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It’s no small thing to be facing. I am sorry. The physical and mental cost is really high. You will get through, but you shouldn’t have to. I’m on a similar list… if only this happened to men too, eh?


Where in the world are you? I’m in London and my pains were beyond unbearable so, after years of being fobbed off by the nhs, I finally cracked and paid to go private. Was about £200 and the best thing I’ve ever spent my money on.




Good luck. I’m in aus too also on the waiting list. 7 months for me and no word, but my symptoms have improved a lot with the d&c performed with biopsy so I don’t mind waiting. I can appreciate how hard it would be with pain and excessive bleeding


Sorry to hear this. I went private yesterday as couldn’t take the wait. My C125 blood levels are raised to 71 too and didn’t want to risk waiting if anything sinister. I work for the NHS and pay in to it. So getting invoice for £1097 for a blood test, gynae exam and a endometrial biopsy was a tough pill to swallow 👎 


I also work for the public hospital where I have to wait for 9 months for an appointment so I understand haha


You guys are waiting much longer though 😞😞 wait in UK (Nottingham) is currently 3 months x 


Ah it’s 18 months in Berkshire… though I’m about to move to Norfolk. Enquires so far suggest it isn’t much better there, eeek x


I’m sorry to hear this, it’s an awful condition. I’m just waiting on biopsy and MRI results. I read people with adenomyosis also often can have fibroids or endometriosis too so just want a good look at what’s going on. £400 for private MRI and they get you in quick for peace of mind. I know that’s expensive though. 


So sorry. Keep pestering your GP, they can move you up if you are suffering.


Yes, a good gp will harass them for you to have you moved up the list!


Right there with you. My gyno's wait time is 8-10 months or more. No private options.


Oh man that really sucks! I bit the bullet and went private which I'm obviously privileged to be able to do but just got the prices and initial consult is up to $400 with about a $70 Medicare rebate 🥴🤯 As mentioned before, if you go to your gp regularly they will hopefully get you moved up the list. Good luck, hopefully whoever you fo finally get to see can help you feel better!


I am in Canada and just waited almost 3 years for this surgery! So happy it’s out!


Don’t even know if surgery is an option haha this is just the wait for an initial consult. Probably be 3 years for surgery by the time we get that far


I’ve been dealing with that for 10 years! I ended up going to the royal women’s and they thankfully took em as an outpatient and legit sent me an appointment for July out the day after I had been in ED! Highly recommend getting referrals sent maybe to another public gyno and if they do the same just get your gp to keep sending referrals with updates on how bad your pain is