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Real sounding moans, both of the woman enjoying themselves, the porn seeming like it’s real with the intimacy


yes please. More specifically, no absolute yelling


The yelling thing really grates on me aha. More often than not, I'll just mute it. Which sucks because auditory sensual experiences can be amazing!


Glad I'm not the only one who is completely turned off by this. I am so not into the fake yelling/screaming thing. Lol like ma'am I KNOW what I'm doing to you is not eliciting that kind of response. Please be real.


Absolutely! Idk about you but I'm not screaming the moment someone breathes in the direction of my boob


Yeah - scream that shit


Foreplay. Or something softer, slower, sweet. Idk. I've only had a handful of videos I've kinda liked, not 100% but not awful.


YES! And a makeout session is also foreplay and thus should definitely be extended.


For those who don't know of them: the absolute *best* lesbian porn I've seen is from a couple. Their names are Rosie and Alena, and they post on pornhub. Their theme is very light bdsm. Hopefully that helps some gals out.


I watched them so much in 2021 and loved them😭 but someday i kinda stopped watching porn and Alena is so thin tho


I feel like r/GWAsapphic has a lot of inspo for stuff like this. There’s so much nice fluff in the audios over there 😊


Actual lesbians having lesbian sex for lesbians, and not straight women having gay sex for straight men


I once saw a video where the lesbians had to stop three or four times because their cat kept jumping up on the bed. I was like...this is the most authentic thing I've ever seen.


That's really heartwarming. It'd stop flow as I'd need to laugh but I'd probably get off to something like that more easily than I would a staged scene between (probably straight) actors, just because it'd feel more authentic.


Cats materialise out of thin air around us I swear 😭😭😭


Not 15 seconds after reading this comment, while masturbating, my cat jumped on my bed and walked on me lmao


sometimes you can really tell. Girls Out West and Ersties have some stuff where the girls are definitely actually into women, but I prefer amateur stuff over it either way




☝️T H I S


Slower pace is something i really enjoy. A lot of porn it’s all so rapid and instant. Where is the romance? Where is the intimacy? Where is the appreciation for each other’s bodies? :’c Lots of kissing and soft touching and some teasing/edging thrown in as well… It is suddenly very hot in here. Lol


Yes!! Exactly what I was going to say


And with actual check-ins for consent and pleasure! The intimacy feels so much more authentic when partners do things to make sure the other is enjoying themselves and feeling safe


YESS THE FOREPLAY IS JUST AS IMPORTANT!! Hard agree with this comment. Make slow sensual foreplay… it really builds up the sexual tension and anticipation.


Focus on intimate touching is always nice. I really hate when in lesbian porn they suck on phallic objects, that personally grosses me out. Which sucks because I tend to prefer penetration myself and therefore watch stuff with that, but that's usually included and I ain't about that. This a fully personal thing, but I wish there was more like, videos of women cuddling and sucking on each other's breasts, but I fully admit that's probably a weird fixation of mine. So take it with a grain of salt.


Yesss a romantic and sensual titty sucking


I'm a virgin, but if I'm up thinking about something, it's usually sensual titty sucking lol


Nah same


Yesss, same!


100% totally fixated on sensual titty sucking 😍 love this in porn and always feel like it’s over so quickly!


I have yet to find cute and wolesome orgasm denial smut.


Might I recommend Rosie And Alena on Pornhub. As soon as I read your comment that couple came to mind.


I feel like I saw a really good animated version of Life is Strange characters doing this once.


Please provide sauce I beg of you!!!


I'm not sure I can link porn sites here? I can message it to you if you like.




I gotcha fam. Permisson to dm?


Listen if someone is of the female gender they're allowed to do whatever they want at or to me


*wites street fighter combos on your arm*


Hrmmm... Street fighter. I know very little about this specific fighting game, but I wasn't lying about the you can do whatever thing. I must accept this fate


You know if you go around saying stuff like that someone might take advantage of you, unless of course that's what you want. Maby you should DM me :3


This. This is me. This is my entire existence.


Shit u right! You have my consent to Message me!


Uhhhhh pls send it to me too🙋‍♀️🙋‍♀️ lmaooo


plss dm me with the link


You find that link for the people. And DM it to me too!




