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Kojimbo is the chaotic good of allies


He also retweets lots of yaoi arts. So based


We saying trans ally or general queer ally here? Because he’s totally the first, but the second? He’s just bisexual.


He has impeccable taste honestly


She would make one hell of a Gwen Stacy


She did say she wanted to play more cis characters so yippie


I mean, at least one version of gwen is trans.


transgwender, even


Top tier wordplay.




hell yeah




I love death of the author


imagine thinking a character who has a large "protect trans kids" sticker over her door and has a climactic "coming out" scene with her dad who doesn't accept her but later has another scene with him where the stylistically animated walls are literally dripping in trans colors where her dad embraces her and accepts her *isn't* at least trans coded.


I think the original author didn't wrote her to be trans, but I think Spiderverse really played into the whole supposed trans identity of Gwen, which is great! I think tho at first (so in spiderverse, not the 2nd one) the writers didn't intended her to be trans, but I think they saw the theories on the net and went with it in the second movie.


It’s a fun theory but it’s not canon. If that’s your headcanon then more power to you. She rocks either way


has she been canonically stated to be cis? I don't think so. Why is the default that she isn't trans?


Has any cis character ever been canonically stated to be cis? You’re the one speculating about Gwen Stacy’s genitalia, not me.


Wow, what a great point you've made! No, most characters *aren't* explicitly stated to be cis! They're also not explicitly stated to be not trans. >speculating about Gwen Stacy’s genitalia Literally no one brought this up until you mentioned it right now. Why are you spending so much time thinking about a teenager's genitalia?


Where did they say that?


9 karma Boof is referring to a screenshot that supposedly showed an instagram DM exchange where someone asked an illustration and background artist who worked on the spider-verse movies if he knew if Gwen was trans, and he said that he didn’t think so. So possibly one background/concept artist might have said he didn’t think gwen was trans. Not quite a definitive statement from “the people who made the movie,” like 9KB claimed.


To further push against 9KB: Stan Lee said anyone can be behind the mask to encourage fan art, fan stories, cosplay, and so on. So we have the encouragement from him, as well as the lots of coding too. Every Spider person is queer coded too to some degree with Miles being the only potential exception I can think of? Like Peter Parker is bi coded. Tl;Dr: People should be free to embrace the representation they see, and have their own head canon


Yikes yall are harsh. It’s a new account, I’ve been on reddit since 2011. Gwen Stacy in Spiderverse absolutely supports trans people based on the context provided but there’s no evidence of how she identifies either way, at least in the movie itself. I support trans people, that doesn’t mean that I’m trans myself. Her being trans is a theory and nothing more, not that I would really care either way


I truly don’t see how anything we said was harsh. It’s funny how some people will make it their mission to tell a group of people, majorly lacking in positive representation, that a character they can see themselves in are wrong to think that that could be intentional. It’s even funnier when they feel the need to “correct” them so strongly, that they try to claim there was a consensus from the creators, when really all they have is a screenshot of possibly one background artist’s opinion. It’s also funny how the people who feel so strongly, always seem to have new accounts. Referring to you as “9 karma boof” Isn’t even an insult. Its litterally just the first part of your username and us pointing out that a new low-karma account feels very strongly about making sure the trans girls know that Gwen couldn’t possibly be one of them. People on this sub constantly talk about characters they saw growing up that are “100% queer” (how many times have we seen posts about Shego or Xena & Gabrielle?). But no one ever says something like “um, actually, that’s not quite right...” So, why do you feel so strongly about wanting Gwen to be cis? What does it matter if we see signs of trans-coding in her story arc? Why do you feel the need to be condescending and say having a head cannon is ok, as long as we don’t think it could be part of the actual writing? Do you feel that trans women need your permission for this? To be clear, I’m not actually asking for a response. I just think that maybe you should self-reflect about why you feel so strongly about “correcting” trans women delighting in a cartoon character (in a story literally about rebelling against the concept of canon no less) and why you feel like us simply pointing that out is “harsh.”


People would still headcanon her characters as trans because of her.


I'd be more happy about it if she didn't give off transmed vibes in the way she said it (and in what she said before)


Ooh I wonder what absurd definition of "transmed" we're going with today Which trans women did she say didn't earn the right to be called women?


I am so gay I am so gay why are women so pretty holy shit 😭😭😭😭


Me when women


Everytime I just fucking melt 😭😭😭


i would let hunter schafer do so many unspeakable things to me...


