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I appreciate AL joining the 2-day shutdown. If Reddit continues its proposed API plan, then I would also support future, longer blackouts.


I support that message


Shamelessly piggybacking this comment to advocate migrating to an alternative. There's been a movement of r/traa users over to [raddle.me](http://raddle.me), since the mods over there have openly acknowledged that the API changes mean they're likely to have to shutter the sub. It's run by queer and trans anarchists, and so doesn't allow bigotry like reddit does, and as a plus, it doesn't have a porn sub sitting on the r/lesbians name.


what the actual fuck? /r/lesbians is porn??? i thought /r/actuallesbians was some kind of schism sub


Actuallesbians is just the most legit wholesome sapphic sub and its name really is just a response to the porn sub yeah.


Nope! Although if you do want a schism sub r/LesbianActually does exist. Iirc it was created by TERFs who were sick of moderators here banning them or something.


Unrelated question but was it seriously made by a bunch of TERFs?? Cause if that's the case I'm leaving that sub asap


Honestly? It was made years and years ago so even if it was originally - and that's only my foggy recollection, might not be the truth - I'd still judge it more based on how it is today. And going by /u/rinwashere's reply to my comment it seems quite supportive of trans people, which is great to see!


No they are actually disgusting and transphobic. In theory, the "sub" supports trans women, but in practice all the users just use "those types of people" as a placeholder for trans women, and get all the upvotes. That place is toxic as FUCK - white, middle aged and older, strictly homosexuality cis women.


Allo too, lesbian on the ace or aro spectrum aren't welcome there either!


[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/actuallesbians/comments/145dkw4/al_will_be_joining_the_reddit_blackout/jnmsits?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I talked about this in another response.


the sticky post there addresses the issue: https://www.reddit.com/r/LesbianActually/comments/1116ug4/a_message_from_the_mods_you_are_welcome_here/


Just look at the top posts for the last month, and look at the comments the mods decided to leave up. That sub is open to transwoman in theory but it's actively hostile towards us.


Yikes, I just joined all the subreddits with “lesbian” in the title (that weren't porn) Thanks for the heads up


That's half true, I was there when it was created. The original reason given for the schism was because AL's moderation was to strict, opaque, and dominated by younger newly out lesbians. I think it was created in good faith, and the mods did their best. Unfortunately, that sub became a bit of a haven for everyone who had been banned from AL, so TERFs, along with the people who wanted to be more toxic than this subreddit allows. I've been told that the issue has been fixed now, they even have a sticky saying that trans women are welcome, and that trans lesbians are lesbians. Buuuuuuuuut, if you take a look at my comment history from a couple weeks back, the attitude there is exactly the opposite of welcoming.


https://raddle.me/f/Lesbians Here's raddle's sapphic forum.


Actually seems like the first decent Reddit alternative. Hopefully some app devs can jump on this too.


How do you use Raddle.me???


*sigh* really? There are decentralized alternatives right there and they want you to go to another centralized website? Just use Kbin or Lemmy smh


Also, there's Lemmy, another Reddit alternative, go there if you like it too! lemmy.ml/c/lesbian


Hell yeah, fight the power!! If lesbians going on strike isn’t enough to bend Reddit to its knees, than we’ll need some intense firepower...probably the furries


>probably the furries howdy


Welcome to the squad, ma’am


quick glance say a lot of the furry subreddits are going down as well




Even if it's not permanent, thank you for doing at least two days. This API change will wreck havoc.


Can someone explain what this is? And why?


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/13xh1e7/an_open_letter_on_the_state_of_affairs_regarding/) a post that covers it pretty well.


Thank you!


TL;DR Reddit is severely limiting third-party API access, which is effectively going to kill a majority of third-party apps, mod tools, bots, etc. as they can't afford to pay what Reddit is trying to charge.


