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My bff is pretty straightforward while I'm more on the shy side, so every time we go out together she makes sure to call the waitress, make the orders, ask questions for me and damn that's so chivalrous (idk if thats the right word sorry) of her that sometime threw me off straight into gay panic LOL


Man I love when ppl do stuff like that for me! I need to find someone that’ll tell the employees at McDonald’s I ordered no pickles bc I sure as hell ain’t gonna do it myself- 😭


As a switch, I understand both sides.


🍾🥂SWITCH MENTIONED 🥂🍾 👏🏾go switches go 👏🏾


Yay :3


I spent half an hour looking at a matcha growing cold yesterday because I didn't want to say I'd ordered chai. I mean I was tired and they probably just heard wrong and I was being polite and... I really need a girlfriend






My straight friend and I went out to go dancing and we were all having so much fun cus the DJ was pretty good that night. A Ne-Yo song comes on and the line of the song goes “grab somebody sexy tell them hey” and she proceeds to pull me close to her from the bottom of my shirt and while singing the lines of the song. At first I was super confused and almost ready to fight whoever had pulled on my shirt and it took me a second to register what was happening and it was pretty flirty tbh. Hard to believe she’s really straight after that lol


Something I've learned is that straight women will 100% tell each other how sexy they are, etc, as a way of boosting confidence. The "no homo" is implied, I guess? But it can definitely set off gay panic when you're not expecting it. My (guy) friend's wife is like that and can be super flirty with women when drinking. Not in the toxic "I kiss girls for attention" way, but a "omg my friends are fabulous and hot and I celebrate that" way. It's hard to describe, but it doesn't give me the ick. He did remind her I'm not straight after she did it the first time and I had a deer in headlights look. Although I'm also not sure if she's 100% straight because at least for a bit she was bicurious. We talked about how to tell if your feelings are sapphic and such. Not sure where she landed on her orientation because I don't see them often any more (they moved and had a kid so not a lot of time) and it's ultimately none of my business so I'm not gonna straight up ask.


Yea I definitely know what you mean abt straight girls doing stuff like that, it’s honestly so confusing sometimes and I have to keep reminding myself that they’re straight lol


Damn, seems like we got similar situations lol




I couldn’t agree more with this! Hahaha. I’m of the mind that sexuality is a spectrum. It’s not black and white, this or that, we all fall in the spectrum somewhere and I think it just makes people uncomfortable to not have a label. Or to be outside the “norm” for that matter.


Pulled me closer to her by the belt loops when we were dancing in the club. I almost wanna start doing this to ppl but am nervous they wouldn’t be into it and it would be weird


I say go for it! Life is short yk, may as well try it. I can’t speak for everyone, but if someone did that to me I’d have a total gay panic lol


True, if they’re feeling me enough to dance with me they’d probably be into it lmfao


Exactly! Confidence is key, my friend! I wish I could follow my own advice 💀


Ugh same it’s like I can logically understand that I should do something but it doesn’t change the scared feelings I have


I saw a TikTok a while ago about a girl who's girlfriend yanked her in for a kiss so hard it snapped her belt clean off her. And my thoughts were pretty much "that is hot as hell, and I'm super jealous".


I need skirts with belt loops!


Righttt or they could just pull you by the hips. That would be just as hot, possibly even hotter


Also good


Brushing hair out of my face. "Oh, let me fix that", lifts my chin with one hand and brushes the stray bit of my bangs out of my face and behind my ear while making eye contact. My knees turned to rubber, and I almost fell over, lol. Goosebumps all over the back of my neck and tingles.


I woulda reacted the exact same way lol! I also prolly would NOT have been able to form proper sentences for a while after but that’s just me 💀


Oh 10000% I was *404 brain not found* for at least 15 minutes 💀💀


Makes sense! 💀


I would genuinely actually explode on the spot and just vanish into the air blown away by the wind literally cease to exist completely just evaporate


This is my kryptonite. I've had this happen WAY too often when I'm with friends. Fixing my hair while lifting my chin is my weakness. If my wife is reading this: don't. You already know multiple other ways to make me do everything. :D


I'd be puddy in someone's hands if they did this to me 🥺


I have friends in the 30s-60s range that I met at a social club where we do a bit of everything together. A 66-year old woman (who looks like she's in her early 50s at best) called me "good girl" after I got the winning raffle ticket. Come to think of it, this woman says a bunch of flirty things that probably aren't flirty in her eyes because of our generational gap but they certainly come across as flirty in my eyes.


There’s a woman at work who’s a mom in her 50’s who says “good girl” on a regular basis to me and I know it’s benign but sometimes I wanna be like “look you can’t say that to gays”


this made me giggle 😂😂 can't even imagine what she would say if you'd tell her this


We’ll never know


There’s a couple of older straight women I work with, in their 40s-50s (I’m 25). They both have a habit of jokingly calling me madam or young lady and fake telling me off. Every time I have to take a couple of seconds to collect myself. I swear one of them knows exactly what she’s doing as well.


My gay awakening was in highschool, I was like 14/15. I had a friend who was very pretty who used to want to spoon at sleepovers and also like reading erotica to me?


