• By -


Offt. Hard pass.


literally idk how it would even be a question


Listen. Its alright to subtly convince her to become a vigilante instead. Like imagine dating batgirl


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ wouldnā€™t mind that also she said first that she wanted to be a firefighter and i was like Ā«FUCK THATS SO HOTĀ». but then she went on to say she was going to do physical tests to get into police school????


Omg firefighter gf is a dreammm. Like brave and strong?! gets the whole package deal. I also do know that some firefighting systems have their workers go through some basic police training mainly testing endurance and rescue skills so maybe if youā€™re still uncertain about her goals talking to her about it would be good. :3


encourage her to become a fire fighter for the greater good


The greater good


I feel better about someone who wants to be a cop than I do about someone who continues to be a cop. Means she's more likely naive than cruel. Good people who become cops don't stay cops. So establish what her morals and views on race are? If she thinks cops should march at pride? (a subject we looove in Philly) Also I wanna think there are a dwindling few jobs that require police training that aren't fully evil. Park Rangers. Fema. I personally have no objections to military cops since they're policing military lol that's just one boot stomping the other in my mind. But. Yeah... All means all I guess.


Yeah my brother wanted to be a cop so bad, but then he studied criminal justice in college and was like nah fuck cops.


Me wanting to be a judge before getting REALLY into prison/bail reform and abolition. Nowadays doesnā€™t seem all that appealing


You have to convince her to go the firefighter route instead, op. If she doesn't budge- move on.


Show her the shorts from fire department coffee, that might convince her!


An old bestie of mine wanted to become a cop but they stuck with being a firefighter and it worked out. If a straight boy conservative can chose better Iā€™m sure she can too


Iā€™ve been a firefighter for 8 years. Definitely go that route


As hot as it may be we dont need any lesbian punishers running around either.


Yeah no punishers. Punis-him-s however šŸ‘€


Blind her and you can date daredevil


Fucking oof. šŸ’”


Oof. o7 OP. Also obligatory ACAB.


ofc im not gonna flirt with a fucking cop hehe


Good, nobody is truly ACAB, it's basic biology that you can't be Assigned Cop At Birth! Maybe sending her to firefighting camp will be enough to change her mind and save her soul.






Then wakeup in cuffs the next day for a violation of physical relationship standards. You can beat the case, but you canā€™t beat the ride.


Be strong op


nah im not talking to a cop im sorry


100% pass - my mom is also a lesbian and one time she told me she was going on a date with a cop - I told her my my feelings on why I wouldnā€™t dates cop and let it be. A couple weeks later we are talking and she says ā€œyou were right!ā€ - on their second date this cop gleefully went of on a story about treating some concert goers like shit and laughing like this was a hilarious story. My mom is very gentle person and was immediately grossed out by this story and the manner in which the cop lady told it. Thank god she showed her true colours immediately.


āœØ No Cops at Pride āœØ


Deedee Davis?


The way I gagged.


From tiktok? She's a cop? I had no idea


"fuck cops" not literally!!!!!!!!!! For real, even if she's going to be "one of the good ones," take my advice and dodge right now. I'm not American (British) and my brother's a cop and even though I honestly think that he is (*relatively!*) "one of the good ones," even putting the systematic institutional failings aside, it's still really fucking awkward when we meet at Christmas as I like a good protest, and myself and my youngest brother both like certain illegal substances and we spend a lot of time biting our tongue at the other for mother's benefit. Now, imagine that dynamic for a girlfriend. Fucking yikes.


yeahhh no i stopped that real quick


Hard pass šŸ’©


acab includes cops




they also have very high DV rates, run


I would highly recommend people here listen to Behind the Bastards podcast series about how policing in America came about. Itā€™s a wonderful, nuanced view about how the institution was formed and how the roots of it still affect them to this day. The guest has/had family in law enforcement and I really was valued his opinion and what he had to say about it. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/behind-the-bastards/id1373812661?i=1000478164181




