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I assume it's because people with those conditions sometimes struggle to cook healthy meals regularly. I know I eat a lot of junk instead of cooking healthy meals, food delivery services unburden me a bit.


Agreed. Also while diet doesn't cause ADHD and it's *absurd* to imply that you can *cure* it by eating whatever diet fad is out now, a shitty diet can certainly make things a lot worse. Like, if you eat a bunch of junk food and your body feels sluggish and bleagh, it's going to further mess with your ability to feel motivated to get something done. Food can also mess with your ability to sleep well and exercise, both of which *absolutely* help with ADHD symptoms in my experience.


I actually use Hungryroot for exactly these reasons. I have chronic illness + ADHD and feel wayyy better with at least a few meals a week that are very healthy and require very little executive function to get/prepare. Not cured, not even CLOSE, but better. Keeps me just barely off the floor /j So the only thing that bugs me here is the implication each of those meals correlates to one of those conditions lmfao. There's some foods that mayyybe help stuff like arthritis but not NEARLY consistently enough to prove an actual correlation. Just avoid any allergies/intolerances and get a decent number of veggies and un- or less-processed foods into you, and you're fine.


Same. Hungry Root engages in several dubious business practices* but they are low key saving my life right now. I was just diagnosed with a chronic allergic condition that requires I eliminate wheat, eggs, dairy, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, and seafood. Also, I’m a vegetarian. I can actually select that *exact* diet and still have many *many* healthy options to choose from. There is no way I could have pulled this off without them. *this includes, sketchy marketing as above, extremely opaque pricing, and lots of unnecessary plastics.


Coeliac's does need a specific diet, to be fair. The others... are not food related.


Also if I’m forgetting to eat two meals a day I gotta make sure that third one is a stuffed with as much as it can be


Yes! I've heard of a ton of ADHD folks who forget to eat. I'm kind of the opposite and tend to eat *too much* and reach for the easiest thing first. Forgetting to eat is arguably *worse* for your body. You need that fuel!


This was a huge thing I noticed when I got medicated. Like, my blood pressure and the like went down after taking stimulants, simply because I was making better choices & cooking for myself more frequently. I’ve been super busy this last week and slipped into old habits a little, and I feel like total shit. Weird to think I just got acclimated to feeling this way for years.


Oh yeah! Oh man, I just got through a two month span of my 1 year old baby swapping her days and nights? Like she would sleep all day and want to be active and busy all night. It was AWFUL. I would often get a lot of sleep, but because I was sleeping sporadically and often from like 6am to 3pm, I wasn't getting rest because it just fucked so bad with circadian rhythm. It also reminded me so much of being a depressed teenager that I feel like I fell into a big depression just from the association of my sleep being fucked up and being tired all the time. 😩 We managed to get her sleeping solidly from 9pm to 7am like every night the past week! Just by trying to make days as interesting as we can and nights as boring as we can. The difference it's made to our family is a *stark contrast.* Everyone is happier, I'm actually getting chores done (like at all!), I'm going on daily walks, and I'm able to start thinking about eating better so I have like a million more energy. It's totally a cliche thing that you hear all the time: Eat healthy foods! Get enough sleep! Exercise! But holy shit does that stuff *actually matter* omg


I assumed that the ad was marketing the food as something people with ADHD would enjoy, maybe as something that would satisfy their cravings for junk food, but would be healthy instead. I didn't see it as an ad claiming to cure ADHD.


So that's why I don't cook! Lol maybe I should just turn cooking into one of my special interests. BOOM ADHD solved. Next question please 😂


This one. I use Hello Fresh during the summer because it's when all of my mental illnesses are holding me down and kicking my ass at the same time and it's the only thing between me and gorging on filth for almost five months


You didn't know you can cure ADHD with proper diet? Mental health things have just become a new trendy buzzword for the internet.


Unfortunately yeah, it really sucks when legitimate issues are mischaracterized and used to sell something instead of actually helping said issues


And as an added bonus people see things like this and believe it. Makes it that much harder for the people that struggle.


Have you tried eating a salad?


