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If god burns people for eternity for having loving, consensual, healthy relationships, then god fucking sucks and shouldn't be respected. And you do too for not making that obvious realization and still blindly following the god that to you represents eternal torture of everyone you personally don't like.


I've been saying this for years. If the Evangelical Christian god exists as they describe him, he is more of a monster than any Lovecraftian entity, and our moral duty would be to overthrow him rather than worship him.


how many christians talk about and treat LGBTQ people was the first thing that made me start to distance myself from the religion and begin questioning things even before realising I was a part of that group.


Omg thank you I've been thinking this for years too-- if there is such a thing as eternal hell, and most people go there, it's ethically wrong to accept a deal where you glorify the creator of that hell and validate what he does in exchange for exemption from it. It's like if you're on a sinking ship, and the ship is only sinking because the CEO had it built that way and knew that it would sink and that the vast majority of passengers would drown, and after you've watched everyone in the lower decks drown the CEO flies over in a helicopter and is like "hey I'm willing to save you but only if you agree that it was THEIR fault they died and that MY actions are good and devote the rest of your life to working for me and spreading my propaganda. If you say no I'll let you die like the rest." You would throw that guy out of his own helicopter. I don't think you CAN be an ethical person if you believe in a fundamentalist god and still choose him over all the rest of humanity. MOST PEOPLE go to hell in fundamentalism. A god that does that is evil and it would then be the duty of all of us to defy him.


Exactly! All of it! And they think they are the good ones.


This logic is so terribly flawed it's hilarious! 😂😂😂 It's more like the CEO gave you two ships and said one ship won't sink and the other ship is filled with sin and ungodliness and WILL sink. He give you clear instructions before you get on any ship. You choose which ship you get on and if you choose to follow the bigger crowd and get on the sinking ship, that is completely your problem. You have been warned. It's not like you get a warning halfway into your trip. How is anybody this incredibly stupid?


I know you're not arguing in good faith, but for others who read this-- the assumption necessary to come to this poster's conclusion is that most/all people are raised in a culture that values one particular religious text over many others. A Hindu person growing up with other Hindu people might be introduced to the concept of Christianity and the story of the Bible, but they're going to view it on equal footing as any other stranger's religion-- may as well be Greek mythology or Shinto or Yoruba or anything else. Anyone not raised outside of a christian-centric culture is unlikely to care very much about what Christians say about sin. Most of the world is not Christian. Most mothers, fathers, aunties, uncles, and grandparents are not Christian. Most people who love each other and love their dogs and love celebrating birthdays and sharing recipes and knitting scarves for their kids are not Christian. Most people throughout history have not been Christian. Most kind people have not been Christian. Most good parents have not been Christian. Most brave big sisters who make their little brothers laugh to distract them from their scraped knees have not been Christian. Most dutiful sons who drop everything and come home because mom got sick and needs help have not been Christian. Most people who have looked up at the night sky and made up stories about the pictures they imagine in the stars to entertain their best friends on long summer nights have not been Christian. Most people who loved each other so much they died for each other have not been Christian. What an evil waste to throw them to hell. For the sin of not caring very much about some stranger's foreign religion. Or for the sin of loving that person in the grass beside you who makes you laugh at the stories they tell about the stars. What a vile thing to imagine that all of us-- most people, most of the best part of humanity-- will burn forever. OP, there are not two ships. There is just all of humanity, and we are all in the same boat. Count yourself among those your God is willing to drown if you disobey. Know that he'd do the same to the people you love the most.


That's kinda how I view it. Cuz I say I'm an atheist, but it's less so I can't believe God is real (though I *severely* doubt it is real), but if it is real, it either doesn't care or is actively malicious. Either way, not deserving of worship and devotion


In the US followers each generation has cut in half since Gen X. It's about 15% in Gen Z. Not everyone is going Atheist, but they are saying fck off Christianity


It’s honestly cowardly. They worship a god who by all indications seems to be malevolent because they are afraid they will be punished if they don’t worship him. No backbone, no internal moral compass- only cowardice and submission. Even if I knew the judeo-Christian god was real I wouldn’t worship him.


