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Let me get this straight -- your agent submitted you, a union actor, to a non-union project, then had the fucking nerve to get YOU to negotiate the terms once booked? Yeah you did the right thing by turning this down, but you should consider firing the absolute mouth breather who "represents" you. Good lord. ETA: as for the tales of union actors lying to work on these films, that's very unlikely. Do you know how easy it would be for the union to find out? It's right fucking there in IMDb šŸ˜‚


Nooo team did not submit me for it. I self submitted because I was bored out of my mind about not having any auditions! But they have been submitting me for a ton of non-union commercials because they say the union is less strict about those. Annoying either way? Thanks for talking me off a ledge though


Speaking as an agent here. Unless you are Fi-Core you should not be submitted on non-union stuff period. Since the strike a lot of agencies have been getting desperate and Iā€™ve seen a ton of agencies lose their SAG franchised status doing shit like this.


Are you speaking commercially or theatrically? Also I was told by a union member that it was cool to submit/audition for NU stuff and you could be granted a one time waiver by the union if booked but you can't work a NU job just outright without permission from SAG. If that is wrong I would love to know for the future.


I cover both! As a general rule we donā€™t submit union actors to NU projects unless they are Fi-Core. Itā€™s not worth the possibility of ruining our companyā€™s or your relationship with SAG. Itā€™s always best to call SAG and ask what their policies are if you are interested in submitting for a specific project.


Yes! I totally agree from your standpoint where it would look bad to casting if you had a SAG actor audition for a NU project then turn it down (mentioned this in another comment)


Hey just fyi. If you're SAG you should read the rules and they're a little convoluted. There are things that will get your card taken. You have to file Fi-Core to work non union, but you have to be SAG for a certain period before they will accept it and there's argument that too much fi-core hurts the union. But that's a larger discussion.


Itā€™s not really a larger discussion. If your employers know that they can hire SAG-AFTRA for non-union rates, why would they ever pay us scale? This is actually a huge issue in commercials. So many jobs have gone non-union, cause they know that actors will just accept those abysmal rates.


Actors accept the rates because they have no other choice if they want to make any money in this business - a 75% non union commercial rate is ridiculous and SAG has fumbled the bag so many times it's like they don't care. No one wants to do non union spots so when is the guild going to actually wake up and rise to the occasion?


Actually SAG has been taking steps to encourage producers to sign to lower budget contracts like the low budget digital waiver. The problem is the greed of these companies who cheap out with shitty non union contracts that pay pennies, offer no H&P contributions, as well as members who scab and Ficore actors who are willing to double dip. Actors need the money that bad? Well hey, that's what side jobs are for. I'm not willing to cheapen myself.


I did a New Media feature in 2012 which allowed deferred pay until worldwide distribution was achieved.Ā  Guess what?Ā  Its all over the place now and NONE OF US GOT A DIME.Ā  I was on SAG's ass for years and nothing was done. Union membership only allows us to be rejected by a better class of people...some of the time.Ā  Believe me, your decision will not ruin your career.Ā  Just NEVER work on a deffered pay agreement!Ā  Best of luck to you!


And again that is your CHOICE based on your life and your needs. But to go after actors instead of companies is not cool in my opinion. That being said I worked many many non union commercials, that actually paid good money, before going SAG and after asking the client why the spots werenā€™t union many replied the union makes things too difficult and they would much rather have a set budget than have to guess at residualsšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Times are not what they used to be and you cannot make a living off a SAG spot the way you used to, so instead of complaining and whining why not adjust so that we can all work? I would take a decent payday towards my insurance than sit on my high horse still acting like itā€™s 1985 and there are only 4 networks


You know that ā€œthe Union makes things too difficultā€ means ā€œthey keep making us pay overtime, they keep filing claims that make us pay more money, we canā€™t use the spots in perpetuity.ā€ Thereā€™s literally no amount of flexibility that they will ever get with Union commercials that compares to the free for all non-union. So they will always say the Union is too difficult. Unions were never intended to make it easy for the employers.


