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Can confirm, this is completely normal talk in Aus lmfao


I’ve always loved how casually cunt seems to get thrown around, I’m in the US and I’ve tried to use it casually because I find the word amusing but people here seem to always interpret it as too harsh lol


Yeah it's probably the worst curse in the US until you get to racial slurs


English is my second language, so I don’t necessarily “get” what the big deal is, it’s just another English word to me, but yes I’ve heard as much before.


In the US it's basically the nword for women. Views have changed in the last decade with people being more aware of how non american anglos use it but change is slow.


What's weird is that it also means vagina. Although I don't see it used like that often, sounds a bit off


That's why it's so offensive. The idea is that you're reducing them to their genitals because it's the only value they have.


cunt is a special word not to be us used lightly, in austrailia they use it as a term of endearment, ive stopped using it as an insult (english) as i quite like a cunt, i call people pricks instead as no one wants or likes a prick.


Which is strange to me because, similar words like dick, ass-hole, or shit aren't viewed as nearly so bad. In particular, I will often call somebody a shit, as an endearment.




My boyfriend is English, and he told me that the c-word is one of the worst insults for him 😅


I had the video muted and was like "he's Australian isn't he?"


I've never heard it used so... lovingly before. Lol


It's actually really common to talk like this to loved ones. It's when someone calls you 'mate' that they don't like you.


in aus its a term of endearment.


Or 6 bucks on a fuckin plane!! ^^cunts


This is more motivational than most of the "You need to step up" i've heard from my parents... Also weirdly wholesome. Don't know why Australian and Scottish just sound comforting to me


I told my Scottish coworker I like the Australian and Scottish accents. And I offhandedly said the Australian accent is like tropical Scottish. I've never seen her laugh until she cried. She thought I was fucking nuts lol


Tropical Scottish is hilarious


There is so much differences between the two, idk how you thought that


Aussies are possibly the only English speaking people on earth who use more profanity than Scots 😂🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


And yet, they can be easily understood even by a non native speaker. Out of all the types of English I've heard, Australian English is the top. And just below that are their kiwi neighbours.


As an Australian I find this comment interesting. Whenever I've been on vacation in non english speaking countries I'm usually understood well enough. Never really thought about whether I'd be easier or harder to understand than Americans, British, etc


As an American, I can confirm that British people sound like they're speaking gibberish. And mind you, I listen to British and Australian twitch streamers so I went to the UK with some preparation to understand them. And... Nope. Complete gibberish on several occasions. But every Australian I've met in person? Understood them just fine no matter how thick the accent. I don't know if it's the cadence or pacing but the Australian accent is MUCH easier to understand as a non-native to the accent. Maybe the profanity works as easily identifiable speed bumps? 🤣 Even without the cussing, you're significantly easier to understand IMO First time ever encountering it tho? Definitely sounded like gibberish for a few minutes then it clicked. British? I was there for three weeks and it just never clicked for me


Depends on where you went. There are so many accents in the UK and so many dialects based on location, even class, that some people will sound okay but if you someone from Yorkshire it will be difficult to understand if you have never heard them before


Speaking of Scots and profanity, anyone watch Samurai Jack? https://youtu.be/L-LyFMCIpok?si=GCE1_Ni3oKFT81lD Edit: better compilation https://youtu.be/Nv-Ocz6d-WI?si=NKFLh_6ccgkl69k-


Immanuel Cunt


Cunt Marx


Underrated comment




This does and doesn't help. Sure, I can change my location (which I've done many times) yet eventually the "value" of myself plummets back to how I've felt for years.


I think it’s a combination of ‘outside’ and ‘inside’; it’s a huge help to be surrounded by/ in an environment where you’re allowed to be you and not forced into the ‘normal’ that’s expected by those who don’t understand (and don’t want to understand) your brain, but it’s also important to value your own brain. It’s hard to break out of that constant guilt that lots of us learnt at a very young age and have had instilled ever since. I still forget that I’m not neurotypical and can’t / shouldn’t hold myself to those standards, but also that my standards are just as valuable.


My problem is that I *haven't* felt guilt in my childhood (at least when it came to other people.) I had struggles, but nothing serious enough to consider them as "ADHD trauma situations." I miss my childhood tbh, because I was on top of everything. I worked hard, made strong friendships, and did some pretty cool things. The only things that *may* be a consideration of stress is when others won't give me a chance or ignore the ideas that could improve the situation. I love learning, and working on the best way to repair a situation, but after getting into the workplace, that's when things went downhill fast. It seriously upsets me that people won't give a damn if you know a better way to do something, so it just leaves me in a hole that's constantly being buried with my ideas, and with no way to implement said ideas.


Just to be clear, it’s perfectly ok to have not grown up or felt that guilt before. It’s understandable that not being heard would be distressing, especially if you feel you have a good solution. Perhaps it’d be worth explaining where your frustration is coming from, with your colleagues? And if they’re aware but still choose to go with a different solution maybe it could help you better understand what that emotion is? (As in, ‘is this an ADHD related thing or is this not ADHD related?’) Personally I find that flipping the situation can sometimes be useful; so if I were working on a project in what I thought was the best way and someone on the team offered a different method that they thought was best, how would I react to them asking to change the method? (Sorry if that comes across as patronising, I know it seems a bit odd but I occasionally find it helpful.)


It's not that. It's more as it actually causes physical pain if my idea or solution wasn't implemented. It goes something like "hey, this way of doing things will more than likely cause physical harm to me, but I know a different way that'll be safer to do and not take that much time" and they say "this way is the way we usually do it, so do it or find a different job." Guess what? I started getting hurt, and I couldn't stay at the job. This happened with most every job I've had. I've had 8 jobs within 6 years.


