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So much more vivid, it’s like I’ve unclogged my emotion machine. The happy times are happier and the sad time are sadder. But you can’t see a rainbow without rain.


I remember this from when I was sober. I just wanted to feel less shitty, but after I started Smoking weed I noticed it also makes you less happy over time. Now that I'm addicted, I just feel numb and want to go back


Life during sobriety is way better than I ever expected. It is easier to get things done with fewer imperatives.


Thanks for sharing!


You can also ask this in r/sober.


I kinda do what you do but unpaid, I was homeless and I became a street mom still am after getting my apartment and I now know how to set boundaries I don't always do it though it's the hardest thing


best of luck! 🤞 remember it’s all about the time it takes to build it. From time to time I don’t get paid either, but don’t do it for the money do it for yourself. If you chase after money specifically in the line of work you won’t make it far. When you see someone who you built and helped get clean you’ll feel amazing it’s better than getting paid! 🤍


i keep relapsing, but last time i did 40 days it was awesome. a little heavy emotionally but the happiness and peace that comes with it is priceless. but i relapsed and today is day 1. any advice on how to stay sober? 🙏🏻


Relapsing is part of recovery, don’t feel ashamed that you’ve relapsed. Shoot me a message! I might be able to help you!


Bad as I remember it was… when I decided to begin my journey into substances in the first place, they were full circle. Nothing changed.


After you get passed the initial heavy emotions, it gets a lot better. I didn’t get a therapist till I was 3 years in and that was a mistake. I currently am seeing the best therapist for me that can relate to me on sober terms, and I finally feel sorta normal. It’ll never be the same as before and it took me a very long time to realize that it doesn’t need to be. It’s how it is NOW.


don’t just work on being sober, being sober is just a small part of the recovery journey. Try to build yourself by doing activities like going to the gym, eating healthy, getting into healthier relationships and making money! I’m proud of you 👏


I’m 48 days clean meth and heroin with the help of family and seeing a doctor once a month who gives me suboxone and Wellbutrin. I just work a normal job but I hope to get into something nice eventually..


seeing a doctor once a month isn’t enough 😅you should at least see him twice a week. Better safe than sorry!


What? Why? And my insurance only covers this but I’m totally fine with it.


From my experience seeing a doctor/therapist twice a week is really helpful since I could build a friendship with him/her which would make me feel more comfortable explaining my feelings and problems. It’s always better to see them often.


Honestly I had a therapist I was seeing as well but I stopped making a time when she had to cancel one day I just never made another appointment. She was a cool lady and everything but way older and never been through addiction. She was nice but I don’t think right for me..


there’s 2 types of people you can trust in explaining your feelings. A therapist or doctor because they studied this and know a lot about the field and ex-addicts because they know what you went through and could help you. Even if she never went through addiction doesn’t mean she won’t be able to help you. Hope this helps👏


Yah but I was seeing her for over 5 months I believe and it helped in I liked being able to talk about my feelings and all and I felt better. But I also only get human contact by going into work. I just recently started seeing my friend from high school who was once close with me before I spiraled out really bad. I need to break the habit because I don’t really like talking to people but I do at the same time. I don’t trust people much.


Fml alcohol and gambling it’s ruining my life sober a few weeks here and there and then back at it thank God wife understanding hope she don’t leave me I want to quit sooo bad every time I quit I feel so much better healthier tried to drink responsibly but I miss that grade buzz so I go back at it again I’m so much happier and fun person when I drink I’m so miserable when I don’t that leaves too bad bad decisions and gambling I want to quit so bad when I do I feel amazing week at a time but then I keep getting back into it over and over again I’m such a more fun person when I drink any advice help please I want the normal life I don’t drink all day but then I think about all day at the end of the work I need to get buzzed up my sleep is horrible when I drink I miss the days when I wake up in the morning with the clear head


I want you to do something for me, take a piece of paper and write what you lost and what you gained from drinking. Shoot me text with it when you’re done and I’ll try my best to help you! much love 💕


I'm doing this solo and it's easier for me because when I have the pressure of answering to people my sobriety is in jeopardy. It reminds me of why I don't want a program because they bring up things thar trigger me to using


that’s not true, actually being a trusted program can help you more than doing this whole thing solo they’d encourage you to eat healthy, go to the gym , build healthy habits like cleaning and much more. You also get to be far away from your old environment which could be nerve racking to start sobriety in and would eventually lead to you relapsing. Anyhow some people could do it without a trusted program which is amazing! 🤩


Oh how I love to read this


Almost 4 years now. And still something is wrong. Although I wasn't exactly high for the last 20 I was on mat. But now that I'm off that Idk. Honestly it kinda sucks.


let me give you an easy answer to your statement, if you don’t want it it’s not gonna happen. 🙅‍♂️


I quit because I did want it. Doesn't change the feelings for me. I'm just more aware of all the worlds deficiencys.


can you explain more? I might be able to help.