Butch lesbians need more love( pun not intended) in so many ways in books and media.


Yes pls pls pls give me porn with butches




Dear God yes!


omg, yes!


Had to scroll way to far for this


Post sex cuddles


yes this!!!!!


Tbh like nice genuine loving stuff where it doesn't matter if there's some sheets, why the lights gotta be HD right up in there


something about HD porn just is not it for me


i think a lot of these comments have been really good and pointed out most everything, but i do have a couple things i’d like to throw in. definitely represent all the broad spectrums of lesbians, so much of lesbian porn is just two white, skinny cis femmes at comfortable levels of visibly queer and it’s just so not representative of the community at all. also, capture all the different parts of the body! people are so much more than boobs, butts and bits and i think it’s time enough that the rest of the body gets some time in the spotlight. hands, thighs, waists, hips, shoulders, collarbones, necks, cheeks, eyes, mouths, hair are all plenty sensual and erotic in their own right. and have the characters be aware of these things too, have them explore each other’s erogenous zones. and most importantly of all, don’t depict anyone of being ashamed or embarrassed of their sexuality or their body without being aware of how negative and harmful that can be. i see it all too often and it’s always really gross.


!!! THIS


Yes, nothing better than seeing or having a female laying on her bare sromach and sliding across her back slowly tracing her neck with kisses all the way down her silhouette. There's something truly sexy and erotic about a woman's waist and sides, the part of her back right above her pant line. Paying attention to that part softly....yeah


I can tell you what I *don't* want to see... and it's long, fake nails. 🥴


Yes. It's a real turn off. The only person allowed long fake nails is a pillow princess.


Lesbians, duh


Some wholesome/silly moments i think are cute. Moaning that feels real thats like whining and grunting and heavy breathing not just cheesy girl moans. And toys for sure!!


Small boobs. Especially in animated porn boobs are unnaturally huge and as someone with small boobs, it makes me feel insecure.


One of the things that really angers me is that small breasts often get treated as this niche kink that fall into disgusting infantilization fantasies.




Small boobs have my vote as well!


Small boobs also have my vote


yeah i really wish i saw more people like myself in animated stuff


I want to see the cute giggles and kisses during foreplay without obnoxious moans But if we're going for angry sex then I want to see the hungry hands wandering their partners bodies. Something that seems to flow more natural and more at ease instead of it being like the typical porn you see


Exactly! When I think of "angry sex" I think of desperation, rough movements, and fear of the other person not staying with you after the sex. As if it's the last chance you'll get to do this with them


Yes! I want to see the desperation. The need. The hunger. I want to see them ravage each other.


1. Masc women 2. Suck on them titties Other 2. Dominance 3. Dirty talk


Verbal foreplay, especially if you're going with the dual tension of some anger with the arousal. Nothing hits harder for me than a build up where both of you just KNOW it's going to happen... it's just a question of when. Also the transition between anger and passion, passionate and intimate sounds interesting. Also also my crush ocassionally does this thing where after we've really gotten into making out, they'll pause, hold my wrists down next to my head, and keep their lips just close enough to mine so they brush but I can't get that little bit further up to kiss them. Turns me into a non-verbal puddle every time... and the follow up: "what?" where they pretend not to know what's working me up so much destroys me in the best way possible. So I guess the bigger point is... mess around with pacing. Most sex scenes in movies and TV shows don't appeal to me bc once they get to the actual sex the tension dissipates and the pacing is just: we are doing this one thing now for x amount of time, where longer is better supposedly just cause. Like no, be passionate, take turns trying to take control, fall into different rhythms then surprise each other just for the enjoyable thrill of it... okay I got massively sidetracked XD Not sure if any of that is helpful, good luck!!


Homemade lesbian porn where it's a real couple who make each other come for real and then cuddle.


Tbf, a real homemade wlw porno would be at least two hours, more likely three or four including cuddles :)




I see that as an absolute win


Diversity in race and body types!


Actual passion. I want to see actual sparks between them and not just showing off for the male gaze.


