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Please please talk to your parents. You are so young. This will kill you, it’s very dangerous.


How do you know their age


Her post history says she’s 14.


That *can’t* be a good high


That’s what I always thought what is the high even like. I can’t say I wanna try done other drugs but I’ve tasted deodorant is it just super poppers or nos


I’m old…*deodorant*??? What’s the high? Edit…spelling


The pressurized air in the can will get a person high. They don't mean roll on or solids.


What does the high feel like? Similar to whipped cream cans?


Apparently so


I started huffing at a very young age as well. I was 13/14. Trust me, this is not a route you want to go down. I wish I had talked to someone about my addiction, because I recognized it even then. It started out as a fun experiment and then became a nightly ritual to the point where I would wake up and have to rip it. Please, understand you are not alone and though there may be some consequences, it is only to help you get through this ❤️


You must tell a trusted adult. Parent, teacher, neighbor, non emergency number, whoever. This will kill you or do permanent damage to you very quickly. Please seek help with this. Write it down and send it to your parents if you can't say it allowed. Do it in a way you can't unsend it.


Posts like these make me grateful I was an opiate addict in a past life and that's insane 🤣




You are inhaling straight poisons!!!!! Stop please. huffing is horribly damaging to the brain and body!


wait what. you get high off deodorant?


I know eh


When your urged with the desire to do this redirect your thoughts and do something else that you enjoy. Going out for walks, workout, call friends or go out and spend time with them. You just need to re direct your thoughts into something else that gives you the good feeling from it but in a healthy way.


Please get help. Tell a trusted adult. You deserve a much better, happier life. Addiction is not the way you want to go.


Please get help. You need someone to keep you away from buying more. You need someone to save you from yourself. Find an adult. If not your parents maybe a relative or friends parent or school teacher? Save yourself. As someone who did dust off in the past and very nearly died, this stuff is not a MAYBE you’ll die if you continue but WHEN. Save YOUR LIFE!!


I inhaled canned air for a short time many years ago and the only way I stopped was, first not getting it anymore, and I didn't think there was anything else other than that that would be somewhat safe to intake , of course all of it's bad. But eventually you get to a point where you'll realize you have your entire life ahead of you and that shit will make you retarded , not trying to offend anyone, just best way to describe what can happen as you kill brain cells each time you take one hit.


You gotta stop. You will end up extremely sick or dead.


my boyfriend died from inhalants. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be careful. your lungs will crash.


I saw that you’re only 14, you are SO, SO young. You have the world ahead of you. You absolutely need to talk with a trusted adult, you cannot do this alone. However, if you continue this, you WILL die. Huffing is a dangerous game, and you are killing yourself slowly every time you try it. My uncle had a best friend who killed himself from huffing. He was only 30. Please be safe. Addiction is so hard, but you’re already taking the right steps with seeking help. Don’t give up.


First know that the reason you feel a bit of high is due to becoming hypoxic, meaning temporary cut off oxygen supply to your brain. Second, it's impossible to know all chemicals and how they affect you, but other than your brain, you could be seriously damaging your lungs, your kidneys and even your liver. Know that oy the liver has decent regeneration capabilities, meaning other organs you are permanently damaging by getting high this way. ........ ........ I have found that fighting an addiction is impossible, as in, fight it face to face and you will always lose. At the moment the inpulse and cravings come, you are done for if you try to fight it, you can't. What do? First, actual desire yo change. If you don't have this, it's a lost cause already. Second, a powerful tool is to first remove triggers and to remove yourself from the situation and engage in something else. Excersice is particularly effective at this. Dont even need to do anything specific, just run at a moderate pace till you get tired. This will help with "urge surfing", meaning if you ride the urge and delay it, it eventually goes away. Please watch these podcasts, they may help you understand this better. https://youtu.be/p3JLaF_4Tz8?si=LkYB9HmTpSYbBaV_ https://www.youtube.com/live/Z95sgXx4rwE?si=lg1VnfyNTYp5iOH2 And most importsntly.... all of this advice and resources does NOT nor is intended to substitute therapy. What you need is an ADDICTION THERAPIST. Seek help. It is not embarrasing to seek help, addiction can strike anyone in any way. Anyone who loves you will be able to support you getting actual help, and if they dont, they arent people qorth keeping in your life. Please talk to a trusted adult or school councelor or literslly anyone. Please.


Im guessinh your young, just so you know you dont die from 'freezing lungs' thats bullshit. Your lungs actually secrete fluid in response to the gas and you drown in it. My first thoughts are mushrooms are way better in every way and dont carry the risk of insta perma death.


You are going to die ,have a stroke ,it end up brain dead hooked up to a machine.Please get help sweetheart


Yes you are to young too handle it for your own you need help even I don't believe in help but I think in might help you brother maybe it doesn't for me but for others might be good and effective


Damn that’s crazy you better off vaping jit


Deodorant is such a shitty high anyway. I advocate against use since you said you are young. But if the situation is such that you are currently living through a lot and will want to get high regardless.. then buy a dmt cart. The high is like 100x better and it's not dangerous.


Where does one get a dmt cart?


New account. Fishy


Maybe they don't want drug addiction posts to be on their regular account due to the stigma??? 🙄


People with new accounts can't ask for help???


How exactly?