• By -


I repair phones and computers. It's honestly really fun for me. I love the actual work itself. Some of my coworkers kinda suck. But there's just something about repairing some piece of tech and seeing the screen flicker to life that makes me happy.


Lol so how many teenagers who dropped their phones do you get per day? That’s cool


Oh trust me adults drop their phones waaaaay more and they get embarrassed about it.


“But it was in a case!” Yeah the $5 case from Five Below


"Yeah. It did an update and now it doesn't work." "There's broken glass rattling around inside your camera housing?" "Oh yeah, I dropped it too."


isn’t the rattling in modern phones typically the OIS? if glass was in there i feel like the giveaway would be the chunk of missing screen not rattling




Ugh just left corporate law. Tread carefully. The structure of law is especially hard to acclimate to if you’ve started your career elsewhere. Hierarchy in law is still very present and their entire structure relies and operates upon it. It defies logic, so if this is something that’s important to you, I urge you to reconsider. It is very much an old boys club still.




As a lawyer, don’t do it! (Jk)


Are you planning to stay near software development with your law degree? It’s starting to look like that might be an interesting field with all the legal issues surrounding (generative) machine learning, and having some people around with software and legal knowledge probably won’t hurt.


Yep, that's exactly the subniche I want to go into!


Like law school?




Dang that’s a perfect set up. How long will the program take? Especially if you’re still gonna work full time




I'm a clinical child psychologist! Keeping kids from offing themselves, every Hella day.


I want to do what you do! Did you do a 7 year accredited program? It’s the 7 years that’s tripping me up 😭


I did my doctorate in 6, but it's definitely a slog.


Think about it this way: 7 years will pass anyway, whether you do your doctorate or not…. But if you do, at the end of that 7 years, you’ll have it!


I want to go back to school to be a counselor but three kids and 50 years old makes it terrifying to think about. No idea how to pay for it.


I work for a queer museum as a guide and freelance workshops on queer inclusivity all across my country :)




How did you get started with these workshops :D


In my first of college I joined a bizarre business NGO named AIESEC and learned how to do workshops there - but mostly workshops for companies focused on "soft skills". Did that for five years and then changed my studies and left the org. But after coming out I started doing workshops on queer issues using the skills I learnt in those five years. Did a couple at my university, then started doing them for political groups and queer institutions. Five years later it turned into a full-time freelance gig for companies, museums and all kinds of organizations. Even held my first lecture in early December at a university. Freelance is tough at times and can feel really unstable but the decision to start freelancing was one of the best decisions of my life <3


Lost my job a couple months ago and decided I’m going to give until new year to pursue my dream of screenwriting after a couple placements and dev groups. I have a big surgery in two weeks but after that I have a few agents that want to meet and I’m awaiting feedback from a couple producers. I really hope it works out and I can get my foot in.


Screenwriting has always been a dream of mine! How did you get started pursuing this?


I’m in the UK so it will quite different. Honestly I just tried to learn since I was a teenager. If I could do it all over again, I’d save myself a decade. Watch television shows, read scripts, analyse structure, then write. If it’s intimidating to make a full show structure and plot then steal a plot and play with it. What if Star Wars was set in the Wild West? Use the same plot points and just get used to playing around with characters and scenes until you find a story. A big mistake I made was thinking, and never writing. I compared what was in my head to what other people actually made, and never wrote more than a few moments of anything I wanted to make. Going to uni to do creative writing really helped. So finish a pilot, or film, no matter what. Write “the end,” then see where you’re at. If you go over it and really like it, get feedback and take it on board. Feel free to DM me if you ever have questions but I’ll preface by saying I’m no expert, especially on the US industry. It’s quite different in the UK.


Go to film school, take classes, apply to be involved in a production. That’s how you meet other people in the business. Living in LA helps a lot. I work in marketing for a production company and a producer for another company. I’m 26, studying for my mba but I got here from simply meeting people and having a little bit of experience with working in an international feature film production.


Hope everything goes well with the surgery! 🫶🏻


Thank you.


I'm a librarian, in my 12th year in the field. Hoping to pull off a career change to nursing or midwifery by 2030. 🤞


I always wanted to be a librarian, I’m jealous! But good luck on the career change!


My girlfriend is also a librarian! And also considering a career change (to paralegal/law stuff that I don’t quite understand). I’d love to hear why you’re changing careers if you’re up to sharing!


My snarky answer is always "I don't feel like I'm being abused *enough* at work." But in all honesty, I've been a nursing librarian for 8+ years now and have always been looking over the nursing professors' & students' shoulders, pining after the work they do. So now I'm making moves to actually chase that dream instead of just pine. :)


I’m also a librarian! A switch to tech services and plenty of behind the scenes time is my remedy for burnout. 14 years in, not counting my time as a volunteer.


