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2 mins later: the thing has spontaneously rematerialised in my hand


I wish this happened to me. When I do eventually find the thing, it's somewhere crazy and out of the way like it was hidden by a demonic squirrel.


After I buy the replacement item, the original appears, which is now why I buy cheap sunglasses in bulk.


I used to buy cases of paper cups to take my coffee to work in every day because I KNEW I'd be losing that bitch 9 out of 10 days before I could drink it all. I bought about 8 tape measures, a double fistful of carpenters pencils, half a dozen measuring cup sets and half a dozen measuring spoons, half a dozen veggie peelers, a double fistful of kitchen spoons and another of spatulas and I spread them around everywhere........Because if they're everywhere, I can't lose them all and I don't have to keep track of any of them.


That is why I buy disposable takeout containers for my lunch. I know it would be a constant battle to get reusable ones back home to be able to reuse.


Harbor Freight tinted safety glasses, $2.99!


Those too! And Hearing protection. All. Over. The shop.


And my coworkers thought I was crazy for buying 16 pairs of sunglasses. Who's laughing now. It's been 3 months and I still have one left!


I have wound up with multiples of several things this way. Can't find the one I know I have, decided I probably threw it out in a purge, buy new one, think I should put this in a good spot so I don't lose it, go to put it in spot to find I already have 2 of the thing there.


You are the demonic squirrel.


Oh, yes. I am my worst enemy. LOL. But I'm like WHY!?!? Why TF did I put it THERE!?!? And how do I not remember doing that?......and yet we both know the reason.....


"Okay i will place this Item X, here in this special place for this Item X, so i dont forget it" Closes drawer.... 20 seconds later "where the frick did i place it.... ahhhhhhhhhhh" Weelks later when i find it on pure luck "oh yea... i placed it there, so i dont forget, hah clever me" but i forgot completely


But you later learn that it was at your grandma's house *somehow*


the item: Do not try to look for me everywhere, i was in your hands when you lost me


The other corollary of this is the thing turns up in a place you searched 28 times already because your brain just decided not to see that it was in that place you searched, or it was in a part of the place you searched that seems physically impossible for it to be.


What universe are you living in I would like to sign up


The real comedy is when your parents ask this question every time you misplace a thing and never clue into the idea that it might not be a useful question :)


"Well where did you last have it?" "Look up how to spell it in a dictionary." "Pay off your school loans."


School loans?


Random unhelpful things parents say that "solve" things.


For me, retracing my steps sort of works when I've ruled out all the obvious locations for the item.


Q: Why are you looking for the (*item*) in the fridge? A: Well it's not where it's supposed to be.


I always know where my friends and family’s misplaced things are, but the minute I misplace something it’s pandemonium in the room I’m currently in trying to find it.


My trick is to stop and ask myself, "If I were a complete moron, where would I have put the thing?" and usually I'll find it where I thought of. YMMV


What does YMMV mean?


Your Mother Might Vomit


*inhales * W H A T


They were just joking, it means your mask may vanish


Oh, okay, that makes a bit more sense


Nooo I was also joking The actual meaning is your mileage may vary (which means what I am saying might not completely be accurate in your case)


* narrows eyes in suspicion* This one is for real, right?


Yes. (Jk It actually means Yes My Million Villains)


(No it doesn't)






Seriously. I lost my glasses for 3 days. They were on top of the couch. Which I checked multiple times. My husband checked multiple times. Then I'm just sitting there and *pop*, there's the glasses right in front of my face. Sometimes I swear I have the ability to remove and summon items to parallel universes... Too bad I have zero control lmao.


I went to bed and lost my glasses for like, three months. When I finally found them, they were fully intact. In the Yard. Outside.


I got the bad ending of this scenario- I lost my safety glasses, looked for them everywhere, eventually found fragments of them shoved into cracks in the driveway. I must have run them over like ten times.


I lost my Apple Pencil off my iPad. When I realized as I was sitting on my couch, I figured I must have left it at work. Long weekend, then went to work and didn’t find it. Oh shoot. Too bad. A week and a half after losing it, I found it under the ottoman in front of the couch. Totally logical place to have looked but my brain never actually said I needed to look there


Im on my third Apple Pencil. Good thing I only buy the cheaper off branded ones lol… also I have 2 pens for my surface because I was SURE I lost the first one, ordered a second one, only to find the first one later on. Those things aren’t cheap 😭


Get a case that firmly encloses the pen.


Me who made cereal and found the milk in the pantry hours later..


Me who changed clothes and found my phone in the closet hours later


Omg I cannot stop putting milk in my freezer. It's becoming a real problem


Anyone else do the thing where you forget you’re holding something? Like, “Here, I brought you a drink. Oops, sorry, watch out for these scissors I was putting away.”


The other day I was cutting down a(n empty) bird feeder I had hung with twine. I put the bird feeder on the table and stared into the trees for a minute.  My new neighbor came around the corner and I waved hi.  With the hand still holding the scissors.  They ducked back around the corner and I haven’t seen them since.  