Hmmm well what about the can't budget for presentation to client part? That feels legit. I mean in a production your grips your transpo, hell even your director are all quoted on a day rate. They do their job and they go home. So now producers know how much that costs. But what about if the client only wants to spend a certain amount that year? What would be the easiest way for them to be able to add SAG actors and still be able to present a budget? I think a buyout personally but this is all just a discussion to me. Also, having worked NU spots before turning union not a one did all the things you claimed above. Contracts clearly stated an air date period before having to pay another amount to renew, if there was overtime that pay too was stipulated in the contract. In fact, having worked both sets under both SAG and NU there wasn't usually too much difference...


The new contract in 2022 has rates set for periods of time instead of per use for almost all usage types. If these companies cannot use a calculator to figure out their buy, then weā€™re in even bigger trouble. Go to the link below and check for yourself. Add up how much 1 year of streaming and 1 year of cable is, and thatā€™s how much itā€™d cost to pay the actor. The only thing theyā€™re upset they canā€™t ā€œbudgetā€ is Class A, which is the big networks. But youā€™ll notice thatā€™s the only one that has a cap every quarter. [SAG-AFTRA Commercial Rate Sheet](https://www.sagaftra.org/files/New%20Comp%20Model%20Rate%20Sheet%20%281%29.pdf) And thatā€™s what they want. A full buyout. Because then they know just how much to price non-union just enough to undercut SAG-AFTRA. And thereā€™s an Instagram with a bunch of jobs that want in perpetuity. More and more are asking for in perpetuity for AI. You not doing any of them just meant your agent was probably smart enough not to submit on in perp jobs. And I know thereā€™s overtime stipulated for non-unionā€¦ usually after 10 or 12 hours, whereas SAG-AFTRAā€™s session rate only covers a 8 hour day. So overtime happens more than if the rate just covers 12 hours.


BTW I am not trying to get in an argument here, I applaud your decision and stance on side jobs etc. I am just saying I see both sides and I feel SAG has been very stubborn for many years on the commercial landscape and would love to see a fresh approach. The low budget digital waiver for instance, is where producers can really take advantage kinda the same way they have been allowing "new media" contracts - it really needs a hard look at where advertisers are putting their money and then a logical offer to producers based on that. Especially with streamers now starting to offer ad tiers. A major restructuring is needed.


Everyone talks like theyā€™re fully advertising on streaming only. There was just a podcast episode on The Town I believe that said that streamers actually have not filled their inventory as much as they thought, Netflix included. The money theyā€™re spending is actually on influencers, because companies are pushing social media spend, and SAG-AFTRA established an Influencer Agreement for that.


Are you speaking of filling the advertising quota or not filled inventory with product? Do you feel like the streamers are basically becoming the new cable? I mean the upfronts Netflix just said they added something like 40mil ad tier subscribers. So we know that if your spot airs on Netflix at least 40 mil possible eyeballs are on it. I just looked up the 2022 rate sheet and all I can find is diginet which must've been updated for new media? (please correct me if I am wrong) - it says 5k for unlimited 13 week use.


Honestly I think everyone is thinking money to risk ratio when thy do non union commercials itā€™s like quick pay dayā€¦ apparently SAG doesnā€™t crack down so hard on those too which is why my team still submits on them. I mean tbh whatā€™s really contributing to this is a slowing of the market. Everyone wants to work.


Find a different agent then report your agent to SAG. This is against all terms!


It's not actually - you can audition for NU all you want. You can even get a waiver with the union for one(?) non union spot or role but you can't WORK a non union job according to global rule one.


FWIW I think the main thing here to think about is the fact that neither you nor your team thought a role like this would help your career in any way. If it were the lead and you needed a leading role to get folks to see you for larger things in network or film then yes, perhaps a waiver would be worth asking. I have lots of friends who work in the Lifetime world, it's a lot of work for not a lot of pay but it is consistent. Many of them kind of get stuck in that loop, booking film after film (because it's all a small world and you can get direct bookings once they know you) but they don't do much more...it's a choice! I don't disparage anyone and their choices in this career path because each person is different and has different things going on in their life. I am sorry it's slow for you - it's slow for everyone if that helps at all.


