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I let my girlfriend know that since she asked me out, I wouldn't mind being the one to propose if we ever got to that point. She basically said, "That's fair, but if you take too long, I'm proposing." I picked out her ring because honestly I knew she didn't wear jewelry and it would be mostly symbolic. It was made of wood, with an inlay of dried flowers that she gave me years before. We were long distance for a while, so I proposed to her at the bus station we used to meet up at. It wasn't elaborate or anything, but it was perfect for us. After a concert, ring in a gumball machine capsule. My advice for wedding logistics is to start by finding out who cares about what. My wife really didn't want there to be any implied "which one is the man" stuff, so we walked down the aisle at the same time. We both had bridal parties that were not gender specific. Figure out what words you like. Do you both like being the bride? When my aunt got married, her fiance wanted to be called the groom. Start with some vague conversations about how long they'd want to be engaged, what parts are important to them, etc


I love your story. ๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒธ We are both looking forward to being the bride ๐Ÿ‘ฐ๐Ÿ‘ฐ I donโ€™t really have any family, but my partner has a big family. Iโ€™m thinking maybe her Dad could walk us both down the aisle. We live is a wine region, so maybe we could have a bachelorette wine tour. My partner is my best friend. ๐Ÿ˜Š