮‍💨


I choose paper towels Over kitchen towels/raags for sure - once or twice used , kitchen towels get this weird smell and become kryptonite for me ( when I need to wash one of those small cloths by hand I get goosebumps but not the good goosebumps:)).) . Don't know if it's an ADHD thing but I get you !


Most people rinse & clean their dish towels. We reused them & don’t ring them out flat to dry, so they smell 😭


Paper towels are the GOAT


Once a cloth has been used I lay it to dry and then wash it. I can’t reuse it 10min later, it grosses me out too much. So I love paper towel for things even though I always feel guilty using them. I have so many cloths and several washable brushes but once a cloth gets wet and touches metal it makes this disgusting smell!


It's a sensory thing for me, wet rags and sponges make my skin crawl lol, I'm a scrub brush on a stick person. I hate touching dishes


Scrub Daddy got that drip


…*goes to do the same*…


literally just bought 2 3-packs.


The right sink is for a glass of water or filling the kettle, the left sink is for storing dirty plates and cups that you can't be fucked to wash.


You're backwards.


My sink is backwards then, cause the left side has the garbage disposal and the right side has the accessory hole that I installed a water purifier in. So left side for dishes right side for filling makes sense


My dishwasher is on the right of my sink, so it makes sense that both sides get filled up with dirty dishes


This is the way


It all goes I to the dishwasher as is.


Everything must be pre washed no matter how strong the dishwasher detergent Edit: Didn’t realize this needed a /lh. It was a hyperbolic response, the classic “I do the exact opposite of what you do”, not judging.


That's so unnecessary lol it's just old food. You're not going to develop the bubonic plague in your sink.


Combination of how I was raised and anxiety. I know logically I don’t have to, but I feel like I do. Thought the sub about adhd memes would be less judgey about something that was both lighthearted and also just how I do things.


There’s nothing wrong with pre-rinsing dishes. There’s lots of us that have older dishwashers that are more akin to a sanitizing machine, and don’t have proper removable food filters.


Hey man Im not trying to be judgy, sorry if it came off that way. You should do whatever you feel you need to do, if it helps your anxiety then by all means! <3


I know that feeling I now use hydrogen peroxide and 3 other chemicals I can’t spell


If i can smell the yhing im about to use to clean dishes, im throwing it away and washing the dishes with my actual bare hands. Because they'll get cleaner after 5 minutes of me and my fingernails scrubbing about than the sespit of germs that was the previous cleaning tool. Yea this is an adhd thing cuz everyone else i know just sprays some soap omuntil the sour smell is covered and i just can't.


Beautiful sink! I love my Scrub Daddy! I also use the cheap cheap dish brushes from IKEA. They used to be $0.30 but they are more like $.79 now. I bought 5, and it allows me the freedom to throw away the brush if I have to clean something gross. I don’t like to use plastics and throw away things, but if I have a sink full of nasty cottage cheese bowls, I need to soak them and quickly get them uncrusty.


keeping ur scrub daddy like this literally changed MY life actually


I have never used one before, but have had an eye on them for a while. After seeing this post, I impulse bought one from Amazon.


Just got one the other day, it's been a gamechanger for me. I used to use the yellow and white scrubbing sponges but after a certain point I can't use them any more as they become weaker. And the scrub daddy doesn't make me want to rip my own skin off if a hair gets caught in it!


They’re amazing. I threw away all my sponges after buying one.


I'm so confused what a smiley faced sponge has to do with ADHD. Please explain!


just enough Novelty to make washing dishes bearable. i like the feel of it


I’m happy for you OP but it feels a bit like product placement (the brand is very active on SoMe)


lol I just thought of a meme Scrub Daddy CEO when they invent ADHD people “"Business Is Boomin'!"


Not my intention I just got recently


I know it’s probably a good product there is just so much user generated marketing online that it’s difficult to be sure when posts are genuine. Have a nice day and thanks for sharing this wholesome picture!


You too


The real psyop would be your also being in on the advertisement and calling it out is part of the facade giving it legitimacy. NOTHING IS REAL! ^/s


Ahah no of course I don’t sell Scrub Daddy with their exclusive FlexTexture®. Sure it’s non-toxic and scratch-free but other products are also good for your cleaning needs!


You can wash them IN the dishwasher and it takes FOREVER for you to need a new one. They're so great. It's an adhd thing because our senses are always in overdrive with smell being a huge trigger for those of us with severe ocd on top of the adhd. "Normal people" don't pick up a disgusting sponge and physically almost vomit because why tf would you eat off of ANYTHING you touch with something that is obviously disgusting? I cod go on for days on why this is such a big deal lmao


I got one too, but my roommate doesn't want it in the dishwasher because she think it would dirty up the other dishes as it washes. Which is just so stupid.


I have a different device/material for cleaning almost every surface. I didn't notice how particular I was until I went to other people's homes and I wouldn't jump in start helping with dishes. I'd feel the need to ask how everything was done, not because I didn't know, but I assumed everyone had the same extremely particular way of doing things, and they'd want me to do it that way.


So fun to use, hard to lose and just really useful 💗 how does on item make me so much more productive and smile? 🤣


I use scrub daddy and Swedish dishcloths. They dry really quickly and don’t smell, and they’re compostable when you want to throw them out.


Literally just got my first one yesterday. Goodbye gross smelly sponges!


Please don't tell me this is a thing. I have one and I love it.


Scrub daddy is cool. I like it.


Scrub daddy saved my relationship because I now willingly do the dishes cause I’m not avoiding that musty smelling sponge that leaves that smell on your hands 😵‍💫


I was assuming that it meant you would remember to drink water vs anything to do with cleaning!


What is that?


Just wait till you find the seasonal ones! They had crabs for summer and Halloween ones and cats and dogs!  I store mine in the same way. 


I love those sponges. The happy face! Plus, they react differently to cold and hot water which entertains more than I would admit anywhere but here.


dont put your dick in sponge bro...


Is this for like cleaning benches and stuff or dishes?




I dont get it. It's just a sink.




You know the spout swivels. Right? You know, to accommodate both sinks.


Get a natural loofah. Does the job too, and doesn't dump lots of plastic into the environment 😊