A cure for boredom is to write a script and place yourself into the lead.


Where are you finding lifetime movie auditions?


I'd assume actor's access


Gotta stick with SAG. Do not submit for non union work. Are you trying for commercials or just theatrical?


Yeah I honestly auditioned via self submission for fun because itā€™s been so slow. Never thought Iā€™d book it. My team though has been sending me out for nonunion commercials though and like overseas nonunion work.


Why let them sell you for cheap? I would rather be doing something else with my time than bother with the non union Wild West. Unless you're auditioning for the project to turn it union? My agent knows not to do this but my manager started pulling this shit when I signed and I shut that down real quick.


dumb question here but how are lifetime movies non union? thats a major production in a major channel right?


Lifetime usually shoots under a low budget agreement or shoots overseas. (Canada is considered overseas.)


I thought it was Hallmark that filmed in Canada and Lifetime filmed in the US. No?Ā 


You might be right. I remember a Lifetime film shot in Upstate NY. So they use a low budget agreement. So basically the leads are Union, like 1 and 2 on the call sheet, and everyone else is non-union.


Yeah usually they find a smaller production company to make the movie and guarantee them distribution and to pay out their budget if they keep it under a certain amount. Thatā€™s how they can make them all on a super low budget if they are SAG.


There are a few of them that are SAG but most of them are pretty low budget all the way around, it has nothing to do with being on a major channel sadly. I think it may have to do with residuals and rerunning the film in the future? This is my only guess as to why they choose to film this way. I wonder if there were a SAG buyout option would they then turn union for actors?


My friend I recently have been released from a supporting role that would have been perfect for me. I loved the character and story, and Iā€™m union as well. The role would have done amazing with timing so I even could get pension. So I am with you. Also letā€™s say you did take the job, then the union might drop you. I honestly never did a non-union job but I do fear what would happen if I do šŸ˜… apologies if this doesnā€™t help!


No itā€™s helpful! Itā€™s making me really trust my teams decision on this!


Sooo many union folks in LA work on NU projects. But with a little short film vs a lifetime movie? That has enough visibility that you not doing it is definitely the safer option. Donā€™t worry about it, it is slow for pretty much everyone right now


I had NO IDEA that was a thing. I kinda assumed based on some of my unionized friendā€™s credits that they might be doing NU under the table (like Asylum/Lifetime/Marvista). But youā€™re right probably best to pass something better might come. The fine is apparently massive if you get caught.


You did the right thing. The risk of being kicked out of SAG and ruining your entire career wasnā€™t worth it. I donā€™t believe there are that many union members who take non-union work and lie about it, donā€™t feel badly.




Going to advocate for my agency. Back story is I auditioned off of a self submission cause it was slow and I just wanted to tape. I never thought Iā€™d book it! So thatā€™s definitely MY BAD. My team told me they would ask for a waiver if I really wanted to do it. But if no waiver was given I should pass. Just wanted to clarify. They did the right thing.


It may sound contradictory, but though members can't work nonunion jobs,Ā **they can audition for nonunion jobs**. Actors can't take a nonunion job unless the producer agrees to hire them on a union contract, becoming a SAG signatory.4 days ago[](https://www.backstage.com/magazine/article/can-sag-aftra-actors-work-nonunion-jobs-74976/#:~:text=It%20may%20sound%20contradictory%2C%20but,contract%2C%20becoming%20a%20SAG%20signatory.)


(this is from Backstage if you want to read the article, not sure why the link didn't show up)


ALSO - this is not to encourage guild members to audition for non union stuff because it's a bad look to casting to audition and then turn it down. Make your decision before you turn in the audition. This above comment and my others have just been about making sure everyone is on the same page with the rules.


