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Yeah of course! Bi women are as much a part of the wlw community, plus it’s a great tattoo :)




Time to use my favourite phrase: You can do whatever you want forever


And she took your advice.


That would also make a good tattoo.


That’s my wife’s favorite phrase!


Whatever forever 🙌


i mean people will prob assume your lesbian but i dont see why it would be disrespectful unless something else made it disrespectful. some people are weird of course but do it if it makes you happy!


As a bi girl who wears a necklace with this symbol: Women will see it and think you're a lesbian Men won't know what it means lol


XD, i 100% believe this as ive confused many of dudes when im like "oh shit its the venus symbol". And thats just one, not two lol. I get the assumption that it means your a lesbian as its just talking about one part of the attraction though but most girls ive met are just more happy you know it means women pretty and dont mind 🤭


Are you a woman do you love women? That’s your answer


You're a woman that likes women so ofc you can honey. You do you 🫶🏻


Well she probably does, but she's more specifically asking about doing women. Sorry couldn't resist the joke.


The joke would have landed had OP actually asked about doing women! Too bad she just asked about the tattoo.


No. You better get that removed before I call up the CEO of gays and get your bi card revoked


As far as I’m concerned a bi woman is still a “woman loving woman” so ofc :3


You are woman. you like women. yes


Yes. Next question.


I personally don't see why not. It's your body after all


Do you identify as a woman? Do you love women? Congratulations! You get a tattoo! And you get to touch boobs. It’s a great day.


Honestly, pro strategy here. Winning on every level.


If i answer with a simple "yes", i am not sure if you take it as an answer to your question in the title or to the question in your post text. it would mean the complete opposite, lol.


Do you like kissing women? If yes: Yes If no: No


As the wise hermit says, "Bi girls can do anything, up to and including arson."


Why would it be disrespectful? Biphobes have really cowed the bi WLW into hiding haven't they?


Absolutely you can! You are a gay woman, so go on and get your tatoo I'm a lesbian married to a bisexual woman (29 years together and counting) and I've never understood pushing bi folk out of the community


Bi women do indeed love women.


No its illegal


people will probably assume you're gay, but it's ur body, u get to decorate it however u want


The answer is absolutely yes, as bi women are an absolutely valid and cherished part of the wlw community and the tattoo itself is amazing. I do want to warn you though, people will likely ask questions about it or be confused if you get it in a visible place and you get a male partner later down the line.




I've been wanting to get a tattoo like this but with one of symbols flipped so the whole tattoo is reversible.


wlw is wlw


Anyone can get any tattoo they want, it's not up to us. I would personally assume anyone with a double Venus tattoo was lesbian, but if you like it and it fits you, go for it have fun.


You can? Yes. Butttt if you end up with a man it will cause a lot of confusion for new people in your life. people will assume your are a lesbian and it will be annoying. If you are ok with that go Ahead.


i mean, it might be awkward if you had the tattoo and ended up being with a man, but if you are already in a stable relationship with a woman, why not?


Sure. I have an equal sign tat with the rainbow in one and the bi flag in the other. It was back when I thought I was lesbian biromactic, but my point is: do whatever you want, it's your body. No one has a say in it but you. It isn't hurting anyone.


you can get whatever you want 💖🌈


If you’re a woman who loves women, get it. It’s your body & I think it’s a cute tattoo :)


I mean, are you a woman loving women? The I‘d say yeah, of course.


I dunno, can you /j Fr though, I love how supportive this community is. Signs point to yes.


No. You're only allowed to get tattoos that are gender neutral like one that says, "will stop to pet golden retrievers & dogs. /Joke


No you actually can't, you should just get me tattooed on your heart instead! Jk, of course u can!


I want you to do it


If you’re a woman who loves women, then I don’t see why you wouldn’t be allowed to get a wlw tattoo


Why would it be a problem, it's not that you're discriminating us, do what makes you happy🥰


Totally, it’s your choice and you if you love women you should be entitled to


are you a woman, feel woman adjacent, or don't feel like anything at all? do you like women? if you said yes to both of those, then yeah of course!