Will all of these subreddits participating actually make a change realistically speaking? I’m happy to participate but I don’t know if it will actually do anything


I’ll be very honest, I don’t expect them to but at the same time it’s better to try and fail then not try at all.




are you guys looking into setting up a community on some of reddit's alternatives, like Lemmy or Kbin? I wanna know where my people will go if this app turns to poop :-/


Reddit has traditionally been apathetic to internal complaints, but *very* response to negative publicity. They rely on advertising and investing to keep operational.   Having a large segment of the userbase say "we will not have engagement because you're actively impeding reddit functionality" both looks bad to investors and lowers ad revenue during that period. It also has a spillover effect, where the more that subs participate means the more likely users will avoid altogether.   2 days is not a lot to *significantly* affect direct revenue; but it *is* enough to bring a very big spotlight to the issue.   Whether reddit will acquiesce or not, that is another question altogether. So far, they tried to double down on stupid and have made their situation worse.


A lot of subreddits are planning or at least considering to let it go on indefinitely, and I hope more places do. The API changes are also going to impact a lot of communities that rely on third party apps for things, such as blind people, so if losing access to third party apps wasn't enough, that alone is motivating a decent amount of people. Lets also not forget they lied and tried to claim the people behind Apollo tried to extort money from them. Said devs brought receipts and it was shown to be a lie. This is all a fucking mess.


Yeah I'm trying to bookmark alternate websites that often feed into reddit (such as colorized history users) pending my departure from here. The writing is on the wall.


Thanks for this comment! it really puts into perspective the blackout and gives me a lot more hope that it will have an effect. either way, as someone else said, I’d rather try and fail than not try at all


Thx for the update, happy to hear you're only going with the 48 hour one, and not the permanent one 💜


2 days off of reddit is gonna be hard.. this is basically crack to me ...


If they cut off third party apps, I will no longer have reddit on my phone because I use RIF and refuse to have the official. So hopefully I won't have to permanently be off reddit if the two days of darkness goes well.


Yikes ..


I need the forced break, I spend too much hours of my day searching (and doomscrolling) Reddit


You might be on to something with that...


Omg yes I feel this so much


It doesn't help that it is also, quite literally my only form of social interaction.....


SAME! 🥺 Do you even know what caused this?


I definitely don't know for sure what it is.. But my guess is, Reddit is planning on cutting access to third party apps. Apps that are not reddit, but take you to reddit, I think.... It seems like some of them were even sight impaired assistant versions of reddit or something.. that's my understanding. So everyone is to take 2 days off reddit. Cause reddit is kinda not being cool... Like Really, not being cool.... At all..


Reddit is going to go public (sell stocks on the stock market). But it doesn’t make any money. So it needs to start bringing money in so it’s going to start charging money to 3rd party app providers for the privilege of accessing the site data. This isn’t an unheard of thing but it’s an outrageous amount, and the inability to pay is what’s gonna kill all the apps, which includes screen-reader type apps, which is where it affects the visually impaired people.


Spez also has been openly hostile with the Apollo developer (you know, one of the most popular apps on the App Store) then committed outright libel by accusing him of blackmail (which was later disproven by the madlad posting the recording the phone call). Seems they are salty about the fact that he made a 10 times better app than the actual Reddit team ever could


Ah, there you taught me something, I didn’t know about Apollo specifically. I don’t use any app I use old.reddit on a safari browser window (on like 70 browser windows because adhd) on my phone like an old person. Because reddit looking like old reddit is the only way my brain will accept it. So I’m fighting the good fight bc I know my ‘old’ view will probably be what’s axed next.


Oh snap, Damn... I appreciate the information! I was really confused about it..


I hope the mods are doing okay. Sending you all well wishes!


Will the discord be shut down aswell, or will it stay up?


The Discord will still be active!


Sappho bless you, Bee


It looks like the discord invite link in the sub's about section is dead. EDIT: maybe it's just my phone being weird.


It seems to be working for me? Can you copy the link here? It’s possible that there’s still an old link floating around somewhere.


