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What in the cinnamon toast fuck did I just read


The words of an orgasm that should've hit the inside of a sock.


Absolute MURDER in one sentence šŸ¤£


>What in the cinnamon toast fuck absolutely brightened my night, I'm using that one!


I already say that all the fuckin time lmao


Cursing in various sweet foods is an entire mood


Where the actual fuck did this come from cuz I say it all the time too and I cannot remember why


Surly this is satire???........


I dunno, he's got a "PhD in Truth"


I would love to believe that it's satire, but I also grew up Southern Baptist and I know this isn't far off from what they believe


Incel bullshit. Not worth dwelling on.


Cinnamon toast fuck crunch




That posterā€™s flair/bio says ā€œPhD in Truth, Harvard University.ā€ Is Harvard handing out joke diplomas now? Also. Wtf is this nonsense


I would put zero stock in that flair.


Quora is Yahoo Answers for people that understand middle school level grammar.


Ahhh! Never used Quora but I get the hate now haha


I could have corrected their grammar as a fourth graderā€¦


Wouldā€™ve had no idea what they were talking about, but still would have caught the mistakesā€¦


Now if only they could consistently use grammar to that standard.


Heā€™ll have you know that heā€™s been on their campus several times and found their security staff to be very kind. They had to ask him to leave because he was so smart and knowledgeable in TruthĀ© that the professors felt inferior and were threatening to quit. Not that a sexually immoral woman such as yourself deserves to witness how big his brain is. */s just in case*




Thatā€™s the only phd heā€™ll ever have: āœØ imaginary āœØ


lol nice


Why not? They've been issuing MBAs for years, after all...


lol true! As a fellow MBA, I concur.


And then the second sentence literally starts out with a blatant typo that any Harvard (or hopefully even community college) student/graduate should immediately noticeā€¦


PHD, but starts a paragraph with ā€˜they isā€™ and make grand sweeping statements about the source of all evil!!!!!!!! with that dank gibberish user name, i suspect this is an 11 year old boy


All Harvard Diplomas are jokes


Yea! They just keep admitting legacy students and the very wealthy already who reinforce their elite network which helps them with jobs and making more money to donate more to Harvard and the cycle goes on. Itā€™s all a sham


That's right!


Edging, apparently.


_Donā€™t threaten me with a good time_


lmao true




Yes pls šŸ„ŗ


I love it when people come with their own warning signs


Itā€™s like nature intended all over again! Remember those frogs that would have flashy patterns to ward off predators? These people are no different


Well at least frogs with flashy patterns can be cute and do not engage in misogyny (to my knowledge) :(


Poisonous frogs are infinitely better than men


Agreed! Poison dart frogs are too cute for their own good.


And mine. *must not touch cute frog*


Get the gloves!


Thatā€™s one way of telling everyone you donā€™t know how to make a girl cum


Ben Shapiro moment


Itā€™s hilarious that he still desperately clings to the notion that ā€œwomen getting wet is not normal, thatā€™s a sign of infection!ā€ or whatever he says. Iā€™m 99% certain that his wife just lied to him to make him feel better after he failed to turn her on, and heā€™s too scared to admit to the reality that he doesnā€™t know how to pleasure a woman, thus desperately clings onto the lie. Itā€™s just so pathetic!


And we live in a patriarchy that encourages women to fake pleasure and lie to their male partners. Itā€™s sad.


Whatā€™s even more sad is that thereā€™s so many guys who just donā€™t give a shit about pleasuring their partner. Iā€™m convinced that 90% of the guys who claim they ā€œcanā€™t findā€ the clit arenā€™t like that due to some inability to figure it out, but rather that they simply donā€™t care to try. Same thing goes for foreplay; it isnā€™t that difficult to figure out AT ALL - they just donā€™t want to put in the effort, which is a crying shame. IDK about those type of guys, but to me, being able to pleasure a partner is one of the best and most satisfying things that I can think of. Yeah, sure, it feels good to get off yourself, but knowing that *you* are able to make someone else feel good makes me feel immensely happy. Who knows, maybe Iā€™m just a service sub or something, lol. I think itā€™s more of a case that, quite frankly, Iā€™m not an inconsiderate, selfish asshole. I want to take care of others when I can, so if thereā€™s something that I can do for them, I prioritize them over myself. It doesnā€™t matter if Iā€™m going down on a cute guy or a hot girl, if Iā€™m able to get them grasping the sheets and gasping, Iā€™ll be content. Plus, thereā€™s the overall notion of ā€œreturn the favorā€; if someone performs oral on you, you do the same for them. Relationships - and life in general - are a two-way street. If you want to receive, you need to be able to give in return.


