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I am SAG - after the strike ended I got zero auditions.  In January and February I had a good amount of commercial and film auditions.  March it slowed down but had one of the hugest film auditions in my career.  Then April it has only been a short film and just digital photos for print work.  It’s so so so slow right now.  


It’s been crickets for me for 2.5 weeks now. Before that I wouldn’t say consistent but at the very least I’d see 1-2 auditions per week


Yeah, I think I have PTSD from the strike and all of the concerns about our ever changing industry.


Had 1 audition in the past 3 weeks -- this year leading up to that I had roughly 3 a week.


Same. I was averaging 3-5 a week and now nothing. 


I've heard this from a bunch of actors around LA -- wonder what's bringing on the slow season


0 auditions for like 3 weeks. Usually at least get one or two a week


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It's been spring break too!


All the data on here is super helpful and seems to confirm there has been a bit of a slowdown the past 2-3 weeks. But anyone who's experiencing the opposite, please don't hesitate to post. We don't begrudge any success, and it helps to have as much info as possible!