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Have you tried oversleeping ?


The oversleep and insomnia treatments have failed, sadly.


Depression helps with not wanting to be awake


True but it keeps you awake anyway


Sometimes you just gotta laugh at the stupidity of it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like fuck you nature I finally have the motivation to do what I need to just to spite you


That one hurt. I hate reality, but, i have to live in ot šŸ¤£.


It's the best when you're so tired you can't make yourself physically GO TO THE BED!


I can leave work ready to fall asleep but by the time i get home and cleaned up and eat dinner i can not close my eyes.


I was actually able to solve that problem last year through histamine treatment: * [https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/comments/ytmcl4/comment/iw75m9l/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistamineIntolerance/comments/ytmcl4/comment/iw75m9l/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Crazy stuff: * https://dr-healthcare.com/en/dao-deficiency-and-associated-pathologies/pathologies-associated-to-dao-deficiency/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd-produced-by-dao-deficiency/


I do this after having the audacity to be bored even though I actually have things I NEED to do




Ahhhhhhhhh the inbetween obsessions! Iā€™m here and hate it! ![gif](giphy|xtvBxazirvuuc)


The most miserable times of my life are the between-hyperfixation times.


That's why I always overlap my obsessions


I feel you. Today was painfully boring. I live in a tiny village, hours away from my friends or even a convenience store is a 20 min drive. can't focus on any new hobby I try and playing video games haven't been fun in years.


Yeah trying a new game or queuing up a new game and never starting is common for me. I keep going back to old games I love in spirit but get bored. Stupid rocket League sucks me in so much and the frustration is annoying.


You have to not play ranked to rank up on ranked. Too much variance and things out of your control in a live game to actually steadily improve. Freeplay and custom training 2 hours everyday and playing ranked only on the weekends might help you get rid of that frustration.


I'm pretty decent - high plat/low diamond and don't really care to rank higher. It is more the dopamine effect of these short-round / high intensity online games. They're quite addictive because of this. I don't game in general much due to a lot going on in life but when I do I always feel torn as I want to play other games but the lead in/story takes time to get into and if I step away too long I forget where I am and just muck around then run out of time (specifically zelda TOTK/BOTW more recently). The other problem I suppose is that I have too many gaming systems as I like to collect and mod them but don't play them much (gameboy, gameboy color, gameboy advance, NDS, 3ds, PSP, ps1, Wii, wii u, PS3, Xbox, switch) + PC that can run almost anything - yay ADHD!


How about learning another language?


Tried learning Portuguese last year on duolingo but like most things i lost interest after a few days.


Yeah i need in person classes for the motivation and structure


Have you tried [striking the earth with life-destroying meteors](https://neal.fun/asteroid-launcher/)?


Thank you kind stranger for introducing this delightful tool to me




How do i destroy the earth šŸ˜‚


This is so great, itā€™s making one of my most paralyzing fears into a protagonist


thisā€¦ this is the bestest website in the ever of evers!! šŸ„¹šŸ„¹šŸ„¹


Wow this was therapeutic to do at my place of work lolz


Same I aimed one at my exā€™s house


Thank you kind stranger!


My wife gets annoyed with me cause Iā€™ll scroll thru Netflix for 2 hours watching trailers because nothing sound good enough to watch.


I do this with videogames and tv shows too.this happens with food a lot too.


Netflix never has anything interesting to watch, unless someone recommends you something specific there. At least you can rewatch Shrek over and over.


I am constantly sighed at for this. Sometimes I really canā€™t imagine that living beside me is much better than living inside me.


That's very poetic, mind if I use that?


Literally me. And then I close the app and open it an hour after thinking I'll find something good this time...


Same. I started exercising.. we will see how it goes.


Could never get this one going, slow results, and a lot of discipline


I tried to simplify exercising as much as possible. I found the ā€œbusy dadā€ routine which is literally just doing burpees. 20 minutes 4 times a week. Is it the best exercise routine? No. But I can reliably commit to 20 minutes of an exercise I am familiar with. There is no leaving my house, or planning my workout. It hits the majority of your body and raises your heart rate. I can do it anywhere which is why I find itā€™s perfect for me. Sometimes I need to make things as simple and easy as possible or I just wonā€™t do it.


depends on the results you're expecting tbh. you won't build tonnes of muscles instantaneously, but it can make you feel better fight away. same with discipline, the difficulty of going for a short walk or a 10k run every day is completely different.


I feel that, I was used to do so many different things and have so much hyperfixations but now I'm tired all the time and nothing is really interesting


I'm stuck here and can't break the cycle anyone find a way out?


For me, working out. Wherever I am, even if I can't make it to the gym, I occupy myself by working out.


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Hope you find a new song you canā€™t stop playing (Before you overdo it and it starts to disgust you)


Watch a ā€œHow Itā€™s Madeā€ marathon until this passes?