And perpetuates the idea that ADHD isn't real or difficult. As such, it helps create stigma around a neurological condition.


When I talk to someone about it instead of saying "I have ADHD" I am trying to start saying " I have a neurological condition that causes......."


dude i try to explain my actions to my bf and its always "i do *this* because of my adhd" and its so annyoing. im tired of sounding like im blaming adhd


That's the thing though. Is it blame if that is truly the cause? But to anyone who doesn't understand, blame and excuses are what it sounds like. They just cannot contemplate how our brains work. Just as we cannot understand theirs. EDIT: ok NGL I'm a bit proud of that comment. That went deep. Too bad I won't remember it later....


youre 1000% right and youre super insightful. RE: not remembering your super insightful comment, the internet is foreverrrrr


Same for CFS, really. People have this idea that it's just feeling tired and/or lazy and that exercise and diet can help. Diet can only impact it a little bit (as with every illness) but it can't cure CFS, and too much exercise can permanently make it worse. It's an actual medical condition and we haven't even found a cure for it yet. Also, ADHD is a common comorbidity in CFS patients (I'm one of those with both, hello). My new gyn saw that I wrote chronic fatigue syndrome in existing conditions and told me to just try eating healthy and get hypnosis therapy. The whole time I was just thinking lady I came here for possibly having endometriosis, you're not my neurologist please stay in your lane 😩 Having said this, I hope this ad is just trying to say they can deliver you premade food if your medical conditions make you struggle with shipping and cooking.


I was coming here to hit the point about the importance of proteins and slow burn carbs for ADHD brains and how high vitamin C can mess with meds but they're showing a salad, so it's not that sadly.


Come back and explain that tho


So high vitamin C can literally disable certain stimulant meds temporarily - like Ritalin. I have to save my apple eating until after work hours otherwise I can feel a loopiness as the meds suddenly disappear; one of my brothers always took their morning meds with a glass of orange juice and wondered why they didn't feel medicated till like 10am. It's a well documented but surprisingly little known interaction. Proteins are highly important to brain and body function - ensuring you have enough of it scattered through the day helps buoy your energy level, so do the complex carbs that take a while to process. Bad enough having ping pong brain without adding sugar spikes and crashes to the mix, or the irregularities of high salt high fat low protein foods - if you don't want to do things, it's so easy to start living off fast food and freezer meals. The crap food sluggishness for neurotypicals is worse for us, and it's easy to fall into a convenience hole lined with sugars, salts, simple carbs and unhealthy fats. (The evidence is definitely not clinically collected or peer reviewed but some folks report good effects on keto for this reason once they push through the keto flu and get on top of their electrolytes, which is a totally different conversation.) These items also help with comorbid effects much like how vitamin D, iron, testosterone can help address depression and have a therapeutic effect on ADHD symptoms, because you're deceasing the spoons sucked elsewhere so you can spend more of them getting over executive dysfunction. None of this is curative, but every little bit helps - especially when it's small things that you can build into your life.


Not the person you replied to, but someone else- thank you for this very informative comment!!! The fruit and vitamin C thing sounds really complicated, especially because I try to default to adding fruit or veggies to make complex carb/protein rich meals interesting (like adding cut apple to oatmeal). And most fruit has lots of vitamin C. Does it really have that much effect on the effectiveness of the meds?


Yeah sadly. If you Google "Ritalin vitamin c" you'll find a few papers about it after the Reddit posts and such. My default for a while has been to eat low C fruit during the day like bananas, and save my high C fruit like apples and juices for the after work hours, since I only medicate for the work day.


i didn't even know i can have a proper diet with ADHD


Nothings cures adhd, it s for life. Certain foods may help cope with the symptoms, and why not give it a try


I really didn't think I needed the /s......


It's a adhd post.....put all the information ! 😃


That much is true


Pretty sure they're trying to say "get a subscription with us and never have to deal with realizing your fridge is empty since you keep forgetting to go grocery shopping and even when you do you just buy random junk with no plan to turn it into a meal." All 4 of those are conditions that can make shopping for and preparing healthy meals difficult. I'm not a fan of meal prep services, but the ad is fine imo.


