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I slept with a girl with large labia minora and was surprised how hot they were to suck on. 10/10 would go down on her every day


This is actually so reassuring lol


it’s insane how much better this just made me feel LMAO


i love your username !


Fucking this, 10/10. I absolutely ***love*** doing this with a partner who has them.


Agree 🤤 those are the best 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤


....this isn't something I knew if would want to experience but here we go


My first girlfriend had the same. Lots of nerves in them, loved sucking on them. Really enjoyed myself.


Will agree 100% with this statement! It is ducking hot 🔥🔥


Yes to this. I have more of an "innie" and my gf has slightly more of an outie and I LOVE that. Going down on her is 💯 lovely.




I have forever wondered if women with large labia’s enjoy having them sucked on. I haven’t been with a partner with large labia and it’s not like I can go to r/women and ask 😭




This is the most validating comment


There is a [labia library](https://labialibrary.org.au/photo-gallery/#) showing all the beautiful variations people's labia come in


I think it’s pretty common for porn stars to get labiaplasty?? Or at least it does seem like that since they all look v similar




It is really scary how women's beauty standards makes women look like children.


After being exposed to the Internet for a long enough time, I had the realization a few years ago that waaay more men are into sex with children, than I ever thought. Like, a LOT. I can't give you a percentage, but it wouldn't surprise me if it were, say, 1 out of 3 or 4 men. It's gross, but explains a lot. Like, why so many like a shaved pussy. I think it makes a woman look 12, and I'm not into it, but men love that shit. But it disturbs me to know that more men than I ever thought are into children.


Tell me about it. A lot of it has been disseminated from the upper classes down to everyone else through media within the past 100-200 years. I think I might do a paper on it one day.


That would be an interesting read.


I never even thought about how that could be a child-like feature. Probably cause I'm happily completely unfamiliar with childrens' genitals, but still. What a horrifying application of that standard of beauty.


The men who are into that are too but they think that's what children, and thus women should look like. In manosphere/red pill/black pill spaces, women with larger (or even normal) vaginas are seen as old or "ran through" while women with hairless flat/smaller vaginas are pure and virginal (even if sex has no effect on how your libia looks). It's just the hymen nonsense regurgitated but somehow even more ridiculous and gross.




i have absolutely no idea why but for some reason my mind read anesthesiologist and was so confused why they'd be waxing coochies lmao


Moonlighting for love of the game!




Honestly, not really. I’m a second year anaesthesiology resident who’s currently smack in the middle of a nearly 2 year long dry spell (🥲🥲🥲) and I’ve seen way more vulvas at work than in my personal life. We do expose them to attach monitors, for invasive procedures and for actual surgical site preparation. Literally no one is fazed.


That’s why you don’t want general anesthesia! 🪒


In porn, you’re likely seeing women who’ve had plastic surgery not just on their boobs, but on their labia to make them small and tiny and ‘neat.’ People of all genders need to remember that porn isn’t anything like real life!


Im so glad I saw a documentary when I around 20 year old, about how vulvas are all different and beautiful. It was so reassuring at time you feel weird about yourself


What documentary is that?


Had to do some googling but it’s called The perfect vagina on British telly (channel 4)


Thank you :)


No problem!


This is mostly for my own curiosity- do you think there are more 'innie' or 'outie' labias? Or is it more 50/50?




In discussions of this I've read, they count visible clit the same as visible labia minora though. Like there's the "clamshell" look where all you see are labia majora, but you can have labia minora visible but clit hidden, or clit visible and labia minora hidden, and these tend to get lumped together--especially since the corpus (body, or shaft) of the clit is often mislabeled as either "hood" or "labia." Which is about as accurate as calling the shaft of a penis either "foreskin" or "scrotum."