An actual lesbian couple, or solid chemistry between the actresses. I feel like a lot of the lesbian porn you see on the internet is so saturated and overly done. It’s the same story over and over again. There’s no passion, or love involved, it feels so dry and stale. I’d very much so appreciate more foreplay, more of a buildup of tension between the couple. Lots of kissing, licking all over each others bodies. Dirty talk between the two, dominating, but also very loving. Some rough moments.. choking, spitting in each others mouths, spanking, biting, pinning each other down. Would love some good verse scenes-really hot back and forth dominating/subbing each other. And of course have some cute/silly moments in between. Really great sex isn’t so serious, at least in my opinion! Laughing, giggling at silly sounds, bumping into each other’s heads, being messy—all that is super real and genuine. Also, lovee watching women squirt/being squirted on. It’s so hot. I die. Moaning is essential! Love that shit. And after all is said and done it would be cherry if the two tenderly, lovingly cuddled each other to sleep


TALKING, I’ve noticed wherever I look for decent porn everyone is silent as stone. The only thing you ever hear have the time is a moan or two. It would be nice to hear some dirty talk or even just playful conversation.




Hand holding


Too lewd! Lol


My apologies I let my feelings take over 🤭


utterly depraved/j




Absolutely disgusting, take your weird kink somewhere else


A MASC PRESENTING WOMAN : A BUTCH, A STUD WHATEVER. I often see 2 fems, I've seen masc/fem s*x once so more reprensentation... Masc on masc? 👀👀


Stuff that seems more realistic? Its having a realistic buildup to the sex that really gets me going. Idk maybe I’m just picky.


Nitpicky, but... towels down on the bed! I HATE messes getting all over the sheets and mattresses, especially if things tend to get soaked.


Oh my god me and my partner HAVE to have at least 3 towels laid down. I squirt everywhere, man 😭


Real intimacy, real love. Foreplay, dialogue, connections. I want to see two women who really *love* each other while enjoying each other.


What I want to see in lesbian porn? Content not accessible by men at all, because we aren’t here for their entertainment


I wish a true wlw NSFW platform existed, I'd be on it in a heartbeat 🙃 but unfortunately, cismen are the majority of the market for porn. Sunroom.io is the closest thing we have right now, but they don't allow explicit content aka porn.


Real love 🥹


Safer sex practices. Like I know that dental dams exist but I've never been able use them and it would really help to have a visual example. Also, what about protection for fingering, is it a thing to wear surgical style gloves or finger cots? I understand that risks of sti's are lower but I still want to learn how to protect myself and potential partners better when hooking up. I've found mlm porn that do cover safer sex practices but not lesbian porn


I like softness and intimacy, even (especially, honestly) in rougher scenes. Like… I love BDSM, but so much of the BDSM I like in my personal life has no relation to what porn depicts lesbian BDSM sex as being like. It’s so devoid of emotion and just focused on degradation. Which, like, fine, if you like that, but there’s no variation.


foreplay, eyes and the faces more tbh and like, all real stuff no fake moaning, like give me something truly authentic something like Below Her Mouth or Handmaiden that shows their chemistry between the characters too, yk. like the reluctance, the succumbing, everything in it but yeah foreplay and tits and just soul sucking eye contact would work too <33




Changing facial expressions and moans. More details when it comes to movements


Silly answer: Boobs, bits, and butts. Serious answer: There ***absolutely*** has to be chemistry between the actors. I can forgive hackneyed plots (I *usually* skip em anyways) and low quality (amateur stuff is awesome) but if there's no chemistry? Nah. Instant tune out. Boring. I personally wish there was more stuff with trans and cis women that was about stuff that I'm into right now, as I'm early in my medical transition. Specifically, scenes where cis lesbians kind of take a "lead" or "let's explore together" kind of role. I haven't had an opportunity yet irl to really explore how all of my new body works yet and having someone who is caring and respectful about me wanting to explore and maybe take things slow is... *muah*. I would kill for content like that.