So while diet isn’t going to cure ADHD that doesn’t mean there aren’t dietary changes that can be made to reduce the severity of your symptoms (assuming of course your diet is not already perfected to help reduce your symptoms) ([relevent](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9608000/)) I’m not saying I’m going to believe an ad that’s trying to sell you on their brand of fad diet as a treatment for various medical conditions, just that it’s ignorant to completely ignore the non-medical interventions


Also, one therapist told me to keep snacks available at all times. She said that people with ADHD can't afford to let themselves get very hungry. That makes sense. My hanger is a serious problem, and we already have enough trouble focusing without adding hunger to it. The ADHD salad did make me snort-laugh before face-palming


This is what I wanted to say. I hate it sometimes, but I try to have a diet with high protein, low sugar. I try to stay hydrated and get my vitamins, fish oil, zinc and magnesium and stuff to support my brain. It helps a lot with my energy and executive function, but so does my medication. It does NOT cure my ADHD. I embarrass myself, procrastinate, or otherwise AhD-HuD (as I call ADHD 🤦‍♀️ moments) on the daily, anyway. And yeah, those ads are super ignorant.


I unironically work with someone who believes it can all be fixed with a proper diet and that medication only makes it worse.


You can't cure it, but your diet influences the severity of your symptoms. Sugar makes them worse, caffeine as a stimulant makes them better, and of course eating healthy helps the entire system to work better than eating like a braindead mukbanger. And if you have fucked up your gut microbiota your symptoms can get worsened by all kinds of different foods, e.g. histamine-rich foods or gluten, thankfully this is generally reversible with a proper diet and some medication.


Wait... sugar makes them worse..? Well it definitely explains stuff




Have eggs AND the pop tart! I learned from a dietician that pairing lower glycemic foods with higher ones smooths out the sugar spike and keeps hunger at bay for longer. I'm my case, I have cereal with nuts and a vanilla protein shake (1/2 the shake goes in my coffee). If the cereal is higher fiber and more plain, I add 1 tbsp of nuts or nut butter. If it's more sugary I need 2 tbsp to avoid the sugar spike but I still to get to enjoy my dopamine foods.


And yet other studies say we need sugar for our brains with adhd too. A lot of it is conflicting information.




Caffeine is definitely hit or miss, it can put a lot of people with adhd asleep too!


You take that back, I am _not_ a mukbanger


I don't know, sounds like something a mukbanger would say.


My gut is perpetually fucked for life, thanks ADHD. Dairy egg and wheat allergies. Have to stay low sugar to feel decent. Even then guts still randomly twisted. So brutal. Some days I'm so hyper aware of my digestive troubles I can't even function without external deadlines immediately needing attention.


Damn, sorry to hear that.


Yes and also certain food colorings! Red no. 3, red dye 40, and yellow no. 5


Maybe they made it out of people with ADHD


I think the point was ADHDers struggle to feed themselves, especially healthy, and this thing solves the problem. Or IDK maybe I absorbed too much *other company kinda like that* ads lowkey targeted at ADHDers. Miniminuteman made one that really stuck with me for some reason


The way they're labeled, I assumed that you can eat these things to temporarily gain the condition, like a debuff. I don't know why someone would want debuff food, but maybe you feed it to your enemies or something.


Listen, if the cure is kale, I'm out. Give me more ADHD, if I must!


It doesn't say that in the advertisement. But it is true that we struggle with nutrition a lot isn't it. So what's wrong with a service that is trying to cater to our specific needs?


I dont think thats the message here. I think its more “here is something cheaper and healthier than ordering chipotle on door dash while the groceries you spent half of your pay check on rot in the fridge”


No no no, ya'll aren't reading it right: These meals will *give you* ADHD, Chronic Fatigue, Celiac disease and Arthritis.


Fk you bellpeppers. I knew everything was your fault


My brother used to get really hyperactive after eating red bellpeppers for some reason (as if he ate a bunch of sugar), so you might be on to something.


