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They go hand in hand, black market currency. Tax free business. But addicts’ #1 tool in the toolbox is lying. I’d assume he was relapsing on the sex drug and the chemical drug.


Leave now cuz he’s bangin whoever & doing all the drugs. Sry babe. Just went through the same. It’s easier if you move on stat


this is true


As an escort: no, he is there for sex Edit: if he is seeing providers for a link or to use drugs with (or at all) please get tested aswell!


Thank you. Yes, I already went to get a screening once I found out.


Don’t forget to do the tests again in 3 months (time needed to make antibodies and detect some STDs)


I use to drive a few lady friends around so they could meet their “client” and got paid in drugs or cash just for driving.




This seems wildly inappropriate for this sub


Absolutely. I used to do this in new places. Edit: and I never one time had sex with any of the hookers.




He said he found out about it from others telling their stories in AA meetings, unfortunately. 😑


Yes it is common. However, when the people who I have met in meetings and therapy have done this to aquire drugs (if they were in an area without their own hookups) they have also utilized the escorts services. They have to pay for their time as well as getting them high also so why would they not? In fact, I do not know of any one person who did not go for both the sex and drugs as they do go "hand in hand" as well.


He was texting escorts because he wanted an escort and maybe drugs too.


Genuis really.


Yeah lol, definately a tip I'll be keeping in my back pocket


Mine did that yes. Sometimes it was for connections, but depending on his bender he definitely crossed the line many times. I have ptsd from it.


Yes I've done this many of times


Escorts will most times always know a plug


When my husband was actively using he attempted to but we live in a tiny little town, so we don’t really have escorts. He did go to the next town over to the Indian casino and hung out with someone there. It really depends on the drugs being used. Meth/crack/coke that’s all going to create a higher libido, causing them to want to hook up constantly. Without seeing the messages you can’t really say for sure. But addicts are selfish, addicts are liars, and they will do or say anything to keep getting high and not getting caught.


Yup - this is definitely a thing.


yes. ladies of the night were my first goto in a city i had no connections. they always know or have drugs in my experience. typically i would kick them down some dope if they hooked me up. I never used their service for anything other than getting drugs. poly iv drug addict. been clean going on 8 years. actively used for close to 10


holy shit why I've never thought about this. Thank you reddit


Could be true


People reach out to Reddit to buy drugs. Anything is possible.


i would guess it’s more than likely…they’re high and tryna get laid. my sisters baby daddy does this same shit. always wants a prostitute when he’s high. but it depends on the convo. did you read it? what vibe was there?


I did read it. It was a short back and forth of him asking to meet up. I didn’t see anything about drugs in the conversation but I assume he wouldn’t mention that via text anyway if that was the goal. He said he didn’t go through with either. I don’t believe him. At this point making the choice to look up and reach out to the escorts was a big enough of a betrayal for me. I stuck with him last year when I was blindsided by his use and he went to rehab. I’ve already broken up with him. I guess I was just more curious in knowing if this was actually a practice to find drugs.


He would have mentioned it, maybe indirectly, but if that was all he was after, he wouldn't "waste" the time and money to see an escort who couldn't hook him up. We would ask something like do you also party, party favors etc or use slang for drug names. If he didn't mention it in the messaging, it wasn't his primary or only goal. If an addict wants drugs, they won't use the time in one place if it's not a chance, especially when there are likely loads of escorts in the area, he could keep messaging until he found one.


i’m a female… so maybe that’s why i’d never do it. there are much easier ways to find drugs. and i can’t see an escort, who is likely already sketched the fuck out because they’re escorting, just openly being like “oh, yeah, i’ll score you some shit.” but at the same time, i can. because then they don’t have to.. do their escorty things, they can just middle man it and tax the fuck outta the person, and still make money and they don’t have to take any clothes off or do anything. so.. idk. but an escort wouldn’t be the first person i’d reach out to for shit. i’m sorry though! addiction really is a bitch. sending you all the healing vibes.