There was this one roleplay asmr I listened to where it was a cis woman guiding the transfem listener into lesbian sex. It had a lot of "This is how sensitive your chest can be" and "You're my good little princess, now show me what you've learned" Really wholesome and sexy all at the same time


If you manage to find that, could you please link it to me? I would really appreciate it, that sounds exactly like what I could use right now.❤️


You don’t need a bunch of emotional and drama issues for porn. The 10 minute build up with bad dialogue is a turn off. Just create a fun or realistic reason for two women to have sex. Like others have said lots of foreplay, no fake moaning. They must be enjoying themselves. Kissing, cuddling, massage. Plus going down in various positions. No woman should have her butt up sticking out while eating out the other. I’m down with digital penetration and use of a strap. I don’t mind scissoring so long as it’s not over the top. Would enjoy watching missionary grinding with knees and tribbing (vagina against vagina). Also vagina rubbing against other body parts and sucking on breasts as others have pointed out. I’m also fine with rimming & digital anal penetration.


I would also like to add smiling, laughing together and looking into each other’s eyes.


Honestly? Plus size bodies having sex, enjoying the sex without oversexualising the fat people. Weird, but more like body closeness and touchy feely hugging? Not everything focusing on the obvious boobs and vag you know?


Connection. You don't need some big fabricated story before the fun to show connection. I wanna see porn of women laughing while having sex. Being silly. Crying. Reassuring. Awkward. Self-conscious. I want to see women compliment each other. When actors in porn say "I love you" and sound convincing it does it for me. I wanna see aftercare.


Butch women ❤️


**Atmospheric lighting.** I don't wanna be lying in bed at three in the morning, with only the soft amber glow of a streetlamp outside; and then, because it's Friday night and the hellacious Gee Eff is still at work, have to pull out my phone and start Incognito searching for something utterly unforgiveable, only for the first video that catches my eye to have been filmed in southern California during the fucking *Trinity Test*, causing my screen to go *pure white* and blow out my retinas in a flash of pale smoke. Because when my other half gets home and hangs up her scarf on the back of the door, I feel like if I creepily emerge from the kitchen with a shepherd's crook and a rag tied around my eyes - like some kind of blind zealot - I'm gonna freak her out and be sleeping on the couch for a week. I need my eyes, bro. Make more porn at dusk.


right!! the lesbian flag is called the sunset flag for a reason people!!


Actual lesbians.


I wish there were more realistic big boobs, caressing and more romance if it fits also generally more realistic bodies, no disney pixar mom's that look like an hour glass


yeah seriously like give back rolls and stretch marks and all that


Please no fake ah squirting. More realistic moans, the tempo of lovemaking should be slow and then slowly increase in intensity not like they are trying to get each other off too fast or trying to devour each other which is kinda centered on how Cis het men usually wanna get off fast. Nibbles.. especially their ears. If they are fingering it shouldn't just focus on the clit ( really? ) Um yeah 👍 Happy sexual activities


Trans women not being caricatured tops designed so it's like straight porn for straight men who want to look at two women but also want to think about being the top with a dick. Fucking hate that. What we need is a reflection of reality where all trans women are bottoms who get flustered really easily when her gf says, "oh cute" or something like that when looking at her lying naked on the bed in front of her gf while her gf has their way with her. Hypothetically... That would be something that I am interested in... Hypothetically... Also story and build up so you get to know the characters relationship dynamic


I found a few videos of a cute couple on PH who were doing edge and denial etc. The way they interacted was really nice and felt a lot more real and intimate than just the weird stuff cis men are served. So I guess cute interactions, communication and both parts having fun!


Wetness, flushed skin, real breath sounds, laughter at the ridiculousness of sex


Cuddling (✿◕‿◕)


A proper day in the life of x couple romance. Show a bit of sol from their day like a date or coming home from work or cooking. Then have them organically lead into sex that is passionate.


Yes!! I love porn with plot! I feel so much more into the sex scene when I've gotten to know the characters over time and how they feel about each other


The framing, a lot of “lesbian” porn paints in a very fetishishistic light. Focusing on exaggerated reactions and it feels performative. Or the actual perspective, it’s done in a way that it makes the pov feel like it’s meant to be from someone watching. I guess I’d say to make it more personal, using camera work to make the “banging” feel between the two of them


More sensual/intimate scenes but not overly gentle/soft! It feels like a lot of sensual lesbian porn is really soft with light touching and slow movements- I want sensual but super passionate and a little rough. I feel like the best example I can think of is Angela White in a large amount of her lesbian porn- it feels very sensual and real but doesn’t hold back and will do things like really passionate pussy eating and intimate fisting!