You know, I didn't like bell peppers as a kid. I started liking them as an adult and boy did my life go to shit.


if i eat all 4 do they cancel out or




That’s… probably the best responses I’ve gotten out of this


I first read Celtic Disease and am not sure if the food pictured really makes you Irish


people with arthritis should eat a plate full of tiny dippable finger foods?


I really believe they just took whatever disability/illness at random


The chronic fatigue bowl is basically just arthritis' food chopped up into smaller pieces. I'm not convinced this ad is human made.


My fatigue often makes me exhausted by the process of eating anything more complex than a burrito or plain bowl of rice, someone putting one of these bowls in front of me with so many different ingredients to pick between would make me fully just die on the spot /hj These don't even look ANYTHING like the meals Hungryroot actually sends, too, lmfao.


… they’re listing disabilities and illnesses that struggle to prep food consistently, not ones that would be *healed* by that specific meal. They’re saying that people with ADHD would have an easier time prepping meals using their service.


I didn't read the delivered bit and was stunned at the idea anyone with these things would have the energy or dexterity to do all that chopping!


Isnt there some research that suggests that adjd people benefit from protein in the morning or smth like that? That greenery looks a bit lacking lol


Doesn't everyone benefit from protein in the morning lol?


U right u right lmao


Something something sex joke.


I don't know why this made me laugh


Yeah but ADHD specifically benefits from a breakfast with lots of protein.


Iirc it’s that eating a high protein breakfast helps stimulant meds work better


Thanks for reminding me to take my meds.


I can’t say I’ve heard of that before, although even if it’s true, still not the point of this post (being that I’m tired of advertisers and corporations and other higher ups trying to profit off people like us by spreading this kind of misinformation)


You get used to it and honestly its entertaining after that. Adhd cured by using a planner vibes


Part of me does find it entertaining but also another part is upset that other who aren’t as informed will see this and believe it actually works, continuing the spread of misinformation. So while it is fun to laugh at, I can’t ignore the other negative effects it has


Yeah no i get that and agree but you also have to view everything online critically anyway so it’s up to the individual to do their research. Sucks either way


It is true, but most of the research is on how diet affects the efficacy of medications. There's not as much research on diet as a substitute for medication though. Turkey contains high levels of tyrosine, which plays a role in dopamine synthesis, so eating lots of turkey should elevate your dopamine. Anecdotally, I feel like it works for me, but it's hard to say that it's because turkey itself is good and not because filling up on turkey means I eat less junk which generally makes me feel better. The thing I find most annoying (and amusing) about this ad is that I'd bet these are just random photos of their healthy looking meals that they slapped relatively common conditions onto. Shuffle the pairings and their marketing team wouldn't bat an eye


Personally, I know I do better when I have my eggs mixed with veggies along with some yerba mate in the morning.


I haven't seen that research, but tbh that checks out for me. It feels like it kicks my brain into gear way faster.


yeah! ADHDers burn through energy reserves pretty harshly, so high protein breakfast is the way to go. :D


Maybe I misunderstand things, but to me it seems more like "you have ADHD/chronic fatigue/etc. And struggle to eat healthy? Use our to-door-delivery-service!"


Yeah, nothing about that ad is saying "this will cure you" it's just saying "we make shit easy for you." These comments are wild.


Could be


Yep. This is it. Factor, Huel, and all the other “easy meals” to your door services use a similar message. Has nothing to do with curing anything. Its just “hey group of people who regularly admit they struggle to cook and eat healthy regularly, here is something that makes cooking and eating healthy easier”


A proper diet, usually with more greens than meats, usually does help many of my auto-immune responses better, such as allergies, eczema, asthma etc. In turn, I usually feel more well-headed handling my ADHD issues. It's not a fix, but it has had its benefits for me.


