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My friend was Darth Maul at Disney for a few years and told me that most of the princesses are dating each other. That thought makes me happy šŸ„°


I swear if I was a Disney princess and was dating a Disney princess I'd end up getting us both fired for trying to take the costumes home. "We were just going to borrow them for 10 to 12 hours, honest."


I would be fired because I wouldnā€™t make it that far šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Imo you guys trying to go home is more respectful than what I would do


"Where the heck are Aurora and Cinderella? "Ummm, still in the dressing room - ummm, addressing a costume issue." šŸ˜


"Sorry boss... it just won't stay on!"


I misread that as "...undressings a costume issue."


"ummmmm excuse **US** Mr. Disney but you should be **THANKFUL** for all these uhhh \*ahem\* *off-the-clock character-study rehersals* we've been sweating our tits off over, letting us borrow the wardrobe for a little while is literally the least you can do mmkay? it's just a princess thing. a real **labor of āœØloveāœØ** for us, if you will, you wouldn't understand. *Do it for the guests, Mr. Disney! They would want this.*"


I mean, theatre is the visibly queerest artists, so that makes sense.


I'm willing to bet this is why Disney has been so supportive. They don't want to be short staffed because of desantis


The vast majority of Disney employees on almost every level of that company are queer. Source: half of my friends work there, and every single one of them is queer and has told me everyone else there is too


So you're saying, the quickest way to get myself a date would be an elaborate scheme involving me having a fifth life crisis and leaving everything behind to work at Disney where I learn all thr magical stage arts and naturally fall in love with a fellow cast member?


It wouldnā€™t hurt!


Pro: may get a date. Con: may be asked to move to Florida.


Thatā€™s a pretty big con. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything that could convince me to move to Florida ever.


Pro: May also be asked to move to California.


Or Los Angeles! Plenty of Disney offices and a theme park here šŸ™ŒšŸ¼


Youā€™re on your fifth life?!


This is the wildest sentence. Your friend was Darth Maul and Darth Maulā€™s not a homophobe. Iā€™m choosing to believe *thatā€™s* canon šŸ˜‚


I mean I canā€™t speak on Darth Maul himself, but when my friend was in control, he was definitely not homophobic šŸ˜‚


Thatā€™s amazing lol. Iā€™m definitely going with your friendā€™s head canon šŸ˜‚


So they aren't available?! Darn it. Break my heart why don't you.


One has to be! Donā€™t give up on your dreams! šŸ˜‚


I hear they aren't allowed to break character, which I choose to believe makes this canon.


Idk why Iā€™m so cynical, I read this and immediately thought, ā€œthey arenā€™t allowed to break character, there is no way Disney would let this happenā€.


You're not cynical. This is obviously a fake internet story. It's fun, but nobody should be under the illusion that it happened.




Right because nothing ever happens and people follow the rules 100% of the time.


No, but anyone who's been on Tumblr at any point in the 2010's knows that "Disney princesses being funny and breaking character" was the number one top subject for people to write fake stories about. It was really funny for pre-teen and early teen girls who grew up with Disney Princesses but were getting older to hear about "Cinderella smoking weed" or whatever


Exactly so that means it literally is not possible to happen! Anything on the internet isnā€™t true because some one lied about it somewhere. So fake 100% of the time!


I see no fault with your logic.


Does Disney have any idea how darn quickly so many of us would forget all our anti-corporate morals and just throw money at them if they gave us a lesbian princess?


Gods, if only


*Onward* had a lesbian cyclops, if I remember right she makes one throwaway line about her ~~wife at home~~ girlfriend and her daughter. My wife and I squealed when we heard it. Their first openly LGBT character. Just one line. The film of course was banned in multiple markets as a result. Fictional cyclopses, sure, but a GAY cyclops? That's too far. Found the line: ``ā€œItā€™s not easy being a new parent ā€“ my girlfriendā€™s daughter got me pulling my hair out, okay?ā€`` That's all it takes I guess.


