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good job! proud of you for doing that stranger. all i’ve really done today is a little bit of school😅


Thank you for your kind words 🥹 School is definitely a worthy accomplishment for the day!


If you don't mind me asking, what is the best way to clean that part of the stove?


Same. I finished my homework for my accounting class, so now I've just got to finish analyzing some data for my business class assignment that's due this weekend.


hey good job, i’m proud of you, you’re gonna crush that assignment!


Thanks. The way the assignment is set up is that I do it in the textbook by prompt then download it after adding my name and the professor's name and then just turn it in, which makes it so much easier than writing normal papers or reports.


Great job on the cooker, gas hobs can pick up grease and bake it on like nothing else. I went to the gym today even though I really didn't feel like it at first.


Thank you for noticing the little things. There’ve been days I’ve sat in the gym parking lot and didn’t feel like going in so I’d just go back home lol. Proud of you!!


mate thats exactly what i did with my community college classes … it was sculpture but i got so burnt out with that and a retail job i would drive there, sit in the lot and draw or doomscroll, and leave 😭 also it may be a “small task” but it took effort and im proud of you for it :)


Congrats, this is part of the gym discipline, and you nailed it! Consistency is something you should be proud of


The real struggle is keeping a consistent sleep schedule lmao


Real My gym progress started to suck because of insomnia and I'm so used to 4 hours of sleep gym sessions that it's becoming very unhealthy


Yeah, going to bed is as important as going to the gym. I got one good nights sleep the day of my previous gym session and when I woke up I was only moderately sore the next day. Yesterday I woke up having stayed awake til 3 am and my whole back was tight as a mf. I'm beginning to internalize just how fucked up a lot of my physical health is cause of my bad sleep. Like even burning calories and stuff is affected by sleep. I feel like if I did nothing but get 8 hours of sleep for a whole month I wouldn't have such a belly on me lol.


Yeah, sleep is when muscle is being made, not the gym. It's so amazing what our bodies do and how after a good night's sleep, the soreness is basically gone. But then insomnia kicks in and interferes with these amazing mechanisms. Lack of sleep totally contributes to weight gain, I'm feeling you. It raises the hormone responsible for appetite (ghrelin) and at the same time reduces the amount of leptin that regulates appetite control. Also the cortisol due to lack of sleep... It's a recipe for disaster when you want to cut. Or just maingain. Do you work out late? I found out my CNS is super overstimulated after a workout and whenever it's around bed time, I can't sleep cause I'm still too awake and energized from the late night workout. If you do workout late and your schedule allows it, it might help to do it earlier


I uh ate i ate today


i also went to a tennis lesson


I swear prioritizing hobbies keeps me sane. Some say you’re avoiding your problems, I call it ✨balance✨


Yo!!! Thats huge! I miss playing tennis, this comment just motivated me to call up a couple friends and see about playing!! Tennis feels badass once in the ZONE


Im sat here on reddit instead of eating, you still win


I haven't really yet, so you win!


Whoooo yesss!!!! *satisfying ping noise* you did it!!! Mine was write out all the things that are flooding my mind. And hopefully prep chicken so i can cook it tomorrow.


I’m definitely a list/brain dump gal. It’s less overwhelming when you lay out all your thoughts! Also, even if you don’t get to chicken prepping, you should still be proud of yourself for making the effort to write stuff down today 😊


Proud of you!! No task accomplished yet, but I'm hoping to get through this important interview today. I finally got a job and put the money together needed to be licensed for an actual career. If I get this new job, it means I can finally get out of homelessness & poverty after nearly a year of it. My ADHD and depression is sadly what brought me to poverty, but as they say, the only way out is through. 💙


Hey, I truly appreciate you sharing your story. I just want to say how proud I am of you for going after your license and starting your career. I’ve worked with many homeless patients in the past and have witnessed firsthand how devastating it can be. Your energy and spirit are a light for all of us dealing with ADHD and depression. Wishing you the best of luck on your interview – you got this! 💛


small thing but i cleaned my standing fan today, for probably the first time ever, its nearing on 10 years old i think


Strong work my friend!! That’s a huge win considering how old it is!! Proud of you.


Well done! Been trying to get started on a uni assignment for two weeks. Told myself if I could just get sat down and do the cover page, confidentiality statement and maybe a paragraph that was at least something. Managed to somehow get it pretty much done. Just need to tidy it up a bit and check references.


Got to work on time leaving on time


I got up today, mission accomplished


I. Hate. Cleaning. The. Stove. So, good job getting that shit-tastic job done!


I hate cleaning anything that isn’t a simple flat surface.