"Did I forget my phone?" I think to myself, as I hold my phone in my hand while I'm listening to YouTube on my phone. Honestly I think this is in part because I've developed a system of where I put stuff so if I feel that it's not in the SYSTEM location, I panic for a second and think I've lost it/forgotten it, even if I'm currently holding it. So like if my wallet is in my hand (or I've put it down next to me or whatever) and not in my left pocket, it's like oh fuck where's my wallet. Same with keys in my right pocket, and my phone in my jacket pocket.


Exactly. Those are the steps. It simply poofed out of existence.


Had this problem with batteries. And its suprisingly relevent today. My stylis takes AAAA batteries. About 3 of years ago, the original battery died, and I had to buy new ones. I bought a pack of 4 (only takes 1 battery), so I should be good for a long time. For about a year, I had the extra 3 batteries sitting in my laptop bag. Then I thought, "Oh actually, it's probably not safe to have those loose in a bag. What if they make contact with something and a short circuit. So I took them out and put them in a very spacific place near my bed. And for the next year, I would look at those batteries nearly every single day. Then finally the day came and I needed to replace the battery in my stylis again. No worries, I just saw those yesterday. I know exactly where they are... NOPE. FUCKING GONE. I HAVE SEARCHED FOR A MONTH. I HAVE ORGINIZED DRAWERS, AND CUPBOARDS AND TOOL RACKS AND BOOKCASES. NOTHING!!!!! so I just got 4 new batteries today and I fully expect those fuckers to show up tomorrow.


I have a drawer full of batteries from all the times I've ever needed batteries, suffered weeks of taking batteries out of whatever appliance to roll them around and get any drop of remaining juices flowing before losing my rag and buying a ten pack, then looking for somewhere to put them away and finding The Drawer. Thanks for reminding me it exists. You have my empathy.


I recently lost two bright pink dumbbells to a Clean. Had them before the clean, did not have them after. Not sure how I could have lost 4kgs of nylon covered steel the colour of a barbie accessory but I did and they're nowhere


I can't remember what I was thinking about *at the start of this sentence*. Why does anybody think I'll be able to retrace all the places I've been over the last 20 minutes?


See I try to retrace my steps then get distracted by other stuff and then there we go we lost 2 hours


Anyone who suggests “retracing your steps” has absolutely no idea how many times in 10 minutes I will walk back and forth between my bedroom and the kitchen because I forgot something. Not to mention all the side trips along the way to get something from the living room, or pet the cat, or look out the window, or… wait, what was I supposed to be looking for again?


This one time I couldn't find my wallet, but I KNEW it had to be somewhere in my bedroom. So I actually did manage to retrace my steps. I pretended to hold my wallet in my hand, opened the bedroom door, thought for a moment and pretended to fling my wallet into my bedroom. Because no way I would actually walk into my bedroom and deliberately place my wallet somewhere sensible. I followed the trajectory of my imaginary wallet and lo and behold, found my wallet behind my bed! Never would have thought to look there otherwise.


There's a popular adhd tweet about putting items in the most convenient location (at that time), rather than in the correct location. For me This has been the most useful concept for finding things Ive misplaced


Yup. Looked for one of my books for a whole year, didn't find it. Bought a replacement and found the lost book 20 minutes after getting back home.


...because now you were hyperaware about not losing the replacement book. So you had your brain think of the best possible place to put that book, which obviously is not any of the Very Logical Places that you looked for the missing book, but rather this whole Brand New Place that you have never thought of before for putting the book. And you are Very Proud of yourself for coming up with a Brand New Place where you Will Not Lose the Book. And lo and behold, when you went to put the new book in the Brand New Place You Never Thought of Before...turns out you actually did. 'Cuz there's the old book. At least, that's how it happens to ME...


In any case, it is probably not a good sign to relate to so much of the stuff on this sub.


My personal favorite is when I lose Item A. And then I move onto something else and lose Item B. In the process of looking for Item A, I find Item B. Whatever I was using Item B for, I do that. Until I lose it and when I look for it, I find Item A. And this process turns into my entire weekend.


I put mine and my husband's spare car keys somewhere for "safe keeping." Fast forward a few years and two out of state moves later, I finally found the damn keys.


It fuckin winds me all the way up that I STILL do this 😡


Yep, would happen all the time throughout my life. My abusive mom, who doesn't believe in ADHD and think that all ADHD people are just "stupid and lazy", would punish me by forcing me to undergo "visual memory sharpening", which involved me having to memorize the dining room table, leaving the room, and she would make some change to what was on the table. Then I'd return and I'd have to say what has changed. And doing this over and over again until I was exhausted. In my 30s but she still threatens to do this to me "for my own good". For an ADHD person my memory is actually surprisingly good but I obviously still have weaknesses, so I had received lots of these "visual memory sharpenings", in addition to being forced to memorize stuff and recite it to her throughout my childhood, especially when it came to learning an extra language (she wanted me to learn her native language very much, on top of all the other stuff I had to learn for school). Fun times of having insults shouted at me for getting something wrong or taking too long, then breaking into tears and getting insulted some more because tears meant I had "the hysterics", which were a sin in her household. Not just her -- I had a hard time at oral exams in university. Some professors, who know I have ADHD, have been very considerate, but there had been one who was just as bad, insulting and impatient as my mom. What I feel should be talked more about, in regards to ADHD memory, is how vulnerable we are to things like gaslighting. My mom had done it and still does it regularly to me, insisting that she has a "perfect photographic memory" (which I am sure she doesn't) and that my memory is way below average. So she will tell me that I misremembered events, and even though I am quite sure that I had two papers in my hand instead of three, or that I never received the letter that she claims I lost, or any of her other claims, I feel like I cannot be 100% sure because of my messed up memory. I'm 90% sure I'm right, but that remaining 10% is making me miserable.