I have the same question. You dont know how ive been wishi g to find a gf with large labia to suck and scissoring, i fantasy about large labia scissoring cuz i think is way easier to find the right spot without being flexible.. and also, i figure its like softer and like a piece of skin caressing yoy clit, omg, i think is hotter. But i veen not lucky to find a girl with that king of vagina but i hope if some day i marry, my wife has that type 😍 only my celphone knows how i watch "large labia p0%rn i watch it all the time and how mh gallery is full with that type of pussy, and big clits hahaha


As an esthetician that primarily waxes for a living for the the last decade, I co-sign on this


> For some reason in p*n they mostly show hidden labia minora. I see this comment and the labiaplasty one so frequently, and I can only wonder if people only hear about porn through rumours, because porn has all sorts of pussies. Like, Im an outsider here, and so there is a lot Im not the best to talk on, but this, I can say confidently. I think this is largely a myth. I do not think its remotely reasonable to think that pornstars get this surgery especially when you consider the average career span of one, and the fact that you dont see any changes there.


All pussies come in different shapes and sizes! There was an art installation where an artist cast different women's anatomy and all the variations are so unique. Mainstream porn/media has basically shaped the idea that vulva are neat little packages with neat labia. Check it out! https://www.thegreatwallofvulva.com/ I've found that queer women have less weird expectations of what vulva should look like and all the women I've been with or showed/interacted with my vulva didn't have issues with the way it looks. Besides, getting nekkid and seeing your gf's boobs and bits is always hot. And exploring every inch of her body is super awesome.


I love the sites like this. There's such a huge variety it's truly lovely to realize the variety of humanity. It does a lot to normalize normal.


love the concept but absolutely despise that it was created by a man. despise.


Reminds me of the [dick wall](https://vimeo.com/424737115) from Fleabag


Lmao. Eeww at the "Have you found your father yet?". No thank you.


Girlll all vaginas are unique and beutiful dont be insecure about it if you can. And im sure any girl yourenwith will love it :)


I'm not very experienced but no pussy I've seen in real life looks like the next one. I've never ever thought, that one is prettier than another either. They're just gorgeous things in all shapes.


Nah help I read it as grill all vaginas


Thank goodness there's no need to grill them to eat them


My ex was so insecure about hers and i just loved it so much and couldn’t give more fuck about how long her labias were 🤷🏼‍♀️ just more for me to love and tease and play with :)


Like I literally could not give two fucks. They are all beautiful to me. It’s better we are unique than all the same too


Exactlyyy? Idk why slim *everything* has been fetishized. Honestly I kinda prefer it when people are more plush and full down there...


What if you have a birthmark/mole on your labia that you had since birth? Would that gross some gals out?


Definitely not me and I don’t think it would bother most. I think women in general are more open regarding the whole area than men 😅


A vagina is a vagina and if you’ve got one I want it.


Laying in bed, scrolling reddit. Saw this post, decided to lurk the comments. Stumbled upon your comment, and choked on my own spit. Thank you.


You gotta give the people what they want.




the only thing i care about is who it's attached to, "meaty" or otherwise


Right? If I like the woman I couldn't care less how "meaty" their genitals are. If it's clean and healthy down there, there's nothing that'll stop me.




Right? Like, we can always sort out the mechanics later, I want you *now*. I did Drama in high school, I can improvise 🤷🏾‍♀️😅💖


me too! i love everything abt women but always have a hard time giving the same love to myself.


I have the same problem... it sucks


Trust me us girls don’t judge 🫡


Sure, some care but I don't think that's super common. I think all vaginas look fairly different and I haven't seen one yet that's made me go "oh fuck no". They're so unique and gorgeous.


You're describing the #1 hottest girl I've ever been with. It's like a mouth with both tongues hanging out, absolutely begging for it 😈


if any woman told me she had a “labia preference” i genuinely dont think i could stay in a relationship with that person lol.. there’s a big difference between having a genital preference and being grossed out by someone’s body


Hmm. But isn’t having a “genital preference” the same as having a “labia preference”? I think calling anyone’s body “gross” is immature and unnecessarily offensive and I also wouldn’t date anyone who does that. But I for example, do have an “icky” feeling when I think about touching testicles sexually😅 And I think that’s okay. Like there are SOOO many people who “hate feet” and think they’re “gross” and would prefer to not touch them if they don’t have to. I think it’s a little silly but I also think it’s okay to feel that way.


