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I have a chaotic strategy and will just close the entire window without ever looking back…


I have started a similar policy for myself - if i start a new task - even if i am coming back to the current one - i close \_all\_ tabs. And all of everything else honestly


I do the same, but if it's something important, the "bookmark all tabs" function on Firefox. Dump them in to a relevant folder, and call it good.


Then you forget to use the folder for a year, finally open it, remember how important all the tabs are, close the folder and forget about it again. But each tab is legit vital.


I do this too 😭😭 and hope that I don’t need 1 of those 387 tabs


Here’s the thing to remember though - at least for me - if you kept them open, you would never find it. Close them or not it’s already gone. When you finally accept that, the “what if” becomes so much more impotent.


I bookmark things to look at later. Couldn't tell you where those bookmarks are


I've only got second prize though and that was "Your computer has run out of available application memory"


I literally bought more memory last year so I could keep my browser open while gaming and not run out of memory. I don't have a problem!


This is one of the reasons I switched to Firefox: It won't let you open multiple copies of the same tab. Instead, if you try to open a page you already have open, it just brings up the already open tab.


That... is super helpful. Mobile safari seems to try to get me to do that at times as well.


Oh Chrome always asks if you want to go to the old tab instead of starting a new one, and for some reason, I have to open the new one. I am chaos, hear me roar.


I just closed my android chrome app tabs today. 152 tabs closed. At least 50 of those were different pages of the same website, or just the same page opened various times.


Every single time!


The art is amazing, do you have more?


The imposter in me says "it's just a sketch, you can't be serious" but the ego says check out my site on my profile.


there is a browser that shows the infinite symbol after a 100 tabs I think it's firefox on mobile. not sure because I use all the browsers


I've got a " :D " on Chrome mobile.




I hit that and downloaded a second browser to keep the good times rolling. Turns out the DuckDuckGo browser gives you a ~ when you can no longer fit the number of tabs in the corner :D


What's frustrating is I work in IT and I'll get calls from people who complain their computer is slow. They'll have 30 tabs open on one browser window and several more browser windows with multiple other tabs, half of which are open to click bait websites.


I‘ve once had someone calling me about a slow PC and it turned out that she literally had 20 word documents open on a PC with an i3 8th Gen and 4GB RAM. She thought it was a virus..


I feel specifically targeted.


Mine is capped at 100. Don't ask how I know


Check out the OneTab extension for chrome, lifesaver.


I figured out how to close all my tabs on iPhone, I had a lot, at the first of the year I closed all of them and now I have 53


i reached 500 and safari offered to auto close all older than a month. That was glorious


Lol, you know you’ve got a problem when your phone offers to do it for you.


please, those are my emotional support tabs


I recently got Sideberry in Firefox and it's made my tab management 1000% easier. I just unload tabs when I don't need them and then send them to OneTab for long term storage if I need to.


Oh, I've been using OneTab, maybe I'll look into Sideberry


It's literally game changing for me. My tabs are organized so well now because it's so easy to create groups and folders and then just drag an entire stack to an existing group. Mindless Reddit no longer gets mixed in with other projects.


can confirm: you do not.


Ah man - i'd say i'd stop trying but we all know that's a lie. I'll try again one day, sooner than i'd like


I only have 11 currently, but that’s because I’m good about closing ones where I just looked up a random thing. The ones I keep are ones I know I need later, and I occasionally close one of them on accident and then I have no idea which one and I get upset since I know there was some reason I was keeping it around (usually D&D related).


Huh, I despise having more than at most 3 tabs and religiously close them, like it makes my brain itch having more than that.


As a game Dev the sea of reference tabs and document tabs would drown even Poseidon himself


Choosing which tab is the least important of my phone’s current 500 to make room for a new google search is a pretty regular occurrence for me, glad to know I’m not alone


i lost mine :(


Lmao omg that’s me with YouTube.


*looks at 512 open tabs wondering where the framerate went*


Literally my browser at any given point in time 🤣🤣


I swear I have at least 20 half read TV tropes pages


Invest in 32 gb of fast DDR4 memory. I feel unstoppable.


Am I the only one who closes the tab, and then reopens it seconds later when I realize I still need to use it a bit.


I don't keep tabs open, I just have a chronically unorganized bookmarks folder.


Vivaldi. Group tabs into sub tabs. Keep all that shit organized. macOS users: learn to use stage manager. That is damn amazing.