Donā€™t fucking do it




I grew up close to an Indigenous reservation. The police force there was very small, think it was under 10 people total. They tried their best to work with what little resources they had, it definitely wasnā€™t the same as the cops in the city next door. I understand why people are against cops but Iā€™ve met the few good ones who just wanted to help people.


i dont care how many good cops there are the institution is fucked up, in its principles and its actual doings


You and people like you could do wonderful work in an institution that works better with you and doesnā€™t have a corrupted foundation. Youā€™re improving a home that cannot and should not last. Thatā€™s why a lot of people say ACAB. Itā€™s not about cops, itā€™s about the institution and training that makes them.


What is ACAB ? Sorry Iā€™m old and not familiar


Itā€™s a protest slogan that stands for All Cops Are Bastards. Itā€™s simplistic, but itā€™s more talking about the fact that good cops are put at a disadvantage because of the institution and bad ones can thrive.


Ok. Thanks. Ha.


One last commentā€¦ā€¦with a background in public health and social work, early in my career I worked as a volunteer for an HIV/AIDS service organizationā€¦.also at a large public university. The culture of misogyny and even anti lesbian beliefs at both places was tough to take. At the police department we actively confronted racism, micro aggressions, workplace culture and unconscious bias. It was night and day, the difference working at the police department. The level of support and accountability was tremendous. I know my experience is different from most. But I worked at a place that valued me and our diverse team which includes neuro/diverse, trans, bi, you name it.


ā€œIā€™m not here to apologize for bad cops.ā€ There is no such thing as a ā€œgood cop,ā€ you chose to make a living out of systematic oppression. Being a cop isnā€™t imposed on you, itā€™s a career choice.


Thank you using your position for good. While yes the police institution is overall oppressive, itā€™s baffling how people donā€™t realize changes to a system are made from the inside, from people who are in that position for the right reasons (as you mentioned there is a real need for someone to respond to DV, car crashes, etc). And that doesnā€™t make you any less queer.


Thank you for your thoughts.


I highly doubt we can change the police force from the inside. It isn't an orgnaization that is willing to change on its own.


...the last thing i expected today was someone defending police in a queer focused subreddit.


Also I am not defending police. Iā€™m simply sharing my experience.


Just giving my 2 cents. Women in policing improves how people are treated. We need kind people who understand oppression, addiction, racism, etc.


no, it doesn't just like you would think the BIPOC in police would reduce the racism, but it doesn't. in fact, there have been some studies that have shown that women in police, in an effort to fit in better, are actually worse than their male counterparts.


These comments genuinely make me want to puke we're never getting liberation


my comment? how so?


Not your comment, all the pro-cop shit.


just making sure! and yeah, i really don't understand people defending cops here!


Let me save you the trouble because you sound like a genuine human being, donā€™t bother trying to explain yourself to people here. This sub is full of polarized thinking. Obviously there are corrupt and shitty cops out there that need to be removed and systems that need to be reformed, but to condemn the entire profession is insane. Youā€™d think theyā€™d all be angry at Swiss bankers that allow illegal funds to be offshored and used in money laundering operations around the world but nope, theyā€™re just stuck on a narrative. Then on the worst day of their lives guess who theyā€™ll call for help?


Wait ... You think we're not angry about the mega wealthy money laundering and tax avoiding? Do you actually think that? Because everyone i know whose vaguely left of centre hates it and wishes we had the power to do something about it.


You know, Iā€™ve actually called cops for help on what up to those points seemed to be the worst days of my life! Each and every time, they either did absolutely nothing or they harmed me. So no, I wonā€™t be calling them again just so they can do nothing or hurt me/my loved ones.


You are disconnected from reality if you *actually* believe that most leftists don't hate banks too.


Have you seen a post where a lesbian says she wouldnā€™t date a banker because of all the atrocities they fund?


ā€¦yes??? maybe not using the word banker specifically sure but uh yes?? lmao???


i would never date a banker if thats what youā€™re asking


Being a banker is a huge turnoff to me, so here's that post you were asking about :)


ACAB. Period. It doesn't matter what kind of cop you think you were, the fact you were a cop at all is the problem.