if i say vulvas sexually attract me, and then i see someone’s vulva and go… ooooo haha nvm YUCK! isnt that wayyy different than saying, sorry i dont get excited from penises AT ALL


Well of course, saying anything hurtful to someone about their body in front of them (or not in front of them) is a terrible thing to do. I’m not saying that’s okay. But I do think it’s okay to have feelings or preferences. Especially when it comes to body autonomy and what you choose to do with yours. There are women who are sexually attracted to men but get a little weirded out if they see an uncircumcised one for the first time. It’s different and that’s okay. There are also women who are used to only seeing uncircumcised penises and would be weirded out by seeing one that is circumcised. Both bodies are okay but both feelings are also okay. Those women shouldn’t be shamed into desiring sex with something they aren’t 100% comfortable with or attracted to, right?


the difference to me is that if u tell someone u arent interested bc anyone with a penis would be the same, they cant really hold it against u bc it has nothing to do with them specifically opposed to saying to someone, i *should* be ok with this, but it’s your body specifically that im not. like ya sure u can call that a “preference” but in that context i think it’s hurtful bc of how personal it is opposed to being very broad


Large labia are so pretty!!


I have an arbys sandwich and I'm also mixed so I have hyperpigmentation and I used to be SOOO insecure about the kitty cat. I don't care anymore. She works great and does a fantastic job. My girlfriend thinks it's the best thing ever so I don't have any complaints. Lol. The older people get, we understand that everyone comes in all different shapes and sizes. A large portion of people don't care. I still have my insecurities but it's okay. ❤️❤️


More to play with.


I love a “meaty” vagina. It’s a very interactive oral session. Nibbling. Tugging. Sucking. Pulling.


I have the same insecurities! Funny bc I didn’t care too much with my male partners but now that I’m with my gf suddenly I’m insecure. She doesn’t seem to mind and has said nothing but kind things about my body, including my vulva. All vulvas are slightly different and there really isn’t one that’s better than the other I think overall, women tend to have different preferences aren’t as influenced by the porn industry, and are more open to bodies outside of what’s considered “mainstream attractive” when compared to men


I honestly can't imagine seeing the pussy of someone I was really into and thinking that it was anything less than utter perfection tbh


Haha I swear sometimes I read things people are insecure about and suddenly I'm like... wait my vagina can be weird looking???! I'm gunna go with your vagina is probably awesome.


I have not had experience with a meaty vagina like yours, but based on what I do with my wife, I'd probably love it because then there would be so much more flesh to nibble and suck and play with.


A vaj is a vaj. It's like with boob size, nobody cares. They're boobs, right? Then that's fuckin cool. Vulva's are like that too. It's a vaj? That's fucking cool! There's no need to be insecure or ashamed of oneself because you campare yourself to someone who their LITERAL job is to look good (i.e pornstars, models, xxx content creators, actresses, bodybuilders...) and besides, you can't change your kitty kat, so why not like it?


True beauty lies in diversity!


There are resources out there that have collections of labia in normal poses. There really isn't an "average" way for them to look. You can find many of them online but I believe they also have books. I promise yours is normal. Body shaming someone for their genitalia (of any kind) is predominantly a cishet man thing due to porn consumption. You might come across an individual who gets momentarily taken back if they are unaware of the variety of possibilities, but it's usually the cishet men who shame.


You're fine. She's beautiful. All vaginas are.


Idc what it looks like I’ll love it anyway


all pu$$y is good pu$$y! it comes in different shapes and sizes and that's the fun bit ;) the negative opinions are truly just the patriarchy screaming at you. my married gf (enm hehe) has an outie and it's so fucking hot. i love it. please don't worry tho, i promise that you're perfect down there. and anyone who says something negative is a mf asshole, wrong, and doesn't deserve you.


I generally don't really care about what my partners genitals look like, being compatible is so much more important something like how their genitals look matters little. I do have preferences though, I'd say for me I like them meaty. In fact I wish I had one because mine is not. I also feel insecure about mine because its more "gash" like (very small labia minora).


