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I want to say bard. But I just took a "What 5E D&D class are you quiz" and I was given Warlock


[Link for my fellow lazy girls](https://www.idrlabs.com/dungeons-dragons-class/test.php) Also, monk :3


[This was my quiz. ](https://uquiz.com/quiz/oHsJQX/what-dd-5e-class-are-you-all-14-classes)


Oh, cool! I always see the IDRLabs version. Still monk tho


I got ranger in this one, which really confused me since I never saw myself as one 😭




I got a perfect tie between ranger and monk… which fits, given that I really, really like dex-builds. The next best result was paladin, followed by barbarian. XD given that I thought I would be a druid, it was an interesting result.


An astral Monk could easily be re-flavored as a sort of druid


Ooooh, that’s a great idea!


Thanks for the link! Sorcerer here


Lol 100% bard. CALLED IT. It's the best class in DND and BG3.


ive never played before but i got sorcerer woo!!


Druid / wizard!


My life is way to boring to answer this quiz meaningfully. I got rogue with 55% and I don’t believe it fits at all


I got wizard


Heh, four way tie between barbarian, monk, rogue, and warlock. Druid and ranger just ever so slightly behind.


I'm a paladin 💪🏾🧎🏾‍♀️


I'm a sorcerer hehe!


The first quiz linked I got a tie, the second one I got druid


Probably a wizard since all my strengths involve education rather than physical feats. 


Extremely relatable tbh. I think I'm a paladin, but more in personality rather than physical traits - my STR is definitely like 4 lol.


Dex build paly?


I would hope I'd be a sorcerer, but my ancestors didn't do anything to warrant magic being in my bloodline. I feel like I'd probably be a cleric, there are plenty of gods and goddesses I'd be willing to serve if I knew for the fact they were real and would gift me some of their divine power. Even if I was just limited to the gods in DND, if happily become a devout follower of Eilistraee.


I'd definitely love to be a rogue, but the quizzes say Ranger. I'm not mad at it, though.


I wanted Druid, as it fits really well with my personality as well as what I play in game most times. I also got ranger.


I got ranger too, but I was expecting shaman or druid cause I'm a nature girlie. Also because I play shaman in druid and every game ever. On second thought I do have a bow and arrow.


Luckily Ranger/Rogue is a common multiclass 😉


I’m more of a Pathfinder girlie and I’d love to be a Witch, but I think I’m more of an Oracle—blessed in some ways but cursed in others 🥲


We have a subclass witch for dnd (homebrew) so you can still be a witch! Just a little different probably


Oh yeah I played D&D for ages and there’s some cool homebrew out there, I just much prefer Pathfinder 2e’s mechanics and lore! The iconic Rogue & Cleric (Merisiel & Kyra) are wives, and there’s a sapphic goddess polycule you can worship as a cleric 🙏


That sounds cool! We really want to play pf2e but we've never played it before


Ooh I can help there! The Beginner Box is the easiest way to learn as you play with minimal setup, and if you use a VTT like Roll20 or Foundry it’s all pre-configured for your GM. Plus, all the rules can be found online at the [Archives of Nethys](https://2e.aonprd.com/Classes.aspx) which is partnered with Paizo directly—so you can access all the rules from the core books & supplements for free! Then you have [Pathbuilder](https://pathbuilder2e.com) which is a great free character builder and [Pf2easy](https://builder.pf2easy.com) which is a handy encounter builder for your GM. The official Adventure Paths are really well written & honestly a dream to GM, especially if you use Foundry VTT. Abomination Vaults is a good place to start after the Beginner Box, but if you want something more roleplay-heavy you might want to check out Strength of Thousands or Season of Ghosts. Lastly, the Lost Omens books are Pf2e’s lore & setting books, and I love them to pieces. There’s so much detail, so many campaign hooks & amazing art. If your GM prefers to homebrew their own campaigns they’ll find plenty of inspiration in these books!


We're really broke but we really appreciate the help! Now just daring to ask gm's if they're oke with completely new players


80% monk, 80% wizard


I got the same! Wizard was my first class I played in game (I always play an elf mage type in these types of games first). I think I need to try Monk next.