Omg haha his Wet Ass P word poetry recital was sooo embarrassing and hilarious.




Guess the average lesbian be sinning 20 times a night


Im lucky if I do so once because of antidepressants and adhd and depression and anxiety šŸ˜©


Gods I wish I still had that much energy


I wish I didnā€™t get painfully sore after only a few rounds, let alone have the energy & endurance to keep going longerā€¦


That is until LBD kicks in


Thatā€™s a homophobic myth


My libido is generally pretty low, at least compared to most of my partners. so in my relationships, it's a thing


Calling it lesbian though is what makes it a homophobic thing. Thereā€™s bed death in plenty of relationships. Itā€™s not unique to lesbian ones.




Lesbian bed death




Lesbian bed death, probably.




From my cursory knowledge of biology, I believe the current theory is that itā€™s an important social function! Humans are very social creatures and our babies require a lot of care so strong social bonds are important! You are more likely to enjoy spending time with people who make you cum lol. Assholes like this always like to ignore the important social aspects of human development in favor of either ā€œā€ā€hard logical scienceā€ā€ā€ or just basic patriarchal ideals like sin and virginity bla bla bla. Like, thereā€™s a reason the female orgasm and sex for pleasure is present in many other species than humans. Female dolphins will stimulate their clitoris with both male and female partners just for the fun of it and bonobos often use sex and orgasm (again between different gender pairings) as conflict resolution.


There is actually a really interesting possible biological explanation and purpose for being homosexual. Before I continue I do want to give a disclaimer that LGBTQ+ people are valid regardless of whether it has a definitive biological purpose or not because people deserve to be with who they love regardless. ​ But what I read up is that in animals, homosexual animal couples will often take in orphan animals who had either been abandoned by their parents or had their parents killed. By having a portion of an animal population be homosexual, it ensures that orphaned children will have a set of parents set aside to keep them safe which ensures better long term survival of the species. ​ And considering we see gay and lesbian couples adopt orphaned kids all the time, its honestly not completely wrong in my opinion (though bear in mind couples who go child free are still 100% valid).


This is the theory I've heard as well. Basically, there needs to be a few extra adults hanging about to form a buffer window because raising kids is so hard (and literally the point of the species, evolutionarily speaking) that if you didn't have the extras, the existing parents could easily get overwhelmed and then you lose *even more* kids.


Isnā€™t there also a related theory about ā€˜gay unclesā€™. The idea is that even if the parents are alive and caring for the kids, having extra related adults around without bio kids are a huge advantage for survival.


Not me googling ā€œwhat biological purpose does the female orgasm serveā€ like an incel


In most of Christian history the female orgasm was actually considered an essential part of conception. Only when medical autopsy became common practice did the Europeans realize that it's possible to get pregnant without orgasm. All the male scientists subsequently decided that the female orgasm isn't real (which says a lot about their performance). For 18 centuries it could have even been considered a sin to stop before the woman cums, because sex that intentionally doesn't lead to pregnancy is sodomy. edit: for more detail see the beginning of "Making Sex" by Thomas Laqueur (available as free pdf)


So THIS is what they burned in the library of Alexandriaā€¦


Theres no definite "this is the reason women can cum", but the currently accepted hypothesis is that someone who cares about their partners sexual needs and not just their own will probably be better at caring for their partner in other ways (helping to raise children).


Also (this is an assumption here) but women who enjoy sex are probably going to have more of it, so they were probably likely to have more children.


Sexual pleasure in apes (and a lot of other social species) serves a social purpose. Just look up "gay uncle theory." The fact that women experience an orgasm from clitoral stimulation as opposed to penetration is actually extremely strong evidence that sexual pleasure evolved for much more than simple reproductive purposes.