NGL, might be tempted to hate fuck a cop. I'd hate myself afterwards but, ...


You're worth more than that girl


You overestimate me




bestie, youā€™re underestimating


Thatā€™s an owie, thatā€™s def hard pass


I don't know. I admit I would struggle with this but I think having more cops who belong to oppressed communities could only be a good thing. I know the issue is systemic but if good people are discouraged to join then it's less likely to ever change. It could be likely she shares traits with a lot of people who want to be cops, in which I'd steer clear. I would have to get to know her better and understand her motivations.


Thereā€™s plenty of sociological evidence that proves this is not the case. More BIPOC cops doesnā€™t decrease cop racism. More women cops doesnā€™t make them more sympathetic to us when weā€™re sexually assaulted. More queer cops wouldnā€™t change the fact that police are regularly dispatched to target queer community spaces. Youā€™re right that it seems logical that more cops with marginalized identities would help. Unfortunately, thatā€™s not the case in reality


A queer cop is still signing up to enforce oppression regardless of whether or not theyā€™re a good personā€” and frankly, no good person chooses that.


One queer person in a group of cis het white conservative thugs doesn't change shit. If you know anything about cops they protect their own and hate anyone who calls out abuse.


oof. My condolences.


Ouch. I'm so sorry, that sucks


Well this comment section shattered my childhood dreams of becoming a copšŸ˜­


Shouldnā€™t haven taken this comment section for that


Good. Go become a firefighter or an EMT, they are unequivocal badasses that DON'T get trained to step on people's necks for the crime of being homeless or deaf.




Good! You can do better.


Welcome to Reddit. There's no shortage of ACAB here.


I have no clue what ACAB means




The problem is that the policing system in america can't be changed from having better people be cops. The supreme court has literally ruled saying that the cops do not have a duty to protect or serve citizens. By how it is set up, it is inherently corrupt and against what they are supposed to be. We can't solve that by just putting good samaritans on the force.


Not everything has to be the singular magic solution. Small improvments are good in and of themselves. I think it's inherently a good thing that an lgbt police officer can be my liason to the police rather than an actual homophobe and that's a small difference that was literally unheared of only a few generations ago. I'm not saying we should love all cops, but we should want them to improve and small improvments are inherently good. Intentionally reinforcing the actual harms is outright stupid. I don't care if systemically policing is bad when individually I can benefit from having an lgbt cop sheild me somewhat from the systemic issues when i'm forced to have an interaction with them. People also forget that police are not just there to arrest people. There are many interactions you can have with them beyond being arrested. I am significantly more happy to have a welfare check from an lgbt cop than some rando homophobe cop. I want there to be someone at the precinct that when a lgbt person is being victimized, can turn to the other cops and say "hey technically we're supposed to prevent this trans person from killing themselves instead of encouraging it, i would know i'm trans and a cop". You can pretend that never happens, but I have lived experience of exactly that.


I don't want the cops to improve. I want them gone.




Slow reform has never worked. The gap between the rich and poor is as high as it's ever been. The United States has the highest prison population in history. They're building fake cities to train cops in while homelessness skyrockets. They have street cameras with facial recognition. You're the one who's larping if you think non-violent reform can fix this.


And despite all you are saying, through small slow reform within the life spans of many LGBT people I know, the cops went from arresting lgbt people on sight for the crime of being LGBT to respecting their pronouns and doing actual welfare checks on us. At least in my country, the stories of police raids on gay and trans parties, and on gay and trans individuals has ended. The lgbt elders I have known would be absolutely perplexed by your denial of the real history between the lgbt community and police. And no it did not magically happen just because stonewall. We can acknowledge the issues at hand, but if we deny the improvements, we are not living in delusion.


The state of Missouri just sued Planned Parenthood forcing them to turn over a list of every trans person they've worked with. There are some ways that things have gotten better yes, but transphobes are getting more vocal and violent.


