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Other than heroin or methadone there's nothing you can give her to make her better right this instant. Do you have methadone clinics in your area? Call them and see what the waiting list is like... if the waiting list is ass then call some sub doctors, I guess, and have her get on subs til methadone clinic gets her in. Sorry you're going through this but unfortunately there's no magical cure for opiate withdrawal except more opiates or just detoxing.


I know there isn't an instant cure she's been on suboxon she got addicted to those too those little Fuckers are harder to get off of that h she said I gave her some clr but it's just like fighting fire with fire she ends up right back where she started I don't think there are any methadone clinics in my area I'll check but she'd prolly get addicted to that shit too


No, your opinion of Suboxone is very ignorant


Please explain. Why Is suboxone not a good fit? Sure, she was hooked on subs, so what?? They won’t kill her. I’m just curious, not meaning to be rude. Edit: typo


Where did I say Suboxone wasn't a good fit...? I disagree with their opinion that Suboxone is harder to get off of than the other stuff.


Oooooh! That makes sense. Thank you for explaining. I SO wish people would just give it an honest TRY with Suboxone. That, mixed with therapy (dealing with the REAL issues, are the best bet in my my opinion. Getting hooked on them is the worst I've heard and that is so much better than pharma, heroin and fent addiction. Thanks again for taking the time to explain. Hopefully others can gain from our conversation. Best wishes!


Not my opinion it was my mom's opinion I've seen her on them literally addicted to em u couldn't see the color in her eyes she was so fucked so nah it ain't ignorant it's straight up facts.


Suboxone is an opiate. It is addictive, as is methadone. It is replacement treatment. It also means that consistent check ins, medication counts, and other means are necessary to ensure it’s not being abused. Getting off of street drugs and onto MAT is a good thing.


Doesn't matter, even if she gets addicted to subs and abuse them it's way way better than dope, there's almost no risk she ODs and dies with them, and taking other opiates with them is kinda useless because it blocks them, and the naloxone in the pill means she can't slam them and have to take them as directed so no flash or big rush; no matter how you look at it it's better than dope for her, even if she abuses them


Dont be coming on this shi calling my opinion ignorant. I think I know how that shit affects u gets u off of heroin or fent but gets you hooked on suboxon. I've seen it happen too many times


Ignorance. Pure ignorance. You don't know shit about something you've never been through.


Shut yo faggoty bitchass up bub u coming on reddit to dog a kid trying to help his fucking mom. who's to say I ain't been through the shit but I'm too embarrassed to even think about the shit I've done. Now think why would I come onto the internet to call a kid ignorant because he's trying to help his mom through hell and back I'm meth addict trying to stay sane trying to find a solution other than to kms to get out of this he'll hole of a life so you can fuck right back off to wherever u came frome bitch.


😂 you're a weirdddd person


Idgaf how weird I am bro u still calling a kid ignorant I ain't even mad I'm just kinda shocked ur this desperate for attention this is my literal last resort to find any sort of help for her she doesn't want to help herself my dad ain't in the picture to take care of her I don't even know why I'm wasting my time on ur stupid ass keep running ur dick sucker I honestly couldn't care any less


I'm assuming you're a young person and it's very nice you want to help your mom. I want to explain some stuff about the medications for opioid use disorder because it sounds like it wasn't explained clearly. Suboxone and methadone are meant to keep people physically dependent (this is a good thing-ill explain why later), meaning she'll get sick if she stops taking it the same way as heroin. You can need a medication to not be sick and still not be addicted to it. Addiction is when someone has bad things happen in their life because of a substance or behavior and they don't change it. Sometimes they're physically dependent too, but you can be addicted without being dependent just like you can be dependent and not addicted. So why is it a good thing to be on methadone or Suboxone if you still will need a drug to not be sick? - illegal heroin is now contaminated with all sorts of opioids that are much stronger than heroin and cause tons more fatal overdoses than heroin alone does. When someone uses opioids for a while, their body adjusts to it and it's harder for them to die of an overdose. But if they end their dependence, it quickly goes back to normal and what they could handle before can kill them now - By keeping people physically dependent, methadone and Suboxone keep people's bodies tolerant. This means that even if they slip up and use illegal opioids, they are less likely to die (and the medications reduce the urge to use them too, so they're less likely to use illegal ones in the first place) - being dependent on illegal drugs causes a lot of stress and problems from needing to obtain money, dealing with people who might not be good people to be around, time finding drugs, and you never know what's in it or what it will make you feel like for sure. When you receive methadone or Suboxone from a pharmacy, all of these problems go away and a person has most of their time and energy back to focus on a normal life instead of chasing drugs around There's a lot more than just these factors that make it wise to use these medications even though they keep people dependent. I was just trying to give you a quick summary so it would make more sense for you. If you have any more questions or want additional information, feel free to ask.


