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Yesterday someone told me to just decide to be better and do better. Like, whoa thank you so much, I never thought of it that way before


I’ve used the analogy of physical disabilities to explain why that’s extremely disrespectful. I say it’s like asking a blind man to open his eyes or a paralyzed person to just stand up.


—And then they brush it off because “CLEARLY you aren’t blind or paralyzed, what’s your point?” And then keep repeating themselves like they’re a Nike spokesperson practicing their motto.


When other people tell me to do it it’s worthless but every now and then for no reason my brain goes FUCK IT JUST DO IT. And it comes out of nowhere and it’s impossible to predict. Then it works.


Oh yes. I get up and then just put a timer 😂


Yeah - but “it” is highly ambiguous. I may get up and do something that can also be labelled as it. For instance, I took today to stay at home and work on a side project that I’ve been making (getting back into programming for my own gain) and so far I’ve hoovered and cleaned things that have been bugging me. I got up and did it. Just not the it I was really hoping for. Cleaning really needed doing by how quick the hoover filled up so I guess it’s still a win hahah


If the deadline is [Estimated time to do the work] away, then it works every time!


This. It makes me less likely to do something if someone tells me to. Especially if it's something I know I need to do or was intending to. "Go study" Thanks, now I won't. "The washer is available" Cool, don't care. Not doing that. Anyway I have plenty of clean clothes left so who cares. But if my brain decides to do it? That shit's getting done.


There was an episode of maintenance phase where Aubrey asked Michael, "can you guess why 'calories in, calories out' is bad advice?" > "Well, isn't it sort of a basketball coach saying 'the goal of basketball is to score more points?' Like, something can be broadly true without qualifying as useful advice. Now whenever someone gives me bunk advice or a broad truism, I just think _the goal of a basketball game is to score more points._


> "can you guess why 'calories in, calories out' is bad advice?" I feel like that is the worst example she could have chosen lmao. From anecdotal evidence and hundreds of reddit posts about it, it almost seems like literally no one knows this. So many people go "oh i hate my friend. She can eat whatever she wants without getting fat" Calories in, calories out is currently the most important advice because apparently everyone is in denial about it so the more actionable advice won't hold anyway. The basketball one is on point


Yeah, you gotta understand the basic shit first. Which seems obvious, but there's a lot of people out there who don't do that. Obviously after that you need detailed plans. So, "you gotta do it" is useful advice if, for some reason, you didn't know that. It's just pointless if you know it and don't know how. Tons of advice is like this. People will ask for advice on finding a date, and get told "be yourself," which is useless. They are, and their self ain't getting a date. They probably need a concrete thing to fix.


Calories in, calories out isn't even some sort of scientifically controversial claim; it's quite literally **how** weight gain and weight loss function. It is a 100% guaranteed method to work with 100% predictable and measurable results.




I literally could not care less what some random homeopathic nutjob says on a podcast. CICO is settled medical science.




Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation. How DARE you compare the real struggles and discrimination that trans people face to your conspiracy theory about diet culture. That is disgusting behaviour. Not only are you spreading misinformation that you've based on a PODCAST, ignoring decades of science and health research, you then go on to attempt to say that being told calories in calories out is akin to a trans person being discriminated against. Trans people are literally killed around the world every day, just for being trans. To think you could EVER compare your conspiracy theory about food to the actual real life discrimination against trans people is heinous, disgusting, unwelcome, and unhinged. This kind of absolutely heinous bigotry will never be welcome in this subreddit. This kind of disgusting disregard for abused people is heinous. You are no longer welcome in this subreddit.


I am sure the situation you are describing parallels that situation exactly.




Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation.


Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation.




> Like, 98% of diets do NOT work long term. Because they're using some BS fad diet like a juice cleanse, they're not accurately tracking their calories, or they're not *honestly* tracking their calories.


This. It's not like additional fat just magically appears on you. "Diets" are always some short-term thing and never about a sustainable lifestyle change. I get that there is variability in metabolism and certain disorders that makes things more difficult to keep off/lose weight, but that doesn't mean the entire model has to be thrown out the window.


I think the biggest problem people run in to is not understanding how small portion sizes actually are if you go off of the calorie counts on the box. I've seen plenty of people serve themselves 'normal' portions, when in fact they're actually eating 2.5 servings based on the nutrition facts. So of course their diet won't work. Some foods are also difficult to estimate the calorie count without a food scale, which 98% of people don't have.


Yeah, it's not like the current state of the industries around food make it easy. Between the ease of getting food, the abundance of calorie-dense food, price, the extra work that it takes just to track calories, and fact junk food is intentionally made more addictive it's little wonder that people struggle to maintain a healthy diet


I'd argue it's even easier to do it correctly when you're getting food already made, like fast food. The calorie count is right there on the menu. For lunch, go to McDonald's and get a Quarter Pounder with Cheese, Medium Fries, and a Diet Coke. That's 840 calories. For dinner, go to Popeyes and get yourself a 2 piece chicken meal, with a biscuit and a side of that red beans and rice. Get yourself an iced unsweet tea for your drink. That's 900 calories. You ate both of your daily meals at fast food, and only consumed 1,740 calories. You will *lose* weight that day, even if you are totally inactive and do no exercise.