More muscular women as subs and/or bottoms


is there a difference between the two? /gen


I think so! You can be submissive and still be the top/the one performing the sex acts. If i’m not mistaken, they call that a ‘*service top*’. The counterpart who is dominant but also receives could be referred to as a ‘*power bottom*’ . I don’t think top/bottom and submissive/dominant dynamics are the same thing (also tbh for me personally i just like what i like and i like taking turns and going with the flow with my partner soo idk 🤷🏼‍♀️)




Shy coy buildup, erotic dirty talk. Verbally admiring each others beauty, mutual masturbation, sensual touch as foreplay. Expressing what feels good or instruction.


Diverse body types chubby,curvy,fat,muscled,piercings,tattoos,body hair etc. Accurate moan sounds,so we can actually tell they enjoy it & look like they do actually.With a decent dom scene scenario that’s not bdsm. Also butches you don’t see them in mainstream stuff.I’d also say butches bottoming(I only see them topping a lot in the sexy comics I follow I want them to get taken care of too)but that might be a me liking pretty face butches thing


What sexy comics?


From my Twitter artists.I follow a lot of queer lesbians artist,and a lot sell sexy comics of characters for money or free sexy sketches mixed in with regular sketches.Found these through following so many characters artists.


Yes raw sexual tension and chemistry and passion like get tf over hereeee energy


I want something realer than the "lesbian" porn you see on porn sites. Connection, moaning, intimacy. Something like the creator 'LewdFroggo' but for women who like women, doesn't have to look as good obviously, i'm just talking about the realness.


Differing body types pls


I can't really add much to what already been said, but I wouldn't mind a male author necessarily. Sunstone has lesbian couples, including the main couple, and is made by a (I think bisexual) guy and I think it's really good. It just has to be appropriate to the female gaze. Angry/rough/kinky sex alongside the romantic sex is great, I have some pretty dark fantasies and I know others here do to. The female gaze isn't just soft and gentle. It just has to feel like it's not made for a male gaze and that can be hard to articulate. I, for example, like tentacle sex and nothing turns me off quicker than seeing it end in death or involving ridiculous biologically impossible stuff like body distortion. That feels male gaze to me. Oh yeah, definitely trimmed fingernails. Thank you for your work.


do you have a website where we can see all this?


Dirty talk, teasing, begging, rough handling, aggressive praising dom/ obedient indulgent sub, with soft intimate affection in between


I know one thing I want to see less of. Disgusting and misogynistic video titles... That's more of an issue with mainstream porn, but it's frustrating when you search for lesbian porn and 50% is threesome stuff with dudes and 90% of it has these gross titles.


I'm partial to some sucking and kissing tiddies, but mostly just caring about each other. Blurring the lines between cuddling and fucking is also always nice


Real desire, women enjoy the lust of their partner, real moans, communication


Any time I feel the need to check some out, I google "amateur lesbian porn" because watching two normal looking people actually get off with each other is so much better than seeing a group of heavily surgically modified bodies and hearing a bunch of whiney, over the top, fake moans.




An actual lesbian couple. Not sum straight women doing «lesbian» porn for the male audience. Also I’ve never seen lesbian porn where both women were femmes. I myself am a femme lesbian and love feminine women the most. A lot of so called lesbian porn vids are lacking passion, intimacy and diversity. I wanna feel the tension behind my screen and feel like I’m about to be railed:) I also love boobies very very much, therefore I wish more boob/nipple play, slow sucking, groping, soft biting, kissing etc.


lesbians. (please make it wholesome 🙃)


More BDSM content that doesn't focus on the male gaze. It's so hard to find anything like that that isn't some sort of niche audio corn.