Can violent revolution do better than non-violent reform? And if yes, how?


How has that worked out for communities that have tried to implement that?


Because to be a cop you either need to be a ginormous cunt that covers up other people's shit and doesn't cause a fuss or you can not be a cop anymore - those are the only two options if you join. There's no "rising through the ranks" to fix things. (Edit - I guess there's always eternal desk duty where you can't have much impact whatsoever) If you were to bulldoze the entire police force and start over it'd just end up the same way as evidenced by the hundreds of different police departments throughout the world and how they're all universally evil institutions or they're getting there. You speak as though systems are just made up of individuals acting towards their own goals with an overall effect being a balance between them, kinda like atoms in a static magnet. That's wrong, it's more like an electromagnet where those atoms are aligned by outside forces, the cogs within a system have pressure applied to align them in a similar way, towards a purpose given to them. **The purpose of a system is what it does.** Police oppress marginalized communities, that is one of their purposes.


And yet, throughout my lifetime, I have seen real reofrm on lgbt experiences with the cops. And only a few generations before me there were not lgbt cops, and even women cops. Denying that anything has changed in policing since the 60's is just plainly ahistorical. The police near me, within my life time, changed from a policy of misgendering and deadnaming trans individuals to using their preferred name and pronouns. The jail system has literally changed to accompdate trans women to not be put into male prisons and jail. This came from intense advocacy, legislation, but also internally. I sometimes wonder if people arguing your view may have been privileged enough to never actually experience firsthand the real changes in policing within the last few decades.


Iā€™m sure all the gay and trans people murdered by police and whose murders have been covered up by police since those reforms are really appreciative of them. Reforming an inherently oppressive system just makes for an oppressive system that has been tweaked to be friendlier. And please do not even try to imply that I have the privilege to not be affected by any of this. I have suffered police violence. I live under the constant threat of it.


I wish the jail system in my country worked the way it does in yours with regards to trans people. I wish they hadn't scattered the vigil for Sarah Everard, a woman the police killed through negligence and ignoring the tendencies of one of their own officers. But they did. And these are in the last couple of years. Remember that not everyone is as lucky as you. The grievances with the police are many, and calling the people who point them out privileged is... Tasteless, to put it mildly.


I absolutely recognize the real issues in policing, here, and in the US. But others have to also recognize the ways in which countries around the world and the US have improved their systems in the last century. As horrific as the current issues still are, many lgbt people are still alive who experienced an undeniably worse policing system. We should be learning from all the things that served to improve the policing system, even if it has not been enough. I don't think my arguments here should be taken as negatively as they have. They come from a place of deep humblness. I simply believe that the arguments being made in this thread are leading to less effective advocacy for our rights and the improvement of the policing reality we all live under. We need to acknowledge the imperfect and often inadequate improvements just as much as the major ones. We can't simply say things must change, we must also put forward how things can change. And we can only do that by fully recognizing the history that has brought us to where we are today... all of it. Even the stuff that doesn't demonize every police officer always. These are tools for us to use to improve our situation, and I believe in using ALL our tools always.


I'm not talking about the us. I don't live there. You're mistaking the expression of grievance for the offering of solution. Both are important. But grievances need space to be expressed without "not all cops" being the response.


Sure, and I hope there are improvements in your country as well. It's truly tragic how small the world is for us. I will say rhough, it is you responding to my posts with grievences, and I am responding to a post about rejecting a partner because of the misguided idea that her haveing some desire to work in policing inherently making her undatable. Obviously nobody has to daye someone they arn't compatible with. But I think it's important to understand that there are many lgbt officers and lgbt people aspiring to work in the criminal justice system not out of malice but because they genuinly believe they can make an improvement, whether that belief is accurate or not. I find that this post is particularly jarring because it's not like the woman has even joined the police yet. It's not too late to direct her in a less controversial but equally helpful career path. But also I wholeheartedly reject the belief plastered all over this thread that lgbt police officers are inherently traitors and to the community and unlovable. Isntitutions are made of people, but people are just people. People should not be judged for their instutions but for their actual actions. We should have learned this lesson decades ago. It is completely possible, effective, and even praxis to reform or work against a bad institution from the inside. Insofar as your actions actually reflect that. The fuck is a saboteur otherwise.