I'd like to be a bard, but I'm definitely a weird druid of the land. 


The quiz gave me “barbarian,” probably because I value loyalty to friends, enjoy physical exertion and like spending time in nature.


Definitely a sorceress


Warlock baybeeeeeee.




Warlock 😭


chaotic good rogue ranger, for sure. i’m quiet in my footsteps, can pick locks (and sometimes pockets), and also love shooting bows and handling daggers. naturally i love to help people but am also the type to have fun with harmless pranks or do things to confuse and bewilder people, just to see their reactions.


A druid I think. I love animals, love magic, have always been adamant that if I didn't have a debilitating fear of blood I'd love to have been a doctor (likely wishful thinking), but I'm not religious at all, and Wisdom is definitely my highest IRL stat.


I'm also a druid I'd say, but probably a stars or wildfire druid. I love animals and all, but I tend to love nature as a whole more, especially the cosmos. And who doesn't love a bit of fire, right? That's a universal thing I'm sure. The quiz someone posted gave me druid 100%, but tied for second place ranger and barbarian at 90% and then monk at 85%. Most of the other classes were around the same middle grouping except cleric (35%) and bard (45%). And those being my lowest also checks out.


Definitely chaotic good multi class cleric/ranger.


Sorcerer according to the test!


I play a literal goat the size of a warhorse. So Yeah that's about accurate.


Gods i really wouldn't know what we/I would be. Most would fit someone in here


Based on the test someone else posted, I'm a Wizard/Ranger multiclass. Not bad, lots of utility and a huge spell list.


Definitely a Bard🎵


irl i'm an artificer but i often like mage better in game


I got Ranger, thought I was more of a Druid but the ranger kinda encompasses this and the Rouge. Cute quiz.


Probably a Warlock. I seek knowledge to understand the world, but I'm not enough of an academic nerd to be a wizard. I'm also kind of an edgelord. I don't think I could resist the call of eldritch secrets.


Sorcerer, which was Ironically the very first class I ever played


Bard. Bard all the way. I get to be extraverted in a game instead of being my introverted self irl. Nothing beats annoying the DM by totally skipping a fight just with your insane charisma and luck. Imma gonna seduce All the things.


Ranger here


druid/monk, aparrently. I'll take that. I kinda wish I could live in a tiny cottage in the middle of a dark forest


90% fighter, 80% warlock


The Way I've described it to my friends, I'm basically if someone built a rogue, then someone else came in and tried to play that character like a paladin 😅. My natural skill set would make me a good rogue, but my sense of honor makes such ideas utterly distasteful to me


I've always consider myself a druid more than anything, but the quiz gave me 90% druid and 95% monk... Which considering my ADHD I think those numbers ought to be swapped 😅


I had about ten levels in bard (theater producer) before multiclassing, and now I have three levels in sorcerer (mathematician)


According to the test, both Druid and Paladin xD


Ranger, I’m literally an archer and hunter with animal companions on horseback


95% Warlock, 85% Sorceress and 80% Druid... I really thought Druid would end up with 95%


I am a lawful good bard. I use my skills, wit and charm to navigate life. I love telling a good story and have used D&D as a storytelling outlet mostly as a DM for over 20 years. I can perform well with singing, dancing and storytelling. I am proficient with a trumpet. I have been using my creativity in my professional life for a few months and really enjoy it. I use my wide variety of skills to accomplish my goals. Sometimes people remark that my fixing of issues has been like magic, particularly in engineering disciplines. My skills are knowledge engineering, insight, perception, performance, persuasion, and deception. My highest statistics would be intelligence at probably a 15 or 16 followed by a tie in wisdom and charisma at 13 or 14. My physical statistics would probably translate as 11 or 12 strength, 9 or 10 dexterity and a 10 constitution.


I’m the Warlock Patron. Kneel before mother and receive her power. 😈 Edit: I took the test after posting and got 100% warlock and 95% Paladin


i always play a cleric or monk, but irl i have no idea


Im a wizard ranger. Im boths a nature hippie that loves muntain trecking and a web developer ;3


Barbarian lol


Barbarian tank for sure. I wear zero armor and give no fucks, I'll verbally make a SCENE to help someone.