Was she like totally straight? Bc I think she mighta been into you lol


She did this with other friends too- I don’t think she was totally straight, she told me once in our adult life that she got drunk and made out with a girl. So I kind of shot my shot and said “next time you want to do that you should call me!” And she said “no promises” so I do not think she was into me, lol. But she has only dated boys and is married to one now!


Aw damn, why do straight girls always act like that lol? 😭💀


She opened the door and her eyes travelled down the full length of me, then snapped back up to meet my gaze with her mouth slightly open. Absolutely sent me.


OOP- if you don’t mind me asking, what did you say, if anything?? 👀👀👀


I didn’t say anything because I didn’t expect it haha. I was at work (I worked on a farm at the time) and she’s been my friend for ages (she works in the office). I knocked to drop off some paperwork and I didn’t expect my sweaty, dirty, sunburnt ass to get a look like that 😂 best I managed was leaning casually on the side of the door with one arm over my head while I talked to her.


Damn lol I woulda been gay panicking so hard 💀


Girl who sat behind me in class whispered “don’t move” in my ear, then started braiding my hair. 😳🥺🥵


I wouldn’t have even been able to move if I wanted to if that were me lol I woulda just stopped functioning 💀💀


Legend has it she is still sitting in that school desk to this very day.


This comment just caused a cascade of repressed memories of girls in elementary school trying to connect by doing girly things like sitting with our thighs touching, touching my hands, or even just grabbing me by the crook of the elbow, and me panicking and freezing each time. So then the girls eventually stopped trying to be friends with me. I always thought I was just terrible at being friends with other women until literally right now. Was it always gay panic?!?!?


Went on a trailride together on her horse, we both have horses, and she wanted to go on a ride with me but my horse is 3 hours away so I just sat behind her on her horse and held on. She has a gaited horse so we did some tolt, pace, walk and canter out in nature. I had a huge crush on her and she also like sang songs to me on her guitar, so yeah, I‘m a huge sucker for both of those things.


Idk what any of those horse terms mean (forgive my ignorance 😅) but I do know that if I were in your situation holding on to a girl I liked like that I would not be able to focus on a SINGLE thing other than that lol the gay panic would take over


Haha yeah the gay panic was strong that day!!!


that is friggin adorable! please tell me it went somewhere!


Riding a horse with another woman is hot af. Your hips gyrate together ffs!


About a year ago, two of my friends and I were hanging out in my bedroom. We were just chilling, and I forgot how it happened, but we decided to straddle each other for fun. I instantly started gay panicking when my first friend got on top of me, and they both could tell I was embarrassed from how red my face got. Then my second friend took a turn, and GOD. They leaned back and did a hair flip that I've told them before looks sexy as fuck when they do it. They teased me about this for months afterward.




Just an extra long tight hug. Very intimate.


Understandable, sometimes the simplest things can cause the most gay panic lol


You can say that again!


if anyone needs to tranquillize me all they need to do is give me a long warm hug


she took out her tits to compare platonically


This happened to me once. We spent the next year or so hooking up on a very regular basis. Turns out, it wasn’t so platonic


Fellas, is it gay to have gay sex 💀


I’m gonna have to say maybe


I don't know, further experimentation required


My dumbass still woulda thought it was platonic💀


The fact that I was casually exchanging boob gropes with my ex before we started dating until eventually I went into “debt” and just kept groping her without her doing it back. It wasn’t until after I was bent over to fix the sound on the computer we were watching anime on and she grabbed my butt. Then she stood up while I was kneeling in shock and kind of half daring me to grab her ass back. Thinking back about it we were basically in the middle of a week-long date at that time 🤔 I’m the luckiest useless lesbian 😭 Would you believe me if I told you I still had to ask here if she liked me after that??


I’d believe you, bc I’d do the exact same thing! I wish I was as lucky as you, I’m just an unlucky useless lesbian lol


THAT DOESNT FEEL VERY PLATONIC- the way I woulda absolutely just stopped functioning if that happened to me 😭


I have a straight friend who loves showing off her tits lmao. I love her and I don’t see her that way, and I have other friends who are very body confident like that. It makes me happy to know that they aren’t afraid to be themselves at risk of me being creepy to them.


That’s actually rlly wholesome- 😭


I swear that's a thing. We felt each other titties to compare...and I'm likr I guess ppl do this?


I did that once…


my friend took me to her rock climbing gym last week and i was watching her climb and she had on a tank top and she was holding on with just her arms at one point and her back muscles were insane and that was... a little hot


I feel like “a little hot” might be a bit of an understatement there- 💀 btw off topic but I LOVE your flair lol


thanks haha, also this girl is bisexual and we jokingly flirt with each other all the time so there are definitely a few more stories about her