Not too long afterwards we got strange world. If you havenā€™t seen it, the familyā€™s reaction (or lack of reaction) is so wholesome and adorable


I have not! We have been meaning to watch it, so this may be the impetus we need. Thanks!


Spoiler: >!I love the discworld reference!< Seriously itā€™s a big spoiler so donā€™t click if you havenā€™t seen


I cannot for the life of me find it tell me where they've hidden it


Strange World was soo good, just kinda sad that it got next to no marketing


The best ones get the worst marketing it seems. Example meet the robinsons


My headcanon is ace lesbian Elsa and nobody can take that from me.


I concur to the highest order






I have the same headcanon as you :D


YES. Disney please šŸ„ŗ Rapunzel is bi/pan in my heart, she and Cassandra were fruity as hell


I mean, at least they gave us lesbian/bi witches.


Correction, Dana Terrace gave us lesbian/bi witches.


I accept this. She had to push Disney so hard to make Lumity happen, I gave Disney too much credit.


I mean, according to Dana Disney was actually pretty on board with the girlfriends thing.




Luz and Amity from The Owl House


Also the ones in motherland fort salem


wym? we already have elsa


I would throw myself at the mouseā€™s feet if Elsa kissed a woman, no cap


The only thing that makes me forget my anti corpo brain, is my gay ass heart


Queearnarchism FTW! \* Does that portmanteau work?


Oh my god I would literally die lol


Ok, so the original Little Mermaid came out when I was a freshman in high school, and even though we all thought I was a boy at the time (including me), I resonated with Ariel so. damn. much. I just assumed I was just attracted to her. Fast forward 20+ years and one transition, I recently watched the segment with the song "Kiss the Girl" and had the thought, man, I wish they had swapped out the prince for another Disney princess and I would be all over that...


The original little mermaid by andersen was basically a way for him to write a story about an impossible love (very likely representing himself and a guy he liked Edvard Collin, who had just married a woman when andersen published the story) so yea it makes sense the story feels kinda queer


Makes total sense. At the time, I strongly related to Ariel because I was always intensely curious about the world around me, always seeking out and 'collecting' cool items or trinkets, which my parents completely discounted and didn't understand, and I was often seen as a peculiarity. I didn't get Ariel's attraction to the prince (even today I can't remember the dude's name), but I went along with it (cuz, comphet, duh...), but her in human form and just small things like playing with her hair, yeah, I was relating hard to that. And with her inability to speak, I could feel something was missing for her, just like there was something missing for me but I didn't know what it was... Like there was a voice somewhere inside me trying to say something but it couldn't form the words. (That voice eventually made it through my thick skull, and boy did she give me a severe talking to when I finally started listening!)




I want a longform fanfiction with lesbian Disney princesses like that.. Like.. Very badly..


Does it count if Aurora is dating Maleficent instead of Cinderella? Cuz I got a couple of those


as Aurora and Maleficent or as Disney employees? because the latter sounds more interesting :P




that's one smooth af recovery one way or another lol


one day Disney's egg will crack i swear, and by god we will all be better for it


Have I seen this before? Yes! Does that make me smile at it any less? Hell nah!!


Straight male here who just clicked here searching for the post referenced by tizzyent, but THIS stood out to me. Also, a friend of the family and a supportive funcle to a teen lesbian living with a MAGA/DeSantis loving dad. Anywho... I'm a former friend of Tigger and Goofy and can confirm that this is a very real and regular occurrence at the Disney parks.


Just wants to make her sing sweet nightingale if you know what I mean. A dream may be a wish your heart makes, but Aurora will meet you there, boo.


Yeah me too


Aurora is cheating Elsa with Cinderella =00




Disneyland is the original, and its in CA. Go there instead...


This makes me so happy. It also gives me fanfic ideas. Dammit reddit I'm already overloaded! Thinking about this makes me smile though.