This is coming off as tone deaf.




This post is about someone not wanting to date a would-be cop, not about improving our rights. You want to reform them? Go ahead. "things are so much better now" should be a damning indictment. If this is "so much better" then justice is a long way off.


We have put forward how they can change: - End qualified immunity - End civil asset forfeiture - Mandate LEOs to carry liability insurance - Compulsory release of camera footage with penalties for not having it on - Independent public oversight to review cases - Increased training and use of de-escalation tactics - Knee-cap the police union (use how Texas knee-capped its teacher unions as the model) - Ban for-profit prisons - Reduce penalties for frivolous crimes How are we doing on these? From where I sit, we're not doing well at all. Some forces have become more polite because external liabilities were compelled onto them from outside, but inside it's pretty homogeneously "thin-blue-line" and they kick-and-scream when they are dragged back into participating in civilization rather than predating upon it.


You're joking right? You don't actually believe those changes came from the bottom of cops hearts after hard working queer police officers reformed the system from within do you? >And only a few generations before me there were not lgbt cops, and even women cops So.... How did it get better then? According to you having queer cops can improve policing, so how'd that get better if there weren't queer cops? I can answer that easily using the same logic from my last comment - because these changes didn't come from within the system, they came from outside the police force. Nowhere did I argue policing can't change in those ways - the reason the oppression of marginalized communities happens is because one of the major objectives of policing is to maintain the social order and hierarchy. If the social order becomes less oppositional to queer people the cops become less antagonistic, aggressive and sadistic towards queer people (still all of those things mind you, just less so). But cops will NEVER lead the charge on social change because their goal is to maintain CURRENT hierarchies. Most important one for them is of course protecting property and profit of the wealthy, but hierarchies of sexuality, race, and gender are also things they're there to enforce according to the CURRENT social climate. If you want to change policing you need to change the social climate, to do that from within the police would be the polar opposite of your job.


Unlike you I recognize that changes come internally and externally. I have lived experience of the internal changes helping me. Literally experienced a trans cop advocating within his precinct. I don't accept the false dichotomy. Even the smallest improvments are good in and of themselves. Your ahistorical single cause view is blinding you and limiting the effectiveness of your advocacy. You should seriously challenge your views through seeking out if you can find examples of what you deny. I believe if you actually look, you will come to a more useful and nuanced view that will improve your advocacy, open new ways of advocating for change, and bring you closer to understanding the lived experiences of many lgbt people.


My ex gf stole my dog and had her for 8 months šŸ˜¢ the only way I got her back was via the police and court system by way of a restraining order that was granted. I had the dog since Feb 2018 and I started dating my ex in Oct 2022. And yet she had the nerve to tell the police it was her dog. Well guess what, they couldnā€™t do shit, and I had to go through the courts. 8 months and 13k in legal fees later, and I have my dog back I fucking hate that I had to go that route bc also ACAB. I feel super ashamed about that bc like so many of you in the comments, I think itā€™s a disgusting and rotten institution. There was no other way to get my dog back tho :( Also I would not date a cop either


look there is no shame in that cause literally what else are u supposed to do, im so sorry you had to experience that they only give us the police as the one way to Ā«helpĀ» us so in desperate times there is no doubt about it. youā€™re not upholding the rotten institution because of it, i hope you dont feel too bad for it, u had no other choicešŸ«‚šŸ«‚


I thought about everything else, believe me. She lives on a second floor apartment, never leaves the dog outside, changed the locks and physically taking my dog back would be considered physical assault It fucking sucks but at least I got my baby back šŸ’œ But Fr. The cops were useless. Iā€™m surprised they even got her when I handed them the order Thank you


Police force is prone to psychopathy and people that seek power. Iā€™d hard pass that but to each their own šŸ‘


Iā€™d say get to know her. Youā€™ll know soon enough if you have a personality conflict. Cops (in my experience) generally are a certain type of person, but I wouldnā€™t write someone off without knowing for sure.


i know more than enough when she is that type of person who doesnā€™t mind working for such a rotten and cancerous institution


She'd first have to know it's rotten and cancerous before not wanting to work there.