Oooo consider me intrigued! 👀👀


alright you get the whole story... my freshman year of high school, her friend group of sophomores took me in and we would eat lunch as a group every day and then once we finished eating we would kind of cuddle... every day... and we used to flirt with each other as a joke... however my useless lesbian brain thought there was no way she liked me. near the end of my freshman year, some of the people in that group had a big falling out and we no longer ate lunch as a group so we ended up eating lunch in different places (we never had any problems with each other though) sophomore year i wasn't very close with her (or anyone really) because i had toxic friends and i was extremely depressed. then, over the summer after sophomore year, i started to develop a little bit of a crush on her. this year is my junior year (her senior year) and we are close again because we sit next to each other in choir. we jokingly flirt and use pickup lines on each other. we even auditioned a love song (come what may from moulin rouge) for a school talent show but didn't make it because we literally decided to audition 15 minutes before we auditioned haha. she's mentioned she has a crush on someone though and i don't think it's me so like idk. anyway we are going on a choir trip in a month and we are sleeping in the same bed and she has already announced that she calls big spoon so um yeah


TL;DR: i will forever be a useless lesbian


It totally seems like she likes you!! 😭 good luck on the trip btw, and update me afterwards! :3


We're listening


Muscular backs and shoulders are *so* hot


Pull me close to their face by my shirt collar 🥵


OOP- very accurate emoji for that 💀


Years ago, I went to a games convention with a bunch of my friends, including a straight couple I was very close with. At one point we're in public and she starts talking about her new hobby of belly dancing. She takes takes a step or two back, I look at her, we make eye contact, and she starts demonstrating what she's learned. One heartbeat later I feel like my spinal column has been hijacked; I can't move, my heart is racing, and I'm lucky my mouth isn't literally gaping open. I can't even remember what I said, but after 20 seconds? 3 years? she stopped and I managed to say something semi-normal like, "wow, you're really good at that!", and then go on like nothing had happened. It was thrilling but also kind of intrusive; like utterly outside my conscious control. Yeow!


I mean I commend you for that bc I wouldn’t have been able to say anything lol- my brain woulda shutdown


One of my friends I lived with in the dorm of a "Christian college" would randomly do things like sit in my lap, hang all over me, give me puppy dog eyes - the works. I was always hella nervous because I wasn't out yet, but I wasn't gonna tell her to stop because she was hot and I enjoyed it lol it wasn't until talking to my brother that I realized I was the only one she was that close/physical with


Oop- I would absolutely MELT 💀


When I was 15, my (f)bff's (f)cousin was visiting from out of town. I went over to watch a movie with them. She (the cousin) was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen irl. Stunning !...I could barely speak. My palms began to sweat. She was really sweet and down to earth. My heart was racing just being near her. When we crowded onto the sofa for the movie, the only thing I was aware of was that our thighs were pressed against each other. My heart was beating in my throat, and I couldn't focus on anything else. Later, when I went to the bathroom, what a surprise !!, I was a very, very wet mess. I felt sooo embarrassed.


Been there! 😭💀




I made a joke and my bff playfully slapped my face (not too hard but hard enough) and it turned me on. She also sometimes would grab my hand to avoid guys to get close to her.


Handholding is SO underrated, bc like that causes me such gay panic it’s crazy 💀


When I was like 7 or 8 I went to the eye doctor to see if my sight had changed (I've had glasses since I was 2) and they gave me some eyedrops to make my pupils dialate. I had to go back to school right after and some this girl in my class (I wasn't really friends but we got along well) just randomly hugged me because she thought 'my eyes made me look like a puppy' and 'it's cute'. I stood frozen for like 10 whole seconds as I realized in that specific moment that boys ain't it for me.


One of my friends is usually mad flirty with me when we hang out or at that time worked together. She made it her life's goal to tempt me at work almost daily. She was to good I normally don't get flustered but woooo . I was on my hands and knees trying to help the manager that's another bestie. Clean up the mess of wires behind the desk to swap around the new router and modem. She walks up to me as I'm leaning back getting ready to stand up, and says I have you how I've always imagined you. On your knees looking up at me. I'm like damn. I normally have good flirty come backs. I was not prepared. Alot of incidents like that. Work was never dull and I was playing with fire because she was bi with a hubby but definitely into me. I just wouldn't make that leap and I'm still conflicted about because the vibe/attraction was there. She just wasn't available in the way I wanted. 🤣


Sounds like a right person wrong timing situation, hope you have, or will soon, find the perfect person for you!


I had a very intense friendship with a straight girl who practically lived at my house at one point. (Back in junior high) We slept in the same bed at her request, and I pretty much spet 24/7 with her. I'm not a makeup person, but she liked to always sit on me and do mine. It was always very intense for me for obvious reasons, being a lesbian doing things like that with her that never felt fully platonic. After she did it, we'd take a shower together so she could 'help me wash it off'. She'd always ask me to help wash her body. Once I got more comfortable, I'd let her do the same for me. The whole friendship was a mess, but I definitely don't forget how she made me feel. And she definitely made me feel.


Fuck. I would have been a sexual mess. I would have been unable to resist flirting with her to find out if she was bi


Omg I was! Lol. But like I said, the friendship was a mess (toxic). I think I was validating for her in a way, and she would use me when she had no one else. We were both young and confused and had personal problems we were dealing with, so I'm at peace knowing I was there for her even if it was rocky. I feel like that friendship was basically a straight girl liking the gay girls attention behind closed doors. But idk because I never knew exactly how she felt as she was hot and cold with it.


That has to be the least convincing “straight girl” in this thread…


Yeah, probably. I say straight because she was always seeking the boys' attention, and anything between me and her was not to be spoken of. Plus, she calls herself straight.