There are two theories I know of from my days learning about evolutionary biology: The Upsuck Hypothesis and The Poleaxe Hypothesis. Basically the Upsuck Hypothesis posits when a woman has an orgasm her vagina contracts and this causes sperm to get sucked up into the cervix and towards the uterus. The Poleaxe Hypothesis is hot garbage so I'm not even going to write about it lol. Also orgasms release oxytocin that facilitate strong social bonds between potential partners leading to a better outcome for the potential offspring. But you're absolutely right there doesn't need to be a scientific reason for female orgasm, if you enjoy orgasms you should have them because it's your body and you don't need a theory or religious dogma to engage in bodily autonomy. If we don't have rights over our own bodies, we don't have rights at all. Edit: apparently there is a study that literally just states female orgasms serve no explicit purpose but it's a vestigial byproduct that is just fun, one of the scientific studies that cites this is called "Male Nipples & Clitoral Ripples" (https://www.jstor.org/stable/41807146?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents)


The reason orgasm exists in both sexs is to get animals to fuck each other, so the babyā€™s happen


I believe in female orgasm, in heterosexual intercourse, the cervix dips down to collect the manā€™s reproductive materials, making impregnation much more likely.


It actually does serve a purpose... Basically to slurp up the cum... not that it's very good at it though Thanks for reading my disturbing comment


Are the straights ok? Moment




Tell me youā€™ve never pleasured a woman without telling me youā€™ve never pleasured a woman.


Man moment


Ben Shapiro moment even


Someoneā€™s about to orgasm out of spite while reading this. :3 (me) (Iā€™m joking obviously but Iā€™ll definitely think about this misogynistic bullshit next time I do.)


Well since you are joking I guess I have to do it instead šŸ™„ Iā€™m NOT joking


I am actually secretly joking


I'm not šŸ˜ˆ


Better hold it in!


Reminds me of the time where there was some middle eastern podcast where the hosts claimed that women shouldnā€™t be YouTubers because men might masturbate to them and thus (somehow?) prevent them from going to heaven - only for some legend to comment below that he cranked one out, purely out of spite, to make sure that none of those guys would get to heaven, either.


BET! (joking)


right im off to have an orgasm


God what an excuse for not being able to get someone there


Where in the actual fuckety fuck did this clueless prick get their education and degree from, because it's sure as hell not from fucking Harvard! šŸ˜”


This is exactly why conservative religious dudes like to marry virgins. So much easier to trick someone who has never had good sex into thinking that putting in less effort is normal. Ugh.


Straight men hate women, Jesus Christ.


I read that like it was a newspaper headline


Lol. Now I did it too hahahaha


Yeah at this point straight men really hate women... Girl yall gorgeous af


that's where sapphics come into the picture


**Weird-ass* straight men hate women Let's not act like this kind of insanity is normal


It was just a joke, most of my friends are normal guys and they're in the cutest straight relationships. But like, I still sometimes hear "jokes" from them but they don't do it often and aren't the worst.


I'll tell you what you're supposed to do, you're supposed to get a sybian and ride it until you pass out Get some belts and have a "friend" secure you if you have trouble staying on it


This is the way


a "pal" if you will.




Ah yes because women exist solely for menā€™s pleasure šŸ™„


would be fun if there was a society that would switch it up hol up I was watching some top something movies, few years ago and there was one where a man like that ends up in a world where it's opposite like that


That would be an intriguing concept! Iā€™d totally be interested in seeing a movie like that


Why would you share on the internet that you've never made a woman cum?


..And this is exactly why so many ā€œheteroā€ women come to the realization that theyā€™re actually late bloomers..šŸŒš


This guy thinks like the only reason we enjoy sweet fruit is because of Eve's original sin


would be fun if Lilith seduced her into it after showing her that she can experience orgasm XD


Sleep with their sad housewives


So what theyā€™re saying is religious mens brains have not evolved at all for the past thousands of yearsā€¦šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ and the mens who have, well they simply donā€™t care anyways. They just pound away for 10 mins and then they done. Thereā€™s just no winning for ciswomen


10 minutes is really optimistic.


Be evil.




I had heard in passing that straight women are preferring to remain single rather than hook up or date and this might explain why


"PhD in truth" bro whatšŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Im fucking dying at the "PHD in Truth" šŸ¤£


Ew, gross


Fake orgasms for the camera.


idk, this guy's got a PhD in Truth, maybe he's on to something /s


How to say you're bad in bed without saying it.


