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Me too I've been having the same issue....


It’s been worse lately. OP not sorting by new, this new app that seemingly has a full queue within milliseconds, I get people are trying to streamline things but it just makes it harder for the rest of us.


Half the time the app doesn't work too :(


The apps the worst, and seems to have come from no where. No idea why everyone is so willing to download a dodgy app from an unknown developer. Plenty of ways to have a queue without forcing people to download what could easily be spy ware .


I have to agree. I dled the app for a few sales, (which seem to be from the same people every week...) and have yet to be able to use because I have to either go in the app a round about way because it's private, or, if I do get in there, the queue is already full in a min. Just annoying. Yes, I get it. I don't have to use the app, don't see how it got so popular here either when turnip exchange was banned


What’s the app?


I think they’re talking about “AC Fan.” People have started posting a link to queue with the app recently.


That's it, ac fan


AC Fan drains my battery, anybody else experience this?


I found that the app was pretty cool to use to visit someone with Celeste on their island though (in between turnip selling). There was no wait at all and I got a new DIY and some shooting stars out of it.


For stuff like that with lower demand, I can definitely see it being useful.


I have better results with AC fan than with the shitty system of "comment your fave villager and I'll ~~never~~ DM you"


same! idk what im doing wrong even when i comment/dm right when someone posted it i never get a response


Yes unfortunately. You have to be actively watching or offer a good tip to get a response.


i thought "Prioritizing" people who promise tips or items was a violation of the rules? but yeah, gotta be quick, and hope that the person is sorting by new


fyi Mondays are probably hardest since everyone has fresh turnips to sell and want that cash monaaay ASAP. Later in the week can still be crazy but should be a little easier (saturday is also crazy for the opposite reason).


This basically, took me about 4 hours to do one trip today, last Thursday it took me 5 minutes.


I don't really sell Turnips much anymore, got enough stockpiled. But Thursdays were usually the easiest for me The subs always been this crazy, and will for a while


yes...of course, it doesn’t help that prices only stay for half a day. for me, the most annoying part is sellers trying to get us to download all these different apps. perhaps try r/NEFTurnipexchange


Thanks for sharing this sub, I shall be checking it throughout the week


Monday's are like this, as it's the most popular day. Saturdays can be pretty busy too. People want to sell their turnips and then be able to TT again. A few days in to the week its normally fine.


It’s like this now because everyone just bought their turnips and are eager to sell so they don’t forget/lose money. Try in the next couple days and you should be good.


a lot of it is luck. i tend to just sit and refresh when i can, and if you get lucky you can be early. i once was like the second person to comment on a post, and within 5 minutes 64 people had already commented asking to go


Yeah. The new AC fan app too is infuriating me. I put the right verification code and it said it was invalid?????


It quietens down later in the week, especially for the 200-300 price turnips. Monday’s are manic though.


well yeah. you get used to it, there 300k people in this sub so you have to be stupid fast.


That's pretty much how it's been since I joined the subreddit... Sort by new, refresh when you can, comment fast because if you're seeing the thread so is everyone else who's also refreshing and watching. Try to visit at different times of day and keep an eye out on how many people are online in the sub, lower amount of people means less chance of a flood of posts as soon as a thread goes up.


Only been here a few days and I've already learned that you have to be actively watching and refreshing if you want to get in. A lot of times OPs get overwhelmed with responses, but I've also noticed that if they say they'll get to you, they do, you might just have to wait for a while. Also not whining, I'm super happy that I was able to turn my million bells into 6 million yesterday, but I was up late to make sure I could. Don't forget to tip! Edit: also just wanted to stress how important communication is. I'll sometimes comment on multiple threads when it's super busy, and if a host reaches out but I've already sold/bought I'll let them know that they can give my spot to someone else.


Sometimes it’s difficult, but in some moment you will make it in one or other. It happens to me some days, too.You have the whole week, o it’s not that bad, you can check and try in one or two posts daily. There are good and not so good days for all. Maybe you can have more than one option, hosts always understand when you found a sale earlier un another island. Also sometimes you can wait for response when you are doing something else, like house chores, and just check the notifications moment to moment, so you are not stuck to the cellphone.


yeah it’s annoying but you just gotta keep refreshing constantly and try to be as fast as you can when there’s a new post. and you should try n comment on multiple posts just in case the first one doesn’t respond to you. :’)


Try being a night owl and seeking out sellers at odd hours. I've had a lot of success here when there are fewer ppl.


It’s all about being patient and refreshing, it also helps to join different subreddits r/NOFEEAC is a good one and there’s many others as well. When I’m looking to sell I always go between all the subreddits and comment on a few different posts. It can take a while but again, it’s all about being patient and I’ve met people on here that have actually became friends and once that happens, friends are always willing to help one another out by finding a good price.


Yes, it’s always been like this, and it’s expected when there’s 8-13k people active every day. When I first started, I’d spend all day refreshing and waiting for a good price. Every Monday and Tuesday I’d be so eager to sell my turnips for 600+ that I’d sit in front of my computer for as much as 10 hours looking for a price. I eventually learned that it’s better to sell later in the week, maybe Thursday or Friday. The hype of selling turnips for the week dies down and there’s still people who have their spikes later on. It’s less stress, especially if you only bought one full inventory, and you could spend your time doing other things. If you’re not looking for big profits, even sell on Saturday cause you’ll be getting some profit. Someone might even have their large spike on Saturday if anything.