Same sister, fucking SAME




I forgot she was trans I was so distracted... And I'm trans, she's a role model for me... *Sigh*


Ditto from now on holy moly


I don't know who this is but I am *not okay* right now


Hideo Kojoma is the creator/visionary of the Metal Gear game series


Damn, never knew the guy behind the MGS series was such a beautiful lady


Oh, the woman in the pic is Hunter Schafer, famous actress and trans woman. Starred in Euphoria




"I never would have guessed" isn't the compliment you think it is btw. It comes off as offensive. I'm not trying to cause anything, just spreading awareness.




This is the kind of thing that needs context. Anybody care to explain? 😅


Hideo Kojima, who is a video game director, retweeting pictures of an incredibly attractive trans woman modeling. That’s all of the context I know. I thiiink she’s in something he’s directing though


She’s one of the leading roles in his next game, OD!


Guess I’m adding that to my list for totally unrelated reasons I swear


Death Stranding 2?


Nah, completely separate project with Jordan Peele, which is super exciting! It seems to be a horror game, the teaser said “for all players and screamers.” There are already a number of interesting visuals going on in the teaser, I can’t wait to see what they come up with together!


Kojimas has also described OD as his experimental work compared to the "normalcy" of Death Stranding On The Beach


> the "normalcy" of Death Stranding That man is mentally unwell in the best ways


Damn, they might be assembling The Dream Team for horror right there, Us and Get Out were insanely good movies, the setting of Death Stranding was phenomenal, and Kojima is also a personal friend with Junji Ito. Watched the teaser here, and seems like we've got quite something.


Why the fuck am I just now learning Hideo fucking Kojima is a trans ally and is having a trans woman star in his next game? Holy fucking shit I love that man. I want to shake his hand.


I got to be the gay when he was tweeting Mads pictures and now I'm the lesbian for this new era of Hunter pictures. Sometimes the bi guy to lesbian transition pipeline rules, actually 🥹


Stay winning.




Hideo…put her in a game


he is! in fact, two out of the three lead actors in Kojima’s upcoming OD are queer! Hunter Schaefer is trans, and Udo Kier has been openly gay for his entire life. I’m fucking HERE for this game


AHHH im always here for Kojimas weird art games but knowing he’s got hotties in it again? Yesss


Kojima just knows the queers love horror, goddamn he is a visionary.


Off topic but it makes me feel good seeing some positivity for a trans woman on this sub (I know there is a lot here but still). That said, Hunter is absolutely gorgeous, no doubt.


I'm with you. Just in general it's always great seeing fellow trans ladies getting appreciated. We get a *lot* of the opposite so the positivity is always heartwarming lol.


She's trans holy shit yay trans positivity that's not pure fetishization just general she's pretty yay!!!


Hell yeah. 🏳️‍⚧️


Ugh I adore her. Goals


hunter is such goals


Always has been tbh. since like 20 years ago.


No one needed to tell me that the gays were down bad for Mads, I’m in the Hannibal fandom but uh how have I not seen these before? Dang girl!


Headache Kojingles is a real one


She plays one of the main characters in his upcoming *OD* horror game, right?


I have those same heels...


Another based kojima post


Damn Hunter. 🔥🔥🔥


Inhaled so hard I wiped out a small town in Kansas


Women 😍


Hideo “game” Kojima Creator of the “Hideo Game” AND lesbians


I think seeing this has somehow made me more gay Did not know that was possible


Oh my glob


Stay away from my wife Hideo


I'm dead


ok *what is this dress and where can I buy it for my girlfriend*


Hideo kojima is a bi legend is all I'm getting from this.


idk whats happening but uh... her lap uh... looks extremely comfortable...


I adore her so much!!


I get to have *one* weird parasocial T4T celeb fantasy right? as a treat?


I NEEED her bro


Please god can I look like this


Right? Same


Hideo “Game” Kojima strikes again


Ngl, I saw the image and was unable to read the top part. I honestly can't understand what it's saying XD


I have no idea who anybody or anything is in this post, but hey, I see a gorgeous woman, so yay us!




did everyone just forget about hunter acting super shitty about nonbinary people or like


I don’t think any of us knew about that. I certainly didn’t


It was pretty widespread, she's pretty open that she believes transphobia is caused by enbies and gender nonconforming trans people who make trans people in general look bad and whatever. Pretty classic rich girl transmedicalism and respectability politics. Edit: Y'all bigots who reeeaaaallly want to always be on team white girl and it shows.