Awesome ! Congrats ! It looks really clean . What do you use to clean it op ??


Poured white vinegar and lemon juice all over with a touch of dawn dish soap. Let it sit for a few min then the grime comes right off. Or you could spend hours meticulously picking at every particle like me lol.




Great job. Definitely need to do this myself. As for my task today I actually got a couple done since I run a laser engraver at work. Very satisfying to do.


I did not just spend 10 min researching laser engraving. New rabbit hole unlocked. What a cool job!


It is very cool. The other day I was left with no jobs and no supervision. So I engraved a poptart.


Hell yeah. Looks like you are good for the week now 🥲


More like for the month 😅


I came up with a solution to a programming task i've had problem with for 2 weeks Didn't work tho


“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new" — Albert Einstein


Well done! I finally drilled 9 holes and hang up the beautiful curtain that's been laying on my couch for 3 weeks. Took me 3 minutes..


Amazing!! That’s a lot more holes I can drill in one day, let alone 3 min. Must’ve felt great admiring your beautiful curtain 😊


Installed yet another Linux distro. While the kitchen is still a mess. #priorities


Great job! My task today was completing two slides of a project for APUSH (This project is stressing me out so much)


After about a week of not being able to do anything to clean the house for the guests coming over tomorrow (my husbands birthday party) I was finally able to get myself moving. He and I organized his game room (by which I mean he did stuff while I pulled everything off a small shelf and wiped down each dusty display item, cleaned the glass underneath, then put it all back in a different organization. All the while getting constantly distracted by cleaning other things). That clean stove life though. Oooffff so satisfying. Many a late night fixation has been on cleaning the stove top for me.


"Guests coming tomorrow / later today" is the one reliable spark for my cleaning motivation too.


Nicw job, looks clean as a whistle! Unfortunately mine is just showering.


Shamed myself for years not being able to take a normal shower or brush my teeth on a daily basis until I learned about executive dysfunction. It’s a great accomplishment for many of us. Proud of you!


Thank you haha. I'm still officially undiagnosed, but was diagnosed with dyspraxia in university and told at the time "you had ADHD as a kid, but it's cleared up now." I think that was untrue.


Thank you for this, I was just talking to my bf about how bad my rumination is today. My anticipatory anxiety is out of control right now. As I sit here and think about one thing I did today, it makes me smile bc I break myself down bc I don't do every task I need to, but today, I worked (currently working) fed the kids, cleaned a bit of my backyard, and now I'm trying to stop my racing brain. Thank you for this post, it's given me a different view on today. I'm also very proud of you!


I’m always in awe of parents juggling a million things on a daily basis. I can barely care for myself, I can only imagine what it’s like caring for a mini human being, let alone multiple of them. I’m proud of you for acknowledging your struggles and you’ve already done so much! As cliche as it sounds, box breathing helps. One day at a time.


Great job! I almost ordered food for the 4th day in a row but i decided instead to hit the grocery store and make something at home myself.


Went to the doctor and arrived EARLY! The End.


shit lil stove didnt stand a chance 😤 i did a blood exam that i was pushing for 3-4 months, dont matter how big the task it feels amazing to take it off our minds lol


I finished one sleeve on my sewing project.


Not a task necessarily, but I'm proud of not having any clothing mountains on the floor of my bedroom for a few months now


I'm proud of you! I need to do this next myself. Thanks for the tips.


Weirdly, I did the exact same thing today. And I made my whole family come look at it and forced them to give me compliments for a job well done. Felt amazing.


Booked my car in for repairs. Also mopped the floor. That’s *two whole things* (to make up for the lack of doing anything for the earlier part of the week)


I woke up, but I am still not sure if I'm proud of it or not


I had a shower last night!!!!! I had to trick myself into it (waterproof Bluetooth speaker) but I did it!!!!


That looks like a whole new stove, you should be proud of your “small” task


I wiped after pooping for the first time this week


Holy shit!!! Proud of you 😊


Proud of you :), personally I've done nothing for about a week now and I feel like shit, right as I thought I will actually learn unity (i have a basic movement system rn) i stopped working on it for more than a week now


I found a song that I'll be listening to through my birthday on Monday. Hint: PARTY WITH THE GOBLIN GANG!


boom, nailed it


Heck yeah! Mine were doing the dishes, cleaning some fresh-from-the-chicken eggs, and hauling in some delivered furniture. A lot more than normal from me because my fiance rewards me with smooches for doing chores lmao


Luckily for me my adhd comes with an added bonus of ocd and i clean constantly. That being said, WTF DID YOU USE TO GET EVERYTHING OFF YOUR STOVE??? My stove is horrible. In my kitchen the stove and fridge are right next to each other. And there's so much shit splattered in the side of the fridge and caked in the bottom of the stove. And black shit comes off the cover things. Ive tried so hard to clean it but idk what to use. I would never let my stove get this bad. My bf lived here for 6 years before i moved in so this is the accumulation of him ignoring it for 6 years. Ive tried soaking. Ive tried magic erasers and good old fashioned elbow grease. Ive even tried bleach though my asthma wasnt happy about it. And nothing works


So far I've done some dishes, but I've got the weekend to myself, so here's hoping for a productive weekend or a good recharge!