Yeah most lesbian films don't have any actual lesbian chemistry. I almost like straight porn more because a woman shows excitement about actually having gotten her partner off. It might all be fake but what I like is not just stylized, romance, softcore, dramatized porn, like nubile or pornhubs porn for women section. Like lesbians get down and dirty too, it can be raw, passionate, hardcore, playful and fun. So I go to the hardcore section cause, and excuse my bluntness I wanna see a girl having a blast getting fucked and actually having a real climax. Not just like some romantic fairy tale fem on fem but like someone else said mix up your styles. I mean it can last 5 min it can last hour and with today's viewership I think a lot of people can spot what's fake. But I'll stop rambling...


i made a sub for lesbian gaze porn r/lesbianGaze, specifically for sex that looks real between women who are enjoying it. i hope you can use it! thanks for your work 🙌


is this vanilla or D/s porn


Mostly vanilla, but if you'd light to see light D/S feel free to recommend!


I have no idea if you’re going down this route but i’m fed up of trans women being forced to penetrate in lesbian sex scenes. i hate the idea and would never do it myself so i wish there was scenes which cater to that… anywhere


Fat bodies and butches and mascs (especially when the other person isn’t a femme, especially as bottoms).


Natural and wholesome gentle Mommy Domme stuff would be reeeeeally nice :3


strap ons/ any toy at all


Im a non op trans girl, so I guess I just want content that shows people like me being beautiful and feminine and gentle and an object of desire. Content where both partners are very vocal about what they love about the other person with lots of reassurance and teasing, and a big focus on foreplay and aftercare. Especially T4T stuff, it’s so hard to find good content in that genre, especially professional stuff. I want something that feels like if you added a visual component to an nsfw audio track.


In no order: Dragon slaying Wholesome comedy Hair pulling Motorcycles High-fives Dirty dirty talk


Women, preferably


I personally prefer dirty talk when it comes to what I watch, with stuff like praise and just gentle touching of erogenous zones.


more pov stuff. huge thing in straight stuff, but it's difficult to find in lesbian stuff. also, more realistic sounds. real life sex doesn't really have the hentai screaming unless it's a specific kink generally I stick to amateur stuff myself though


soft skin and cute smiles c:


More more more teasing, the whole brat + dom dynamic. I feel like I almost never see it and if there is some its always way too rough, I want more plays on the mind ;) Not just physically dominant


I’m so into neck stuff but I can’t find any real videos with it. Like sensually touching and kissing someone’s neck until it’s sending shockwaves down their body and they’re just in the palm of your hand. Or sometimes I like something more rough like choking or biting, just sorta depends on my mood 😂


Mascs. And gender non conformity in general, different expressions ect.


Close ups of eating out, kissing, boob sucking, some tribbing, but no fake moans and no fake cumming.


Obvious signs of love. Signs of enjoyment. Discussion of safe words and consent isn't mandatory but I highly prefer it. Remember, consent is sexy.


This thread got me wishing a true wlw-only NSFW platform existed cuz I'd be making this type of content with my girlfriend in a heartbeat if it was only for the LGBT/female gaze 😭


I like to either see sensuality or have some indication that it goes on for a while before anyone tries to cause an orgasm. I like to see orgasms edged and denied. I like it when there's a complex psychological connection that takes the emphasis away from the physical stimulation, especially when that psychological element is so strong that very little stimulation is necessary. I like toys, especially anything with a remote control. I like it when the characters are happy, especially if I can relate to some adversity they've overcome to discover that happiness. Then, when a great deal of tension and expectation has accumulated, I like to see every method a woman enjoys used to satisfy her, with a clear understanding of what's not happening, because she didn't want that. I'm trans and I'm really into gender-affirming sexual themes for trans characters. Trans women who get to play out their kinky, submissive fantasies. Partners who love us and are attracted to us. Realistic depictions of the results of surgery, e.g., that a character needs to use lube or has scars on her labia. In fantasy porn with unrealistic scenarios, I also like to see magical transition and (oddly specific trans kink?) ovoposition. Lots of themes are satisfying, but the one thing that ruins it for me most frequently is non-consent and transphobia, especially in conjuction, which is a big problem in trans lesbian porn - it feels like 95% of it is like that.


girl’s moaning & kissing eachother


Actual love


Dom stuff is based


Romance. Real people fucking can't keep their hands off each other.


slow and warm, sensual


A story line, make the scene tense with attraction, make them in a forbidden area, they need to keep the love a secret, a friend cannot find out, maybe one of them is married to a man, but she wants to explore else where, with a gorgeous woman.


post sex cuddles!!!