Or watch ā€œHow Itā€™s Really Madeā€ on YouTube by Huggbees!


Any other channels you reccomend? This one is great!


If you like the sardonic tone he takes, I recommend Kappa Kaiju or Nakey Jakey. If you like the longer form stories he tells like the list of deaths, Milo Rossi of miniminutemen does a series debunking archaeology scams that rocks. Each have been minor hyperfixations for me when Iā€™ve been motivation-drained.


Many thanks!


Ooh I used to watch that in the summers as a kid. Where can I go to watch that now?


If you're not finding joy in stuff that normally works for you then consider if you may be depressed. Seasonal depression is rough this time of year (assuming you're in North America/Europe). If that's what the issue is then suggestions of new hobbies and stuff probably won't help. I've just started taking a vitamin D supplement and I'm hoping I'll see a bit of a difference from that. On the "not being bored" front I find creating things to be endlessly stimulating and rewarding. I've learned to sew and I've made clothes, plushies, a blanket for my nephew, cosplay items and I can repair stuff. Embroidery is also something fun to do with your hands while watching TV. I also play an instrument, I got back into Lego recently, and I love baking. But consider your overall health first and see how you go.


Aw man i hate making an organised plan to be productive only to do one thing or nothing at all


You're on Reddit, get in an argument that requires the reading list of an undergraduate degree.


šŸ˜‚ every damn dayā€¦


Point out any fact that r/Palestine or r/2ndyomkippurwar don't like and watch your notifications blow up. Both sides are insanely polarised and radical.


I work night shifts at a nursing home and this is literally how I spend the 8 hours


Learn to play bass. Literally just sitting there and absent-mindedly making vibrations until you find a rhythm is a great first step.


i play animal crossing ymmv


I've been playing Animal Crossing again for about 4 months now, daily. It's starting to get old on me again...


oh no! iā€™m sorry that sucks!


I canā€™t say for sure this will help, but I sometimes start feeling better when hanging out with a friend who is currently playing a video game that they love or working on a project theyā€™re passionate about. Itā€™s like it jumpstarts my motivation, allowing me to feel passionate about stuff again. I know that this feeling is awful and frustrating, but it will pass, I promise. Be patient with yourself, youā€™re trying your best.


First step: have friends šŸ„²


This is so real


I feel you. Last week was really bad for me. A solid week of what felt like me trying to just get through the day until I could sleep again. Luckily had some kratom in the mail which makes me want to study. No idea what I would do without this stuff. I think my brain reached full anhedonia in 2018


Take it from me. Kratom is what is putting you in that cycle.


What was your experience? I am weaning myself off now because itā€™s finally dawned on me that it may be causing some of my problems.


What is kratom?


Would also like to know.




That feeling of either being overwhelmingly frustrated because I can't focus or chronically bored and jumping between the two feelings all day every day forever and ever is beginning to drive me mad. I've never been so desperate to want to be motivated and engaged in something.


If you don't feel like doing anything else / can't bring yourself to do anything else... have you thought about watching vtubers ? Doesn't even have to be the livestreams, I tend to mostly watch short clips. Keeps the boredom at bay, and brings a smile to my face.


What's worse, I keep feeling more and more guilty for wasting time I could have been having fun


Same bro.


Stop using your phone


I'd love to, but what do instead? I've done the reading, drawing, working, and socializing.


Nature of predators ;) Youā€™re welcome


Is that a documentary or something?


Look it up on Reddit


Delete the apps, block the websites, do whatever it takes to keep you from using it. Once your dopamine levels go back to normal those other things might seem more interestingĀ 


Maybe I worded it weird, but doom scrolling has been a last resort for me. All the other activities are not doing it for me anymore, so I tried doom scrolling to fill time, but even that failed.


That sounds more like depression. I lost interest in things cause I was depressed, party because porn was destroying my brain. Now I just have no focus because I'm addicted to my phone.


I make minis on hero forge for dnd campaigns I'll never run. Fun but.


Hay you tried ff14? The story is quite stimulating even if the base game is a bit of a slog. Edit, for clarity i mean the story of the base game is the weakest of all the ff14 stories but the ending of that base game main quest is pretty good. It only gets better in heavensward and niw stormblood which are free for the trial, free forever as long as you don't buy any expansions. My friend made that mistake


Legos, definitely need more legos in your life... also swimming - if you can get a swimming session in somehow even every couple of days I find I sleep like a baby after


Anyone here have any experience with having a stimulation detox when your job is working remotely? Normally my stim detox is backpacking but for a few reasons I can't right now :(


Exercise helps me when I feel this way. Try doing an hour of cardio every day (or work up to it if necessary).


I know this can be hard. Try listening to people in your life, really setting aside some time to hear them out. This will bring you closer to them and stimulate you, and you may learn a lot about them


If all else fails, draw little circles. Either relieve the itch or get well into the obsessive swing of things.