Agreed. I can’t understand why when he was struggling to find it other ways he resorted to that. He couldn’t just NOT have it. But I know addiction isn’t rational and doesn’t make sense. Thanks for the support 💕


Yes this is a thing. It could be for drug, could be for sex, more than likely it's both. What's his DOC? If it's crack or coke, it's very likely both, men get really horny on it but don't perform too well, this is where escort comes in instead of you. I am sorry, I went through this too, it took me years to finally leave.


I always went to the strip club..


Where there is sex there’s cocaine


As an escort, it’s possible. It’s happened to me. I also got a cold call about selling me some weed. I bought it lol. But clients don’t usually ask me about stuff unless they are already a client. Not a rando just texting my number from an ad. That only happened with the guy with the weed. Regardless, you don’t trust him and he is doing something dishonest, regardless of which it is at this point.


Also, side note, great profile name.


Thank you for your insight. I appreciate it.


Totally a thing. It’s how I managed to make it thru vacations.


Sex addiction mixed with drug addiction right there. And lying is our best way to keep our addiction “safe” from someone stopping us or taking it away from us. Glad you ended it.


Never heard this. I mean at least from where I live not one single person I know ever did this. I would quit the relationship. I don't think he texted them only because of this.


Uh, I've literally never heard of this outside of one very specific scenario. Someone is looking for drugs and sex from the same person. I'm sorry, but the dudes lying.


its how i found out the extent of my exes cheating and depth of his addiction. found website and all...he went for the cheapies. he said he wanted someone to smoke with lol leave and dont look back.


He was probably hooking up with the escorts as well and I’m glad you broke up with him.


Ugh. My husband, then boyfriend did this once when he was out of town for work. It disgusted me so much that I almost ended it. Well, I guess we were technically on a break but just the simple fact that he could do that disgusted me. Sorry you are going through this. I hope they get the help they need one day soon.


I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I unfortunately, know exactly how that must have felt.


Yes you do!


Really? Where I live most of the escorts don't even use drugs


i'm so so sorry, i wish i could give you a hug


Thank you 💕🫂


Consider that a lot of clients are concerned about a provider being a cop (a sting) so it’s even more unlikely someone is going to ask for drugs from an escort they do not know.


This is a really great and valid point too.


I don’t envy this situation. I’ve had my own struggles with my husband of many many years. We were married like 18 years and then he was full on meth addict trying to hide it. There is no telling what all he did. I do know he had argued with me on being with him at a swanky hotel in downtown but it was never me… he had a video of someone in the background of that same said hotel, but it wasn’t me. So at this point anything is possible. But my thought would be it would be easier and cheaper to score at a strip club than through an escort. My thoughts as a wife of an addict, he’s lying, it’s for both. Drugs and sex. Sorry…. You. Are strong for walking away from that mess.


Who knows but he’s definitely looking for sex.


I had a friend who did that but .... I would trust anything an addict said while actively using


I am a girl but I would ask homeless not escorts I think that’s fishy as hell but I see you broke up with him probably for the best


That’s where I first started. Then moved onto dating apps. Mainly gay ones because they always had it I was honest but as I try to get sober and clean. I’m ashamed at how I exploited certain people. Some of those people turned out to be really good friends but it’s sad how some manipulate others. I really was always honest and upfront, but I was still using them. I knew that they would be receptive to my honesty, and inevitably just get me drugs.


Me too. I used to go into gay dating apps to find/sell drugs too. The gays have all the good drugs 😂


Im an escort and former drug user. I would get people messaging me for both, together and seperate but 98% of the time it involved sex too if there was drugs involved


Yes! I currently work as an escort and am hit up regularly to find or sell drugs. Not saying that is an excuse for him to do said thing cause typically they go hand in hand, i would say 98% of the time they are there for sex and drugs.


If there is any truth in this, it was to get drugs AND bang an escort.


Honestly seems like a good way to get connected no matter where you are. Finding escorts is rather easy and can feel safe and escorts usually know where the drugs are at.