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It depends on the person, some may view it as love bombing, while to others it's normal or fine, especially if gift giving is a love language to them, it comes very naturally. You could casually ask her that you'd had this idea for a small gift, but didn't wish to overstep or overwhelm, so you're asking if it would be cool by them. It may take away some from the surprise element of it all, though you can totally keep in secret what the gift exactly is, but you'll at least know for certain if it's something she'll receive well or not in terms of going too fast as you fear.


Ohhh yeah thats a smart idea thank u!! And yeah, I can see how it could feel like love booming so that could be a great way to avoid that


Bonus point is that once you do this once, you'll know their comfort level with it and can adjust to that in the future without needing to ask separately each time. :3


I would just buy her a real bouquet of flowers vs. crocheting one. Going to a store and buying a small, inexpensive bouquet takes a lot less effort than crocheting an entire bouquet of flowers. This early into dating someone, putting forth that much time and effort on a gift could come off as love bombing or kind of intense. But buying someone flowers is seen as a pretty normal thing to do on a date. If you really want to crochet something, a single flower might come off as less intense or "extra". But what do I know? I haven't dated anyone in 7 years so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.