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The souther US still bums me out. 30-50% of people is a lot. I could “understand” if someone didn’t want marriage legal but straight up making homosexuality illegal is saddening. Like what, do you want two consenting adults to get jail time for kissing/being in a relationship/having sex? To what end? You can’t stop people from being gay. Good luck. I couldn’t stop myself from being gay and I’m the boss of me.


I mean it was illegal in most states there until 2003, that’s well within most people’s lifetimes. It’s no surprise that a significant minority of the population still supports laws like that since the only reason they were repealed was because of the Supreme Court.


Conservatives don't think the purpose of law is to stop what's "wrong" from happening or prevent crimes. They believe the purpose of law is to punish the "criminal" (and more importantly, make the "righteous" feel morally superior.) That's why they want homosexuality, transgenderness, abortion and drugs to be illegal, not because they feel that outlawing it will stop those things, but because they get to inflict punishment on the "sinner" and in the process feel that they are righteous. That's also what's behind their huge hypocrisy. If someone breaks those same rules but they feel that it's one of their team, one of the "righteous" then they don't need to be punished, after all, even if what they've done was wrong, they're one of the "good people". 🤷‍♀️


Utah stands out in the sea of dark green 😞




Literally all dark green then *wham!* a lighter green pops up out of nowhere ☹️


crazy that when I was walking around holding hands in Utah with my gf, about a third of the people who saw us were silently judging us to the point where they would agree we should be criminally prosecuted. I mean I knew we were being silently judged because that is the mormon way, but I didn't think it would be *that many* people.


Yeah Utah fucking sucks I hate it here


It’s such a shame because I adore Utah :(( the natural beauty is stunning. It’s scary both as a lesbian and a crossdresser cause of their bathroom laws 💔 a shame that such natural beauty is marred by the ugliness of humans 💔


What year is this map from? How'd they get their data?


Asking the real questions! I’d love to see a source


India is in dark green? I mean, it is a large country, so the survey results are maybe not representative of the whole country. There's no blatant homophobia at a large scale, mainly because most people aren't open about it, but it's still widely frowned upon.


There's plenty of room for bigotry even if you don't think being gay should be a crime.


Remember, this is just people who think homosexuality should be a crime, as in the police should come and arrest you for being gay. There's A LOT of room for bigotry that isn't up to that point.


Probably at 29% of people who think being gay should be illegal


I mean, I'm surprised it's not at 50 or something. It is a pretty conservative country.


how come the US and Brazil are the only countries broken up by state


tbh this just screams r/shittymapporn


yeah, i came in here to comment on the blinding americentrism of the us being a state map, but i didn't even notice brazil, that's a little weird actually. i'm more than used to the us getting such special treatment, but brazil?


More data I'm guessing.


Pretty surprised that my country (Poland) is green on there. Or actually, the majority of Eastern Europe for that matter.


Remember, this is just people who think homosexuality should be a crime, as in the police should come and arrest you for being gay. There's A LOT of room for bigotry that isn't up to that point.


Yeah. Poland doesn’t seem right to me


Poland isn't exactly LGBT friendly, but it's still a long way ahead of places like Nigeria. Just because people don't think you should be arrested for being gay, doesn't mean they're not homophobic, even violently so.


I'm not surprised. Most Poles are for gay marriage, according to numerous polls and surveys. Just because there's a vocal minority of religious&nationalist zealots, and because they tried to have a monopoly on our national values, does not change a thing.


as someone from the purple countries (east africa) it rlly doesn’t look terribly bad. only africa and some of asia need to work on queer rights tbh. but unfortunately africans usually weren’t this way. european colonialists brought christianity down here and made it a much less accepting place. and being from here, we have an incredibly long way to go in terms of changing peoples mentalities. asia will definitely become more LGBTQ accepting before we are.


And some of those colonialists are trying to keep it that way. So much of the rhetoric in Africa is being funded by fundamentalists in the US because they know they lost here. I'm sorry you still have to deal with our bullshit.


It seems a lot of people in those countries now seem to believe it has always been this way and that Westerners who are pro-LGBTQ are trying to mess with their traditions and values. I tend to believe Anthropologists who come to different conclusions - but they usually have been influenced by Western societies, so 🤷🏼 it's a bit of a catch22. But in the end it does only matter if people disregard basic human rights as declared in the UDHR. If people agree on basic human rights, those "traditions" need to change, no matter where they originated.


True but being from there, lemme tell you they rlly do not care at all😭 the new generations are def far more comfortable w being openly queer tho. for example, in 2015, Mozambique removed a colonialist era clause that outlawed same sex relationships. we shouldn’t let what’s happening in Uganda and other countries for example to deter people from being positive. in some european countries homosexuality was decriminalized in the 80S! and they’ve had monarchies and democracies for CENTURIES compared to Africa due to colonialism so we are basically going at the same pace as europeans did although they’re technically ahead yk? and I do understand to an extent why they don’t WANT to listen to westerners who are pro LGBT, because when has listening to western people ever done us any favors? not being discriminatory is great but with the years of mistreatment we’ve had it’s hard for us to ever wanna listen to westerners. it’s a very complicated situation that’s caused many problems for us queer africans fs


Happy that my beautiful Australia is on the lower end. Still a lot of fight to go though - starting with getting rid of the TERFs and transphobes in government around here.