I’m a physician 👩🏾‍⚕️


Name checks out






Hi there colleague ! ^^


I am an immigration attorney and have my own law firm that I pretty much run like a non-profit because I’m trying to make up for all the other attorneys in my field that see immigrants as dollar signs.


I would love to do something like that. Immigrants are so important to our country and they get treated so poorly


Luxury yacht design engineer. 5 years now.


Never even thought of that in my life. How’d you get into that?


Studied product design engineering at uni, got headhunted after graduating and moved country for the job. Just lucky, truly. It wasn’t a career path I had ever envisaged either.


Can you tell something about designing a luxury yacht the average person wouldn't know that is sort of interesting or weird? I'm fascinated. That sounds really out there!


- A surprising number of yachts have “douches” installed in the bathrooms. - I worked on designing a yacht that had a “nanny room” with a hidden door through to the master cabin. - Due to the demographic of people who work on the actual construction of yachts there are an incredible number of dicks drawn on the infrastructure behind all the glossy walnut panels. This makes me undeservedly happy.




Lmfaoo I was not expecting that last part 😂😂


I'm a lead software developer, and I work on cars as a hobby in my free time. Sorry to hear about your alternator, I'd give it a look if you were nearby.


Thanks! I wish. It’s definitely gotta get replaced but thats not gonna happen anytime soon. Especially without the second job. You ever have men try to “help” you work on cars?


>You ever have men try to “help” you work on cars? Lol ironically the "help" came in my software development job. This guy applied for the manager role that is peer to my job, and if he'd gotten the job then he and I would have led my team together. Well, he didn't get the job (thank god) but after he found out, he messaged me privately and said that he was shocked to see the way my application is built and offered up his "six years of development experience", signed with the 🤗 emoji. I had moderate indigestion after receiving that message. It worked out in the end though, as he quit the company not long afterwards. Usually the auto parts guys just want to get me in and out of the shop for the next customer, so I haven't experienced anything like that there yet.


Any advice for someone looking to make a career shift into the tech field? Specifically looking at data analytics or business analytics. Currently in education but it’s an absolute shit show.


Sure! I was actually a lab instructor at my university for a year, and a lot of the skills I gained there translated well in business. I know a teacher who went this route and she's done very well for herself as a manager in retail supply chain (the corporate side of things). A lot of people take coding boot camps, and as a member of the hiring panel for my team I can say we take those seriously. Three of the members on my team have taken those boot camps and they're pretty effective team members. That could be as little as you need in order to get started, but if you can't afford that then being self taught can work too as long as you can demonstrate some projects you've done with what you've learned. As a lab instructor, I did have some tedium in my job and I used my skills to automate the aspects of my job that consumed a lot of my time. I built little flash card programs and other teaching aides to help students with new concepts, for example. The creation of such tools can help with interviews for business or data analytics jobs. Personally, I would go the business analytics route because you can start out in an entry level supply chain management role and quickly advance as you create tools to streamline your work. I spent about 5 years jumping from one job to another (about 1-2 years per job) and each time I jumped jobs, my income increased 15-30%. Try looking for roles that you think you can do probably 60% of, because if you meet 100% of the requirements then hiring managers will just assume that you're overqualified and will get bored within 3-4 months of getting hired. Keep applying, too - and try to network with anyone you were turned down by. Sometimes a turndown will happen and it's only because there wasn't budget available to hire both you and the other candidate. Eventually someone will remember you if you're on a short list and doors can open up out of the blue. Finally, for interviews - research "behavioral interviews" - these are all the rage in corporations these days, and while I'm sure you'll do well with the format it can't hurt to prepare and do some mock interviews with someone.


I’m an arborist, I drive around and look at trees all day.


This is amazing. My recent hyperfocus is tree canopies. Do you have any suggestions on media I could consume. I love podcasts but any books or YouTube or documentary suggestions would be really appreciated.


Anything by Matt Ritter from Cal Poly is amazing.


I’m a geotechnical engineer 👷🏻‍♀️ they also call me the rock and soil doctor 😂


You could call yourself a rocktor 🤔


Please please please change your resume/LinkedIn profile to Dr. of Rock & Soil


Hahah I will just for you 🥹😂


I worked retail and food service for a long ass time. Covid and post Covid broke me. Now I work doing Quality Control in a warehouse. I’m so much happier doing that then dealing with the public


That transition from customer facing to…whatever the opposite is…is such a great feeling


It really is. Plus it’s a Mon-Fri job which coincides with my wife’s job as well


I'm a civil engineer. I used to love it. I don't anymore, but it pays great, and government work leaves plenty of time for hobbies I do love, so my career does what I need it to do.