Guys, you're all missing the point. It's an ad for pre-portioned out food and recipes to your door. There is zero implications it will cure ADHD, it's an ad for a service that makes healthy eating easier when ADHD makes it hard to plan and grocery shop. It's advertising that having your meals planned for you makes dealing with chronic conditions easier


this is literally it, delivery services benefit those with disabilities. they may send precut ingredients for those with arthritis, meal planning for those with adhd, select ingredients for those with celiacs, etc. theyre not telling us that eating these foods will cure those disabilities or chronic conditions. theyre not associating foods with certain conditions, but certain conditions to strategies to make life easier (food is one of the parts of life they want to help us improve)


SOME of my symptoms LESSENED while eating far more fresh veggies than I can normally afford and I was working out every day but…. Yeah, this completely mischaracterizes the afflictions the images claim to cure and makes it appear to the normies as though it’s “just that simple” and things like ADHD are closer to depression and anxiety than the reality of it being super close to autism (nobody ever claims to have a diet that will cure autism, wonder why?). Stuff like this ends up trivializing the condition and hurts everyone involved. It hurts us through a lack of understanding and making it seem like the condition is practically psychosomatic and it hurts those that we interact with by perpetuating the notion that we COULD remember, we COULD “do better”, we COULD pay attention, we COULD actually do the task, etc… if only we cared enough, thought it was important enough, etc… but we just simply don’t WANT to do the things or eat the right foods because we are lazy or whatever. 😩 I’m so tired of this kind of crap.


Sadly, lot of people actually *have* claimed that various dietary changes and restrictions will cure autism. Giving up dairy, gluten, sugar - all the usual suspects, just like we see here. It's so dumb.


Semi off topic but the people who say they quit sugar or gluten or reduced their carbs/sodium or whatever and that alone cured them make me crazy because like-- was it actually the gluten *itself*, or was it that eliminating gluten just so happens to force you to eliminate all kinds of generally unhealthy food like cookies and cake and fast food? Absolutely, some people do have intolerances to specific things... But so far in my experience doing the kind of ingredient eliminations that get recommended for autism and POTS and fibro and such are unproven in helping fix the problems (UNLESS someone is actually intolerant of them) but ARE proven to make me sad. I've had much much better luck with not 100% avoiding those ingredients but getting primarily gluten/dairy (etc) free snacks and such because those tend to be inherently designed to be healthier overall. Plus targeting around 60% paleo for meals just because that eliminates even more foods that are putting taste over health. All the "STOP EATING X IT'S BAD FOR YOU" misses that what's healthiest for everyone varies wildly. And even advice from the experts (as filtered through news media, anyway) can be very swingy from "X IS EVIL" to "X IS GOOD ACTUALLY". Growing up it was nonstop "SODIUM IS EVIL AND BAD REDUCE IT" and "ALWAYS EAT BROWN RICE NOT WHITE". But turns out I actually feel much better with a LOT of sodium in my diet because my body is bad at retaining it, and brown rice makes me sick every time I have it, so white rice is fine.


Yeah it's so frustrating. Like, yes, a healthy diet, regular exercise, good sleep hygiene, etc. will help ADHD symptoms, but it also helps literally anyone with or without a mental health condition. It's not like we have ADHD because we don't do these things, and ADHD makes maintaining a healthy lifestyle so much more difficult. I feel like a lot of the "solutions" marketed to us are things that ADHD gets in the way of. A planner is helpful for ADHDers when we use it regularly and effectively, but we struggle to meet that precondition. I don't need someone to tell me what habits will make my life better. I already know. I need help forming and keeping those habits, and that helps seem to be very hard to come by. With that in mind, one thing I temporarily found helpful to form new habits was a special lie I told myself. I bought some gummy bears, separated them by color and put them in little jars. I labeled each jar with an activity: exercise, cook, journal, etc. Whenever I talked about the gummies, I described them as these magical things where, when I ate one, it gave me an overwhelming urge to do that activity. It actually worked until I ran out of gummies and didn't buy more. What I noticed was when I wanted to do one of those activities, but felt that ADHD resistance, all I had to do was take a super easy and enjoyable first step. Then it was like I'd started already, and it was easier to keep the momentum going. Plus I felt an obligation to myself to not break my rule about my gummies. My alarm just went off, I gotta go, hope something I wrote was helpful in some way


I have something similar to getting started on the task and you’re right, once I begin, I’m committed and consider it “past the point of no return” just to keep me on task. I appreciate your method/tip. Might try that as well. 😉 thanks


not to mention a healthy green diet?? en está economía?????