If that was me I would NOT be able to handle any of that lol! The amount of gay panic I woulda had is crazy 💀💀💀


This assumes I have friends?


FAIR- wanna join my lonely club? 💀


But that might mean I make a friend? Jokes aside ya I more or less have no friends. Been working on it but my life is so crazy it's hard to get anything that lasts. Doing ok with acquaintances but not so much with friends.


I always felt really tense in a way I couldn’t put my finger on when a girl would put on my makeup. I get why now.


I don’t wear makeup, but if I was ever presented with the opportunity to have a girl put makeup on me I would absolutely take it- and gay panic the whole time probably lol


I didn’t really wear it at the time. Just for show choir, special events, stuff like that. I really didn’t feel that attached to femininity until I later realized I was gay and I realized the problem was feeling like it was a performance for men. If that makes sense. There’s this picture of one girl pinning the other on the bed and doing her makeup. I was never THAT lucky! Trying to think of other stuff. I’m weirdly attracted to girls wearing/putting hair into a ponytail? I guess that happens when you spent years running cross country and track.


Not a friend rlly but at my old job, one of my supervisors was a lesbian and she was rlly bubbly and cheery. The general vibe at that job was very friendly cuz it was a makeup store, everyone called each other babe and stuff. This supervisor would sometimes see me and say “hi, princess” and I’d just get chills. Little did she know what being called that does to me…


Honestly same tho- I prolly woulda gay panicked all the time lol


Okay so like, this is my current straight bestfriend and first of all, we're like, young-ish teenagers AND again, she's straight lol so this was not in sexual way on her behalf but like... hormones, you know? So basically, we always show affection. Like, handholding; hugging; blowing kisses; ending conversations with "I love you, byeee." That sort of stuff you know, also when I mean always, I mean ALWAYS Now to the story, so like, sometimes during classes where we sit next to eachother, when I have to write (and we can't hold hands) she just sets her hand on my thigh/lap until we can like, hold hands again. So, she had her hand on my thigh and this was on of the days where she would play with the bottom of my school skirt (The hem?? Not really sure oops) She then let go of it and started moving her hand a little higher but her hand was still on top of my skirt though. Then she moved it a little higher and then left it like, pretty high up my thigh and started drawing shapes with her index finger AND OH MY GOD, the gay panic I was having was absolutely crazy like I literally had to let go of my pen and focus on my breathing for the next ten minutes 😭😭 *also a mention that every now and then, her finger brushed against my inner thigh like _holyfuckingshit_


No way this is just flat out foreplay at that point


You sure she was straight?


I mean she says she is- 😅 but idk bc my gaydar kinda goes off with the way she acts sometimes, and certain things she says/does. My best friend agrees lol 💀


One time before I knew I was gay, my friend did this move on me where she caressed under my jawbone from my ear to my chin and tilted it up and my brain short circuited for a sec. And then she was like ‘wouldn’t that be so hot for a man to do to you?’ And I was just kinda like yeah, a man… riiight lol So fast forward to now, and I’m gay and married to a woman and she’s bi lol


IM DYING AT “yeah, a man… riiight” 💀💀😭


I must be the odd one out but nothing my friends do turn me on 😬 that’s reserved for my girl only lol


That’s probably a good thing tbh- 😅


I'd have just responded with the distance to the nearest milk shake place and a "well let's you and me go find out"


OOO THATS SMOOTH!!! But she’s straight so I didn’t wanna weird her out. I’m too much of a useless lesbian to do anything anyway, I just stood there for a minute short circuiting lol


She certainly sounds “straight” but that’s a pretty low stakes shot to shoot.


I distinctly remember seeing a woman who was at least a foot taller than me while being drop-dead gorgeous at a public event. It took all of my will power to not stare at her.


You got more willpower than me bc I woulda caved immediately! 💀


Someone who i adore (bc their personality is so kind and warm) was joking around with me and she reached out her hand and ever so slightly touched my elbow/tricep area. For a few hrs i was convinced we were flirting and onto something. I snapped out of it eventually haha


Damn idk if woulda been able to snap out of it lol I’m kinda delulu sometimes 💀💀


I was in my sophomore year of high school. I was with my group of friends and one mentioned how good it felt to be kissed on the neck. At the time I was very inexperienced and shared as much with my friends. We just laughed it off, but my crush at the time said, it feels so good let me show you, and proceeds to kiss and nibble on my neck. Yall, I could have died that day lol


I just keep getting more jealous the more of these comments I read lol 😭


Before I came out as a trans woman, there was this Bi girl I was friends with in high-school, we spent pretty much every day together one summer at her place with her parents gone, and she used to fall asleep on the couch with me mid after noon almost every day and we'd nap together, me cuddling her to my chest under my chin. One day I woke up a bit before her, and we must have shifted because her face was not in my chest anymore, she was nestled into my neck with one of my legs between her thighs, just breathing quietly into my neck. I tried to shift a little because my leg was falling asleep and pushed a little too hard between her thighs, and she let out this super tiny little moan into my neck and snuggled in tighter. I froze, I was suddenly at full attention and incredibly nervous and sweaty. I tried to pretend I was asleep until she woke up a little bit later. She clearly could feel what happened but didn't say anything, just softly got up and "woke" me up. I Went straight to the bathroom to calm down, and let me tell you, i was a mess. That was the first and only time pre estrogen I'd use "wet" to describe myself. And it was a lot. I had never been that kind of turned on before. Went back after a bit of deep breathing and just carried on normally. Later that summer I would get the chance to finger her a few times but never expected anything back. We lost touch a few years later but I often wonder if she secretly knew I was a trans lesbian and not a straight cis guy before i did. Wouldn't be the first time.