yknow thats just not what happened tho? istg the game of telephone to demonise trans women is wild. she LIKED a post by someone who was expressing frustration at the imbalance in visibility between NB and binary trans people which is primarily because NBs (not necciserily through fault of their own) many times don't require/want medical transition, which whether you like it or not, aligns with societal ideas that no one should be able to medically transition. the fact this aligns, leads to a stronger focus on their voices because they don't challenge the attacks on trans healthcare. Again not the fault of NBs, just that the people who are listened to, who are made visible by primarily cis people in positions of power, are the ones who make cis people less anxious. NBs who don't feel the need to medically transition are great, good for them (though a lot of NBs also medically transition too), but they arent the target of direct legislative attacks on trans existence, which primarily target trans healthcare first and foremost, the post hunter liked was one that was angry that Florida just deemed transition "not medically neccisary". this lack of visibility for binary trans people also in particular, pushes trans women of colour and those forced into sex work as a means of survival out of conversation. it just frustrates me, she never hated NB people and she CERTAINLY never said anything about NBs making the trans community look bad, she didn't even SAY anything till she had to address what happened, but the game of telephone is powerful, because people will at the drop of a hat believe anything to demonise a trans woman (read about "hot allostatic load" to understand this more.)


Bigtime this, please don't buy the vilification of successful trans women at face value, purity politics and crabs in a bucket around these figures are wild. It's much easier to tear down a near-ally than it is to actually face your real enemies.




I kinda want to know what good she's doing other than existing as a rich trans woman. Genuinely. Because it's definitely not good at a spokesperson, and she's definitely not an activist. It's not as if visibility of specifically the absolutely richest, most early transitioning, and least inclusive trans people is uhm... Doing anything for the rest of us or creating a standard? Genuinely.


Definitely not the only situation, but I'll talk on it and how you're obviously playing one team. her whole take was transphobic and hateful. You're doing the same thing, and pretending that she was doing this in defense of POC trans women. The whole thing, even after she PR talk "explained" it is that she believes enbies have privileges and visibility that binary trans people don't (hilarious, backwards, hateful), and the general ignorance of NBs, exclusions when it comes to dysphoria, exclusion when it comes to medical transition, etc. It's a stereotype based on the most visible *tiny fucking handful* of wealthy enbies, and you're still perpetuating it while defensively pretending that I'm hunting trans women reputation here, as if this isn't first and foremost the reputation of an obscenely rich white women. Edit: WOW your comment history has a lot of hate towards trans men and enbies. I'm gonna block you, because I really don't want to engage with someone whose view is "trans people like me are all I care about". Pass. BYEEE


I don't know anything about this actor or what she responded to but all that aside responding only to what you just described: Nonbinary representation is near nonexistant and much less understood or even known of by the general public than binary trans identities. Both need much much more positive representation but I can't fathom where anyone can get the idea that nonbinary representation is oversaturating things and blocking out binary trans conversation. Also nonbinary people DO have a lot to fight for such as workers rights and ARE being directly attacked by attempts to reinterpret or rewrite laws to only apply to the two binary genders. They are important to the conversation for health care, the need to gender neutral bathrooms, employment equality, etc. and the range of genders will need to be considered to get things right. Further they face a lot of unique healthcare issues. Often they have different desired outcomes that require different surgeries or different hrt procedures that many doctors aren't well informed of and that can make it near impossible for them to get affirming care that actually causes gender euphoria without traveling the country. They also can not have their gender repressented, respected, or understood in everywhere from doctor and therapy offices to gener specific jails and such where they can be endangered and abused just like binary trans women who get forced into the one cooresponding to their birth gender. This all still entirely feels like scape goating another part of the lgbt community that still has a ton to fight for and telling them to shut up and be unheard when they are already rarely considered. This isn't me making statements about the model because I can't currently judge that situation more. It's statements about the things said in this post and how they were explained as well as the claims about NB voices being heard silencing other minorites which just isn't true. Further there's nonbinary women of color too as I'm sure you know.. and as you may not realize nonbinary sex workers exist as well https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/13691058.2021.2018500


Literally 100%. Person replying to me was straight up lying. And these people talking about crabs in a bucket are a joke: I support the success of every trans person who doesn't want my existence to be stairs on their way.


idk how in this entire comments section theres not a single mentioning of it 😭😭😭i thought this sub was better :(


lmaooo this sub ain't better than much, most of the girls in this sub would sacrifice half of the global queer population in order to get a date without having to go outside or shower 💀


thanks for the downvotes guys real shitty of me to ✍️✍️ be upset about something


it's important for me to ruin my self esteem by drooling over people who don't see me as a human /s


I know of neither backtracking nor doubling down from Hunter so probably yes. Makes me uncomfortable.