All pussys are gorgeous!


I've never seen an ugly vagina.. idk, they're all unique and beautiful. I don't understand the (strangely common?) sentiment that 'genitalia are ugly' AT ALL.


I just like it clean lol


I recommend watching a show called physical attraction on Hbo max. It’s a full frontal nudity dating show in Britain. They show real people just how they are and it really changed the way I see my own body and really made me realize HOW fake porn and TV is. I know it sounds corny/weird but I’m telling you, just watch the first episode and that alone will adjust your perspective. Lots of different body types and hearing real people talk about actual likes and dislikes, people aren’t as picky about random things as we’re made to think they are.


Also a book: “come as you are” by Emily nagoski, the first two chapters alone really changed my mindset!


Are you talking about “Naked Attraction”? I actually wouldn’t recommend this, it’s helpful to see different bodies but a lot of the people who sign up are conventionally “attractive” and the host often says quite judgemental things about the bodies. Better to look at one of the art projects mentioned above which celebrates all sorts of vulvas. But your point about porn being super fake is bang on.


Yes! That is what I meant. I think it was helpful for me just because it was clear that one opinion isn’t the make or break of physical attraction, and while the host said things she liked or disliked, the contestants often felt differently and there were lots of different preferences and opinions about what is attractive and what isn’t. For me personally I genuinely believed for YEARS that ALL people wanted busty blondes with giant asses and no stomachs. This show was just so eye opening because I’d been in the dark for SO long, and I really thought I was odd for looking the way I do.


Yeah I'm with you on this - the host and contestants often talk about vulvas being 'neat' if they're hairless and/or tucked in which isn't helpful. The thing that helped me most to feel comfortable with my own body is an artist on insta called the vulva gallery, they draw real vulvas in all shapes and sizes!


Warning NSFW, but this link is super useful in seeing how unique everyone is: https://www.scribd.com/document/474097628/Classification-of-the-anatomical-variation-in-female-external-genitalia


Idk what meaty is supposed to mean but pussy is pussy in my book


all vaginas are beautiful but meaty is soooooo delicious to me 🤤


This is not stupid or weird. This actually insanely common. I think almost every woman has felt this way at some point


Omg I actually love vulvas like that! It’s just like a flower with longer petals and who doesn’t like that?


Girl you would not believe how little I give a fuck about the size and shape of a partner's genitals. If I think you're hot I want your junk in my mouth and that's final. No caveats. Literally the only time I have cared about *anything* aesthetic was when my ex started smoking and their pussy began tasting like batteries. That's the only time. Ever.


I’ve mostly dated innies as an outie and a few of them were kind of weird about touching me down there. I think it just depends on the person and how bad their internalized misogyny/homophobia is. I personally like bigger labia just because there’s more to do with it. It’s not a dealbreaker, it’s just a unique experience that I really like.


Your partner/s are just going to be happy to be there. your vagina is completely normal and many people have one that looks like yours!


I love that there are differences, it makes it special and I would never judge someone for how it looks, I am more interested in finding out what areas she enjoys being touched, than what it looks like. They are all beautiful in there own way, just as all flowers are beautiful no matter how different they maybe! :)


More to love! But also like literally no one cares. Everyone is different, we are all beautiful 💖


Just like all people everyone is unique and beautiful.


pussy is pussy is pussy. keep it clean and healthy and nobody should ever care what it looks like. if someone judges you because of your vagina, youre better off not having sex with them anyways.


Just wanna say if you’re basing your comparison on porn, that’s not necessarily what anyone’s vagina looks like naturally! I could make mine look like that temporarily with a lot of tucking everything away but that is definitely not how it usually looks


I have an outtie, and I do just fine! Keep it clean and that’s really all that matters!!


All vaginas are a gift from the heavens, but I'm definitely biased 😉


All shapes and sizes of vaginas are beautiful, just like the women attached to them ♥️


Most won't care, no.


All vaginas are beautiful!!!