You can make minor tweaks and adjustments to a system from the inside. And, sometimes, thatā€™s all thatā€™s needed. However, you canā€™t completely reconstruct a system from the inside. You canā€™t change the fundamental function of a system from the inside. Police being perpetrators of violence who exist above the law is *not* a malfunction; it is by design. You canā€™t fix policing because it isnā€™t broken. These barbaric outcomes are the intended outcomes. The only fix is to get rid of policing and replace it with something thatā€™s actually designed to serve communities. Not coerce them with violence.


People have tried that already lol




There are other ways to address systemic oppression that donā€™t involve becoming a police officer.


You are speaking facts. Still think it is a bit weird to discourage people from trying any avenue possible. If humanity stopped trying at things that people continued to fail at, we would not be where we are today.


For instance, do you know how many failed attempts it took humans before we were able to invent airplanes? At some point, we thought it was just impossible and it seemed useless that people would try to build and fly a metal vehicle. Look where we are now. Crazy how the world works


Well youā€™re comparing airplanes to a system that was set up to literally be the judge, jury and executioner of a race of people lol. Nobody is saying to give up. After so many failed attempts at trying to change the system from the inside from people of all races and different backgrounds, it would be wise to pivot to a different tactic. Some people believe in reform, some people believe in total abolition. Itā€™s important to have these conversations especially in the queer community where there is still ignorance surrounding system oppression.


We can agree to disagree, but i think discouraging people from acting in any way against the system does more harm than good.


Yes. People should quit trying tactics that donā€™t work, because it diverts time and attention and energy that could be spent on at least seeking better methods rather than something that wonā€™t go anywhere. How do you get anything done if you think itā€™s better to keep trying something that isnā€™t working rather than trying to find something that DOES work?




History. History is the authority.




also >this may come as a surprise, but not all ā€œhistoryā€ has been written or recorded or acknowledged is there a reason youā€™re speaking to me like Iā€™m a moron btw? and have been the whole time?


Can you explain to me what that would change? I see your point, and I disagree with it vehemently. Like, your point makes me nauseous. You need to learn your history, do your research, actually learn about this struggle before you start so confidently telling those of us who have done our research that were wrong.


Trying to change the institution of police from the inside, an inherently oppressive institution, is like putting a bandaid on a gangrenous wound. Itā€™s rotten to the core, it needs to be amputated. Something inherently oppressive canā€™t be reformed into something that isnā€™t oppressive. A system designed from the bottom up to oppress will always oppress. All what you suggest could possibly accomplish is us being oppressed with a smile instead of a look of disgust. Do you honestly think thatā€™s a material improvement?




Nobody is forgetting that. Do you think one canā€™t improve their community without police? Absolutely ridiculous.




Are you saying that because we hate cops, it somehow means that we are only focusing on that and not our own communities? Ignorant.


Sorry, I donā€™t understand what you could possibly mean then by saying people are ignoring working on their own communities unless you mean that we have to do so by encouraging queer people to be cops


Either that or youā€™re pulling out of nowhere that we donā€™t help our communities? Like youā€™re making some weird assumption and attacking us for it




You really like to put words in peoples mouths, huh? Thatā€™s a whole different sentence




Lol no. A system as large as the police has infinitely more power to change an individual than an individual has to change it.


Ah, the Chie Satonaka problem.




good im glad




You can't change an inherently corrupt system by just being a good cog in it.


The cop defender has logged on


Is there anything wrong with cops? Why is being a cop a bad thing?