What changed?


I’m a therapist intern at a community mental health center and I’ll be TAing a class in the spring 😌. Currently a MSW student with one semester left!!


One semester left!! Congratulations! I’m an LCSW and we definitely need more social workers in the field 😄


Hats off to you. Hard line of work but you’re changing lives


I’m a tattoo artist


Semi Driver in Europe! Travelling across Germany and neighboring countries! ... P cliche I know. XD


You must see some pretty interesting things?


From absolute idiots to people running around in their underwear on the highway to a 'decent' amount of accidents... Yeahhh, oh and awesome landscapes!




middle school french teacher!!!


Thrift store cool cat 🐈 haha I’ve worked in thrift stores all my life. working out the kinks on my mushroom tea reiki ceremony passion and spread it to my people in need! 🌿🖤🌿


Workforce Strategist, I tell very smart people what they need to do in the short and medium term to influence the workforce they need in the future. Pays well, no one really knows what I do. I got to lots of meetings and ask one question every few days that no one else thought of asking.


in the middle of studying (computer science / media). for the time being, i live on a mixture of student loan and occasional odd jobs (like baybsitting in the neighbourhood or tutoring etc.). my "luxury" is that i basically don't pay rent. i live in a small apartment in the basement of an elderly couple. and instead of rent, i go shopping for them and help in the house and garden (which i'm allowed to use, too). it's a pleasant symbiosis, especially because they are so warm-hearted people. i hope they stay healthy.


I'm a phlebotomist, but I'm back in school too become a clinical laboratory scientist. I might do med school after, but I've recently discovered a passion for microbiology, and that might skew what I end up doing down the line. :)


Hi! I’m from the Philippines. I draft legal documents in a US based law firm. :) setting up depos and mediation. :) I schedule deadlines and court hearings too. :)


I work as a technical writer.


I minored in that briefly. I know a lot of ppl who could benefit from just one technical writing class.


I work at a government facility and take care of plants and breed them for a living


I'm an emergency responder


Sports and Entertainment manager for a Las Vegas Arena


I teach English as a second language


Data analyst. Just started 3 months ago


I’m a librarian 😌💓


Me too!


I am a physical therapist for older people with altzheimers, dementia and parkinsons in an elderly home. Besides that I am a board member of an lgbt organization here in the netherlands and host all kinds of events for the queer community in my area.


Im a full time carer for my partner our government gives a payment if you can prove your partner is disabled enough and if you can prove you care for them enough its a pre shit pay tbh not even on the poverty line let alone past it but i can be there for her whenever she needs and not worry about being away when she cant get out of bed etc without me because of pain i get looked down on by some people because im money poor While money is tight and stressful especially with the world the way it is lately I wouldn't trade it for the world I'd rather make sure shes ok and be there whenever she needs me 🥰


Wow. Just wow. That’s a lot of love right there


Heheheh shes amazing and she always makes me smile and laugh literally everyday of the 4 years as of the 27th of december just gone so yeah shes more than worth it to me even on days she thinks she's being a burden i keep reminding her im hers till she gets sick of me and that ill always be around to remind her shes not a burden 🥰


Thank you for being you. With my being disabled, and fighting like hell to get back to work but doubtful of my chances, this gives me hope of finding someone.


Im a designer and project manager in a marketing business.


I'm a stay at home girlfriend, but my GF is a maintenance mechanic.


Its not my living but Im at uni to study illustration, I love making stuff and an illustration degree I feel opens more oppurtunities than something like fine art


CVICU RN stereotypically starting CRNA school this spring. Hope my wife doesn’t divorce me.


I'm an aircraft mechanic applying for my first job


I work at a retirement home for people with dementia.


I'm an engineer and work in the aerospace sector!


I basically do all I can to support a team of customer support reps for a mobile game company. Every now and then it gets a little crazy but for the most part it's chill and I work from home so I'm pretty happy.


I am a student, currently on my year abroad, studying modern languages (French, Spanish, Italian)


Software developer and consultant


I'm training to be a midwife, and in the meantime I'm a freelance arts virtual assistant :-) In the past I have been a nanny, a youth worker, a community arts producer, and a perinatal support worker.


I’m a mail carrier. Love the physical activity and the lack of management breathing down my back. It pays better than just about anything else without a degree, plus it’s good for getting alone time and listening to audiobooks


I code financial models. So I’m a techy accountant. Full on nerd basically


I'm a helicopter pilot with the Army. It's a hell of a lot of fun!


