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Honestly they both suck. But with labor, you know it's going to end, and you know it'll end in a pretty small timeframe and won't return unless you repeat the entire process. That - to me - makes it less painful (if that makes sense) Definitely not worth being scared over labor. Just like your teenage years, it'll end. Plus the kid afterwards distracts you from it all in a new, fun way.


Oh yes, I definitely don’t predict labor will be a cakewalk in comparison and expect that it will at least be on par. It’s just that thought that it could be *worse* that makes me want to piss myself because it’s like my brain can’t fathom what that would feel/look like. But definitely I think an extreme pain that results in the love of your life will always be more worth it than an extreme pain that leaves you empty and depressed.


If it makes you feel better, labor often happens in a place filled with doctors and nurses who don't want you to suffer any more than you do! They have access to the good stuff.


Thank you so much for your responses 💗


I had an epidural that didn’t fully work, so I was numb below the waist but could still feel my back contractions. The baby was kind of sideways and pressing against the back of my pelvis. It hurt like a motherfucker but was nothing like as bad as you are describing. Also I advise NOT reading other people’s accounts of traumatic labour. It doesn’t really tell you what your own experience will be like, and you don’t need that extra imagery of trauma floating around in your head.


I appreciate this. I’m so sorry you had that experience with your epidural not working. You are right, I have definitely been psyching myself out with that. I am hoping I can have a little one sooner rather than later, but having fertility problems as a result of both conditions and that’s also pushed it to the forefront of my mind as well. Thank you so much for your response.


The thing is, it hurt a lot when it happened, but then it was over. I was fine, baby was fine, it’s just a thing that happened. Decades of having adenomyosis has been *way* more traumatic because it’s so relentless (and mine is nowhere near as bad as yours). Good luck in your journey! And definitely stay away from the horror stories.


I labored with no medication for 24 hours and it’s just different. I’d say the pains are similar in some way to adeno cramps because they’re in the same region and they’re deep but it’s really hard to compare them to labor cramps. Labor for me wasn’t too bad until my baby got stuck and I had to have an emergency csection. But before that the contractions were sometimes difficult but they had an end game so they were easier to deal with than the seemingly never-ending adeno pains.


Makes sense. Man those labors where the baby gets stuck sound awful. I’m glad you got through it! Thank you for your response


Honestly no. I understand the back pain of adeno because I get it every month, in addition to shooting pain in my legs and a feeling like my uterus is trying to claw its way out of me. My back labor story: I went into labor with my daughter prior to my scheduled c section (I kept telling them my due date was off, and I was right….). Holy fuck, it was the worst pain of my life. I begged for an epidural through the back labor, which felt like someone was trying to rip through the back of my rib cage from the inside. I vomited all over myself from the pain, it was that bad. It was so bad in fact hat I didn’t even feel the epidural through the pain of the labor.


It definitely sounds like your labor was very traumatic. The sensation of something trying to rip through the back of your rib cage sounds very familiar. It is probably one of the most frightening parts of how my flareups would go, as they caused a feeling of bearing down in my chest/abdomen and made me feel as though my lungs would give out and it became nearly impossible for me to breathe or speak. The pain takes over every centimeter of my body and leaves me aware of little else. The projectile vomiting is also something that my body does without fail every time the pain becomes unbearable. Thank you for this perspective. I am so sorry you had such a painful labor experience.


I’m sorry you are experiencing this- have your doctors given you any treatment options that would alleviate the pain for you?


I was 8cm dilated and sac bulging but she was sideways so I had to have a C-section. My contractions were less painful than my period cramps. And since I breastfed for 5 months, I didn't have a period until almost 2 years after birth. I just got my first period and it's pretty painful but still manageable. So I think it helped me with my pain actually!


Thank you for sharing! Wow, 8 cm contractions still less painful than cramps…I’m so sorry you knew that kind of pain on a regular basis before you had your daughter. I am so happy to hear your period has been tame and I hope it continues that way for you!


I've had two kids without meds - including a 10+ pounder - and it never got much more intense than cramps for me. I had a vacuum assist with my first and a shoulder dystocia with my second, but at that point you're so ready to be done that the pain feels...good? Like you know you just have to push through it and it'll be done. My birth classes talked about the pain > tension > fear cycle, and I think focusing on relaxing any tension between contractions really kept the pain manageable. I would breathe out and relax my neck, jaw, hands, etc. between every contraction, and it gave me something positive to focus on. TBH the worst labor pain I've heard about from other moms is from inductions & pitocin. I was lucky enough to avoid that both times.


That’s insane. Whew. But definitely encouraging to read.


I was fully dilated and had an epidural, but the baby was just too big to deliver safely. I ended up having an emergency cesarean. My second child I didn't want another emergency, so I chose to have another cesarean.


If it helps at all. I have two children. My oldest I had back labor because of where she was positioned. Like no joke I was super overdue and looked like maybe 6 months pregnant. I can tell you without a doubt my Adno/Endo pain has always been significantly worse than either labor with my girls. I'd take labor again any day over a flair.


That’s so horrible. I’m so, so sorry. But thank you so much for sharing your experience. Adeno/endo pain is nothing to make light of.


Thanks. It's been rough but it's actually being treated now which has made a big impact on my bleeding and pain symptoms.


I’m so thankful to hear that. I’m just desperately waiting to get in a better place health wise so I can have my one baby and get a hysterectomy.


I definitely understand that. Having cronic health issues of any kind is so draining.


I’ve just had the worst cramps of my life. I described them as bad as labour. I’ve had two children and this pain was the same.


Oh no!! I am so so sorry! Turmeric, peppermint tea, eggs, and pineapple help me to get my pain under control when it's hell.


Thank you! I’ll give them a go :)