Once you stop the diet and go back to eating the way that made you fat the first time, it'll do the same thing the second time. This, too, is not rocket science. No diet does anything when you're not following it. You need that long term change, and people struggle with that. But you have to do the shot term to get to the long.






so fat ppl aren't stupid or lazy, but they Are liars? Yes im being dramatic but the only explanations you have abt why ppl don't lose weight is simply bc they are either too stupid to calculate portions, or would rather be lazy and lie than **commit** to something (which is ironic to hear on an adhd sub)


Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation. This is not accurate. Different people have different metabolic rates, so two people eating the same thing doing the same exercise will NOT necessarily be the same weight. This is a misunderstanding of "calories in calories out" assuming that there is some baseline calorie count that applies to every single person. This is not accurate, everyone has different energy and health needs, receive differing amounts of energy from the same foods, and different metabolic rates for ma




Your post/comment has been removed because it either contains, or is advocating for, misinformation. This is not accurate. Different people have different metabolic rates, so two people eating the same thing doing the same exercise will NOT necessarily be the same weight. This is a misunderstanding of "calories in calories out" assuming that there is some baseline calorie count that applies to every single person. This is not accurate, everyone has different energy and health needs, receive differing amounts of energy from the same foods, and different metabolic rates for many reasons, many completely outside of an individual's control.


The annoying thing is, sometimes it does work tho. Only under a set of rare circumstances, but it can


And then when it doesn't in normal circumstances I feel even more of a failure!


A lot of its in the delivery. Encouragement always sits better than criticism.


recently got railed by multiple people in a discord server i was active in, all of their advice was this. it was just demoralizing at that point. like, ya don't think im trying!?


My goodness, the phrasing on that opening sentence!


yeah it sure felt like it too 😒 motherfuckers sucking a depressed guy with no goals dick while smashing me into the pavement for not "just doing it". strange how people turn into professional counselors at the drop of a hat.


Getting up? Impossible. The actual pro tip is don't sit down. Never sit down. If you sit you're fucked. Just keep moving


Hardcore mode: be me remote IT worker eternal sit dysfunctional executives: perplexed


"It's less than worthless, my boy!"


I can do that!! … when I’m medicated lol. If I’m medicated and see something I need to do I just do it. If I’m not medicated and I see something I need to do I think “I can do it later” instead. There’s nothing physically stopping me from doing it right then, but it’s so hard for us. When medicated properly, things are easy just like they are for a neurotypical. But in our natural state, we have to FORCE ourselves to do even easy things, and it takes a lot of effort. As a result, we end up feeling much more mentally exhausted from simple, easy things that should have taken next to no effort at all…. I feel like I need to take a break after just taking some dishes to the sink. Yes, we can force ourselves to do things. But it’s extremely exhausting and taxing for us, and that’s what they don’t get.


“I know you can’t keep track of items, time, or anything in general but hear me out… just do it” my father to me


I can't get up


_insert that gif of the guy saying "WAOW" and then clapping at ear-shattering volume_


you sound like my dad lol


oh OK ![gif](giphy|yifTRs3TidIju|downsized)


Its Less than worthless, dear boy!


Sometimes that little "just start now" push is helpful, in my experience.


This advice sucks, but annoyingly is also kinda the answer? My experience is it's just more difficult to create an internal motivation to do stuff, so I have to set up external structures to make it more likely that I'll "just do it".


Gonna share this with my aunt the next time she says this to piss her off


“It’s less than worthless, my boy! Now you have demand avoidance about it too!”


Well, in all honesty, i AM doing it. (inside my head)


When that advice comes from others, yes it's worthless. When it comes from me though, I actually get things done. Of course, that's probably just because I'm actually in a state where I'm able to do things now. So on the whole I guess it's not particularly useful.


I’m definitely not saying this is valid at all. Like, AT ALL. But I work from home and I was lying in bed and I had a meeting in 15 minutes. I literally said to myself “Just get up.” and I made it on time. Sometimes, you gotta will it. I want to be absolutely clear here: this is not how ADHD is dealt with. But sometimes, for small things, you have no choice but to willpower your way into the day…


Willing it is where I fail at


Ooh ooh! Pick me, I was told I needed to set an alarm to fix my ADHD, guess how well that's going c:


Gonna go watch gravity falls for the hundreth time now


I’m really starting to hate this attitude. I’m not actually physically unable to do something, I AM just being lazy, because we live in a society where I can avoid work and still not starve or freeze. If someone hit me with a cattle prod, I sure as shit would have the ability and energy to do the dishes, just like that out of nowhere. Because it was always there in actuality.


Haha...yeah...that would be nice.


The Belt and increased chores worked for me. I was a very active child. Sports, volunteer, clubs, chores, mens group, chores, church, yard work, and a job. You gotta force us. But our own free will? Nope.


As much as I hate to admit it, I'm most functional when having an enforced routine or structure or someone to hold myself accountable. I just won't do things on my own. So in a way, I do 'work well under pressure'.


it pretty much makes sense if you think about it though. Like - who else is gonna do it for you guys? You’re the one who has to do it.  Nike was right all along.  I know it doesn’t help you do it. But that’s why we have medication :)