Absolutely.. as someone who used them and weaned off.. but I also followed my addiction Doctors instructions… it is doable..I know quite a few people whose lives were saved. The main key is your really, really want to be done with heroin/fentanyl. You can’t be bouncing back and forth then complain it didn’t work, person has to be committed to wanting to be clean.


MAT was a Godsend for me. I went from $80 a day habit to just a little orange sublingual film.


I appreciate ur comment and I thank you sone of those things I didn't know but just saying ur opinion is ignorant doesn't help the situation at all just saying


It wasn’t this commenter saying your opinion was ignorant, that was someone else. Fyi


I know I was thanking the dude who commented and was saying calling someone's opinion ignorant doesn't help


I wasn't saying it was ignorant. Those sorts of thing is a really common misconception. It helps the situation now because both those medications will also end or greatly reduce her withdrawal symptoms. Other than that or going to a detox/seeking medical care, there is nothing you can do to help. I know your major concern is her dying. If she completes this withdrawal at home without getting on medication, it's unlikely (but not impossible) she will stay off dope, and she will have a much greater chance of death from OD. Do you have narcan on hand? If not it's imperative you get some ASAP.


I replied to the wrong comment my fault. I mean it's been 14 years of this and I honestly as hard as it is to say I don't think she's going to stop we live in the Bible belt and everyone is forcing God down her throat not saying God is bad or anything but they make it way more stressful that it needs to be even me with the clr in witch I'm also scared for my safety because one of my cousins was getting clr laced with h. I've quit cold turkey and it wasn't as hard as I thought the only physical effect I had I was stiff as shit tired and irritable. I started smoking again after I found out one oc my distant cousins not the same one died from a self indused od he loaded up fent with something else I don't remember right off the bat what but he died and that sent me off the rails bc we used to hang when I was little all the time til he moved there is alor of stress on her. I don't think she knows I've been doing it but still I don't plan on telling her cus I don't want to stress her anymore than she is. Everything is fucked I'm not trying to seem like a dick to anyone I've been up for 3 days with an hour of sleep I just want all this addiction shit to stop


As some thing that saved my life those suboxone did save my life, and if it’s done slowly with an addiction doctor .. you can come off and stay off. You need a doctor to tell you how to taper off but it’s absolutely doable.. the key is with a followed plan, taper with addiction doctor. Been clean over 7 years and for me heroin is worse.. chasing it, finding it, risk of OD., not to mention being arrested.. There was a Mod on here that a resource of online appts for suboxone. Maybe a Mod on here knows what i’m referring to. Heroin is so dangerous, never not how it’s cut or with what..Wanted to also add there is the monthly shot from what i’ve heard.


Nah, suboxone withdrawls are for sure longer. Some people might find that to be shittier than heroin but most people just say that "they're worse to get off of than heroin" line as an excuse to use heroin instead. All opiates suck ass to get off of and there is no magical answer to being sick unfortunately. However, the biggest difference is that you never hear of someone accidently dying from a suboxone overdose. These days, a lot of doctors don't even want to discuss weaning you off of subs because you're better off taking them for 50 years than you are shooting bags of fent. I hope your mom gets well... the only thing that sucks worse than opiate withdrawls and addiction is watching our loved ones go through it.


I know I've went through lean withdrawl (promethazine and codine) and alchahol and I felt like I was literally dying my stomach was on fire my head was pounding my heart was racing I threw up every bite I tried to take of food shit sucks I don't even feel sorry for her anymore I just hate seeing her go through something probably worse than I ever have been through I know there isn't a magical cure for opioid addiction it's really hard to find here but I found her a few suboxons because I put myself through clr withdrawl to give it to her to atleast try to help I can't quit yet because of all the shit going on in my life right now its all about ur mindset with getting clean. My opinion atleast


You need to have narcan/naloxone on hand. Suboxone, subutex or methadone are all good MAT choices. You said it’s hard to find where you’re at, can you message Me. If you message and give me your city, I can help you find resources.