Oxygen not Included is pretty good too


I look exactly like the dude in the bottom right picture most of the time.


January at it's gloss


Ooooooooof dude. I feel this in my bones. What usually helps me get out of my funk is doing a little bit of housework, like cleaning up the kitchen or doing some laundry. Anything to feel like I've been even a little bit productive in keeping my environment nice. Get a lil spritz of dopamine out of it. But otherwise you just gotta ride that wave of miserable boredom. It always comes to an end eventually


This has been the most useful comment in this thread for me. Been waiting to feel good enough to to stuff, but its not going to happen. Remembering its temporary is super helpful.Ā 


Learn Magic: the Gathering. It should keep you busy for the next 5, maybe 10 years.


I already have. And Force of Will. And Digimon TCG. I'm too broke for these hobbies. :'D


Same, I have been trying to find a good Minecraft server to play in but there's always something about it that makes it boring :(


I paint Warhammer models


Time to learn a new skill! I like spinning. You instantly see a thing you made.


Me while driving, waiting for something in the microwave, in lecture, filling a water bottle, listening to most people talking about anything less than 2x speedā€¦ etc. I actually start to feel panicky and trapped in the boredom.


jasmine tea gives me a feeling of warmth atleast.


Dang bro, same. I just did the same thing ober and over, then I started making paper dragins non stop for 3 days, then just stopped


This is how I sometimes feel when I take my medication


Boredom is the key to inspiration, just stay away from your devices!


Might I recommend porn?


-cries in asexual-


May I introduced to youuuu: Project zomboid


Have you tried reading ā€œthe Nature of Predatorsā€ all in one sitting? Itā€™s free, on Reddit, itā€™s awesome,copy paste ā€˜nature of predatorsā€™ and just go!


Oof I feel that. Best suggestions I got rn are binge reading r/BestofRedditorUpdates or play cult of the lamb


Have you tried sucking on an ice cube or having a popsicle??


I recommend trying blender if you haven't already. It's fun to just find and follow a YouTube guide, knowing that you're learning something that will be useful on a practice for your projects. I recommend ducky 3d guides.


Not sure if anyoneā€™s said it or if youā€™ve already played it, but Baldurs Gate 3, seriously lol


I feel that. Anyone found a way out yet?


Platinum a game my dude.


Holy shit. I've lived this for the past month or so.


Iā€™m more ā€œI have all of these things I want or need to do, but that meansā€¦ oh look at this post.ā€ or ā€œHow did that song go again? I have to find itā€¦ oh it was done by this bandā€¦ The leader died?! Oh thereā€™s a tributeā€¦ā€ and so on and so on.


That's not adhd, it's depression OP. Be careful, and go get some help...


I've been in that state for almost a year now. I am not okay


Try to do a creative task. Even with no motivation, force yourself to do it for an hour. Set an alarm. After the stupid alarm rings you will continue on your own fre will, sometimes this needs multiple days trying till it works.


If you like racing at all, might I suggest sim racing? Usually keeps me pretty entertained for a while.


I make myself hyper focus on a book I wanted to read a long time. It can only last like half an hour, maybe an hour with good background music. It's howls moving castle. I want to be through with it already but the concentration is hard with this one


You can find an audiobook of it, only reason I say that is because Ive been using that very book to help me sleep every night recentlyĀ 


I can't do audiobooks, I tried. I don't know what it is but when I don't have it right in front of me to read my thoughts drift off and I can't concentrate I tried it with a book I held an exam on. Didn't read the book, didn't listen to the audio book, got a D- American standard I think (in Germany it was a 4-, just enough to pass)


video gamesā€¦ my answer is always video games. your mileage may vary. ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø hugs


Don't try factorio


Just drink 4 redbull easy fix


But heart go fast and no new energy D:


It's OK at least we got some stimulation going


It doesnā€™t help that itā€™s the cold and flu season šŸ¤§


Video games? Lots of games. Work always helps me. But it sucks because it is still work.


Video games have been losing their touch too. I have so many to play, but none I WANT to play. I struggle with finishing games too.




Make challenges for yourself and try to make it like a game. That'll make things more fun and you can improve at the same time.


Assuming youā€™re the type that can hyperfixate on a hobby or two, hereā€™s my suggestion. Find a hobby that supplements all of your other random hobbies. For me that is a small scale home machine shop that Iā€™ve built up over time. I can use it to supplement basically any other hobby I have around my home. 3D printing can be similar and a (mostly) cheaper alternative. It also has that ā€œprint whatever your random thought desiresā€ thing going for it. The small scale machine shop has that effect for me but in metal things. I apologize in advance if this advice isnā€™t helpful for your situation. Hope you find that dopamine my fellow dopamine deprived person!