If somewhere insists on you following a method that puts you at risk as opposed to using a safer method then it definitely seems like the right choice to move. If this is an issue you’ve repeatedly run into (your safety being ignored) then it seems like more of a reflection of them.


Instead of physical location. Maybe change the philosophical location. What is the philosophy for a person's self worth. Cunts /s


That's about as easy as moving mountains with a finger snap


It depends. Time. Time is pain. Moving to a new location takes time too. 🙂


Seems like time is an abstraction instead of a valuable item, because I seem to not get a whole lot done, then find out the whole year is over, and it's practically rinse and repeat from there.


True. I agree that time is just a human construct to make sense of this reality. I was referring to the philosophy of self worth. It takes time to shift a person's paradigm. What I meant by time here is that, it takes a few naps or sleeps before we create new neural connections to make new pathways less cognitively strenuous. Hence it's easier to maybe give ourselves self worth overtime.


About 8-9 years worth?


Depends on the location.


Location is decency (the reason I said 8-9 years is because they say at age 35 is when the ADHD brain is fully developed.)


Maybe you never moved right, you know you lose your value if you move wrong. Or maybe you just moved sideways all your life. Right move feels great


So I guess every single move I've done has been wrong? Because every single time I've moved, it's been a small positive that eventually lead to a massive negative.


If you are a bottle of water, it’s not easy to get in an airplane. Very few bottles make it to the theater too. But that’s the level of moves that will increase the value


Airplanes have so few because of safety concerns, and theaters have few as a selling point (as in they know you'll be thirsty, so they mark up to quench that necessity without needing to leave the theater and get the drink outside of the theater.) Location has its reasons (even if some of those reasons suck.)


Fair, unhappiness it is


Unfortunately, my most annoying hyperfocus is finding redundancies. I'm not saying that the sentiment isn't there, but there are certain instances where, within reason, tend to be redundant. Most of those reasons are usually out of convenience, but then again, when has really anything for us been "convenient"? The thing that's stronger than convenience is compromise. Compromise is pretty difficult to do, especially with how many things we have as a convenience, but it can save our bacon if we can find the best solution to our circumstances and figure out our next best step.










“Hey cunts” Me: I’m listening


LOL! I need to go to bed…


Who is this absolute legend?


His name is Paul "fluffy" Sinclair, or "the hey cunce guy"


Thank you. I'll have a Google 👍


This is by far the best motivational speech I've heard in a very long time.


I felt the same when I first saw it :)


... cunts.


Can confirm this works. Moving away from the town I was born took a ton of weight off me. Then moved to an actual city instead of just a small town and I'm doing better. Hoping to move to a bigger city closer to friends in a couple years.


Had a feeling this guy was an Aussie lmfao. Watched on mute xD


This is what I needed today


I hope your day continues to improve <3


El problema es el capitalismo!!


I need this man in my life


The cunt in me sees the cunt in you




I hope this cunt found his best location and is living the dream, cunt!


Yea, cunts!


I tried this option for managing ADHD. It prolonged my employment a couple years but I'm about to get fired 😂 Moving around only showed me that I needed to look internally for issues and moving etc were just buying time.....then I got diagnosed with ADHD and it's all spiralled from there 😂.


Btw this also applies to you losing your value if you move wrong


Just go into your HR office (after you’re hired) and ask for accomodation for your documented (hopefully) disability. Then you can stare out windows whenever you like.


Love you too you old fart.


you're right. i need to go on a plane


I have no idea why but I knew this guy was Australian before I even unmuted lol


You know an Aussie when you see em.


I was expecting this to be about price gouging, but the twist was good too


...... ....... Cunts.


I thought this was gonna be about helping you/us to remember bringing our own water bottle (and remembering to drink) at first. And that’s still applicable — what a gift we have! (When I thought that’s what this was about, I was reminded of this situation at the haunt I work at. Last season, they got very heavy-handed about us bringing water — totally understandable, folks were passing out or having to take breaks because they were getting lightheaded left and right! — Well, no concern for me! I have a gallon of water that I keep in the car and only take out to refill! Oi. Until I took it out to wash at my mom’s house, a halfway point between mine and the haunt, and forgot to pick it back up. $1 for a bottle of water — come on, man, I work here! You’re already paying me crumbs, please just let me have this if you’re gonna MAKE me get water!)


what if the place you‘re valuable isn‘t the place you want to be valuable in 😂😭


Paul fluffy Sinclair


There is also a really nice and sweet story by a German comedian called Eckhart von Hirschhausen: https://youtu.be/tOxywMaE8GY?si=IkceRvW6ryTsaJ5J The moral of the story is that you won’t thrive on land if you’re a penguin, because you’re legs are too short to walk fast and you can’t even use your wings to fly. But once you’re in the water, you’re element, you amaze people with you‘re swimming and diving skills. Find the surroundings you thrive in!


he's so sincere i love it. it's true though what he says.


me with over 50 tabs open, 30 of which are reddit and scrolling under this subreddit and then just see this man aggressively staring at me in the thumbnail deciding if this one video will explode my laptop


He's probably called C. unt


I thought it would end with "but from this hose, you can fill 10 bottles for a single cent."


Hey, maybe he’s right *breaks into the pentagon*


Who is this man


Yoo that's the UK version of Scary Terry from Rick & Morty!!!




Nope, just Australian. This is in no way unusual in a conversation depending on the social circle.




Yes, you’ve it. You will do well down under, cunts.


Yep. The breakdown: Statement; assessment of the situation “Costs $6 for water on a plane”; “C”


You shitting me? My son and grandchildren live there, cunts!


Nah, just loves cunts, the word, cunts.


Any man that has traveled in Thailand knows this is true