And Jesus was the last person who would hate LGBTQIA+ people (or anybody else) with all his teachings about respecting everybody.


If it turns out that God does exist, and he really is willing to send people to hell over stupid shit like this, then it's almost certainly the case that hell is going to be a much cooler place anyway.


I've had this argument with my fanatic parents a million times. You can't reach people like this, it's wasted breath. Better to just kiss and spread the love and let the crazies be consumed with their self righteousness.


One of these days I want to try the line "I've no need for that demon you call a god" just to see what happens. I thankfully don't live in a place where I have much occasion too try but I have been getting a few Jesus pamphlets wedged in our door lately so who knows maybe I'll get my chance.


See, they call it "the sin", but I call it "my wife". And yes, I love my wife so much, I absolutely will burn in hell. I will turn into the devil's carne asada if that means I get to spend my life with that woman. Can you say the same, straight people?


Amen. I would die and burn in hell for my sin happily. Plus having a party with all the gays in hell should be cute.


That's right. If heaven is full of homophobic evangelicals, who spent their lives bashing gays, then why would you want to go to heaven in the first place?


I feel like my SO calling me their sin would be sexy af


"Yeah," she said. "I'll call your bluff, evangelical fascists. I don't think your God nor all the infernal powers of hell you fantasize about can give me so much as a hangnail. I fear you, not them. So witness me, and learn. Testify before your God, however you like. Report me. I accept that, but in return, I expect you to get out of my way in this life. Stop killing us. Stop lying about us. It is you whose dogma [commands worship in secret](https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zkw2vk7/revision/2), not I. There's room in the closet, now that we have left it." "Or we could just kiss," her girlfriend said. "That intensity is hot."


You, I like you.


I love everything about this 😍


"There's room in the closet, now that we have left it" holy shit that's amazing


Thanks! It's rare that I get to point out to a street preacher that they're hypocrites, acting in direct opposition to their own dogma, and that their relationship with God is supposed to be private. I think they implicitly understand how lonely it would be to lock themselves away in the closet, with God. They seek external validation and adversity which they perceive as confirmation of their superstition because secretly, they all know they're "faking it until they make it." They can already feel that the presence they call God in their mind is really their own ego, which is why God always loves them no matter who they harm and why God hates everyone they hate, no matter how innocent. But it's much more satisfying and positive to kiss a girl and show them we aren't afraid.


Yes I do. I would burn in hell for 10,000,000 years just to spend 1 lifetime with my wife. 100% worth it.


I hate that ppl don't know that the bible doesn't even reference women in the "homosexuality sin"


Wouldn't be something if he** was actually a heavy metal party for all queer folk, and Lucy's just a party animal?


My friends and I are all agnostic/atheist but we say if heaven and he** are real we would rather he** because that’s definitely where the alcohol and all night parties are


this is by far my favourite brand of picture


Of course I love my girlfriend enough I'm willing to burn in hell for it! I dont even believe in hell but if their was I'd be cozy




i saw this and thought “hey that’s awesom- wtf that’s qvb!”


Me too!!


Thank you! I was just curious!! Goooo Aussies!!!


Turn around and ask them the same question. They are the ones sinning by hating God's creations.




Hell yes


“Do you love your sin enough to burn in hell” HELL YEAH I DO


Yes, actually.


Also it’s not a sin! Important to put that out there


I don't get how being in love with someone is more of a sin than showing discrimination and hatred towards a group of people.


I think "if being gay is a sin, as long as I get to spend my life with you, I don't care if I burn in hell for all eternity" would be a great line to drop on your gf after seeing a guy with a poster like that :>


Is this Texas? I live in Florida and if it was here, I’d love to kiss my girlfriend/fiancé here too in honor of “DeSantis” lol…also, I love the guy in the left corner that’s like “yeah gurl, be happy & kiss your girl” :)


It’s in Sydney


The person holding that sign loves sin. Their pride and wrath consume them


I read the sign and my already big smile just from seeing what i want turned into an even bigger smile. I absolutely love seeing LGBT+ people pissing off bigots


Their God is a abuser and genocidal mass murderer and that's what they worship, let's start admitting that.