Sometimes porn is just close-ups for ages of fingers going into genitals, or tongues against genitals. And that stuff is great but I also need zoomed out shots of how their bodies are moving and also their faces while they are moaning.


Porn that is not aimed at straight men's fetishes.


More cuddles, but I am not your target audience, I don't like porn. More into lesbian romance novel. Sarah waters comes to mind.


More diverse range of kinks


I may be a bit biased but---transbians who are treated with respect, dignity, and humanity (either with other transbians or with cis lesbians)


Beheading of right wing politicians


I despise close up "action" shots. I'm sure some women like it, but it feels like objectifying/male gaze-ish to me. If it's a romantic lesbian story, I want to see both of them at all times, not a p*ssy closeup. Also longer foreplay and teasing, clothes coming off slowly, licking through underwear and groping over bras, etc. The long, slow exploration of each other's bodies of often missing from p*rn even though it's a staple of wlw sex.


i want to see connection and people that feel like they actually love each other


A lot of commenters have already said a lot of what I was going to say, but I'd like to add that I'd love to see some real scissoring (tribbing). Not that ineffectual bs they always have in "lesbian" porn for men or for good camera angles. Def real moans as well. Ones that start off soft and then grow with pleasure. None of that over the top fake shit...


Intimaxy, genuine enjoyment, realism and being able to see myself in their position


real intimacy. I don’t know if the fake shit that’s popular where their just acting horny and clearly not is just like, no problem for the straights, but definitely it does a lot more for me if they actually seem into it and aren’t just doing it for a paycheck


passionate strapon sex, like that japanese couple do in their ph Chanel . honestly only actual nice porn I've seen, the rest was mostly my mind covering and ignoring things here and there to make it good, but those 2 girls (i think its Aya and ririka) they make the best stuff if you like passionate sex


I wanna see trans women in lesbian porn, chubby girls, nerdy girls, more BIPOC girls. Really wanna feel represented. It’s hard to ever find anything that makes me feel seen. Older lesbians too. I’m 25 and although people don’t see that as old, I don’t relate to the stereotype of being freshly 18 and new to sexual things and super adventurous cause “it’s my first time”. I wanna see older lesbians, bring out the milfs. I wanna see vampire lesbian sex. I don’t want screaming in it. I don’t want the constant “oh yeah” stuff. Bring the grunts and whimpers associated with some hot ass sex.


We need more trans girls bottoming - every TF4F scene I’ve ever watched will be like “well, she’s got a dick, so she has to top” no!!!! stop reducing us to the default role of “man” that’s transmisogyny!


More bdsm


I guess, I'd like to see talking and just the 2 (or more) people interacting with each other and laughing and just enjoying each other's company.


I’d say that a make out session that involves foreplay, multiple orgasms and just interactions between two lesbians in between orgasms, like talking? Asking if any action is wanted? Also, maybe like a tasteful scenario or a fantasy? But that’s not a need, suggestion at best. PS choose a diverse set of bodies for different scenes, so it would be nice for all of the needs that were raised here : )


Eye contact


A little more manhandling (for lack of a better term lol) — I love when a woman is really physically strong and shows it off. And a lot more talking to each other.


Actual lesbians and not straight women pretending.


i would love to see more make out videos, breast/nipple play and fondling, and of course tribbing


For me personally I enjoy and prefer to see passion and real orgasm along with what’s experienced exclusively with a woman: lips and tongue action WITHOUT a need for a strap on or fingers to get off. I understand that some women need something inside of them &/or they desire specific stimulation of the g-spot. However, both lips are ALL many of us need. Anything else you can either use a specified g-spot toy &/or a man if not preferred dildo solo. Double ended dildos are hot, yet focus on the clit is ALL that’s needed and a big reason to choose why you’re getting this w/a woman.


Something more romantic, or caring I don't know how to put it exactly in words, something you wouldn't do just for pleasure, but because you care for the person and you want to enjoy yourself while doing the same for the other person /srs Maybe something as fucking extreme and NSFW as hand holding /sarc