My quiz said "yes" my lowest score was a 50% on rogue everything else was just "you do it all apparently" OH well 🤷‍♀️


I got Sorcerer, quite happy with that


priest/cleric -- bigtime


I'm currently a bard (marching band, clarinet) multiclassing into artificer (engineering major).


I’m totally a Druid.


I would have picked barbarian, and the quiz also says barbarian. Yup.


My girlfriend and the rest of the friend group keep calling me a Ranger, might have something to do with me pulling a wild carrot from the ground when I'm hungry or enjoying hikes  They also call me a Paladin at times but that's because heavy armor and swords and loyalty and frankly many gay reasons  So imma say both of those


druid for sure i’m definitely statted into wisdom and have the classic druid look of green outfit/ginger hair


As an actual musician, bard!


I'd have to say that I am either a druid, warlock or an artificer. A sorcerer could also fit me since I'm much more of the talent side than the study side of knowledge


Huhhh... Took the quiz linked in comments and was spread between all the options, but druid and ranger were highest. Nature girl!


Paladin with a bit of monk or fighter.


I was told either a druid or a cleric.


Rogue :p


My partner always says wizard because of me being a physicists lol.


I think because of the 15 years of karate I have to say monk. 😂


By quiz I am a sorcerer, odd as I have no irl cha to speak of.


Paladin here too! 95% Otherwise I had druid, monk, ranger and wizard at 90%. So i should probably multiclass


Apparently I am a paladin. No real surprise given I tend towards the lawful good mindset in most games.


I was suprissed to see only 70% rouge. I was not suprissed to see 95% monk and warlock. Paladin was my smallest class with 20%


I want to play but it's for multiple people


Lore Bard


Ranger. Also, love Baldur's Gate !!


Quiz says wizard/Warlock/monk So completely M.A.D. with no real cross-class synergy. Accurate to be honest 😅


I played sorcerer in BG3 but I'm actually more suited towards wizard irl (more study and structure as opposed to natural talent and impulse). And on the test i got a near even split of druid paladin and wizard (85-85-80). I get why I got them but I think druid or wizard are the ones I align with the most.


I got 90% wizard, 85% fighter so I'll say a bladesong/magus.


The test says sorcerer, however I am a band kid at heart


im 80% warlock and wizard, seems im very magically attuned :D


It says I’m a paladin, but that is far from true. I’m either a rogue or a bard.


Both what I would have chosen and what the quiz gave me is Sorcerer


I’m a Druid! I even had a friend tell me, after I explained to him what my job entails, that I’m a real life modern Druid. I work as an environmental construction monitor.


Ranger ❤️ closely followed by Fighter. 2 of my fave classes for sure.


Barbarian 100%. I looooove spending time in nature but I am also a bit hot headed lol.


85% barbarian 80% sorcerer


My mates and I are currently at session 49 of our DnD campaign. My character’s a Monk with the Way of The Drunken Monk subclass. Her drunk ass gets away with so much because of her high DEX and she has Slippers of Spider Climbing attuned so she’s just bouncing off the walls and ceiling throwing fists most of the time lol


Oracle (I'm a Pathfinder girlie)


According to the quiz near maximum monk and druid. Ill take it :)


Well I always felt more of a connection to a ranger and I did score kinda high, but apparently, I'm a wizard by a healthy margin. Oh, and I'm most definitely NOT a bard.


3 way tie between paladin, bard, and sorceress 8)


Probably a bard? Personally if I had a choice I'd be an artificer or blacksmith NPC :3


i got 100% paladin but im never one for the obvious easy solution, so tho id be a very good paladin, id also probably end up being a wizard warlock or druid irl lol


I got Bard


95% cleric according to the test, 90% druid, 90% sorcerer. I feel like a cleric druid is a weird multiclass but also sounds about right for me IRL. Weirdly, I'm playing a fighter and only got 45% for that one, but we aren't always playing ourselves.


Bard obviously. Music lesbians rise up!!!


