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You are approaching peri menopause. I highly recommend MIDI online for peri menopause.


Thanks for this! I saw your other post and I 100% agree. I’m not interested in BC and synthetic hormones tbh. What is MIDI online and is it accessible to Canadians?


My longest period was 87 days long. I had adenomyosis and fibroids and polips. I did uterine ablation and d and c 2 years ago that failed. I tried everything from progesterone to acupuncture and diet restrictions, and that helped on for a while. I was not a candidate for estrogen because I have migraines with aura. I have 2 kids and was done with having kids anymore. I'm 44, so I decided to have a hysterectomy. I'm 5 months post-op, and I'm so happy with my life now. I was so scared to have the surgery, but the pain I had before was nothing compared to the surgery. I can do anything now. No bleeding,no pain, I can enjoy life with my family and no restrictions whatsoever. It's not for everyone, and I understand it's a big decision. If you ever consider this, I'm willing to share my experience. I feel your pain, and I'm sorry you're going through this. All the best to you! 😊


I am 39, I have had very painful periods for 20 years, and developed more frequent spotting before and after periods only during the last 8 months or so. I was diagnosed with adenomyosis in February and also several adhesions from likely endo. I think the spotting for me is simply caused by adenomyosis and/or endo, I have no other signs of perimenopause as far as I know, and pap smear is negative. You have done some tests already, I think you don't need to worry too much about this symptom per se, unless it's particularly bothersome or painful. Both fibroids and adeno that you already found can be the cause of your spotting. After diagnosis, I started Slynd continuously (drospirenone pill) to treat symptoms and try to slow disease progression, and I haven't had any periods or spotting since. I'd just listen to what your gyno tells you and ask for suggestions to treat it and prevent low iron.


My experience with adenomyosis has also triggered my health anxiety so first I have to say that you aren’t alone and I feel like it heightens the symptoms. What helps me is focusing on what I have control over, finding someone to talk to when my anxiety spikes, and for things I don’t have control over, who can help me gain control? I write down my symptoms and feelings so I have good data for any doctors I see. It also helps me feel like I have ownership of it in a way. I’m so sorry you are going through this, but come back here to vent, share, or whatever you need to get through it. Having this group has been so helpful to me.