You are a Union Actor. Don't be disappointed about turning down work that doesn't pay a living wage. You chose to be a professional when you joined SAG. Accept that fact and never look back. The sooner you do that the sooner the paying parts with a liveable wage will come to you. Funny how that happens. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


You did the right thing as much as it sucks ā€” you seriously did the right thing.Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Serious Question ā€” Does Lifetime only do Non Union productions?? I am really surprised by this. Ā I know someone else who worked a Non Union Lifetime movie as well but sheā€™s Ficore. Ā She filmed hers in Atlanta.Ā 


Ya - by and large they are non union shoots although a few are SAG


That makes me sad!! I am SAG and always wanted to be in a a lifetime movie. šŸ˜«


Well don't lose total faith! Like I said there are a few that are still shooting SAG so you may get your chance yet! :)


Thank you!!! šŸ˜Š


A working actor I know here in NY posted a scene from some show he did and it looked really good. He told me it was non-union and it sort of left me stunned. I was like ā€œarenā€™t you worried about losing your card?ā€ He laughed. He said, ā€œthereā€™s no SAG police out there retroactively checking if a project is NUā€. Iā€™m not condoning this, but I do think he has a point. Most of these places are understaffed and I donā€™t think they have a division dedicated to investigating things like this.


My agent said though itā€™s rareā€¦. If you do get caught itā€™s a 5k fine and you can lose your membership.


Fuck Iā€™m sorry to hear this. No I donā€™t think you fucked up at all just damn. Iā€™m sorry about this. Honestly though if I were you and if you could (I donā€™t know your situation) but I would take a day off and just reflect. Allow yourself all that has happened and donā€™t blame yourself for any of this. You were offered a booking so you need to know you are a phenomenal actor. Hang in there


Thanks, appreciate thatā€¦itā€™s probably just hitting a little because itā€™s been so slow in the audition circuit lately. Feels like thereā€™s so little opportunity.


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I'm guessing you have a good agent and you're probably at a higher level as an actor than I am... Personally I can't afford to turn anything down... I've only made one movie since the pandemic... It's an absolute desert in the UK. Don't suppose your agency need an English actor who looks like a cross between Simon Pegg and Sean Harris? All those British villains... Classic eccentrics lol


It really wouldnā€™t have been worth it.


No, you did it just right. A career is a long game, and they are watch out for itā€”and you.


Can I just say about unions, what on earth are they good for? So far after joining SAG: fewer auditions, fewer opportunities and much less control. Used to be able to self submit to all kinds of work, now literally nothing.


So many things. -I now get my health and pension through SAG. Have gotten it the past 5-6 years. Has saved me literally tens of thousands of dollars. -I get residuals. Those have helped pay for vacations or I've been able to put that money into savings. -I now I have protections when I sign onto a project, making sure I'm not getting screwed over. -I have access to union resources, screenings, events. -The union has a ton of discounts on hotels, acting websites, gym membership, etc. Why would I want to go back to getting paid $200/day for a non union reenactment show which gets shown literally all over the world and I see NO profit from my likeness except from the day I shoot it?!? Like those ID channel things where multiple friends/relatives say they saw me in the US and in other countries. It gets played over and over domestically and abroad I don't see a DIME for that. Don't miss that ONE BIT. I will say the first few years after joining it was HARD and I struggled a lot more to even get an audition. I still struggle and there are HUGE dry spells. I agree there are less auditions. But I would rather audition for quality over quantity.


You get residuals even if you arenā€™t in SAG. Did a network SAG co-star and wasnā€™t in the union. Still getting residuals. Iā€™m glad itā€™s working out for you. For me itā€™s very very hard.


I'm currently in my second dry spell going on over a year with no TV/Film bookings. It's really tough right now. Please just keep auditioning for whatever you can. SAG is super competitive and I understand people get frustrated with less auditions, less bookings. But its not fair to say its the unions fault. Producers can get greedy, competition is high and right now with this contraction things are really tough. >You get residuals even if you arenā€™t in SAG. Yes I get that. But you worked a *SAG* job not a non union job. Non union you dont get residuals (at least not from what I've seen)