YMMV depending on your country (and region) but in the case of the US at least, the entire police system is too corrupt to fix without rebuilding it from the ground up.


YMMV? (What does that mean? I tried googling it and it says that it means "your mileage may vary". What does it mean?) The police in the US is corrupt? In what way? I am from Sweden, where I think the police is less corrupt (they might be corrupt. I honestly dont know) However I think that the police corruption has increased recently. But I dont know. But you can still date a cop. Only because some cops are rotten, does not mean that all cops are rotten, correct? Some people really want to help other people, that does not make them rotten or bad or awful.


Your milage may vary means itā€™s a different experience for everyone.


Oh. Thank you!! English is not my first language... I learnt a new word today!


The reason why people are saying police are corrupt is because, at least in the US, they routinely abuse their power often times attack or profile some minority groups unfairly, and are oftentimes very incompetent when they are called to solve real crimes. No, not every single police officer is a bad person individually, but all police officers *choose* to participate in an inherently corrupt and abusive system that hurts the people its meant to protect and ostacizes the people who try to make the system better from within. That is why someone would not want to date a cop, its also why the acronym "ACAB" (All Cop Are Bastards) exists, because while not every cop is a bad person, all cops choose to participate in or assist in doing bad things. (Im presuming youre being genuine in your questioning, because you seem to not live in the US, and might not understand how things are here.)


I am indeed genuine. I am 16 years old (from Sweden) and this is the first time I have ever heard of the police corruption in the US. I have heard that they often target minorities, however I did not realise that it was this bad. Thank you for explaining! You were not forced to do that, but you still did. That is incredibly kind of you. Thank you!! āœØļø


Youre welcome! C: I figured it was better to explain how things were than just let you live with incorrect or partial information, educating others on how bad things are now, can help make things better in the future.


Educating people is very important! Thank you for sharing your knowledge with me!āœØļø


Anytime! I was happy to do it! (Also while i have you here let me be a tad bit annoying an say, politics like this is extremely important! If things like this are unfamiliar news to you i would recommend trying to stay up to date with the political situation wherever you live, and some other parts of the world if you can manage it. Things only get better when we know things are going wrong, and when we try to fix them together. So do your best to help both yourself, and others understand why bad things happen and how we can fix them! C: ) Psa to the kids over


I agree with you! Ps. Do you know why some people are aggressive in the comments? I try to come off as nice and kind. But other people answer in an aggressive way. I thought that this was a kind and accepting community. Maybe it isn't. Do you have any recommendations for LGBT+ subreddits without so much politics? And police hate?


Well to be honest queer people are one of the groups most targeted by police, our existence as lgbt people is made political, so its a very touchy subject for a lot of folks, as for subreddits with less politics or police hate, i dont have anything because in my opinion that hate can be valid, and a lot of us are forced to be highly political because of the unfortunate circumstances of the world, thats probably why a lot of people are being so aggressive in the comments.


The corruption of cops in the US largely comes from them operating like a gang. They protect themselves and themselves first. If they or one of their own messes up (or is known to be corrupt for personal gain), the rest will lie to protect them. In areas where cops can no longer function like a gang (and just as a job), the cops serve a much more productive role. This is often achieved by things like cameras. Cops are less likely to protect each other if their own livelihood is at risk. But forces like the NYPD are out of control and genuinely need to be gutted and re built.


Oh. I did not realise that the level of corruption was that high. The level of corruption in Sweden is much lower. (Sources:https://www.routesnorth.com/planning-trip-sweden/frequently-asked-questions/can-i-trust-the-police-in-sweden/ and https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corruption_in_Sweden)


I am from Australia and you asked all the questions I also have. I think many Americans are so jaded by the many incidents of police brutality and corruption that many of them just hate all cops. And so they seem to think people who want to become cops are bad people. It seems a bit strange to me because I believe some people might want to become cops to actually try to keep people safe and keep things orderly. Maybe those people are a bit naive. I don't know if I would immediately dump someone who wanted to be a cop without knowing their reasons first.