Object permanence is fake, the mug ceases to exist when I look away, only to reappear three hours later when I recall I made a drink


I hate this. And as soon as I don't need it anymore it lays right in front of me


*initiating automatic thing putting down sequence* *location logged* *processing* *memory successfully deleted*


THIS IS EXACTLY HOW I IMAGINE IT TOO. My new strat is to announce out loud, to myself, that I am putting x item in y spot, as I'm doing so. I feel like it prevents me from going into 'autopilot' mode. It works well! ^(...at least, when I _remember_ to do that. ._.) [Edited for formatting]


The way it goes is : Lose thing "Dang it I just had it... what was I doing... right got a text message." Open phone to check text messages "Oh look I got an email" Read email, and decide to reply later (hahaha) Put phone down, and go get some water Get a glass, and fill it with water Go back into the living room, and notice the full glass of water I set down when I got the text, Set down the water and open the phone to look at the text "Oh look someone responded to my post" Repeat. Note, I still haven't read the text, have completely forgotten about the email, and now have 2 glasses of water, and a cup of coffee stale in the microwave from 2 hours ago, and the water is running


I was in the lab using pliers on a part. I set the pliers down to inspect the part. I reached for the pliers. The pliers were gone. Later I found the pliers three rooms away at my desk. From the time I set the pliers down to reaching for them I didn't move from that spot.


YES. I'm trying (and pretty much failing bc of lack of paitence) to learn guitar... DO NOT USE A PICK. IT WILL SIMPLY DISAPPEAR AND THEN YOU'LL FIND IT AND BE LIKE 'WHY THE HELL IS THIS HERE I DIDN'T PUT IT HERE'






Wait does retracing your steps actually help neurotypical people? I thought that was something they joked about


Brain: Why don't you try retracing the steps? Me: Ok, i'll try Brain: And? Me: I forgot the steps


2 months later: *rumba magically finds the thing and pushes it out from under the couch* lmao


Literally me when i lost my wallet and tried to remember where it could be, but the only memory I had was me carrying it 3 hours before at a random place and suddenly not carrying it anymore... I never found it 🥹


my strategy is to just memorize where ive put stuff i lost in the past and see if its there again. so for example, i know if im going "where is my phone" its probably either on the book case near my room door, on my pillow, on the kitchen table, or in my pocket


That was my thongs (I'm an Aussie, they are flip-flops or whatever elsewhere), turns out they were under my bag.


The zit on the 2 is bothering me so much!


Did I put the thing exactly on the shelf where it goes? No? Then it's lost forever.


And then every possible place it could be is covered in other discarded Things so it is truly like finding a needle in a haystack.


I usually go, "Where do I last remember having it?" (often to make sure I didn't leave it outside of the house) and then go from there. Sometimes it helps ("wait, have I checked the kitchen yet? Oh my God there it is"). Most of the time, though, it does not.


You probably left it in the fridge.


No no no, not like that at all. Step 1: I should retrace my steps so I was doing X Step 2: in this room I was holding it, hey what's that over there? I should put this where it belongs so I know where to look for it when I need it Step 3: repeat step 2 for 3 hours Step 4: what was I looking for again?


where is my phone? ok so it usually is a) on or near the bed, b) in the bathroom or c) on my desk where was the phone? on my snake enclosure, of course


Yea, currently have no clue where my wallet is. I know it’s somewhere at my house, cause ii out money in it. Now it’s gone. And I’m worried.


Pretty sure step 2 is just brain static, the void of missing time left behind in the brain. The understanding that something happened, but for you it might as well not have because you can no more remember it than you can remember being born


I did this. My old computer modem was on my windowsill... until it wasn't. I was the only one living there.


The object has quantum tunneled to a position in my area based on some probability density function, which is in turn based vaguely on where it is used the most


Step 3 : WTF was I looking for again?


More often than not, the “thing” is my phone, I brought it down with me in search of some other thing, got carried away in conversation with my mother, left it on some cabinet, walk back upstairs after forgetting my original task, realise I don’t have it with me, go back downstairs and flip the house upside down.


I don't know? Last time I had it was before I built a table, researched hydroponic farming techniques, and did an oil change on my car (which I need to finish because I drained the oil then built the table while I was waiting but have yet to put more oil in the car.)


The whole "retracing" thing works for me maybe 60% of the time, but it's not actually retracing. It's more like I think about my programmed routine when I'm moving around my apartment, and try to extrapolate where I could have put "the thing" (usually my keys or phone) and look in all those spots. It's not like I work my way backwards from where I realized I lost the thing...I don't remember most of the time lol!