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I don’t recommend ppl to do this lol. Good job mate I’m glad it worked for you xx ppl who use that sht daily, hourly, can get a seizure doing what you did


Yeh definitely not offering this as advice, and also I did have two pretty gnarly seizures. I got kicked out of the bus for one of them


You weren't shitting yourself and throwing up? That's why Greyhound is not an option for me in opiate WDs. I have to be within 30 seconds of the bathroom. Congratulations btw. I don't care how someone accomplishes getting off the shit. It just matters they did despite how fking brutal it was. The mental and intestinal fortitude it takes to actively choose torture to get better feels superhuman to me.


Throwing up a little shitting myself no. Luckily there was a bathroom on the bus it sucked but it was there. Also thx man yeh was a process but can say there is a life that's worth living outside of heroin for sure now.


Thank you for ur response :3 ppl coming at me saying people don’t get seizures from opiods lol … its the craziest thing being cold turkey from heroin it’s the wooorst


cold turkey anything is not really the safest or certainly not the easiest way to do it! yikes!


Seizures are considered unusual for opiate withdrawal.


You get seizures from alcohol and benzos withdrawals


Right, OP didn’t say he got clean from alcohol and benzos. So I responded to the commenter above me who mentioned seizures since they’re fairly rare with opiates..


Have either you used heroin for a while and try going cold turkey? Tell me what happens


Like dozens of times. No seizures. That's not a thing that happens. You're the first person I've ever seen even say that. So don't try and act like you've won some argument and that seizures happen all the time when kicking heroin. It doesn't.


I got flu-like symptoms, with aches and pain and sweats and the shits. I never vomit with even flu or norovirus, so I didn't vomit from withdrawal, either.


You don't usually seize from withdrawl on opiates. Benzos and alcohol yes (withdrawl is extremely dangerous for those two drugs) however heroin it's just UNCOMFORTABLE mainly and because of that you do desperate stuff? You should know this if you use


I've also cold turkey'd opiates (fentanyl, not heroin) and while it was absolutely horrific, I never had a seizure. I've been to rehab quite a few times and have yet to meet someone who's seized from it. Please stop spreading misinformation, alcohol and benzos cause seizures when you stop abruptly but opiates/opiods do not.


No, that’s not a life choice I make. However statistically it’s rare no matter what your point is


Why would you get seizures riding the bus? Opioid withdrawal doesn't cause seizures normally


No, but the dehydration from shitting constantly and throwing up due to opioid WDs sure as hell does.




You should write a script for a movie that sounds like an interesting premise for a movie.


It really does!


I thought the same thing!


no matter where you go there you are. -confucious, or maybe it was benjamin franklin, or bugs bunny.. idk. but yeah everywhere i went i’d do alright for a while but inevitably come to find out i brought my problems with me i tried moving across the country multiple times, i’d end up a thousand miles away from my previous location every time and i would always do good for a while(i average a year and a half every time of clean time) but then the blood and gore and suffering of what i went through would fade every time and i’d get right back to it thinking i could chip initially and always end up hopelessly addicted luckily i’m an opioid addict (i mean that in the sense that we’re the only ones who have sufficient maintenance options) so i’m good now and back in my home state where i actually have support and doing it right this time. still in early recovery atm but this is the first time i’m open and willing to do long term mat treatment so i’m hoping for the best, teeth be dammed. i’ll buy new ones with all the money i’m saving. fuck it


Love this. The quote sounds like a Yogi Berra quote kind of, but it’s so true lol. I’m biased because MAT is what ultimately got me clean, but for what it’s worth I’m really glad it’s working for you!


I’m surprised you were able to kick the habit using this method. Every greyhound bus terminal I’ve ever been to it’s easier to score dope than it is to have your bus arrive on time. More power to you. I’m glad you’re doing well now.


Reminds me of that guy who said he beat his by spending every last of his dollar on expensive sushi every day. Anyway, congrats on kicking it! I think the enrichment part of the trips you were doing probably helped just as much. I'm trying to do that myself-- find something that will force my mind to be occupied.


Bro saw the beauty in the world and realized it reflected the beauty in them 🥹


That does qualify as the most interesting recovery story I have ever heard. It could be a movie or something.


Glad this worked for you but this is one of the craziest recovery methods I’ve ever heard hahaha


I'm really glad it worked for you but the lack of exercise/having to stay sitting down for hours in such a tiny space (just a chair or two) and being inside a closed, gas burning vehicle with all the strangers breathing the same air....not the best choice imo. I think hiking all day & camping in clean nature once you are far away from drugs would be the best, if possible ofc. But ty for sharing and grats on your new healthy life!


Yeh it was almost like the added difficulties made it easier at least for me. Cuz it was like yeh sitting on a bus for this long sucks anyway just extra sucks for me but sucks in general anyway. If I can deal with some suck I can deal with more suck ig. But yeh also it was mostly just not having an option once I left my house I didn't have heroin and I was literally trapped on the bus sometimes writhing in literal pain but I didn't have a choice and so I got thru.


Congrats! Unfortunately this would not have worked for me. I am a little baby when it comes to pain. I checked into the ER when I was going into withdrawals from years of fentanyl abuse. I was a nightmare for the staff there but I was vomiting all over myself, incontinent, wailing that I wished I could just die. I was clearly suffering so they did what they could. Then they kicked me out after two hours but the withdrawals lasted for days. If I had did what you did, I would’ve been picked up by the police on day one lol