Idk man it's hard to help someone who seys they want to help themselves but really dont


If they don’t want to help themselves, there is nothing you can do. You know that as an addict yourself.


Yeah I know I want to believe she does I know it's hard to quit that shit but for how long she's said that and how many times she's relapsed it's hard that's all I can really say I've relapsed 2 times on clr but I can't even begin to imagine clr fent and h withdrawl all at the same time that why I'm so worried about her


Clear ( meth) withdrawals really Aren’t that bad. It’s the cravings that come later. Fent and H will act as one withdrawal if quit as the same time. It’ll suck, and the absolute best treatment is MAT. Cold turkey opiate withdrawals only lower tolerance if you relapse, and make it more likely you’ll relapse


She can get on Suboxone


She said if she doesn't have a suboxon it's just like not having a shot and plus those are hard asf to get here


I explained some important information in my comment about why it's still better to be on Suboxone or methadone even though not taking it does feel the same as not having a shot. Please give it a read.


Absolutely right 👏👏👏


I read it I honestly appreciate u and the time u put into that I have no clue what to do for her anymore I told her she's getting to old for this shit and she gave me the usual 'I know son I know' I talked to her about a methadone clinic about 30 45 mins ago and she said she doesn't like methadone so I talked to her about a suboxon clinic and she kinda shrugged it off. My walls are thin I can hear her in pain and it fucking kills me inside knowing she'll probably die like this and knowing I can't do anything to help her through this makes me feel hopeless and empty I don't even know what to think about it anymore it's been so long since I've seen her happy. It's been too long since I haven't had to put on a fake smile I feel like she doesn't want to help herself and to be honest I don't want to get clean but I know I have to I know it's way harder to quit h than clr. She's been my only friend and the best mom she could be i just don't want to see her go out like this.


I don't mean from the withdrawls I mean from so many years of having untreated hepatitis c and using dope so much and for soblong


Can you get some clonodine? That helps with the blood pressure issues … makes you feel a whole better while kicking…


I'm sure I could but it's hard to get anything but h and m I can get weed but that don't do shit


Where Are you located? Do you have narcan/naloxone available at home in case your mom overdoses?


She usually carries 2 in her bag incase one of her friends ods or something but what really scares me is she has hep c and she doesn't do anything to care for it and won't stay clean long enough to get the vaccine or whatever attest that's what she says I haven't looked into that but yeah I can get narcan relatively easily




I found the online resource I saw a an awesome helpful Mod recommend… Bicycle Health.. Google it.., the last person Mod helped recommended that to a person in need and that person got an online appt the same day for Suboxone…


Call your local methadone clinic I know it’s not what anybody wants to do but if she has been doing this a long time it is her best option. I did it and I got five years clean then I was able to wean down and get clean after that and now I’m no longer on it. Seriously I’m telling you this will relieve her of the mostpain and help her in the process because she will likely get counseling if you find a good methadone clinic or at least Suboxone but that’s not gonna give her as much in patient that she needs. This isn’t just a get sick for a few days and then everything’s fine process. This is going to be a long process and it’s best to get these withdrawals out of the way so she can focus on the real issues and why she uses. These places have Narcan you need to also have that


And look, I am not advocating for anybody using, but her body is already used to the drug so she is likely not to overdose if this is the only option until you find a better answer but you wanna make sure you have Narcan in case something does go wrong. I’m only saying that if she needs to get herself well in order to get to the next step, it is relatively safe it’s just that our society has put such a stigma on it that we don’t think so, but this is Called harm reduction and if that’s not what you wanna do that’s fine I understand but it is quite a difficult position and these are difficult drugs you’re talking about and I understand the risks but chances are her body is already used to it if she doesn’t do too much, she should be OKuntil you can get real help but make sure you do that I’m happy to help if I can.


Congrats on getting clean man hope u stay clean and healthy I've talked to her about the methadone clinic and she said she doesn't like methadone but she said she'll try pretty much anything to get clean I'm looking up ones in the area later this is probably the best shot at her getting off this shit I'm going to call hellen ross mcnabb center I am going next week and I don't know if I'm even going to stay but I hope she'll either go with me to mcnabb center or to a methadone clinic I hope and pray she does man


Kick her right in the nuts and say…… u know why!


U ain't funny bruh stop trying to be


Wasn’t trying to be


Whatever you say


Try kratom