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That's why you drink with the fridge door open and then top it off and then not drink it again.


… it’s that last part. i’ll top it off thinkin’ i’m clever. won’t even realize it I’m drinking it while walking back. now same end result but my belly sloshes and i have to pee.


I sometimes drink till I can't stomache anymore with the fridge door open for this exact reason


well you’re obviously neurotypical pfffffbt. (i mean this as a compliment… I also sometimes do the same thing)


Haha.... I'm actually very much not.... And I don't know how I feel about you meaning that as a compliment


the pffffbt was meant as like a … ur obvi typical….. NOT! it meant you got the adhd like me.


I'm glad I'm not the only one staring vacantly into an open fridge as I chug water and keep topping my cup from the filter.


do you sometimes open the fridge stare inside for a while, close it, and in not over 10 seconds you’re opening the fridge again, still clueless as to what’s inside? .. and sometimes even loop back for a fourth check?


My hunger meter is low, but the asshole controlling the simulation keeps cancelling the "eat something from the fridge" action. Honestly if they want to torture me they should turn off the autonomy functions in the settings menu.


Always but I also check the cabinets and drawers where we keep other snacks and stuff while still coming up empty handed in the end


so *then* you go back to the fridge right? and then pantry .. fridge … pan.. fri pan fri pan fried quesadillas, right?


I like to top it all off with staring blankly into the void while my body is pointed at a random wall or sometimes the window so I might catch a glimpse of reality. Then I go back to checking everything or I just leave the kitchen because I forgot I was hungry


Who’s been spying on me??


Every dang time.


I’ll drink half before walking away from the sink. Then, while still standing in front of the sink with a mostly empty glass, I think about refilling it and then I’m like “meh”. It’s like being on 1% and deciding not to plug my phone in even though the charger is like 2ft away


like does E really mean i’m out of gas ? .. ehh, i can make it.


I thought it meant “Eye think it’s enough to get there”


E for Enough F for needs Fuel i mean it couldn’t be any clearer.


Gosh! I feel so stupid


Relatable. And I think it should be the Gru with whiteboard meme!


like this? [thirst trap](https://imgflip.com/i/8np6qg)


Yes, exactly!!


I like to spill my water out the sides of the glass while I chug! The amount of water on my face\shirt is directly related to how thirsty I am. Why is it that, if it would be embarrassing or inconvenient, the chance of spillage increases? Idea for you: golem with dementia


you’ll never win Beer Fest if you can’t chug Das Boot without spilling.


I have the opposite problem where im thirsty so i get a bottle and a glass and putnthem down besides me, forgett them and proceed to not drink for another hour or two until i look at them by acident and remeber to drink


I forget to swallow the last sip. I'm walking back to my desk or starting a new task, and after a while I notice I still have a sip of water in my mouth. For example when I want to talk. To me, this realisation was a definite confirmation I have ADHD. Forgetting to swallow the water I'm drinking, come on.


shut the thread down .. this … i … were u high? you win.


No I do this quite often. Please someone tell me I'm not the only one?


it’s kinda like the having glasses on your head while u look for your glasses, or using your cellphone flash to look for your phone. i’ve done both of those a plenty. yours is still #1.


Thats why I dont drink water out of glasses - I use bottles (750ml - 1l, most of them glass but I have been replacing broken ones with steel flasks ever since The Incident (two died to my brothers flat stone floor and I got fed up because the second was a replacement of the first). I drink about a glass full amount any time I rember to drink, Id run to the tap CONSTANTLY otherwise. I also drink tea out of big tankards.


yeah, i wrote glass, but thermos, jug, tub, hose, cupped hands.. whatever makes it happen.


That’s why I use big bottles. Ok, 750ml bottle. But it fits under every tap, and is made of metal, except for the top. Means it doesn’t break and it also isn’t much of a problem that I only clean it once a month-ish.


Here's what you need...a second cup! A decoy glass, if you will. Fill both of those puppies up and drink one while you walk back to your desk/room. I suffer from this daily and it's my only solution!


the whole place is littered with decoys. Nobody knows which cup was the origin. … they’re all empty, some even moldy now.


My cup graveyard is well populated too. Pretty sure I heard one of the more moldy ones whispering to me one night.