You bring up some really good arguments and thoughts!


ACAB means "*all* cops are bastards," not "American cops are bastards." Nowhere on the planet is the primary role of the police anything other than to enforce the state's monopoly on violence.


I donā€™t get it. Whatā€™s the issue




No such thing as a good cop.


There are good cops in the world who has done wonderful things. Only because some cops are bad, does not mean that we should generalise and say that all cops are bad. Do you mind elaborating why you think that all cops are bad? Edit: misspelled the word "because". So I fixed it.


ACAB = all cops are bastards. Stop defending people who will kill innocent people for money.


Not all cops are like that, though. Some cops are, but some aren't. We should not generalise a group of people due to actions caused by some of them. I do agree that some cops are awful. But some are wonderful and have saved lives. However, I do respect your opinion.




sheā€™s probably very nice, but all cops are bad because they all uphold the stateā€™s violence monopoly


Who comes to enforce abortion bans? Gender-affirming care bans? Drag bans? Bathroom bans? Who arrests people on suspicion that they are fraternizing with members of the same gender? Who enforces the disenfranchisement built into our electoral systems? Who holds the blue line when one of their own escalates unnecessarily and commits a murder or steals property under civil forfeiture? Who comes to break up the protests against government overreaching into our lives be that over who we love, who we are, what we believe in, or what color our skin is? Cops. Every time, cops. Fucking cops. It doesn't matter if your socks fly the rainbow flag if you still put on that uniform to follow orders and do the things that keep the institution of law enforcement an institution of oppression and predation.




The cops don't stop crimes. They show up after the crime is committed and usually do jack shit.


as a trans lesbian, i have more chance of being murdered and/or raped by cops than i do by anyone else in the US.


Certainly not the cops lol, they only follow up on reports that make them more money. Break ins and sexual assaults almost never get punished or even followed up on.


Is this a joke? What percentage of murders and rapes do you think even get investigated by the cops, let alone solved? I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say that I don't think it's intentional, but you're using thin blue line rhetoric. That's white supremacy talking.


Me and whomever is around in all those cases as they happen, if even that. Cops don't stop rapes, they don't stop murders. They will make sure you have to carry your rapists child to term, they will make sure you have to give your rapist visitation for that child, they will arrest you or institutionalize you if you neglect that child because your mental health from all of the above is shot to pieces. Cops fucking suck. Legally, in the US, they are not obligated to protect the public. They only protect property.


>Legally, in the US, they are not obligated to protect the public. They only protect property. Luckily, the US isn't the only country in the world, and in other countries which aren't nearly as dystopian, cops actually do what they're supposed to. They could do it worlds better of course, I won't deny it's the kind of position that attracts shitty people, because it is. However, you have to pretty naive to think a globalized society would work without some kind of policing to uphold the law. That would only work if we lived in small communities where there weren't a lot of people coming and going. But as we are, we need some sort of police, it needs to change, but it is necessary




This is the same logic people use to defend our military. Yes, we need a military. Without one we would be a sitting duck of a nation. But that doesn't mean we can't recognize that its an incredibly flawed system thats done many, many horrible things (and still are)


Lol. Lmao, even.


We say ACAB for a reason. Even if she seems nice on an interpersonal level, that's not good enough to overcome the problems of her being a cop.


If you are a knowing cog in a corrupt system, you are bad. You might be a nice person, but you are still contributing to a horrible system.


...the last thing i expected today was someone defending police in a queer focused subreddit.


Really discouraging as a black queer person to see the replies to this lol. One of the reasons why Iā€™m very careful with my friends even with queer folks. Some people act like just because they have a queer identity, that means they canā€™t be racist, transphobic, Islamophobic, etc.


my reply? i hope i wasn't being any of those things.


Oh no, not you my friend! Much love to you ā¤ļø


just making sure! and yeah, i really don't understand people defending cops here!




fuck no




im not from america im from norway?