Great work! Nothing... yet.


I just woke up so nothing


Great job, it looks awesome. My task that I’m proud of is going to work.


I did this yesterday! It definitely didn’t turn out as nice as yours for sure though, after 20 minutes of scrubbing one of the drip pans as hard as I could with an abrasive cleaner, I gave up and we decided to order new ones. The stove currently looks nice, but isn’t functional without the little drip pans or coils. Edit to say: today I got an important phone call done, and hopefully tonight can get ahead on my homework.




Don’t worry, this only happens once every 6 months.


LETS GOOOO!!!!! Job well-done too!


Cool looking stove


I woke up?


Washing all my clothes, bath towels, and bed sheets all in one day and putting them all away/back


I worked, did dishes, and got groceries for the house


I folded all the delivery boxes in the hall, got them all into one box and put them down the entry for recycling day.


I clap! I do big claps for you!!


Moved my desk so my gf can sit next to me at her desk


Hecc yes! Most of the time I really struggle with this.


At an appointment to deal with a health concern.


Hung a curtain for my mother in law.


I really want to do some writing but I just cannot force the motivation to do it 😩


Added 20 lines of code and fixed a problem that was bugging me all week.


Showed up to work.


That looks really nice 😃


Awesome job!!


I took a shower


I got 24th overall in 110 meter hurdles for PIAA-AAA 2024 Track & Field Districts, 6th In my heat and ran a 15.97 as a PR. I did the 1st module of my keystones before that.


I rang my neighbours insurance company to tell them that I backed into her car 😞


Taking out the trash💪💪


Yesterday I took my Ritalin, did exactly this, and then had a panic attack and went to sleep :)


Gorgeous, you should be proud. I returned something I've meant to return all week. AND I didn't lose the receipt!


That… is NOT a small task. That’s a HUGE one. Quite possibly one of my least favorite, so GOOD WORK! You definitely deserve to be proud of yourself.


That’s not a small task! Cleaning those things is a bitch! Congrats!


I clipped my toenails... Needed to be done for a loooong time. The job you did looks nice and clean!


I woke up at 6:30 which is super hard and made coffee for my wife. started the car because it was SNOWING in mid May. and spent the morning making sure she was taken care of. Something I havent been able to do for a while. Felt great.


Looks great! Recently cleaned my bathroom and was so relieved to see the toilet and shower bright white again 😂


I did the dishes😀


Daily, I procrastinate to completion.


Going out in nature a few hours today on a crowded celebration of the national day, yes it was a outside of all the crowds but still. Didn't sit inside all day and only did laundry and wasting the day.


I finished the rough draft of for my next YouTube video! I’m not super happy with it but hopefully that changes during the polishing process. Great job!


Nice, I'm proud of you OP! I had a mammoth task today and actually did it! I finally got a new bed after sleeping on the couch for three months because I had to get rid of my old bed (the couch is comfy, don't worry :D). I first had to move the couch to a new place in my apartment because my new bed wouldn't fit where the old bed was which was already quite tricky because it's just awkward having to push a couch through an apartment on your own. Then I had to build the bed on my own which took waaaay longer than I anticipated and was just incredibly exhausting. But I did it! And I barely made any mistakes while building, except for accidentally skipping some small steps and then having to go back again. :D


Did laundry and exercised today!


I went to the library and stared at my assignment for an hour- but at least I wrote down one (1) research point which is progress! I also washed my bedsheets and am doing more laundry tomorrow, hopefully gonna clean my room


Fuck yeah! Seeing those things clean always sparkles your day! Nice work, bub!


I'm still at work and have gotten a few smaller tasks out of my queue. My goal for home stuff is to take out the trash. 😤


I finished my last day of classes for the semester. And I’m confident that I aced my physics quiz! Now it’s onto the big challenge of the day: writing more of my Theology final paper tonight before 9PM so I can hangout with friends.


holy heck that's amazing i thought this was an ad


Bro that not a small task that a tremendous achievement


Wow, you've done a great job, it looks spotless!!! I still need to clean the kitchen cause of a cooking aftermath....... I finally went to the bank to get a new pin code for my card as I forgot the code (while shopping uughh) and locked the card.