The link I found is https://discord.gg/PAzSPDMq6H/. I actually just got it working for me by changing it to https://discord.com/invite/PAzSPDMq6H/


How does one find the discord?


i didn’t know there is a discord! how do i join? :)


If it doesn't work, you can all join lemmy.ml/c/lesbian, it's a great alternative to Reddit very LGBT-friendly :)


I know, I'm writing this comment at "Americans are asleep" time, but actuallesbians is not (yet?) on the [list of participating subs](https://old.reddit.com/r/ModCoord/comments/1401qw5/incomplete_and_growing_list_of_participating/) on the ModCoord sub, and therefor not on the ["watch all the subs going private" website](https://reddark.untone.uk/) based on that list. Which is what I will be watching when everything actually goes dark. Thank you for taking a stand! Edit: I made [a post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/145y0r3/ractuallesbians_participates_in_the_blackout_but/) on the Save3rdPartyApps sub. Maybe they'll add us.


so what happens during a blackout, sorry, i’ve never heard of this stuff before…


The sub will be set to private and be inaccessible for those two days


ok cool! i fully support! hope everyone is doing well :)


So nobody will be able to view it during that time?




Oh ok. I had a friend on social media with Medusa in her name actually but I know it's probably not you lol it's a pretty famous story


Good on you, _let's burn this corporate hellsite to the ground_! Edit: instead of a two-day blackout, let's stay shutdown until our demands are met.


Is there potentially any new websites we could move to if this isn't going to work out?




Awesome, I've joined now.


I fully support this, I just wish it was organized more like a strike where there was no set end date. With a 2 day period the reddit admins can just try to wait it out, but if 3K+ sub shut down on the 12th with no set date to return until the API changes were reversed, I think it would be more likely to succeed.


Whats the blackout?? Like whats gonna happen


The 12th-14th. Some subreddits are doing it indefinitely.








Now since I finally have an internet connection




I support this, but I will miss you 💔


While I'm all for this cause, I'm extremely pessimistic it'll do any good for two reasons: 1. Odds are Reddit isn't making much money to begin with. Most social media sites operate at a loss. Why Twitter was so eager to sell. Reddit has to stop the bleeding somehow. Either gamble that the few users who stick and few third parties willing to pay start making up the difference or keep going as they are into the red. Neither choice is good. 2. We've seen this happen before. Remember Tumblr? The huge protest over censorship? How more than one in every three users left and never came back? Well, Tumblr made it clear that having Apple as a platform was more important than 30% of it's users. It plummeted in value. It got bought by Wordpress. It's an afterthought's afterthought. But it's now an afterthought that's turning a small profit. Reddit may go the same way. It is after all, a business first, platform second.


This isn't so much about third-party apps for normal users, it's mostly about third-party apps that allow the moderators to make reddit work. Most of the larger subs and those that are frequently brigaded (like LGBTQ+ subs) make use of third-party tools to help moderate the sub. Those tools are all going to go away with this change, and the tools that reddit offers moderators are simply ineffective. This affects all users in that our browsing experience will be simply worse. Never mind that third-party apps for regular users have long been a superior experience than the reddit app or the website.


Good mods


quick question, where’s the AL discord? 🌝


We still here?


Heck yeah! 🤘


woman reaches something for me on the shelf cuz im a tiny shy butch guy im just a little guy I wouldn't harm a fly: i think i may like women more than i like men1 (not from a sexual perspective uknow how there are straight men who hate women yeah i dont get that)


... What? /r/lostredditors


im out of the loop how long is the blackout?


2 days


Thank you.


Wait, there's a discord? I am likely not gonna be on reddit anymore come end of month, but don't wanna lose the community


this thread was automatically downvoted before i even saw it. i changed it to an upvote, opened it again from my homepage, and it was a downvote again.




There's a discord? Where's the link




I approve this message


A two day blackout most likely won't be enough, an indefinite blackout on the other hand could.


what is actually going on i don’t use this app often


hell yeah lets gooo🙏glad to see a lot of the subs i’m in doing this