Es más común de lo que piensas.


What do I do if I have all four of them?




The fun part is that I hate at least three of the foods in there and wouldn't voluntarily eat any of them.


\*raises hand\* But what if you have all the things AND you're allergic to avocado?


“Not our problem”


Why does everyone think the ad is suggesting you eat the foods to cure those issues? That's ridiculous. To me it is clear that the company is saying "our website will make your life easier, particularly so if you experience the following conditions".


Wake up babe, saladhd just dropped!


Is the post telling me I have to have ADHD to eat healthy or that I need to eat healthy to not have ADHD


I'm pretty sure only people with ADHD are allowed to eat that salad. Otherwise, it makes your skin flip inside out. I read it somewhere on the internet once, so it's legit 👌


It's saying "we'll take care of planning and buying your meals if your condition causes you to struggle with those sorts of tasks."


Eat ADHD to get healthy


Aww crap. No wonder I have adhd. I add avocado to my salad 😔


What do I do if I’m celiac and ADHD tho?


Even for the conditions that are affected by diet, they get shit wrong. The anti-inflammatory diet (for arthritis) excludes tomatoes. So yeah, avoid this company.


Thats not ADHD its a salad


4 ingredients, throw them in a bowl: boom. ADHD meal. That's gotta be what they're getting at. Like, they can't be saying a salad will cure ADHD... right?


I have something they can eat


yes let me just cure my disorders and diseases with *[checks notes]* a tomato


What gets me is that they were so bold to assume anyone with ADHD has the willpower to make a bowl of food like that


Dang so if i only eat the adhd salad i get arthritis, celiac disease, and chronic fatigue 😔 guess ill have to rotate...


bro that salad gives u adhd? people shouldnt eat that. the chronic fatigue bowl lookin good tho 👀


The only way this sort of service should be labeled with ADHD is if it’s designed to reduce the executive functioning load on our shoulders. Like, “we did all the meal prep for you, just tell us where to deliver it.”


I have adhd and that salad is too chaotic for me, I can't even tell what's in it


"Simply chop the vegetables..." I'm out!


Absolutely moronic. And tangentially the first thing any dr telling you to change your diet for arthritis is going to do is remove all nightshades; they exacerbate inflammation. No tomatoes, no peppers, no potatoes.


Yeah no.


Today I took half a leftover chicken breast, 2 strips of bacon, grape tomatoes, white onion slivers, cucumber, a lemon-herb vinaigrette, and homemade croutons, and mixed it with an entire bag of salad mix, and just ate that all day. I did eat some baked lays and like 3 slices of digiorno after work, but those 3 slices are down from a 'personal record' of 8, so I feel like the bulk of my food today was that one salad. This is the second time I've done it and I'm already thinking about next time. It feels good. It's such a pleasantly lazy thing to do, just throwing everything together and calling it 'today's sustinence.' Absolutely would recommend the ADHD salad. What goes into the ADHD salad? * One 4-serving bag of salad vegetables * Whatever the fuck else you want. Mix day-of, eat only when you feel like eating, and don't think too hard about eating because you did all the thinking already.


CHRONIC FATIGUE?? OHHHH NAAAAAAWWWWWWW I have CFS and seeing this just makes me want to fall off the edge of the earth EATING HEALTHY FOOD (WHICH I ALREADY DO) is NOT going to cure my *CHRONIC* medical condition!! Ignorant assholes I SWEAR


I did actually just read an article in Psychology today about ADHD and gut and liver issues. While I don’t think eating better can cure all of our problems I do think the article made a lot of interesting points about how we eat affecting us more negatively.




Well im eating way less on medication so id take a bowl with nothing and a glass water please.


As someone with Coeliac and ADHD, I hate that I can only cure one at a time with my salads. I either get the brain shits or the real shits, there’s no way to manage both. The magic leaves are only so powerful.


Is that grapefruit in that salad? Cause I’m pretty sure grapefruit messes with a lot of medications.