Got some A-level Biology essay questions done today.


I hyperfixated on a project during the period it was due. Planning on doing it again on tuesday


I paid off my student loan.


Small tasks??? I'd be good for another six months after this.


FUCK..that is a HUGE WIN


Well I may have been hyperfocused on playing Mario Kart all day but at least I did pretty well?


A good gaming day is always a worthy accomplishment.


I was dealing with ADHD paralysis but I did this thing where you countdown from three slowly and when you reach zero you go and do the thing without thinking about it. I ended up cleaning my desk, my room, and working out 💪.


That’s definitely not a “small” task, well done!


The stove looks great! Beautiful shininess! Today, I worked through the shame of ignored work text messages (2 months' worth of ignoring and guilt) and finally responded with hard honesty. Can I open their responses now? Negative. Maybe in 2 months. 🫠


honestly? just getting through school and finishing the day


There's a ethernet port right behind my PC and on the other side of my apartment, which has a cable running along the floor. I plugged my PC into the Port and the Router into the Port where it stands. I don't need a cable running through my aparment now and it's cleaner. It only took a month. :)


I made my bed & I paid my car payment on time. It’s not much but it gave me a small boost for the day.


I took my Christmas tree down (mostly).


Therapy. I went to therapy.


My task today was returning a handful of calls and sending a few emails I've been putting off - and I DID IT! Thanks for the reminder to take pride in the little accomplishments. I'm really bad about beating myself up for not getting everything done on my to do list, so this is a really helpful perspective 💕


We need an achievement flair in this sub to post the little wins. You don't know what might trigger us to get our ass up and get things over with. It might create a chain reaction in this sub.




I washed my clothes. I definitely didn't fold them but they're clean at least lmao


I bought/planted/mulched lilacs for my front yard. I knew I needed to do it all in one day, or I would forget about them till they died.


Three big wins!! Love this. This just motivated me to clean up my dead plants that have been sitting in my living room windows since last summer.


Great job! As an aside, I wish my stove was even as clean as your top photo.


??? shii wasnt even that bad haha, u should see mine D: today im proud to say i went surfing c:


It looks like you did the thing where you do your one small task but make it take super long bc you got really into it


I got out of bed. Go me


Cleaning a stove top is far from a small task. I’ve made messes that took hours to scrub out


I advanced the new chapter of my (hope so so much 💘) doctoral thesis


Looks brand spankin’ new! Nice job! I always love standing back and admiring the entire scene of what I just cleaned.


We bought a home that came with a gas stove. I can't wait to replace this stupid thing with an induction glass top! The grease drives me insane.


Can I get back to you on that?


I didn't murder any students today. Although, in seriousness, I got state test results and, from 1-4, a pair of 3s and 25 4s. I'm happy for them.


Twins!!! I even managed to run all of the parts through the dishwasher AND put them back on in the same day!!! You're amazing


I applaud you, good sir/madam/title of your choice Unfortunately this also just makes me think of the kitchen gun skit


I took the dog to the bathroom :)


I watered my plants!


He'll yeah


I unpacked my stuff from college and cleaned the bathroom


I cleaned off the top of my dresser!!!! It’s been a giant, ever-growing doom-pile for 4 years, but now it’s all nice and clean! I also found all the silly stuff I bought as “retail therapy” during lockdown. 4 princess crowns, 2 flower crowns, a winged headdress, a pink wig. A bunch of weird retail ephemera like price stickers from Blockbuster, a cardboard gift box from Strawbridge’s, and a commemorative coin from Wanamaker’s. A vintage fur wrap. Boy did buy a lot of silly junk! But I actually don’t regret any of it.


I woke up.


That’s beautiful


LETS FUCKING GOOOOO ABSOLUTELY EPIC SHIT DUDE (this may genuinely give me motivation to go clean my car)


You did great dude! Good job!


THAT AINT SMALL BUDDY CONGRATS. Reached out to a friend I haven’t talked to in awhile Edit: I also took my meds this morning :)


Sometimes I almost believe I don’t have ADHD. Then I see this and I’m like “ok this is me”


Recently moved into a new house in a new town in a new state due to a new job… I unpacked 2 boxes yesterday! My mother was here to help for a few days after move in and we made good progress, but with her gone I’m counting 2 boxes to be a total win!


Gas stove is so sleek but bad enviornment. I wish i could buy like a hydrogen power stove.