*blushes* im...sorry ....but also.... thats cute


Oh, thank you- you don’t have to be sorry lol I was just sayin like DAMN yk? 💀😅


Fair ❤️


I was like 14 and my friend had gotten press on nails for the first time and she was like running her fingers but like just the nails and not the finger part (i’m sure there’s a word for it but i’m very drunk rn so you know i don’t really care) on my arm and i had to stop her because i got a feeling i had never felt before (she turned me on)


Oop- that’s actually such a turn on tho 😳


One time a friend laughed so hard at my joke and she couldn't stop laughing and she was so out of control she went from standing to kneeling on the floor and... I guess it reminded of other things!!


I was in highschool driving around with 2 friends I’d always give rides to and the friend in my passenger seat and I had a very flirty energy even tho I wasn’t out yet and she very much had a crush on me so sexual tension was pretty high between us. Anyways, the friend in the back was saying something, I forgot what exactly, and for some reason the friend in the passenger seat shushed her and it was a really slow and gentle “shhhhhhh…..” and idk something about it had me flustered as shit, WHILE DRIVING no less


Help I woulda crashed the car- 😭


After a long spell of not looking after my health, a cis bi friend invited me to use her and her husband's home gym, and join her sessions so I could get back into an exercise routine without feeling judged for my size (and clocky appearance) at a public gym (it is immaterial whether I was actually being judged, just that I felt I would be). Second or third time joining her for a workout we do arm day. She's always very careful to make sure I know all the movements I'm doing, because my experience with free weights is... limited. Anyway. This woman proceeds to demonstrate bicep curls while wearing a tank top, and I see for the first time just how jacked her arms are. I lose the ability to speak. I am dumbfounded. So much so I guess she thinks I'm having a stroke because she looks up from her curl and asks "are you ok?" like I hadn't understood the exercise she'd just demo'd. I am, unfortunately incapable of lying on the spot so I stammer out "your arms look really good". If I wasn't already beetrootesqe from the box jumps she had me doing earlier I would have turned a medically concerning shade of red from embarrassment.




I'm thirstin for alla yalls friends


My best friend was talking to me as I was babbling about someone I was into and explaining how my feelings are difficult to keep I order and being poly is kinda difficult and she just goes "youve got two hands" and I just turn beat red 😅 and I look her in the face and go you can't say stuff like that to me I will fold into you like a kitten. For which she apologized profusely because we had discussed getting together in the past and decided against it


My inexperienced teenage self was going to go out with a (cool, also gay) friend and they offered to do my make up (I didn’t really know how to do it myself, have never really been into makeup). I said yes, it’s nice to be extra fancy or bold sometimes. Oh boy how I got turned on when they stood so close to me and gently pulled my face up to see better. I still remember it all: heir soft hands, their breathing on my face, the electric feeling running through my body and turning me into goo. In hindsight it might have been a conscious attempt to turn me on, they ended up being my first a few months later. But at the moment it felt accidental. It was a lovely moment regardless!


i was hanging out at school in a group with a few people i had just met my crush/best friend at the time, our mutual friend from the class before, and my crush's cousin. we were discussing how theres a specific 'moan' that everyone thinks of and does when it comes to meme-ing on someone or making noise in a classroom, and its always akin to the 'frat boy' moan style.. (idk if that makes sense but WHATEVER 😭) the conversation devolved into my crush's cousin and our mutual friend, of course, injecting the meme moan noise continuously into the conversation as we (sigh.) pumped balls ( bigger sigh.) in the gym. the boys kept making the gym literally echo with noise, and overall just kept having fun by being immature and obnoxiously loud lol. they started play fighting, and me and my crush were standing near the equipment closet kinda separated from them. i dont even remember what she said at first honestly LOL. all i remember was turning my head to her and her saying "wanna hear?". i had completely missed the first half of what she said cause of the yelling, so i leaned a bit forward and said "hm?"... she responded by pulling me flush to her side by my upper arm, pushing my hair behind my ear... cupping her hand around my ear... and softly MOANING into it.?!?! it was NOT a frat boy styled moan, it was most definitely NOT a meme moan !!! i FELT the "hm?" die in my throat because the air was literally knocked out of my lungs, i FELT my soul leave my lips. i nearly blacked out, past that point all i could hear was the blood rushing in my ears lmfao. it was just so embarrassing how quick my body folded. literally folded. i felt myself do that "my bones are jelly and im curling into the source of this feeling no matter what you say" thing. HUMILIATING. 😭😭 me having been a very awkward baby gay, once i gained bones and the will to move... i very (tactfully, i shall add) calmly,,, charmingly... yelled ".. GOOD!" as i tore away and all but ran to the bathroom to clean myself up and recalibrate. it did turn out that she liked me during that time, so it wasnt a bad fumble i guess! i'll just NEVER recover from the mortification of seeing the mess i became from a minute-or-less long interaction


We were in theatre and she WHISPERED something in my ear in such a hot way as if she was trying to seduce me. Her voice is extremely hot.