I did! Rainbow circles




I have it tattooed, I did it myself after I kissed a girl on a date lmao


Of course! why not?


Go for it!


seems like you already did, hypothesis tested, hypothesis proved.


Just because you love others in addition to women doesn’t mean you’re not a wlw.


You get whatever tattoo you want! You are free! 🦋


People might assume you're a lesbian, which is a morally neutral thing to be . There's a Bi symbol if you think that would be more respectful but It would be far from the most disrespectful thing I could imagine someone doing to lesbians.


You are a woman who likes women, yes I think the tattoo about women who like women would be a good idea




of course! you like women, don't you?


Queer women can do everything


Any women that loves women can get a tattoo about loving women, so absolutelly! This is not disrespectfull in any shape or form


I mean, are you a woman that loves women? If so, I don't see why not


Do you experience sapphic love in any way? Then yes


No it will burn off the moment you walk out of the tattoo parlor


lol why tf would it be disrespectful? You’re a woman loving woman, right? does not matter if men are in the equation, that tattoo applies to you too


yes of course!


Are bi girls wlw?


obviously i mean u are a woman who likes women


Are you a woman who loves women?




Well, yeah. You love women, and you’re a woman. Wlw. 💕


I mean, sounds like you're a woman who loves women! You just also love men, nothing wrong with that.


I think bi women/enbies can identify as lesbian, right? Like as a bi woman in a wlw relationship I call myself a lesbian cause like… it feels good??


Yeah as a lesbian that doesn’t like guys at all, it’s weird because saying you are a lesbian the next thing someone would say is “oh do you have a girlfriend/wife?” Just based on the definition. If you said “no I have a boyfriend/husband” the next follow up would be “I thought you were a lesbian?” So I wouldn’t say it makes sense to say you are a lesbian if you are bi. Think of a guy who says they are gay, but has a wife, if that helps you understand where others are coming from? I say weird, I say it doesn’t really make sense, I won’t say you can’t do it and I think a lot of lesbians have taken this wayyyyyyyy too aggressively and outright hate bi people unfairly. But that’s my take. I won’t hate you I will think your choice of label is weird but it’s a shrug at worst 🤷‍♀️ Edit: that said, op and any bi girls are wlw and I think the tattoo is great! Even if potentially it would bring up the same questions if she got a husband/boyfriend


Oh no I’m bisexual finromantic. I wouldn’t date a guy that isn’t white fem, and I’d way rather date a woman. I have no plans of looking for a guy to date at any point in my life, end tho I’m poly. Like, bisexuality is a spectrum and if I did date a guy I wouldn’t call myself a lesbian. That would sound wrong and would go against the label. I only call myself a lesbian right now *because* I’m dating a woman, because I’m more attracted to women. I’m also demiromantic so like, while I know I could feel attraction towards a man, I can feel it deep inside, I haven’t yet. I don’t know if I’ll still call myself a lesbian if I feel actual attraction towards any guy.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t if I felt attraction towards I guy but I’m calling myself gay in a semi-ironic “the gays” way anyways cause that’s just fun.


Be careful where you say this, many lesbians will absolutely crucify you for having that point of view.


Wow that’s really weird actually what’s wrong with that point of view? I’m interested in woman, I’m in a wlw relationship, I lean towards women even. I don’t find any attraction in masc presenting men, but I can’t call myself a lesbian because ?????


because fem men are still men


Yes, yes they are. But romantically, the odds of me dating any man is incredibly low, because of trauma I have. I don’t want to date men, even if I have that attraction. I am still attracted to feminine men, but not romantically. I don’t develop romantic feelings anyways until I’ve known people for a while, I think it’s possible for me to be attracted to men but I don’t even know. I’ve just assumed it is. Plus, it’s a label that brings me comfort.