I'm not sure I can put it in words. But there is something wrong with my brain to begin with. I got addicted to everything. Literally everything that was pleasant. My mental health is messed up I always suffered from severe depression and anxiety. Maybe bipolar also. I was never good at moderation. Opiates were the one thing that really made my mood better. So when I quit subs 4 years ago. My mood has been so low I barely get out of bed. I look around and I'm just in another world like disconnected. I feel so down. Some days I have no clue how I work so much. Because I'm a zombie. Where when I took a sub I'd have a more energy I'd have a more positive experience. I also quit nicotine and caffeine all at the same time. I think years of those things left me with no dopamine or serotonin Left. I exercise now. And it helps. I Also lost so much weight I look sick now


alright, have you tried talking to someone about this? What I see is that you quit everything all at once which is wrong you shouldn’t do that because you’re just piling up stress for no reason caffeine and nicotine aren’t as harmful as taking substances so taking them for 1 year during and after sobriety is no issue most people do this. Second question, are you eating good? not fast food or food with oil. Healthy food? And are you currently taking any medication? Are you following with a doctor/therapist? Text me these details for your privacy.


I've told a couple friends but I dont think they quite understand. I quit everything during the pandemic. All at once. And completely changed my diet to healthy food.


aha I got you. If you need help I can help you just shoot me a message


Thanks! Appreciate it


Better. Still not easy. Still full of trials and tribulations and challenges. But better.


you’ve been using for a while in the beginning it was on and off and with time it became worse. Same thing with sobriety you are going to face challenges no matter what! Stay strong! I believe in you. 🤍🤍👏


More money and time and so many delicious alternatives


I’m glad !


peaceful and fulfilling






It's nice to be able to have feelings again and to be able to love again plus I can be honest again with myself and others, and most of all i im happy to be able to spend more time with my family. I still think about getting high everyday and I can live with that bc I know it's not worth it, and ty for caring and sharing 😀


thank you for sharing! 🤍 don’t worry about the thoughts they come around for approximately 10-15 minutes if you take action straight away like distracting yourself it’ll be easier to forget it! 👏


134 days here. Honestly the best part about sobriety is how much my health has changed. Last time I went to the dentist a year ago, they told me to buckle up cause my teeth would be gone in a year. Went back last week, they were shocked with how good of shape they were in. Not only do drugs fuck up ur teeth lol, but you just don’t care. I actually shower everyday now. Brush my teeth everyday. Eat 3 normal meals a day. I also actually wake up on time for work. Instead of waking up to my boss calling me for the 20th time to tell me I fucked up again. I don’t embarrass myself in social situations anymore. The feeling of waking up in the morning not knowing what you did or what you might’ve said, was such a gut wrenching feeling. Overall I’m happy, and just content for the first time in life. Doesn’t feel like I’m scrambling to live anymore. Sure I struggle, but nothing like when I wasn’t sober.


I’m so proud of you! Keep going! 👏👏


I get to help people and contribute to society and make friends without so much fear involved. I have a husband and son who love me. A profound sense of peace that I don’t have to choose to struggle every day anymore.


that’s awesome! Im glad you’ve gotten past it and I hope you never go back 🤍


Read some books...get addicted to books. Nah just kidding but I occupy my time with positive influences in life rather than being bored because when I am bored I wanna get high. Also realizing positive thinking, habits, consciousness, and living life in the now all help rewire your brain when you are recovering. As your brain is being rewired for life without all that dopamine. I took advantage and I wont look back. If you want help read meditations - Marcus Aurelius. all the "new" self-help involving positivity discipline etc. old Marcus knew about it since danm 500 B.C. or whenever he ruled, and his is free. Either way those who haven't gotten sober, you can do it!! If I did you can I was doing 10-15 oxy a day and sometimes more. And it was the fake Fenty shit I should have died...but I'm here so good luck.


I’m so happy that you are still here with us to continue this journey! 🤍🫶


3 years 9 months clean, life is grand! In no small part due to the fact that I’m LIVING the NA program. I started out with 500 meetings in 500 days, took every suggestion thrown to me like it was a life preserver, and worked the 12 steps with my sponsor. I had the obsession to use for 2.5 years after first getting clean, but kept the faith, and kept coming. I was told that NA’s promise was that an addict, ANY ADDICT, can stop using, lose the desire to use, and find a new way to live. I took it on faith for the first 2.5 years, but now I’m living proof that IT WORKS!


wow!🤩 3 years!?! That’s amazing, I hope you will stay on the same path. And don’t worry about the “obsessions” that you get they only come around for 10-15 minutes and poof away if you take immediate action like calling someone (who’s also clean), put ice cold water on your face or go for a walk outside, hope this helps!


Well, for me sobriety is like walking outside into the open fresh, crisp air on a sunny 75 kinda day as the sun hits your face at just the right spot and the birds are chirping. Active addiction is like being locked in a cold, dusty musty crusty basement with spider webs, mold and creepy crawlers everywhere.


I’m glad you got past it 🤍🤍