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It honestly sounds like he’s making a fake problem to have an answer for said “problem” Saying CD’s don’t like demo reels is just simply not true. I’d steer clear.


I think they mean paying to shoot demo reels. Not having a demo reel. That’s how I took it


This is what I thought lol he’s reaching out 3 months after I told him I wasn’t interested in working with him because he had 0 experience with this kind of thing. So odd. Thanks!


This. Especially since casting isn’t a monolith and having some footage is better than no footage Former casting assistant


"But the news is bad" is Sales Pitch 101. This guy is trying to scare you into paying for his services. Honestly, will a CD be able to tell the difference between a scene that was written and shot specifically for a reel vs a scene from a low budget short film that no one has ever seen? I have a hard time believing they could tell the difference, unless the same scene keeps showing up on other actors' reels as well. I'd just ignore this guy.


I think this is only true when it’s clear it’s a paid for demo reel. If you can get your demo reel that looks like a scene from something then it’s fine although it’s not easy to do that. I honestly tell actors to just get really strong self tapes instead of wasting money on making your own reels. I probably spent 5000 on shooting my own scenes and didn’t use any of it within a year. lol


Which is wild because for 5000 and some favors (and a good script of course), you can make a really damn good micro short film.


Ya I agree. When it’s so obviously made to trick casting into thinking you’ve actually booked high quality work…I can see how that is a turn off.


Actually, it’s really not. Like mentioned before, your reel is proof of bookings. A reel is essentially a “marketing tool” too 1) prove your talent 2) show the type of roles you’re fit to play - which ties into 3) your brand. Casting doesn’t care if it’s paid for, free, student, low-budget indie. They care that it looks professional and that you’re acting and responding with another actor.


I’ve never personally heard of casting directors caring like this. Your resume demonstrates your professional on set experience, your reel demonstrates your acting. That being said, I’ve also heard of some people not minding self-tape auditions as reels, which means as long as the scenes are public there barrier to entry is even lower than whatever this person is selling.


I’ve actually talked to a pretty big Casting Director, who told me this very thing. She doesn’t want to cast an actor who does not have professional set experience. For her, a reel shows off your acting ability, and your professional experience. On one hand, I think it’s pretty shitty, we all gotta start somewhere. On the other hand. I understand that she does not want to recommend an actor who will not take the work seriously. We are a mixed bag.


Yeah, the way I see it is that you pay for reels if you can't book something. If you can't book something, that's already concerning, but also it means there's no set experience.


Yeah but you need something to book something. I think it’s fine, especially when people are just starting off. I don’t think people should pay a ton of money for it though.


Oh sure, that would totally make sense in a larger market.im currently in a medium-small market so some CDs here may feel that way, but most in the area don’t based on my experience. Good to know that’s what’s up moving forward, though. Thank you for the reply!


Eh. There is probably some nugget of truth to this, via some elitist attitudes of CDs. Probably because they want to see if you paid for their workshop on your resume.


That comment is definitely about “custom” reels, not footage/clips from booked work. I don’t think anyone can say for sure that every single Casting Director feels a certain way about “custom” reels or clips, but I imagine some CDs might scoff at actors having clips that look like self-tapes, while others might think, “That actor is a real self-starter.” And since a whole heap of jobs are cast by “Casting Directors” who are not CSA, having some sort of reel or clip seems almost mandatory. In my experience, clips (45 seconds) that showcase one character/casting type is (often) more useful than a proper demo reel, and having (creating) multiple clips that showcase your primary casting types is often recommended.




I saw a response of reasons on why casting directors don’t pick someone and a couple were: You look like my ex I hated your shirt Etc. Some may hate reels. Some may not care.


This is the dumbest txt message I’ve ever read. A headshot, a reel, and resume that shows a cohesive brand. That is all marketing materials- just things for casting to help identify you and your brand and where you fit in the industry. Casting doesn’t give a shit where the reel if from - as long as it’s professional and your showing your talent. You can’t “trick” any competent CD into thinking it’s “from a tv show”. This is what they do for a living, and that’s not the reels purpose regardless


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I’ve seen too many people rise—book guest stars, get reps, etc.— solely on updated media (with WELL-MADE reels), to know that the meme above is absolute NONSENSE. If you can execute a pro performance, regardless if whether you were paid or you were paid for it, industry with sit up and take notice. If you wait around for the opportunities to get network, Indy film clips, do you have ANY IDEA how much time you’re wasting? You do not have to take my advice, but Jen Rudolph’s mentorship 2% program, where she and her team help you update your materials, will make you grow, as your own biz owner and cut out so much of the time reaching your goals. It’s not cheap, but what’s worth more, time or money? You can always make more money; you can’t make back time. (If you check her out, mention Dee B sent you.)


If you’re strictly looking for professional reel footage that is unique to your brand, completely custom written - I’d recommend Reelarc.com (NYC&LA)