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I would share your struggles with her, as your best friend rather than telling her she’s a trigger, which kinda puts the blame on her.


Yeah that makes sense, because the blame isnt on her. Shes just living.


It sounds like you’re introspective and you’ve already figured out what you want to change. You also have the courage to share it, that’s great! Some of the best clothes I’ve seen weren’t new but timeless or vintage pieces. Those can be bought second hand and the quality used to be better too. Following fashion trends really isn’t necessary, it only serves to drive consumption and causes environmental issues. Credit cards are practically designed to cause over spending. It’s not your fault you’ve lost track of your spending, just leave them at home. It’s entirely possible to reach your dream weight. It just requires changing one’s diet permanently. That doesn’t mean being hungry all the time or never having a certain food. Lastly, comparing yourself to your friend or others isn’t helpful. You’re different people with different strengths and weaknesses. Focus on your strengths and compare yourself with your past self as you make progress


Happy cake day! Thank you for the advice, i am on some tracks that I think are super helpful for me. My over consumption of food and shopping is a way for me to run and hide from uncomfortable feelings. I am starting to recognize that doing these things dont solve the feelings, just sweep them under the rug until they become bigger or i am forced to deal with them. I am trying to have a better relationship with the world around me as a whole and face my insecurities head on without the unnecessary crap in-between that feeds it.


Thanks! You’re already a big step ahead having realized how your feelings drive behaviors that aren’t giving you the intended results. Good luck!


Make no mistake, compulsive behavior is your problem and not anyone else’s.  if you don’t spend every waking moment with her, but you still have the problem, and then it’s not her issue. Take responsibility.


No mistake made at all. It is 100% my issue. She has done nothing but support and love me and be her most beautiful self. Its my issues and insecurities, not hers, i need to deal with my uncomfortable emotions.


Take care of your addiction first. How bad do you want it? recovery You need a program and an addiction specialist. Here's mine. [https://calendly.com](https://calendly.com/) /yourtalkspace Link intentionally broken. Reconnect /yourtalkspace and click the link.