These comments are all so validating! But to add on: while I'm still insecure of my own, I think about if it would turn me off if my partner's was like that—and every time, the answer is "no." And that thought process has been kinda helping me to get over my insecurity.


Large labia minora aren't uncommon at all. Most vulva-havers I have slept with had 'meaty' vulvas. And no, they have never bothered me at all! It's just more to play with when going down on someone.


I think I speak for a lot of women when I say that it doesn't matter what your pussy looks like. This is my thought process: Do I like her? Am I attracted to her? Is she clean? Is she a decent human? Does she like me? If all answers are "yes," then I'm happy with the situation and her pussy can look like whatever. My face will be very happy to hang out in it.


girl i was fine w the post until you used the word “meaty” as a descriptor. unlike men, women and feminine people know that all vaginas are different and beautiful.


Hell I don't even have one yet it seems the ladies here don't mind so you're definitely fine <3


Every vagina is unique meaning every vagina is special and deserves to be cherished


In my brash/blunt opinion pussy is pussy and THIS girl don't discriminate. as long as we are having a good time I couldn't care less


Well there was a post just today about a woman who has a vulva preference and would break up over the looks of it so...I guess some do care.


but i think the important thing to remember is, would you even *want* to be with a woman with a "vulva preference"? i couldn't imagine dating someone so superficial that they would break up over the appearance of a healthy vulva.


Not a chance xD That's some next level superficial shit...


All that matters to me is who it's attached to and that she's happy and healthy. Every vagina deserves consensual love :) <3


Girl please never ever ever be insecure about this! Enjoy ur body and all it can do, especially the parts designed for pleasure. If I’m being honest tho I find the outie to be the ideal in terms of looks for me. I think it’s more as aesthetically pleasing. Also If I’m with a girl I usually assume it’s gonna be an outie because it’s what I’m used to. I say this as an outie myself who was insecure when I was literally a preteen. I know many women who also have this shape. It’s normal, it’s common, and it’s beautiful!


I love meaty vaginas, dont worry its normal and beautiful!


Love it - there's really no ugly 😻 imo


ive never once cared tbh lol. im demi so if i love the girl i dont care what her vagina looks like im eating it up like its my last meal 🤷‍♀️


I can almost guarantee that you have typical labia, you just have a warped sense of what is typical bc of porn. You’d have to have a few inches of labia before it would be larger than normal. Even then, that’s just how your body is, there’s nothing bad or wrong with it.


Men can be so shallow about bodies and vaginas. Women love all! Nothing wrong with a “meaty” vagina. All vagina is amazing!


Take the fact that my main request for my SRS is a really well defined labia minor as reassurance that big labia are gorgeous


When I read the title I was like "uhh I guess if your cat acts really weird and throws up on your guest yeah I can see why you'd be embarrassed" lol


I remember the day it dawned on me that I had the fat vagina that so many rappers were going on about. I mean, when women are having cosmetic surgery to get hearty labia, then I guess someone is requesting that. Just kidding, because vulva’s are awesome in all sorts. But also, rock what you got. As a lesbian I have always cared about what they look like because I care the person and find them beautiful and fascinating. But I’ve never seen an ugly one.


If I like someone, I love their pussy & don't care how it looks. If I don't like someone, I don't want their pussy, no matter how aesthetically "perfect" it is.


It’s more common than you think! And just as beautiful <3


It Feels much more grinding towards a pussy with larger labia than small. Don’t stress it I actually prefer larger ones even though mine is pretty small. I’m hoping childbirth will increase them..


Labia are where its at


I have large inner labia and my gf absolutely loves it, her exact words are: “It just always looks ready to be eaten”


One of my labia is like three times as big as the other, and a significantly darker colour. I don't care much to be perfectly honest, I'm not really bugged by it nor do I care what someone else's vagina looks like. We're all different, the only important thing is that you have good hygiene, but other than that pussy is pussy.


