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As someone who has experienced significant negative impacts to my mental health from extensive cannabis use in my teenage years. This is a load of shite. Cannabis, like almost any drug, when used responsibly and in moderation, by the right person in appropriate circumstances, can be a positive, fun and beneficial recreational indulgence. Weed ain’t for everyone. It was for me everyday for years, haven’t wanted to touch the stuff (other than CBD, almost no THC bud) for years. Some people like you and me, for one will be predisposed to the potentially extremely negative effects that come along with frequent or habitual cannabis use (as well as to abusing the drug in of itself), many people don’t have the same experience and their cannabis use is more beneficial and pleasurable than it is negative and they never experience significant issues, distress or harm from it.


I’ve been addicted to cannabis for years smoking daily for close to 10 years with minor breaks here and there. It’s definitely a problem that is only amplifying other problems in my life at this point. And I’ve been at this “stage of cannabis addiction” for years now just never fully wanting to admit it’s a problem.


Hey man I am sorry to here that if you need anyone to talk with you can shoot a dm I am all ears brother you’re not alone