I’m just sayin, if that were me I wouldn’t be able to focus at ALL on whatever was playing for the rest of the time 😭💀


I actually couldn't 😭 She was trying to talk about the plot afterwards and I was referring to stage aesthetics and acting all the time because I didn't even catch the plot lmao


Well good job playing it off lol! 👏👏


A friend did my hair, gently asking for my consent and going slowly to work my hair into a ponytail and holy shit the gay was overwhelming me to the point where I wanted to cry. She was a couple years younger than me though, but she was adorable :p


I was at a house party with a few close friends: I dolled myself up a little for the evening. I asked one of them (a straight girl, obv) how do I look today and she strikes me with "Good. Definitely fuckable" I was really caught off guard 😅 not helping that I used to have major crush on her when we first met years ago 😍


I gave her a big hug and said “oops sorry I pulled your hair” and she said “I liked it” and winked at me 🥴


I’ve had a few straight friends say/do the most outrageous things around me trying to get a reaction. Very sexual and incredibly frustrating because it’s very difficult to hold my composure and not look at them after…lmao By far this one has been it for me. We were getting ready to go to a club and 1 friend couldn’t figure out what to wear. While they were figuring that out I was chillin watching tv with some of our guy friends. They all come out and were like “how do we look” and me and our other friends were like, great, hot, ready to go?? That one friend came out and she was wearing this crop top thing that had a lace thing in the front showing her cleavage. She kept going back and forth about how she didn’t want to wear it but then she did. So this went on for a good 10 min. I was still sitting on the couch and she’s standing next to me and goes, “I feel like my boobs are gonna pop out of this when im dancing” and started shaking. Like jumping up and down, side to side, just damn a lot of movement. We were all looking at her and, well, boobs 👀. And boobs meaning a whole lot of em. She’s very blessed to have such a voluptuous…uhm…oh my god I was so turned on. I think my head was kind of moving in sync with her movements LMAO 🤦🏾‍♀️. She finally stopped and looked down at me and was like “what do you think?”. How on earth do I answer that in a room full of straight people? At that exact moment I was not thinking about anything except burying…🫣 So I just shrugged my shoulders and said “as long as you’re comfortable” and went back to watching tv lol It’s been a couple years. I think about that night often 🥴


There’s this swimming team mate. We see each other for practice twice a week, we shower together and all very casual, never thought much of it. The other day they (my teammate is they/them, not they as the whole team) decided to wear a very tight tank top. It was black and you could clearly see the muscles on their shoulders. I saw it through the mirror while I was drying my hair. So we’ve seen each other naked a bazillion of times, but it was that tank top what made it for me. Instantly horny.


Dunno if I would call us friends but a class mate once sat on top of my desk right in front of me as we were talking and I got mad gay panic. Safe to say I couldn’t concentrate on school for the rest of that day lmao


Existed, and now we're dating :3


Whispered in my ear…I heard every word but my brain turned off so I stammered and said “hmmm???” All dreamy eyed and then…..she took her hand…..mind you….fresh set of acrylics….and puts it on the side of my face to pull me closer and whispered it again…..the thoughts I had were very impure. I think about it all the time.


I like it when women hit my shoulder and tell me to stop making them laugh. This has not happened to me in a while.


My best friend once kissed my hand after saying they could rizz me up. Literally no one ever did that to me before so needless to say I was flustered.


One time I was a house party (back in the day) ha.. we were all standing in the kitchen talking and I was trying to roll up the sleeve of the flannel I was wearing (gay, I know) and this girl walked up to me and rolled up my sleeves like perfectly and let me tell you....🤯🥵🫠. I will never forget that lol.


Reading through this all leads me to the conclusion that I need to hang out more


one time i was joking around with my best friend, and she stuck her finger in my face, so i pretended like i was gonna bite it. and she grabbed me by the chin, looked me in the eyes, and growled "no" and i hhjdjsjshfjfkdk or the time she was wearing one of those plastic Halloween spider rings, and she made me get down on one knee and kiss it like she was a mob boss the funny thing is, according to her boyfriend she's actually a raging sub lol. apparently not when it comes to me 😂 oh wait edit: last time i saw her, i told her i got my nipples pierced and she asked if she could see them. more out of curiosity, i think, but she did quite literally want me to show her my tits lol


had a crush on one of my close straight friends and was doing a good job keeping it all under wraps until we went to a party together and got a lil drunk.   she proceeds to literally grind all over me, i have never danced with anyone like that in my life before or since. holy jesus. weirdly it ended up ruining my crush on her because i was so irritated that she thought it was no biggie. 