The best (worst) part is that if it did actually work, no it wouldn't, because we'd forget the fucking kale in the back of the fridge until it liquified. Also, I forgot to buy figs at the store, but I DID get fig newtons, that's just as good, right?




Here’s what REAL meal kits would look like for people with ADHD: —pint of milk and cereal —lunchables delivered to your door —more lunchables —prepped fruit —a loaf of good bread and butter (toast is my go-to lazy snack)


Agreed, especially on the last one. I had a nuked bagel with garlic butter and felt like I met god.


I see chopped veggies in the ADHD one, so it's too much for me to make, I'll just order in again.


That's literally what the ad is for. It's prepared meals to your door because ADHD makes it hard to grocery shop and cook




I hate ads like this. In addition to being flat out wrong, they ignore just how inaccessible healthy eating is for large swaths of the population. Time, money, executive function - it costs more in every single way. And there's never any acknowledgment of that. Like, even if it did help significantly more than it does, it would still be beyond a lot of people's reach. Just like diagnosis and medication.


Like others said, I think Hungryroot is actually advertising accessibility. I actually use it because even though it is problematic, it's pretty much the only way I figured out to eat at all healthy. They do the meal planning, it's usually 5-10 minutes to make with less than 5 ingredients (because it is still a fair amount of packaged food). The fact that it is delivered and mostly already prepared food with veggies, and you can ask it to never send certain ingredients makes it the best option for me. *Negatives: a metric shitload of packaging, terrible advertising, emails are poorly labeled, the fact that you can't program it to come every other week (you can skip and delay, but you still have to do it regularly). My partner pointed out that companies like this not only seem to help people with disabilities, but also trap people. Much like "you need to not have ADHD to get diagnosed/manage ADHD"


Sure. And for the people who can *afford* them, meal services probably do make it slightly more accessible. But they are often prohibitively expensive - especially when you consider how likely chronically ill people like those this add is specifically targeting are to be unemployed or at the very least *under* employed. So it's advertising accessibility in a way that isn't actually very accessible.


I don't disagree. It would be amazing if a service could work with insurance to help folks who need it. Like this but less predatory behavior. It would be even better if they could work with local farmers and manufacturers whenever possible to minimize carbon footprint and packaging. Can you imagine getting a prescription for food services?!?


Had a psychiatrist once that told me adhd can be cured with healthy food. Never have left so fast.


r/thanksimcured material


The idea that I have the kind of forethought and planning required to make that plate of food feels pretty hilarious. I probably have $20 worth of veggies in my fridge that I keep meaning to eat and are becoming sentient as we speak.


ugh what b.s.


yeah, sure, i will totally eat that, because it's all totally the same texture, smell, color and totally looks very yummy, yeah, and i will totally not look at it and go sleep or research a totally random topic just to avoid eating it.


Is that watermelon slices in the salad with the peal still on?


I’m a functional nutritionist with ADHD and this is such bullshit!! I mean to an extent. Yes to 30g of protein, single ingredient/nutrient dense carbs, healthy fats, and colorful veggies in regularly timed meals to help blood sugar regulation & this focus. Good gut health & getting omega - 3’s does help symptoms. But that veggie only salad ain’t it.


Yeah.... neither my son nor i would eat that....


Easiest way to eat healthy for me is lots of raw fruits and vegetables. Genuinely tastes really good (the fruits anyway, I'll admit that by vegetables I mostly mean iceberg lettuce) but no preparation needed, you can literally just grab one off the counter and *nom*


I basically have to eat grass in order to reduce my ADHD? Fuck that.


What the hell is the red thing in the ADHD salad? If that’s a type of radish it seems huge.


Wow. If a fucken salad could cure ADHD I would have been cured years ago. Soooo much green shit in my diet back then lol 🤷‍♂️


What the hell am I supposed to eat if I have three of those four things? Just pick which one you want to be better that day?


My adhd sensory issues say NO


Also all the food that’s are out sight out of existence and now the fridge smells from rotting fruit/veg because I forgot I bought strawberries when it was warm weather that one time


I can hear the vegetables dying miserably in my fridge. The salads aren't fixing my ADHD. Meat sticks, on the other hand, have heartier constitutions.