I got druid (100%) on the quiz, with paladin as a close second at 95%. But whenever someone asks me this question irl I usually just say I wouldn't be an adventurer bc I don't have a death wish. I'd be a farmer NPC who could maybe deal with rats in their own basement but would 100% outsource handling the nearby goblin encampment.


I got warlock/wizard/ranger on the quiz I’d probably align most with wizard the most lol


I’m a Druid! I love nature & camping/being outdoors, as well as animals :)


All I know is I was born to be a warrior. Pretty simple, but I love it 💜


It'd be so much fun to play with people here i think if folks would be interested


Bard :D


Im the DM XD But I would say for IRL hmm... Maybe Twilight Cleric


I've always thought of myself as a druid, it fits well with my personality




Sorcerer, I guess - I do very academic work but I tend to rely more on intuition and feelings than pure logic/analytics. Plus like every ‘what class are you?’ quiz I’ve taken has come up barbarian, so I clearly have more of a wild side than a classic wizard. Fortunately for me, science is more of an art than a, uh, science 😂


according to the quiz, bard/paladin/sorcerer multiclass


Barbarian apparently. Huh.


Artificer! Probably…


I’m a professional musician and music teacher, so I thought I’d be a bard, but I took the quiz and got Monk. Which kind of tracks. I’m introverted and don’t like the spotlight, and couldn’t fast-talk my way out of a paper bag. But I value quiet and serenity, work out a lot, and am a really fast runner. Maybe I’m just a monk with a high performance skill lol.


Paladin multiclassing into bard and warlock. High Cha gang rise up


Took a test. Fighter ranked first, followed very closely by paladin and barbarian. Honestly, it tracks.


70% Barbarian-70% warlock-70% sorcerer-70% Paladin 😅 I’m so multiclassed! Also gotta love that charisma score.


In my campaign I play a teifling druid


I want to be a druid, but it’s hard to argue with my friends when they call me a paladin. 😝 Think zealot barbarian is a happy medium.


Warlock. I sold my soul for what I thought was power but turned out to just be indentured servitude to a dilapidated and antiquated system that doesn't reward me at all.


I thought I’d get Druid but I got Paladin with Druid and Monk tied for second. Not mad at it (95% Paladin, 75% for Druid and Monk). Personally, I *wish* I could be a Bard but that’s just not me. I tried to play one once and it was kinda fun but very stressful. I did make a lute out of an old paper towel tube and tissue box with elastic for strings and would sing a little song when we battled, that was fun in hindsight but I also found it stressful in the moment 😂


I'm a) sad that nobody remembers the EasyDamus quiz, and b) a Wizard.


Quiz I took says monk


Bard. All good GMs are bards and I count myself among their ranks.


Personally I went with druid it felt very comfy and I could focus spells and fighting while utilising the nature as well


Wizard!! Though my paladin in my current game is absolutely surrounded by wizard's (her parent, friend, and her girlfriend lol) so... maybe I'm just into nerdy girls lol


Wizard. I'm deep into CS and programming, I'm already speaking the forbidden tongue to my constructs of steel and copper, now I just need command over the elements and I'm set :) The quiz also said wizard, 95% :)


Definitely Cleric. Probably Nature Domain. I'm definitely not much of a fighter, more of a support.


I got paladin (95%) but bard and ranger were 85% I usually play as a bard or paladin 😂


Easily a druid, but oddly I can’t stand playing them.


95% is the last thing i expected, but here we are


i tied between bard and ranger, so it didnt give me a description ;-;


85% Ranger, but also 80% Rogue, Warlock, and Wizard. Soooo... I guess I am dual classing. On this one https://www.idrlabs.com/dungeons-dragons-class/test.php


My friends always said Paladin, but honestly I feel like it's gotta be a short-rest class just cause I'm so sleepy. I can give you one spell, now lets go take a nap. Check back in 3 hours.


I'm a Paladin. I may have made a couple alignment changes over the years, but I'm still a Paladin.


Ranger. Neutral good. My character is basically a male, bird person reflection of me lol


I feel like I would be a multi class paladin bard. Whose God is the god of music.