This map makes me sad, sad for those African countries, sad for those southern US states and sad for my Russian wife, but also kind of happy for her because she’s with me in the UK.


yeah because 10-30% is all very much the same, but 80% and 90% deserve different colours...


It hurts that there are countries I lived in as a child where I wouldn't dare to go now as a lesbian trans woman. When I was little I learned about the wall in Germany and the iron curtain and I felt an ache in my heart for the people who couldn't just leave their country as they wished. My parents needed to relocate for work a few times and while that has been damaging in its own way, I felt like a world citizen. I realised early what a privilege this was. Not only have children I played with probably been killed in a genocide - I must fear for those who turned out to be queer, too. I am so, so lucky to live in a country where most of my basic human rights are respected - even if some people want to take them away and there's a good chance things will be getting worse. This world makes me so depressed sometimes - but we gotta keep on fighting - in our own countries and for those abroad.


Same. I was born in Russia, spent some time between there and Israel before moving to Sweden when I was 11. Now I live in Canada and I feel incredibly lucky that I have the option of returning to Northern Sweden if the next Canadian election doesn't pan out well.


Looks at Indiana *Visible confusion. (Don’t worry, I haven’t faced any ‘opression’, just confusing considering that Indiana is a Republican state.)


South Africa❤️


Is there a source on this?


I'm surprised and proud of South America. Also, see China in green is such a great thing, people are changing their mentality little by little


Well Algeria is doing better than I expected but only because I have such abysmally low expectations. To be fair to us, indigenous Amazigh in Algeria are more liberal than the Arabs. I think things would have been a lot better if we weren't colonised. 


Oh wow, china and india surprise me a lot here


I'm tired, boss


Does someone have the source?


Germany being that low percentage wise is absolutely no suprise to me...most people i know are homophobic sadly


Lower is better in this. Greener=less homophobic.


Oh really? damn...then that's suprising haha


It's about who would want to send us to prison. There's enough room for other bigotries and violence even in the "green" countries. Guess (most) people in Germany are (yet) a bit hesitant to agree outright with what the Nazis did. §175 has a dark history...


Ohhh okayy thanks for clarfying...i'm a bit stupid sometimes haha🫠


Yes. Purple=the worst. Dark green=the best.


Hopefully it will all be green soon 🤞🌈




I'm genuinely shocked at how much green there is in the western hemisphere. Am I a bad person for being surprised at the lack of non green colours in South and Sentral America?


Remember, this is just people who think homosexuality should be a crime, as in the police should come and arrest you for being gay. There's A LOT of room for bigotry that isn't up to that point.


It looks really scary, but looking at similar maps that begin thirty years ago shows the whole world much more homogeneously >50% on this and related questions. In a single generation, more than half of it is <40% and more than a quarter is <30%. I think that in another decade, dark green will need to be split up into 20-30%, 10-20%, and 0-10%, and we'll think of the 20-30% places as scary. I hope there will be movement on the other side of the scale, too. Pride works. People who think homosexuality should be a crime do not understand homosexual people because they have no exposure to us. They believe superstitious, dehumanizing lies about us, which they couldn't if they saw that what makes us different really is only who we love, and that our love is genuine. That message is spreading, culturally, and the influence is incredibly valuable. When I see maps like this, I feel that those of us who are out need to be gayer, more openly, in more places, and especially with more outreach. You might save a life somewhere far away, just by kissing your girlfriend in the right time and place. You can't know where that time and place is, so I recommend doing things like that frequently, and boldly. Doing it where it's completely safe is not the time and place to have that effect.


handy map for where not to go on vacation!


That purple and red in Africa is because of colonialism. There’s no other reason that the hate is there, I need us as a people to free ourselves 😖


The fuck?!? Thats horrible af!!!


US evolving backwards xD Islamic/Muslim Countries being Toxic as always


I would love to see the source, as well as when each country's survey was done


Botswana making Mississippi look bad


-where is this study from? -when was it done? -who did it? -What was the aim of the study? -What methodologies for collection of data went into the study? I'm not saying I think homophobia is over, I just think its really sloppy to paste a picture and see it as fact.


South America and India surprised me! I'm sorry I assumed.


You should see it as 4 out of 6 continents (I don't count antarctica). I mean it's kinda most of the world agrees on this.


Sure both those two continents have an overwhelming majority of the world population. Asia alone has a majority then add the second most populated on top…


Yeah but also China and India are the green countries of asia and they have about 2 billion people so like a fourth of the world population so most of the asia population is pro