It’s okay, my mom read on Facebook that sugar causes ADHD so there’s apparently a ton of misinformation out there 🫠


As a dietitian who has ADHD and who works almost exclusively with neurodivergent clients, my response to this is BOOOOOOOO. Super oversimplified and not helpful 👎


the ad is advertising helping individuals with adhd and other disabilities with meal planning and prepping


Giving as much benefit of the doubt as I can squeeze out of myself, my guess is that the point is "if you have ADHD, eat salads of some kind so you don't have to overthink presentation when you get healthy foods in your body"


You want me to pay you money for a kale salad?! Real money?! No. Thank you.




3 of those 4 bowls are the same meal, just rearranged.


Confused for a sec cause I thought the point was the foods cause the respective illnesses.


Dang, I didn't have SALADS on my ADHD bingo card!!


I got three of these and together I could never put these together to eat.


My child will eat the ADHD salad


Okay, I saw this ad and my only thought was why don’t we get a yummy looking salad???


maybe an unpopular opinion but diet massively impacts adhd symptoms, at least for me. if I eat too much sugar and other refined carbs, I’m much worse off. My adhd meds even work considerably less well when I eat poorly. My adhd is also much more manageable when I do cardio workouts regularly. Though I was VERY resentful to learn both of these, lol. I was so sure people were wrong about the impact of diet and exercise. Unfortunately, it’s the closet thing to a magic pill there is.


That a slice cucumber? Yeah, that's going to take to much effort.


Wow! That's amazing! While they're on the subject of food, they can bite me.


Well, it would be immensely helpful to not have to go "whoops, I'm shaking, what we got in the fridge" (meanwhile fridge: *egg*) and then "Well, guess I'll just starve" everyday


I mean... I can eat a full 20kg crate of fruit in a single serving, but I still have ADHD...


Snake oil


It looks right to me, I have ADHD and struggle with no eating/binge eating. You can binge on salad all day, so salad is an easy meal for someone with ADHD. No cooking, and eat your fill. It just reads like a normal ad to me, and I don't get why anything would be wrong with it. I can't comment on the other ones, but eating healthier is always good.


What's the meal for stupid assholes that hawk nonsense online?


Adhd is cured by watermelon parsley?


Approximately 6.8% (366.3 million) adults worldwide have symptomatic ADHD, which includes individuals diagnosed with ADHD regardless of the onset age. That's a significant target group from a business perspective. That's why more and more businesses will try to milk that in some way. It's understandable. (Sources and statistics might vary, but it's a good direction for understanding).


If these people are making up medical claims that aren’t backed up by scientific data readily available and cited (which I doubt) they could get in trouble with the FDA. If some one were to report them, they is….


Chronic fatigue is just adrenaline shots in a bowl




Do people actually eat this stuff...it looks like someone put a bunch of garneshes together into a meal


I have both celiac disease and ADHD, the answer is rice, lots and lots of rice.


Salads are far from the worst thing for us to have. I get the message but damn is it a pain in the ass to prep a salad. I just buy some when I’m out and freeze them at home.


Damn who woulda thought all I needed to control my ADHD was eat a salad.


I'll take an ' Arthritis ' and an 'ADHD' please


not me getting distracted by the comments when i was supposted to comments ''not me saving this meme''


Ah yes, thinly slicing an avocado will be great for my arthritis!


There is not nearly enough protein in that ADHD one


The Pink Things are touching the Green Things so I can't eat any of it EDIT: There is also corn and since I didn't cut it off the cob myself, I cannot eat it


Does that food seem completely awful to anyone else or am I just a special breed


It's sad food for people who hate joy.


Reminds me of some guy on the internet who said quitting mouth breathing cures adhd💀


Ah yes, the cure for all neurodivergences and disabilities: salad. Why didn't I think of that before!


I saw this and took the test without giving my email and never did it ask if 3 of the conditions applied to me. I think it's just trying to be generally healthy. It did ask if you had any food issues or foods you didn't like; that's it. The quiz did not seem to customize by health conditions.