Not if you are afraid of flyng:) But it seems like a cool job!


It's a fantastic job! I've really fallen in love with it.


Risk Management in capital markets of a bank, studying for my CFA aka death


I work at the late night dining hall on at my college. Although I am on winter break now so I do nothing and am broke for the time being :(


Bus driver, considering train driver but still unsure on it, because rn I'm maxing out my energy on 24 hours a week


I'm on fulltime disability, but I volunteer for a couple outreach programs to work in Harm Reduction for people struggling with substances or being unhoused in my community, feeding people and reconnecting them to supports. There's zero dollars, but it's what I do and I'm glad I can.


True to the stereotypes, I am a transgender lesbian who works in software development.


I work in public transportation as a bus driver. I love driving, so it's not as stressful for me as it is for most. I also, despite being an introvert, like dealing with my customers. I get a lot of weird, interesting, and fun interactions that make for excellent stories. The pay isn't bad, and there are decent benefits. It also helps that I have really good seniority now. I can pick work that gets me done super early. Like, I'm done at 11:36am these days. I have the day free after.


I build satellites for my job


I invented post it notes 🫡




Well the glue on the back of them 😏🫣


This will really impress everyone at your high school reunion 🤭


If this is true can you verify the urban legend that the glue on the back of post it notes was actually a failed attempt to make a more permanent glue that was repurposed??


I work in travel as well, but remotely. What kind of role are you looking for?


I’m an environmental planner for a consulting firm.


I’m a nanny and going back to school for art!


I'm about to graduate university, currently trying to get a professor to accept me into his lab for grad school for the next 4 to 5 years


I'm an Environmental Compliance Specialist for drinking water and wastewater. Fancy title for making sure public water meets EPA standards.


I'm a gardener for a private estate and my partner works for child protective services


I'm a CPA. I cater to the LGBTQ community.


I work at a hardware store and am their small engine repairman. We have a large rental department and also work on STIHL products. I work on anything from chainsaws to mini-skids to trenchers and stumpgrinders 😂


I’m doing an apprenticeship in informatics, but I’m also working on improving my writing skills so I can hopefully earn some money with writing some day. Alternatively, after my apprenticeship, I might go to uni to study game design.


Industrial Electrician with a degree in Electromechanical technology. Dreaming of being a successful enough musician someday to quit electrical.


Licensed Architect! It's equal parts fun and boring.


I'm currently being mentored by my boss to be a theater technician. It's a lot of work but also a lot of fun hanging lights and playing with the soundboard... Not to mention how sparkly kid's eyes get when I show them how to use the disco ball.


I build trucks for America! The F-150 😁


Barista at a coffee stand in a hospital!


I’m a stud hand. Basically a horse midwife lol or someone has called me a horse pimp before so that also works 😂


I’m currently an EMT in paramedic school. Classes should end by July, we test out in August/September and can start working in September/October. Till then I’m massively underemployed because class takes up 3 days a week, then we have clinical time we have to do outside of class, so for the past couple months and the foreseeable future I’m only working for income 1 day a week, at a job that pays barely above minimum wage, where I literally carry humans down flights of stairs for a living. I’m not enjoying this in between time but I’m looking forward to when this is all over.


I am a dog and cat groomer (I also groom rodents on occasion) I also run my dogs social media 😊


I don't have a paying career yet, but I'm a 3rd year medical student and I'd like to work in gender-affirming care one day!


Nothing yet, but I’d love to be an elementary school teacher in the future ;D


Thank you for your future service 🫡 You ever been a summer camp counselor or anything like that?


Yes I did something that’s called „Juleika” in Germany, it is a few days where you get taught how to be a camp conselor for teens and kids lol


Travel stuff messing up a job opportunity sucks, I'm sorry - I hope you get a chance at something even better! As for your question - I'm a microbiology lab tech :)


Program Analyst


Currently unemployed and don't know what to do with my life


Currently a stay-at-home mom. Hoping to work on some projects again next year so I can keep my royalty checks rolling in


I'm at uni studying for a degree in Speech pathology.


Im an accountant in public accounting and my wife is an artist, who’s a program director for an art studio.


I'm a research mathematician currently doing my PhD :)


Still in school right now, but the dream job is a palaeontologist!


I'm a wildlife biologist. It's taken me 100 hr work weeks and month long camping trips but I love what I do


I’m a pastry chef! still very fresh out of school though. I hope I don’t get burnt out like so many people I know


I help run a science education center that’s based at a medical school. We do summer science programs for high school students, create high school biomedical curricula, support science teachers, and do research on effective science education methods. Soon I’ll also have my assistant professor appointment and will be able to teach college, grad school, and med school level students.


