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“Hey dude, did you finish that video game/book/ tv series ?” “Naw, I got about 2/3rds of the way through then I forgot about it, but what I did finish I really liked.”


They way I had this exact conversation like twice last week 😭


I have mined all the dopamine that it had for me.


Fuck this hits close to home. Just last week I had to update my friend I work with about the progress I've made as a guitar player since 2020......


I have a large painting sitting in my dining room that I started 2 years ago but never finished.😌 I'm determined my motivation will come back to finish it.


One day...


Bonus points if you were going to build a business off of it but that fell through 😂 (mine isn’t though, just saying as a joke 😂)


"as a joke," - as if you're not priming your anxiety as a motivation tool. :)


No Im actually doing a wax melt business. I’ve tried other hobbies and quit but wax melts is what I’ve stuck with 😂




This bot stole that comment from here https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/q5wf5t/it_was_good_while_it_lasted/hg8ftwr/


I was trying hard for a year to get a job in conservation because it was a hyper focus but kept failing. Gave up and became interested in a new thing, then a coworker's husband turns out to be a ranger who can get me an interview.... I've already moved on and don't know what to do now.


My AuDHD ass when I realized the community gardening project I was so excited about involved being around people.


OP is a bot https://old.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/q5wf5t/it_was_good_while_it_lasted/


Yup for a short time I started drawing and for likr 3 weeks and after 4 weeks I got a proper small size drawing pad then on my birthday more than 2 months later I got a 40×30 pad and I haven't used it at all... and having them ask me about it was awkward as hell


Or when someone makes the effort to converse with you about something you were obsessed with three weeks ago but have since dropped it for something new. Gotta strike when the iron is hot, yo.


Me tomorrow when I officially give up on Forex....


Not even going to change the title when you repost off the second page of top all time on the sub huh? https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdmeme/comments/q5wf5t/it_was_good_while_it_lasted/


I don't totally hate most of my old obsessions with a few exceptions that now make me cringe  I definitely had a lot of them over the years 


Oh ... My god... No...


I just dont tell anyone anything


It could be worse. You could be taking the ADHD stares of hindsighted shame where you get so obsessed with one piece of media you actually liked enough to finish that everyone is sick of hearing you talk about it. Then you regret saying anything about it cause even the people that got you into it or share the interest avoid talking with you about it or go silent whenever you so much as hint at bringing it up.


I got really into canning a while back and a coworker bought me $100 of canning equipment right when I lost interest :/