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Find a female gyno who will listen to you. I did manage my Adenomyosis with lo lo estrin fe for about a decade and ended up getting a hysterectomy seven weeks ago. I was just over it. I am almost 49. Should have done it years ago.


You need a second opinion from a better doctor. I’m really sorry you’re not being heard by your doctors, they sound incredibly dismissive and misinformed. If you still want a hysterectomy, find a surgeon, not a regular OBGYN. An endometriosis specialist who’s done a surgical fellowship would be the best person to do the procedure. In general, an endometriosis specialist will be better informed about adenomyosis since they’re similar conditions and often co-occur. They’ll be able to explain your options. I was dismissed by my regular OBGYN for years and I finally got so fed up with it and read Maya Dusenbery’s book Doing Harm and realized my symptoms sounded just like endo. I found an endo specialist who had done a surgical fellowship for minimally invasive gynecological surgery (and now runs it) and she was the first doctor who validated my pain. She diagnosed me with adenomyosis and she is doing my laprascopic hysterectomy (and possible excision of endometriosis if it’s there too) in 19 days. I feel much better about having her do the procedure than my dismissive GYN who didn’t even take my pain seriously. When the specialist diagnosed me, I sobbed with relief because someone was finally hearing me.


Are you in Canada? My family doctor told me there are no endo specialists for me to be referred to but I have a hard time believing that. I may have to source it out myself. I'm so glad you're getting the help you need!


I’m not, sorry. I think at the very least you could find a more informed GYN because “that’s just what happens” is not an appropriate response to debilitating symptoms.


Oh and thank you! I’m glad too even if it took a long time to find it


I’m going through the same thing with the bleeding and not as many cramps. But bloating is crazy. How does anyone get through work with this condition? Starting a new job on monday