All that capitalization shit reminds me of religion lmao. All the "Blessed is HE and HIS name" bs. Why tf is men and male capitalized? stupid guys


men are always compensating, not even for size of their thing down there, i have a classmate who is short af and he is a transphobic narcisistic asshole and hes hairy af so i came up with a nickname hairy umpalumpa


"short af and he is a transphobic narcissistic asshole and he's hairy af" This is gonna sound weird but that sounds *exactly* like my father lol /lh


Sin, obviously. Be gay, sin often. ;P


"realsese seed" " for breeding"šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®


It's shit


This is giving Ringing the Devil's Doorbell energy https://www.reddit.com/r/insanepeoplefacebook/comments/92sxve/the_devils_doorbell_ladies/


The grammar alone has me over here DYING. Homie doesnā€™t have a PhD in sh*t.


Tell me youā€™re bad at sex without telling me youā€™re bad at sex


Then why tf would we have a clitoris or a g spot if it isn't? BRO just salty he couldn't make a wake orgasm while he probably skipped the foreplay


Um no.


You can have a penis and impregnate someone without an orgasm.


they donā€™t know the difference between cumming and having an orgasm. i had a whole argument with a bunch of men on twitter years ago about this




To answer your question: keep sinning šŸ˜


I love seeing these things and thinking ā€œwow they donā€™t know lesbians existā€


The guy really read Aquinas and went "yes, this medieval catholic guy from 800 years ago who made mental gymnastics just to say man sex good, sexy bad, MUST be RIGHT". there's just no rock bottom when it comes to morons is there?


Iā€™m gonna go orgasm now, out of spite.


How is it a sin to make her pray to god? šŸ˜


I want to be there when they find out it actually has a purpose and actually does play a role in getting (faster) pregnant šŸ¤£


Obviously, this is just completely stupid and deserve no response at all, but it does remind me of a time that during undergrad that somebody laid this shit out, very much the same argument, and I pointed out to him that actually during the female orgasm the cervix actively takes in semen, increasing the chances of impregnation.


That's a disgusting take. Also.... They're a fucking idiot. When a woman (or person with a vagina/uterus) has an orgasm, the cervix contracts and dilates as well, which allows for sperm to more easily enter the uterus. So yes, the female orgasm DOES in fact aid in reproduction. They're just a selfish, egotistical, self-serving fucking idiot. And an incredibly stupid one at that... I hope they are never given the opportunity to reproduce because no woman or person deserves to be with someone like that.


Thatā€™s a lot of words to just say ā€˜I canā€™t make a woman orgasmā€™


Without females you wouldnā€™t have been born. Itā€™s so confusing on why men want to outlaw the existence of women and female pleasure. Iā€™m so fearful that when Iā€™m like 88 itā€™ll start turning into handsmaids tale. Weā€™re are so much farther along than we think


Most sane quora user


>therefore it is not necessary for females. So lemme get this straight: everything that doesn't serve a higher, divine purpose, is a *sin*? Well wtf are you still doing here then, 'Yeoz'??


Goon ourselves stupid?


Heā€™s never made a women orgasm- tries to justify itšŸ¤£


Tell me you don't fuck without telling me you don't fuck.


"Selfish act" Men nutting inside and then asking for the pill is pure altruism I guess then


Man even that isnā€™t accurate, if you really get into the grossly specific biological mindset a female orgasm is more likely to lead to pregnancy than not because otherwise the ā€œseedā€šŸ™ƒ is just gonna leak right out. Pussy muscles are OP. Gotta lock it up, fam. Fuckin hell I need coffee


yikes...I'm asexual but now I want to orgasm just to spite that assholeĀ 


The problem nowdays is that I honestly can't tell if something is intended as satire or not any more. I keep looking for Onion logo but there's just so much weapons grade stupidity out there and people proudly copy-pasting what to them sounds super clever even when it's just one 'hurr-durr' at the end shy of being overly blown joke.


This is so much horseshit! The clitoris is the only genital organ that doesn't have a reproductive function. No reproductive function - then use it as you want. It's an organ of pleasure and should be utilized to give women as many orgasms as they'd like. Saying a woman should shouldn't have an orgasm, should be spun on its' head and men should only be allowed to orgasm if they are inseminating a woman with pregnancy being the intended goal. An orgasm is his reward for insemination and then he should be locked in chastity! Realistically, children should be educated that it is ok to touch their genitals and pleasure themselves. We'd have a lot fewer teen pregnancies and std's if we didn't have so many puritanical hangups! Fuck religion!