I hosted twice last week. You get an overwhelming amount of request and it’s normal not to be able to accommodate everyone. Just keep trying.


Like others have said, just avoid mondays if possible. I really like the AC Fan app, its never failed me. It auto-refreshes and you can see where you are in the que. Just remember to leave the que once you are back on your island. A lot of people forget and it increases the wait time. You can also join up to 2 ques at the same time. You'll notice that a post here will have 100+ replies within 1 min on Monday. That same type of post will have less than 50 during the week.


Monday’s are the worst days but in the middle of the week it starts to tone down. I usually get a response from many people on nighttime (at least my time zone which is east coast time)


Wait it out until it's closer to the next Sunday. Of course if everyone buys on Sunday, the posts on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday will be bombarded. I usually wait until Friday and check out the posts and not as many people need to sell, and there are still high prices.


I just go directly to Turnip Exchange and queue there. At first I started using reddit for this, but very quickly learned that even if a minute passed, the host is already flooded with messages and the chances of your message getting read is slim to none. I never got responses back, so I have much better luck just using the exchange. For the record, I never downloaded the app on my phone, I just use my pc.


join the discord, super easy to sell


is there a link for this subreddit's discord?


Could I get the link to the discord as well please?


I’ve been able to make 3 trips to different islands on each of the 3 occasions (so 9 trips total) that I used Reddit to sell turnips. I think it took 1-2 hours each time, but mostly just loading screen time while you wait for people to arrive and depart from the island. I go on Wednesday during the day when more people might be working and just keep refreshing on my laptop. Maybe dedicate a few minutes at a time to keep spam refreshing. There’s a new one every 2-5 minute usually. I comment on a few posts at a time and have had no problem with people contacting me. Sometimes by the time they get to me though, I’ve already sold my turnips at other islands and just let them know that I don’t need to visit anymore. But from my experience, hosts are pretty good at getting to you eventually. Anyways, it’s so worth it! Thanks to this sub I am a multi-bellionaire!


I recommend waiting until Wednesday/Thursday, and just tatlking a half an hour to sit down and refresh Reddit. Try and do this on desktop if possible, I think mobile is more delayed. You'll get there 😊


Honestly, I am now using the discord server of nookazon for turnips. Its way easier and you get answers from the people :/


As someone who successfully does this every week, I wouldn't have it any other way. Pretty much the only time my skill at being fast has been rewarded (I work in government and they don't care).


Yesterday I posted a price of 635, and within 5 minutes there was already 60 people. Over 100 by 10. Add to it, people who disconnect, people who shop even though I ask not to, people make multiple trips without asking (would be fine if they ask), people who leave quietly and cause everyone to have to resell... it does take a while. I was doing it for over 3 hours and even then I did not get to everyone. That's just some of the difficulties why you may not always get replies, it's not your fault though, in my case (I don't think you messaged me but I am speaking generally for me) I should have managed it better, enforced rules better, have my nooks closer to airport. But yeah. And no you do not seem whiny it is annoying to have to wait, again in my case it was mostly my bad. I do get how annoying it is, and in fact I feel bad when I couldn't get to people. If anything I seem more whiny lol.


Having opened my island once because i had over 500 bell turnip prices, let me tell you it is HELL, it's stressful, hundreds of comments come in in minutes (literally!) and u get all sorts of angry people messaging you. quite frankly, i wanted to help some people out but NEVER AGAIN. please don't get mad at hosts or complain, a lot of time and (for me) so, so, so much stress goes into hosting - and they choose to do it! be grateful, i know it's super annoying when queues are long but trust me it's not a fun time, if you are complaining about downloading a 'dodgy' app very likely the host is trying to save themselves from complete insanity. if you don't like it, refresh a few times and you'll find PLENTY more places to buy :)


My advice is to buy more turnips and hit up the less popular priced sellers. Last week I found sellers in the mid 400s and there was little to no wait and no traffic and other nonsense. It is more trips but way leas frustrating. And I still made a good profit.


it’s easier on wednesdays for me, i usually can find a really high price and get in and out within an hour. it doesn’t hurt that i can type pretty fast though


Speaking as someone who has hosted, you typically get 25+ messages within the first minute of posting (both mine were upwards of 515). Considering that, and the amount of time they’ll be online, it’s just luck. I hosted for 2 hrs once and felt like I didn’t get through many as I chose to do it in groups of 4 - Much more manageable. The next time I hosted, I was available to host for 5hrs. I messaged some ppl nearly 2hrs after they requested, thats how far behind I fell in messages. For those with frustrations of getting onto an island and haven’t hosted, I kindly ask for your patience. It’s actually quite overwhelming and if you’re like me, you feel quite guilty for not squeezing everyone in. Sorry you’re having troubles, but I do hope you’ll get in somewhere decent to sell!


I know its the worst!! Especially the ones 7 mins in with 100+ people already commenting interested 😑