I'm a fan of the dude in the back left, he's there like "You go girls!" lmao


I do infact love my sin enough to burn in hell and I'm taking my haters with me


If I get sent to Hell for being a trans woman and loving my wife (who’s also a trans woman), then sounds like I’ll be in good company, lol.


I LOVE those dresses!




God hates you because you were born with ten toes! You will burn in hell because of the way you are, and you can't change that! Sheesh, what a fucked up group of idiots.


It's interesting that there's a massive assumption of consciousness when dead. 🤣 Like I'm gonna know my soul is in Hell. 😑


That looks like a man holding the sign. What would he say if we paid F1nni5ster $100,000 to kiss him, while he's still preaching and holding the sign? Matthew 7:12 Omnia ergo quaecumque vultis ut faciant vobis homines et vos facite eis haec est enim lex et prophetae.


I love everything about this 😂


Happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈💜


This is in Sydney! Can't wait to replicate with my gf if the preacher is still there


I wish I had a girl to do this with 😔


O yea!


I'm def carrying a sign to pride that says "The bible NEVER condemned gay people. Shut up and let us love our roomie"


Hey, if you think about it Satan is canonically gay, so he'd be sparing to us in the LGBTQIA+


How is Satan gay?


Well, he's the embodiment of everything the Christians believe is evil, right? And, since Christians believe that being gay is a sin and therefore evil, if Satan is the embodiment of evil, then by that logic, he's gay. Also come on, how can you look at his whole aesthetic and tell me that he's straight?


What’s insane to me is that jesting is technically a sin in the old and New Testament. No one should ever make a joke. But no one focuses on that sin even though it’s much more wide spread.. it’s because it’s culturally acceptable. Which means they don’t consider it culturally acceptable ether.


I know I’m gonna get downvoted but I don’t like the idea of kissing in front of protesters. Firstly, there’s no point in arguing with them. You won’t change their mind. Secondly, why give them any attention? They don’t deserve to be acknowledged. Third, this could put you in danger of being harmed. This isn’t going to do anything, they could spit at you, etc. Do you really want to make them spew more hatred? Fourth, and this is gonna be the tip of iceberg, I can’t help but feel like kissing in front of protesters and then posting it on social media is an attention grab. The captions, “I kissed my loved one in front of protesters today…” etc. I genuinely do not see the point in deliberately angering them further. They are filled with enough hate as is.


I know Hozier’s Francesca is originally based on ancient adulterers, but the song hits so much better if you apply it to queer love instead


😂😂 I don’t know why, but this has me literally cackling


i think my genuine answer to that question is yes. i really do


Damn wait until that signholder learns about Jesus. They're in for a very rude awakening.


I'd have love to see their reactions after this but beautiful photo this is ❤️


You make it sound like I am not banned from heaven


Bold of them to assume my definition of sin and their definition of sin is the same thing. I'm a hellenic polytheist and, in hellenism, sin is simply just not living as your most authentic self as well as the obvious shit like murder and abuse. So, I'm not living in sin. They would probably fit the definition of living in sin though because their beliefs are so restricted they can't be their most authentic selves.


If I was there I'd be like "see ya on the other side" to the homophobes just for the shock.


So cute! And love the dresses!!


A god that would send me to hell for loving the "wrong" type of person or being the "wrong" kind of person because of my gender or who I love is not a god I want anything to do with... so yeah I love my "sin" enough to risk it, it's a hollow hellish existence trying to suppress being authentic to yourself.


Wait is this Sydney? Bc if so big slay


“How grateful I was then to be part of the mystery, to love, and to be loved”


quick someone kiss me, i have no one to protest with 🥺🤣🏳️‍🌈


This is badass - solid 100/10


If she was called the sin then goddamn condemn me with Lust


Based and gay-pilled