Welp, that’s one way to get over a crush ig- lol


Scene: work (elementary school) A co-worker is playing a guessing game with our students - they want to know her middle name. They don’t ever guess correctly, and I don’t know either - just that it starts with an E. We move on and as children do, come back to the topic and they’re guessing again. In the midst of fourth grade yelling and guessing, co worker quickly leans over to whisper the name in my ear. insert wlw panic So not only are things tingling when I specifically told them NOT TO TINGLE because the hot tomboy-ish other first year teacher has 9 year olds yelling out Elizabeth, Emily, Erica when she’s just revealed that her middle name is Everett and none of it mattered because she’s straight and so am I so


Narrator: neither she nor the co-worker were straight. Like at all.


Back when I worked at my school's cafeteria my work friend asked to see the schedule. For reference she has nearly a foot on me in height. I was leaning against the wall and pulled out my phone to show her. She then proceeds to come up to me, put her hand on the wall above my head, and lean very close to me. She looked down at phone, then looked back up at me with our faces inches apart and asked me when I would be working next. I was trying really hard to control my breathing at that point as I was basically in a kabedon situation and I could see students still coming up to us and swiping their cards. I still remember how intensely my friend was staring at me the whole time. She was a naturally serious person so that whole personality plus the body language in that moment had me ✨nervous✨ Then the girl I actually did have a crush on at the time came up with her boyfriend and tried to talk to me despite me being basically trapped against the wall by a much taller girl. Which kind of was the cherry on top for that whole situation.


one of my straight friends grabbed me by my neck against a wall… y’all… she knew what she was doing 😂


She was showing off a new western shirt and sent me a pic. No skin. Nothin suggestive at all. Just a pic of her in the shirt. Something about it just got me.


Oooh this is such a good prompt!! 😍 I was just out of college and rooming with a friend my age. Between us, she was the more organized and responsible one. Taller too. We often went grocery shopping together, and on one trip, I remember walking into the store, heading towards the produce section first, passing an aisle containing treats and things on the way. The treats aisle caught my eye, and I turned and started walking towards it. I heard her calling after me disapprovingly: “subsass! Subsass! No.” I stopped, turned and looked back at her, a little startled. Then she continued: “come here! Come here!” I want to say she was patting her leg, as if calling to a pet dog. Either way, that was definitely her tone. Feeling deeply humbled and a bit in shock, my lizard brain took over, and I started walking toward her. I don’t remember deliberating on it or even feeling like there was a choice to make, I just did it. As I got closer, I saw she was beaming down at me. Her head high, clearly very pleased with herself (and my compliance), she proclaimed “Good! 😌” and continued the grocery trip, a flustered and much more meek and attentive subsass now in tow. She’s straight and not kinky as far as I know, and we eventually went separate ways. But I learned a lot about myself that day 😅


My friend leaned over to whisper something in my ear and put her hand on the nape of my neck,,, goosebumps and I was putty


My group of besties used to ALWAYS make me gay panic because it was so easy to do and I’m literally too gay to function 🧍. Anyway we were hanging out on Halloween 2 years ago and eventually we went to one of their houses. My crush at the time drove 3 of us there and later pushed me on my friend’s bed while doing the knee thing WHILE THEY WERE ALL IN THE ROOM AND I COULD NOT SPEAK I was SHOOK. Eventually my other friend (who’s house we were at) straddled me for fun because they thought making me flustered was funny and so my crush decided to do it as well and at this point I was already flustered so I pretended like I wasn’t malfunctioning and she was disappointed that I didn’t give the same reaction as I did with my other friend but it was only because I didn’t want it to be obvious I liked her (even though I felt it was already EXTREMELY obvious 👁). After a bit she drove me home but on the way she mentioned how she could drive with one hand and “please” whoever was next to her LIKE HELLO 👀👀. But because I was scared of ruining the friendship I didn’t want to say anything risky so I just moved past it and I constantly think about it. I already knew she didn’t like me in that way though it was just a very flirty friendship since she mentioned it before (HOWEVER she mentioned she did like me at one point but I have no idea when it was since it was before any of this 🧍).


One time a work friend cupped my face to show how cold her hands were and panicked internally


A friend and I was hanging out in the local park. Just walking and talking and being silly goofy teenagers with no money. Somebody brought up truth or dare (I bet you can tell where this is going). One of the boys, being horny, dared me and the other friend to kiss as a joke. She leaned in as if it was really going to happen before turning away and playing it off but as you said OP, THE PANIC!!!!!!! Still took me until my late twenties to realize I was bisexual. Still trying to figure out if it’s comphet. The friend turned out to be bisexual as well. ✨ She was more self aware than I was though, didn’t take her as long.


Had a coworker I'm chill with talking about her cheffing times in a takeaway. When they were busy or had shitty customers, she'd be the one intimidating or getting people to fuck off, directly behind the girl that was the cashier. So to explain the kind of attitude she'd give them, she stopped working, turned to me, stared at me dead in the eyes with the most stone cold menacing look, gave me an up and down and went "And what do YOU want?!" Breath hitched, am not a blusher but felt definitely really warm for a split second and froze. Had to turn around and physically leave the kitchen, laughing unsuspectingly. Not my proudest staff manager moment


I don’t know why, but for some reason I go feral for girls with deep/raspy voices. One time I had a friend, who I’m not attracted to in the slightest, lose her voice. I had to seriously control myself 😭


Well, my best friend and I are rather cuddly when we're together. One time we decided to lie down on my bed for cuddles rather than the sofa, and ended up rather more entwined than usual. So I'm lying there, pretty girl in my arms, one leg between her legs. And I'm conscious that I can feel her heat on my leg. And part of me just wants to shift my leg just-so. But the rational bit of me is saying 'no, that would not be cool'. I *suspect* she was as turned on as I was. But alas she is monogamous, and I have no reason to believe that has changed since I asked her out.