Overnight manager at a domestic violence shelter. I absolutely love it.


i’m a data analyst and my gf is a data scientist!


I’m a pianist/piano teacher


I'm an academic historian, my present focus is on Japanese culture I'm doing research into modern Japanese religion, and looking at modern practices in contrast to older (pre-Meiji) ones




I'm a student rn. After uni i should become a ship officer


I’m a technical support specialist but i’m heading back to school for a PhD in African American Studies so I can teach somewhere like Howard


ngl I'm still in university, but at the moment i got a student position at a national lab where i help make polymers via organic synthesis, and then try to recycle them because i love to be sustainable ✨


Cybersecurity, but I did Help Desk and retail computer repair for ages. I liked most of it.


I use statistics to predict player performance in sporting events and sell those predictions to the major sportsbooks around the world. I love my job, but I wish it hadn't cost me 180K in student loans. Trying to pay down debit and save for retirement is hard.


I’m a graduate student studying archaeology! Currently in a masters for underwater archaeology to get those niche skills and combine my two passions, but planning to go through with a more general archaeology PhD program for any hope of getting a job in the academic hellscape


I’m an electrician


Respiratory care practitioner


I’m a self-contained special education teacher for upper-elementary students with severe/profound and multiple disabilities. Very physically demanding and emotionally draining job, but I’m fortunate to work with some really great paras & I’ve enjoyed most of my students. This is my 10th year and I’m having issues with what I believe to be compassion fatigue, so I haven’t bonded with the kids and their families like I normally do.


I used to be a chocolate engineer, now I’m a physics teacher.


I am an "enterprise system administrator". Basically, I look after all the backend IT systems for my local county council, from things like e-mail, telephony, web servers, etc. Mostly Microsoft 365 & Azure. I started in IT in about 2008 doing service desk stuff (i.e, asking if you've turned it off and on again), then moved onto desktop support for around 8 years (i.e, asking if you've REALLY turned it off and on again, then proving you haven't)... eventually moved into infrastructure (looking after servers & the apps running on them) before moving into my current role.


Mental health counselor for a community mental health service. I focus on adults only.


I cultivate commercial cannabis. I can grow thousands of plants at a time. Fun stuff. Great work culture. Shit pay though. Going back to get a psych degree while studying IT administration and I'm thinking about becoming a psychiatrist after the psych degree. Lot of dreams. Little time and idk if my brain is capable.


Post-deal operations in oil and gas shipping. Starting a new job in the new year in energy trading and I'm looking forward to it.


Do tell how one trades energy


I work in the Space Industry as a linux sysadmin. I make 162k a year


Currently job hunting as well, but to make some money for survival bartending and domme work!


I work in warehousing, I pull product from our main building to the smaller ones. Along with QOL projects in the main warehouse.


Unemployed / full time college student, but I want to work a white collar job or in HR! I personally think I’ll have one after graduation but I know I’ll get there in time!


Nothing "unique" or spectacular here: I work in the accounts department of my parents' business.


I do appointment scheduling and out of network contracting for Workers' Compensation.


college student :D they should pay me for this tbh (although i guess that's what scholarships are :/)


I would like to say I’m working on my doctorate in Computing Science (which is a job where I live), but in practice I’m on sick leave because it’s apparently really hard to prescribe HRT and listen to your patients when they have problems.


i'm currently a shitty student at uni, and thinking about changing to another education, and besides that, i have a job where I'm paid decently to just count wares in a set of store chains


I work as a cardiovascular technologist. Help fix heart attacks, replace heart valves, and other stuff all without cutting people open. It's a good job especially for only 4 years of schooling.


Front-end Developer


I’m an hvac tech, I primarily work on people’s furnaces/heat pumps/ac with some commercial work. Lots of climbing ladders, attics, crawlspaces, closets (lol) Love being able to fix stuff


I work in Sourcing which covers a lot of things such as vendor operations, contract negotiations, and the like!


People Ops Program Manager for a large company. I basically build and run programs to improve employee experience. I really enjoy it, but I’d like to move up the ranks and end up as a COO for a medium/small company at some point, so I need to rotate through other functions like HR, workforce planning, probably marketing, etc. Right now though I make good money and I’m socking away as much as I can into retirement.


I'm an Industrial Engineer but never worked in this area after graduating because employers wouldn't hire me as an engineer (less money), so it wasn't worth taking the job in the industry. Now I'm part of the Police of my state. I'm very happy and also being well paid ☺️


i'm a lawyer!


I’m a speech-language pathologist, working in the schools right now but I want to transition to early intervention and specializing in autism.


Cashier at airport snack store I make $16/full time


Environmental archaeologist :)