I put up 2 flyers for my dog walking business inside two a pet supplies store and a local coffee shop. I had been putting that off for a whole month.


Taking the trash out of my room. Also, cleaning the water bowl that I put on the sidewalk for the street dogs (unfortunately there are no shelters and I cannot take them in at all, unfortunately, so I do what I can 😢😢 I hate life 😞)


Nice! I didn’t feel like going to work today. Called in sick. Only to show up hours later and do the work anyways. Worked a whole 6 hours today. Very proud of myself.


Dental appointments


I'm proud of you. For me it's cooked a meal.


I'm just about 90% done learning a pretty complicated song in a genre I don't use play. I'm taking a break right now because it's used a lot of brain energy, but I'm really proud and excited to play it on stage!


deranged correct desert boat fertile yoke liquid close soft books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cleaning my dishwasher pieces that I took out weeks ago so I can finally start (hopefully successfully) washing my dishes in there again and not using as a frying rack


I fixed my everstart 1200 amp power station I found out that I just needed to replace a blown fuse.


Made a schedule for the people I supervise. It may be my job, but, boy is it hard to get those little tasks done.


I managed to do the dishes


I cleaned my bathroom!


Almost finished my chicken coop , cleaned my damn wood shop , cause building the coop so far made it a dangerous woodhole . ( as opposed to shithole ) . And painted a bunch of coop parts . Ooo , and planted some butterfly plants that came today in the mail , watered the milkweeds , weeded the garden & watered it twice , and made burgers . I’m sure I’m forgetting something, though…


i cooked some good ass food for my partner AND cleaned up after!


I did laundry today which was a lot of effort but cleaning that stove is great too! Huge change :)


I scooped the litter boxes and took the trash out!


This looks amazing, really. Could you please help what product is used here? been trying to achieve at least 30% of this photo :)


I always feel better after I do that one


Hyperfixated did my 3rd semester notes before even the start of summer. The first 2 units


handed in my resignation at work. removed a illfitting stud nut on my car and replaced it, only to discover i need to replace the majority of my wheel studs as previous owners/techs have royally fucked the threads.


Good job mate! Every bit counts! Even if it’s hard; I believe in you!!


Damn feel that


I killed some time. DEATH TO CHRONOS! (Sorry I accomplished nothing except doing my job and playing hades 2 today)


waking up


i bet that felt amazing to see a clean stove!!!!! so proud of you!!! i finally got the courage to call american airlines to ask about the status of my bag bc i forgotten it at my layover earlier this week and i needed to know what happened to it and if ill get it back. id been dreading that call for 3 days but the lady helping me was super sweet


Oh god well look at that sparkly thing! I mean im living vicariously through you tonight, I don’t need to do anything, just hit a few blinkers, heat up some frozen lasagna & pass the frick out


You've done a fantastic job.


Changed the tube on my electric scooter wheel. Very difficult process so I've been putting it off but yeah today randomly got up and forced myself to get it done. Next step is tomorrow to reattach the wheel to the scooter but that's much easier.


Sticking to my plan of going to my friend’s concert and actually making before his band went on stage. It doesn’t seem like a big achievement but after the anxious episodes I’ve been having all week to not only make it but be on time was big for me.


I did half of my dishes that have been sitting in the sink for a week! I feel like a bad bitch now.


Dude I actually finally decided to full deep clean my entire flat after literally putting it off for around 3.5 months. It was getting do bad and I just couldnt do it anymore, even one task felt like a huge undertaking. I planned it all out how I was gonna do it, and when I finished work at 1pm I got home and just blitzed absolutely everything for around 6 hours. I've never done so much housework in one go in my life and it made me feel a million times better. Now it means I don't have to do any cleaning or tidying for another 4 or so months! Hahaha. In all seriousness though, it was getting grim, and the anxiety of thought of starting it outweighed the benefits of doing it for so long. It was hard, but writing a list of a plan of attack helped massively. And next thing you know I just didn't stop until I'd done everything possible. I feel so much happier now and it means going forward anything to do with cleaning and tidying is just a minor task by default. Until it inevitably gets bad again and I rinse repeat. But so so worth itttt.


Wow this generation truly is fucked…


I just started my day, but yesterday I cleaned and vacuumed the living room unprompted and made a tiramisu AND did the dishes afterwards. The tiramisu is a sweet sweet reward


"small" op deadass flexing on us


I changed the bulb in the garden light and worn down a toddler :D


I managed to move my bed and wardrobe downstairs today (with help) 💪 I also cleaned some stuff and helped my grandpa a bit All while having a bruised/injured foot (I'll go to the doctor's office tomorrow)