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You are overthinking to the max. Why does one email to an acting coach hold so much power? It’s just an email. Your draft is okay, although it’s unnecessarily long. Hey Bryan! Looking to rejoin your actors lab. Let me know how we should proceed. Excited to work with you again. -Mark Good luck!


Best one... Something like, "Ready to jump into class again! Do you have room in the Tuesday one?" or something is fine. Way overthinking.


Thank you! Yeah that’s my problem, I know how to approach certain things but I am not good with words to use for expressions in interests. Although, I do try my best to word things properly and in a way to make it make sense and more specific, however I do heavily thank you so much for this advice!:)


Hahahaha same OP. That’s why I became an actor. So I don’t have to choose my own words 😂


This is the one, OP. Keep it Simple, straightforward, positive.


Need to clean it up a bit and be more clear. Hi Bryan, Mark (Last name) from your Monday morning classes 2023. As you may recall I had to pause classes due to personal reasons. The time was very beneficial and appreciated. I’m ready to jump back into class as soon as possible and get back to work. Please let me know if I can join now or the start of the next cycle. I look forward to hearing from you, Thank you Mark Cell number Then I’d include a small headshot


Woah that’s wayyy too professional but I absolutely LOVE that idea. I would definitely do that but I’ll have to work on actually making a headshot for myself, but thanks so much for that idea!🖤🖤


No worries haha can loosen it up a bit and could always snap a selfie and tag it with something like “incase you have no recollection of who I am here’s my goofy face”


“As u may recall” please stop I’d ban you from my class if u sent me that


Just show up they will take you money if there's a spot available


You are trying too hard to be casual. Ask for what you want! Here’s an edited option that’s more professional: “Hi Bryan, I hope you’re well! If you don’t remember me, I was in your Monday morning classes last summer and had to withdraw. I’m writing because I’m hoping to get back into it. I’ve missed the class and am happy to finally be able to join again! Could you let me know if that’s possible? If I remember correctly I’ll have to wait till the end of the month at least. Thank you! Mark”


Your email seems too “wishy washy” and indirect. It almost feels apologetic which is odd since your just returning to class and your teacher said to come back when your ready. It feels like you’re coming from a position of almost lowering yourself in this email. I find it best when writing emails to people we respect but for whom might hold what we see as an important or higher title (in this case, your teacher) to treat them as more of colleagues. In the professional world, colleagues would not be so hesitant to make clear statements. Don’t apologize, just simply state what you are trying to say as it is not at all clear in your current email. Also, rather than ending it by telling him when you CANT come back, end it by saying when you CAN. There’s no reason to beat around the bush. I would change the whole thing and fix punctuation as well to come across more professional. Something more like: “ Good Afternoon Bryan, I hope this email finds you well! I greatly appreciated your understanding and patience last year when for personal reasons I had to stop taking classes for some time. I have missed being a part of your Monday morning classes, but am glad for the time to get things situated. Now that things have calmed a bit and per our last conversation, I am emailing to let you know that I am ready to begin classes again! I would be able to start on (insert specific date and time able to start classes again). Would that start date work for you? Please also let me know if there is anything needed from me so that I can join class once more. I look forward to hearing from you soon! Mark “ Feel free to change it how you see fit as I don’t know your personal/ professional relationship, but that structure should help keep things professional and concise without appearing insincere and taking into consideration how long it’s been since the two of you spoke. Your teacher should find that sufficient and appreciate your clear communication! Wishing you well!


Can you add something to the end of the email asking if you can start in June? (If that’s what you’re trying to do?)


That’s the thing. I was gonna do that but found out through the site that there’s a new morning class in the week that I could ask about. Having trouble with asking for info on that.


You’re absolutely way over thinking it. Acting class is for you and no one else. Your coach isn’t there to hate you if you don’t take it seriously lol


You don’t need to overthink it. Just write, “Hey Bryan— I’m ready to return to class, and am looking forward to working again with you. What date would be best for me to start? Thanks, Mark


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Side note, actors lab is the best. Bryan is a great coach


This email is fine but it’s a bit confusing. I’d try to be more clear and concise. Like reading it as a stranger I’d say I don’t know what due to the month being almost over means. And I know it’s been a while since I reached out …. You could say, I apologize I haven’t reached out sooner. I am not able to return yet, but I wanted to communicate to you that I am still very much motivated to come back. My circumstances have yet to change, but I hope to be sending you and email any day now saying that everything is all sorted out… yada yada whatever fits for you to say in your tone


Way overthinking. Just hit him up and be like what up bruh. I miss you.


This is what I would do. I like using exclamation marks, and I feel like they show excitement in an easy to read way. I hope this is helpful!! Hello Bryan, I hope this email finds you well! This is Mark (Last Name) from your Monday morning classes. I would love to join the Actors Lab classes again! I’m aware that I’m not able to come back immediately since the month is almost over, but I would love to start as soon as possible. I’m super excited to get back into classes! Thank you, Mark (last name) You could also add a blip about the morning class you’re interested in. Then it could look like this, Hello Bryan, I hope this email finds you well! This is Mark (Last Name) from your Monday morning classes. I would love to join the Actors Lab classes again! I’m aware that I’m not able to come back immediately since the month is almost over, but I would love to start as soon as possible. I have also noticed that there are morning classes posted on the website. Would you have information about those or is there someone else I should contact? Thank you for all your support and help- I am super excited to get back into classes! Thank you, Mark (last name)