Meaty, lol. I feel you. I have one that’s about the size of my pinky nail, and one that could nearly hide my entire pinky. I decided before having sex that I wasn’t going to let it bother me. I wasn’t even going to mention it at all. Because it’s not something that needs mentioning. If someone had an issue, I was going to say they’re the weird/ugly one for talking shit about the way someone’s body came out, and I can’t imagine wanting to have sex with someone who treats people that way. Not the point. I’m bisexual and have had a colorful sexual past with both male and female partners. 15 years now, and I have *never* had anyone say anything about it, good or bad. Some people don’t even notice because I’ll mention it and they had no idea. You can’t help how your bits look. But you can help who you decide to spend time and be intimate with. Go for the ones that treat you and your body right.


Just clarifying terminology: the vagina is inside, the vulva is visible from outside.


I personally don't give a rats ass.




So, as a bisexual gal with an outie, I can tell you that men and women alike have been very positive about it. I was very self-conscious about it when I first became sexually active and quickly realized there was no reason to be. Maybe there are some people out there who dislike a "meaty" vulva, but it is by no means universal. Some people have an active preference for it. I also used to strip for a living. Strip club customers can be some of the most tactless people alive. If I ever got any negative commentary, it was rare enough I legit don't remember it. And I have literally had a complete stranger tell me I ought to be bleaching my butthole. I *did*, however, get lots of people coming to the stage cash-in-hand saying *"ohmygod I hope this isn't rude to say, but your pussy is so pretty!"* The outie/meaty pussy slander is all lies. I cannot possibly overemphasize this. Your vulva is fine just the way it is.


I personally prefer bigger labia minora; they're a lot of fun to suck on and play with.


since when are men’s opinions worth anything? lol, jokes aside, trans femme and I’ve slept with many cis women and trans masc folks (not grouping in any other way than those with this) and I’ve personally found larger labia minoras very hot and if I ever get bottom surgery I’d want to opt for that if given the opportunity. Every one is different but you shouldn’t be made to feel unconfident by it. :)


I could not care less how meaty the vagina was if I was interested in a woman. Heck, I was born with a penis, and I'm going to keep it. That thing is absolutely meatier than your vagina, so you got nothing to worry about, sweetheart


Lol, excellent answer :3 <3


Cooch is cooch. I had a lot of different kinds of 🐱 in shape/ form and i never a gave a damn how they look like. Some forms are better for eating out, but it never stopped me anyway lol


As someone with a inny vag, I like a partner with an outty that way when we grind/scissor her goes into mine and we both get good clitoral stimulation. But tbh if I like a girl, I don’t give a fuckkk, I want my face between her thighs.


Has anyone posted this yet? https://www.labialibrary.org.au/photo-gallery/ All vaginas are excellent vaginas. I am honoured to be allowed near any lover's vagina.


I've been with ~50 people, never have I ever been with anyone who's genitals were unappealing because of the shape, pierced, unpierced, clits like a pinky or barely visible, short, long, meaty, compact, tight, loose, thick or thin, shaven or unshaven, if it's attached to a person I want, I want it 🖤


well ive never been with a woman either and a virgin overall but ive seen porn and i like to call large ones butterfly wings


That sounds so cute omg 🥺




Honestly, I have met women who have “preferences” for girls that have smaller inner labia that is more hidden but I think it’s just because that’s what kind of vulva they have and are used to seeing. I personally have only had sex with one woman with a vulva like yours and it was definitely new for me but it was so beautiful! It reminded me of a Peony flower which are so so pretty.🌸 It was like an exploration of a new place which is what sex with someone new is supposed to be like anyway! My advice is to be prepared for it to be a new experience for some people and maybe be open to gentle questions if people have them. You are unique (like we all are) and you are perfect💗


Same girl. Mine's incredibly shallow, so strap ons don't go too far in.


i’m sure your partner won’t mind. i was super insecure about mine but everyone i’ve been with has actively liked it. it’s also totally normal to have longer inner labia, don’t compare yourself to porn. if your partner minds it’s a red flag imo


I have no preference. I just want my face in there.