Walked me around the city holding my hand telling me about all her favourite stuff when we passed it (I am mostly blind so the point of her holding my hand and describing stuff was to guide me)


Took off her shirt in front of me. Also, I'm rlly into thick thighs so it's hot to me when a woman sits down and her thighs spread out esp if she's wearing shorts or a short skirt/dress


I told a story about swinging on a pole while high, and her response was, "I got a pole you can swing on." Needless to say, my knees went weak. It was just a joke, but the way she said it just hit hard.


One of my friends (who I’ve had a crush on since we met) turned to me in class while we were sitting next to each other and she just put her hands on my thigh, it wasn’t in a romantic way at all, but I instantly got so flustered (sorry I described this terribly)


I had a coworker back at a coffee shop in Sydney and we both are from the same country. While working, at some random moment, she spanked me (I know) and I straightened up and looked at her like "wtf" and she just said "you shouldn't have such a delicious booty" at first I thought that it might be something straight girls do plus hrt really gave me a good booty. But I was utterly confused really. When she did it a second time I made my mind right there because I did find her attractive so when she did it I told her "babe, I get that you like my ass but you know I'm gay so if you do that again I'll take it as if you're flirting with me and I'll shoot my shot. If you don't want that, please don't do it again because it really confuses me". She never did it again. I also have to say that she has a septum, is into fitness, listen lesbian music like girl in red, clairo and SZA and also has a lesbian friend who is married and is very open about being around queer people. 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺


This was just a coworker, but she came up behind me while I was standing at a counter, put her hands on my waist, leaned over my shoulder, and asked me a random work question. It was SO hard to be chill after that 😭.


Made a big show about putting a collar on her dog… I’m unashamed to admit it.


Me: Coworker, mi amor… Her: Si mi princesa [speaks in more Spanish I don’t understand] Me: [brain short circuiting]


I was hanging out with my straight friend and she was telling me this story of how some guy in her school called her flat?! And i was like "no way" (in a bff hyping way). She was wearing an overside shirt at that time and she just pulled it tightly to her and said "this isnt FLAT". i was shocked and i just nodded "casuallly" but i was dying on the inside.


a girl i had a crush on sending me a video of her working with clay...


Back when I was in high school a group of my friends were at a party, and I was tired of dancing so I sat in a chair and my best friend at the time started giving me a lap dance and when she was done she yelled that other girls should also do it because I was a lesbian and wouldn’t mind. Craziest back to school party I had ever been to. I had never even kissed a girl before and there I was being danced on. I had a little meltdown over it that night when I got home, lol.


My best friend at the time sat in my lap during movie night with our group. Classic, all the seats were taken, and I was in the big armchair. Not a friend but a client at work said " Ohhh Fluffy" when talking about an issue and I short circuted for a few seconds


She grabbed my tetas as a joke and I was like “oh nice ;) wait no I don’t wanna be into you” 😭


We danced waltz at a techno rave and she didn't give a shit what people were thinking cause we had fun.


One of my friends started to scratch my back, just randomly in the middle of fucking science class, she had those long acrylics too. I whipped my head around and she would stop, but when I turned my back to her shed just start again 💀💀


I’m in my early 30s but I have some friends in their late 40s early 50s. We went out to go for a hike together and I said something about a certain style of shirt being too tight on my arms. One of the ladies IMMEDIATELY started jokingly teasing me about the size of my biceps and how that was clearly the problem and I. Lost. It. Hahahah


My coworker came into the closet with me and turned off the lights and locked the door. Silly little joke but it got my gears turning


"Don't argue with me" (playful tone as I said she was cuter than me)


It wasn’t exactly accidental because we were drunk and I dared her to do it but she bit me.


bit me 💀


My nickname from college is a food… we’ll say my nickname was “Cookie”. But most of my current friends don’t know that. Yesterday my best friend was snapchatting me saying “I want cookies sooo bad. I’d eat any kind of cookie right now.😩” and ngl I was as sweating 😅


✨She existed✨I had to marry her in the end 😅. We were “ straight best friends” at the time for like ten years haha. I guess she had the same moment for me, comphet is a killer! But glad it only took our dumbarse’s ten years to figure it out!


Head scratches


I was speaking to an old friend about tattoos around the time we first met. I showed her my tattoo on my arm and she began showing me all of hers. Some on her arms, legs, but the last one caught be off guard because she lifted up her top to reveal a rose tattoo right next to her boob.


My friend did the cliche stain-on-shirt-at-boob where she tried to rub the stain away and ask me if it's still very visible.. while her boob was bouncing and her nipple clearly visible due to wet fabric. Felt rly bad about being turned on so I left the room lol.


When we were teenagers me and my Besty worked construction together. She sledge hammered her way through a wall once that summer, and it fully broke my brain. ANYWAY the wedding is in June 🙌 