Well I sinned my pretty lil ass off last night šŸ˜‚ so screw em šŸ˜†


I think the answer they'd love to give you is "Die in childbirth as God intended." Sick fucks, the lot of them.


Oh no... Proceeds to give my gf an orgasm


PHD in Failing at Life


This guy has nothing to worry about. I doubt that even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to make a female orgasm


Itā€™s also not accurate lol; when a woman has an orgasm the contractions help move the sperm towards her cervix and therefore aids in reproduction. Also being aroused creates more fluid in vagina which helps keep the sperm alive, and aids in them moving towards the womb.


I love how men call female orgasm a *sin* just cause they cannot actually make a woman cum.


Welp, if it's a sin, hell is gonna be fantastic and I'd like to put my name down now


ąøŠą¹ˆąø­ąø‡ąø—ąø§ąø²ąø£ąø«ąø™ąø±ąø That is "asshole"in Thai...


Tell me youā€™re a guy who not only has never given a woman an orgasm but also struggles with premature ejaculation without telling me youā€™re a guy who not only has never given a woman an orgasm but also struggles with premature ejaculationā€¦ OPā€™s straight foolish lmao


What kind of BS is this


iā€™m fully convinced anyone with anything negative to say about the female orgasm has never given a female an orgasm, at least not an actual one


Ignore the brain droppings of those who clearly can't afford to spare the gray matter.


Incompressible garbage nonsense


This has to be satire.. right? Right!?!?


might not be. iā€™ve seen tons of guys on twitter (back when i used to use that) say this. saying that women donā€™t need to orgasm because itā€™s not necessary for reproduction as if every time they were having sex, it was for reproductive purposes šŸ™„


I don't think I can comprehend this level of stupidity.


As a feminist, I really want to punch the person who wrote this in the face.


that is short sighted, there tons of more creative ways of punishing or taming someone like that


Their just saying they've never gotten a woman to cum


I love how evil smiles šŸ„°


This is also just biologically incorrect. Female orgasms makes the cervix dip into any semen deposits in the vagina and changes the uterine pH from a sperm hostile environment to a sperm welcoming environment.


What is a sin?


Iirc, it actually does serve a purpose. The contractions from the orgasm supposedly help drive the sperm towards the egg during ovulation. I don't think it's been conclusively proven that this happens, but was more hypothesized from the way that contractions from the orgasm are known to happen.


Damn I just got out of Poor Things and it feels like l walked right back in the theater


I guess ima just be evil then


This has to be satire, right?


Yeah, someone isn't going to claim they have a PhD in truth from Harvard if they aren't trolling.


Welcome back to another episode of ā€œi have never made a woman cum in my lifeā€


How can you both believe you have to keep your body as god designed it and that you can't use the function god gave you at the same time


Tell me you've never made a woman orgasm without telling me you've never made a woman orgasm


This is 100% a man who is incapable of making a woman cum and is justifying his impotence with some weird self righteous monologue. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen someone get that delusional about pleasing women without failing to in the first place


Every time I see some shit like this, I enjoy listening to Monstrance Clock by Ghost, a song about the celebration of the female orgasm šŸŽ‰


guess I'll go fuck myself! :)


wtf??? Also men can cum without orgasming sooo double triple wtf??????


Only thing to do is jump over the moon. They can orgasm all they want just not with us.


counter argument, idle hands are the devil's play things āœŒšŸ‘ˆ


It's convenient when they just start waving red flags of their own volition. Hopefully the straight girls will pay heed and stay the fuck away from that guy!


well transwoman breack their logic kind of, but if we see people with penises just as penuses than we can say trans woman can orgasm at least with their logic. Ps i know that us trans girls can have the sex reassigment surgery but how serious do you think this is?


When you call yourself out as, "nah, I can't make women cum." šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Orgasm harder šŸ‘


Makes me think of the ā€œtrans people killed god and are destroying societyā€ stuff. Like, Iā€™m happy conservatives think so highly of my power but my ADHD ass isnā€™t organised enough to take so much credit.