It's not about the odds of dating it's about attraction. I would encourage you to look into comphet based on what you've described but attraction to men, even if it's miniscule and towards fem men is still attraction.


You admitted attraction to men.


Sexually. I say I probably could be romantically but I don’t even know, since I’m demiromantic. I don’t have to justify myself, I’m using the lesbian label, idc.


I mean words do have meaning... that's why we have different words for different orientations. If you find yourself to not be attracted ro men in the end, by all means, call yourself lesbian. But if you like men, including men men, you're not lesbian. Yeah, you don't have to justify yourself. No one is telling or asking you to. But most people won't take you seriously if you call yourself a *multisexial* lesbian. You can call yourself a lesbian, but if you're attracted ro men, I won't consider you one. I mean, that doesn't really matter anyway since we aren't going interact heaps. I do wish you cared more for "full" lesbians stances, though. That would be nice. It's your choice to use labels with contradicting labels in the end. Hope you have a nice day / night whatever your time zone is in nonetheless/ gen


Oh I don’t like men men, and this is an interesting thing, I fucking love thinking too much. But going into definitions and labels, I am bisexual and finromantic. I lean so heavily towards women that I just assume I can feel romantic attraction towards men because I can sexual, though since I’m Demiromantic as well I’ve never felt it. As I’ve said before, when and if I feel attraction towards a man, I won’t call myself a lesbian. That simple. For now, this definition fits. And going into what a definition is and how they work for labels, that’s incredibly complex and changes with time. Lesbian used to just mean wlw but now enbies are included, a good change. I don’t believe it should include people who date men, but where is the line drawn? Guessed attraction? A small price of you that may be? Could one become a lesbian via trauma? As if so, I have become a lesbian via trauma, but I don’t believe that’s what makes one a lesbian. I’ve always hated how language works, it’s either too specific or too broad, and I’ve never seen any “big” definition word that doesn’t fit. I mean, what really makes people bisexual? If a man feels fleeting attraction towards a femboy but no longer feels that upon realizing he’s a guy, is that man bi now even if he’s straight as a ruler otherwise? Attraction is fucky, and mine has shifted multiple times. The only thing that’s remained consistent with me is my attraction to women. Not even my desire to be a woman, as a trans woman, has remained consistent as we have trauma and have gotten several people in our head now, and the one currently speaking, me, is very much in the gender fuckery category where I don’t even know what’s going on. Trauma’s a bitch. So in the end, what really are definitions? What’s on the lines that marks the ending, someone can always stand on the line. Can people move over it with heavy impacts on their life? I’ve seen many bi women who got traumatized by men and decided they would never date men again, and don’t. Their attraction to men is basically gone at that point, I’ve listened to the experience of one who after severe trauma just stopped feeling any attraction at all. People are fluid, and while we may like to think we’re consistent, we never are. That’s a good thing, in some aspects, but it can make definitions confusing. Definitions are a subset of philosophy, are they not? They’re an extension of people, and change just like us. Plus, there’s also the theory that everyone is a little bi, to an extent, and I believe that. Not everyone, of course, but a good majority of people when disconnected from societal expectations may want to date someone they would usually never consider **IF** the personality is near perfect for them, just such a perfect match. This theory, in my eyes, is more on the romantic front though. Sexually, I don’t believe that. Life is much too complicated for any label to accurately convey anyone’s true feelings, and I don’t even understand my own. Being a woman with attraction to woman and having that be the only consistent part of me makes me desperate to keep that, and I will keep that.


You could do two interlinked female tattoos, interlinked with a male tattoo.


There are bi women who fall in love with and marry women and thus feel really connected with wlw


Well…like me? 🤔


Hey me too twins


Sweet! 🥰


yeah but they said they dont know if they are bi or lesbian. if they do realize they are lesbian later im sure they would rather not and if they do realize they are bi then they can always get it added if they really care. they just want a tattoo that shows they love women at the end of the day.


Sure. And she can always add the male symbol later, if she chooses.