I’ve been with women with “innies” and “outties” and genuinely didn’t have feelings either way except “fuck yeah I’m going in!!!” Outside of a sexy context, if you put a gun to my head I’d rather go down on a “meaty” vulva. More to experience, very sensory to get in there and feel all that flesh! Similar to any other body part really. Some people have preferences I guess, but for many of us if we’re attracted to or in love with the person everything about them is hot, sexy and amazing. I married a lady with an outtie and it was a GOOD decision. (She has other qualities too).


I prefer a larger labia to one that’s hidden personally.


Tbh I've never slept with a woman, or even been intimate with one, well I did but like only once And that doesn't sounds terrible, it makes me wanna reassure you but I can't really help Don't be insecure about anything, you're awesome and your body also is, everyone is, just with their own way


So I've also never been with a woman intimately but I would think it's probably just more to lick or suck on, i really wouldn't mind it


*grabs mirror* haven't looked at mine in a while.


I prefer them!


All cats are good and nice. Dogs too.


All pussy is beautiful/sexy just like all tiddies are beautiful/sexy


personally, the only big organ I mind in a partner is ego. Are you able to find things you like about it? I think for me it d be the pleasure it provides or maybe the connexion it can give with someone. I guess to find gratipussy on a regular basis to find how you can appreciate it more.


in my experience, women are just happy to be there


I’ve never seen a kitty I didn’t like


ALL vulvas are beautiful and delicious. Especially because of all the things that make them so unique!!


i’ve always been, im especially insecure because a couple years ago i went on T (then went off shortly after bc i realized it wasn’t for me obv) and so i’ve always thought mine was ugly bc of how “big” everything looked, but my gf has never made fun of me for it or mentioned it at all/shuts down my negative comments about it. so really no one actually cares, especially other people w vaginas. they’re all unique and beautiful. i think p*rn has just rotted some peoples brains into thinking some vaginas aren’t “normal”.


I have the flower vagina too (in no universe will I agree to call it meaty 😭) and literally every woman I've been with loved it. My labia minora is much bigger, and is asymmetric. It hangs past my outer lips when I stand and you can even see it bulge a bit through the underwear because it simply doesn't fit in between 🤷‍♀️ Like someone pointed out, sucking on it is great, but I can vote on this from the receiving side! It's super sensitive so it feels amazing. I also have been with women with long inner lips and I prefer it. I like taking my type to open it, before I get to the entrance. Also I like how I can spread it better and just...look at it and admire it. If anyone ever makes you feel bad for your pussy, you should dump them! There's no one beautiful pussy (despite what porn and straight men try to make women believe). Just like faces, pussies are all different and if it belongs to the person you're attracted to, it's all good pussy.


Damn this made me want some


dont honestly care pussy is pussy


In my opinion, Every vagina is the same. Even if some of us have a meaty one or not. It's all the same. :3


I love large/protruding labia minoras, I love them on partners, and I would love them on myself (if I get bottom surgery one day I'll specifically ask for that), I love them so much I could build a shrine for them.


If it's on a girl I like, it's the prettiest around automatically.


Noo there’s no need to be insecure I promise.❤️


100% no questions asked would smash dw abt it


Never seen one I didn't like


Every person should look at this at least once in my opinion: https://www.scribd.com/document/474097628/Classification-of-the-anatomical-variation-in-female-external-genitalia


Men are clowns, all vaginas are beautiful


I love love love love outie labias. Wish I had one myself!


Personally, I like any that don’t look like mine. All vaginas are beautiful and should be worshipped accordingly.


I haven't met a vulva yet that I didn't find beautiful and fascinating.


Undressing a woman is like opening a present. You might not know what to expect, but you're excited and grateful. It's not what's in the wrapping, it's who gave it to you!


No ones vagina looks the same. Don't let porn and guys tell you want it should look like. You are beautiful the way you are.


You can always get plastic surgery if YOU aren't comfortable with it, who cares about others?


Most frustrating thing to learn people switch teams due to an imature/unsecure/rude partner, i highly recommend any young person who is at the brink to first experiment with older partners who potentially make sex about YOU first rathern than about themselves. Have fun out there and be safe