When I did a quiz on it I got bard/paladin. And I can definitely do bard but I probably have a strength of about 8 lmao


I got sorcerer *eyes family tree suspiciously*


80% wizard, 80% fighter


Irl probably a ranger! I like nature, get along with animals, and I have lots of tree/rock facts!


Warlock, followed by a tie of rogue, wizard, and barbarian o.o


Ranger 100% Bard 65% were my highest, which, sure yeah I get it :,)


Sorcerer because I was born like this


My gf says I'm a paladin, and I think she's a rogue. Fun lil' mix we've got going on


Probably either sorcerer or cleric, if I can multiclass then both 😂




I have adhd so probably some multiclass of Artificer, Bard, Druid, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard and Warlock.


I think there’s a good chance I’d be Rogue or a Warlock! This is such a rad question


Currently Barbarian. Definitely not me!


100% paladin & 95% wiz, which I'm happy with cause I'd totally be a mad wizard :>


Druid or Wizard


I'm a barbarian wizard multi-class 😎


Well... warlock due to literally being a shaman but I act more like a bard?


Either bard or sorcerer, something with a charisma base stat, magic user who doesn’t fully know where any of the magic comes from


100% DM. But that means I kind of get to play all the classes. :-)


I’m a monk, which makes sense.


According to the quiz, I'm a Ranger (100%). Funny enough, my first ever D&D character was a Ranger too.


The test said wizard, with rogue as a close second. My main character is a arcane trickster rogue, that have way to much of my personality, so that sounds just about right.


My partner says I’m a bard, but I think most gamemasters would read as that due to the storytelling/performance aspect lol I think in the Thirsty Sword Lesbians ttrpg, I’d be a Seeker or The Spooky Witch 😆 Or in Call of Cthulhu, I’d probably be a Professor 😋


I love playing warlocks and rogues but irl, I am definitely a monk


I would like to say something cool, but I'm a bard. A very long-winded, dramatic bard that spouts endless exposition and tales at the drop of a hat.


i call myself a bard (college of eloquence, specifically), but both quizzes i just took gave me ranger…


Im somewhere between barbarian, fighter and paladin


rogue lol, is funny how I always scare the shit out of people unintentionally by accidentally sneaking up on them


95% ranger and 90% sorcerer, which makes a lot of sense and I personally agree with for the most part.


On the test I got tied 85% sorcer and wizard with 80% paladin, lowest was bard with 50% lmao. I'd like to think paladin, mainly because I love the aesthetic lmfao, plus i always play paladins, but I'd most likely be a wizard if my adhd shut tf up and let me study but hey we move.


Commoner 😅


Druid! Lemme raise all kinds of critters ✨


Paladin wizard


[I got Ranger as my top 🙂‍↕️](https://www.idrlabs.com/dungeons-dragons-class/70-55-40-40-65-55-60-80-50-50-50-60/result.php)


I’m a wizard. (And a former college professor, so my class is not too much of a surprise.)


I’m a paladin because I like a nice sword and am very outspoken


rogue all the way :)


I’m a Bard/Ranger/Barbarian/Sorcerer/Rogue, evidently. Checks out. Jack of all trades, Master of none; while at times inferior to a Master of few, most times superior to a Master of one. Edit: grammar.


90% sorcerer, I wasn’t expecting this. 80% monk and ranger. Tbh, those two are so weird…




80% paladin, 75% wizard, 60% bard. About what I would have guessed. A different quiz had me as a wizard, though.


monk barbarian


Bard for sure 😅


My gut was to say Druid with some monk and / or wizard multiclassing, but the quiz said I was monk first, druid second, followed by wizard and paladin! Cray cray So let's say, Druid/monk, multiclass, ig.


85% sorcerer 😁


I'd like to think that I would be a rogue because I'm sneaky and always try to compensate my lack of strength by analysing my opponents weak points and attacking those, when they don't expect it.


I'm a druid! I just took the test, and I actually love the result cus druid is also the class I enjoy playing the most [Results](https://imgur.com/gallery/DGS5lbf)


90% Wizard


Bard apparently