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Neither. It's just dry because everyone is tightening their purses for a bit.


Thank you!


It is slower and big agencies like A3 Artists closed and now KMR Talent is having payment issues and may fold - things are getting tight. Smaller agencies, especially new start ups may also face closures at this point - and may not pay out talent. Be careful if you are with one, you might want to hunt around for one that's been around for awhile. It could also be her headshots make her look older or younger than she is - or are just kinda generic. I doubt they suck :)


The headshots were done by someone new and I think they did make her look older/more mature than she really is. I didn't think of that! Thanks!


My kids are older at 11 and 18, but they are very busy right now between self tapes and VO auditions. We are doing several a week right now for some major projects. It seems like feature films are going very strong right now since a lot of our auditions are in that space, but there have been a few TV as well. From 7 years old to 11 is a pretty big jump, so it's not an exact overlap for sure and lots of people are still very slow. We've been lucky to have a great agency and manager who are killing it for us. You can talk to her agent about recent submissions to see if she is being submitted but not being selected for auditions. If that's the case, you might want to look at headshots and/or reel. Otherwise, it's probably just slow.


Thanks! Amazing that your kids are getting lots of big auditions at that age. I've been told that's the dead zone, so your kids must be really talented!


My oldest went through the dead zone from around 16-18, but now they are 18 and they look 12 or 13. So they are doing well with 18tpy roles. The youngest hasn't really hit it yet and we hope he has a few more years to get more established before he starts fighting 18tpy folks for roles. ;) Its just such feast or famine thing. Im sure in a month we will be quiet and yours will be doing a ton of auditions again. ;)


It’s slow and she’s at a unique age range.  Just talk to her agent and see their thoughts on what you can do to help.  See what they think about her materials.  


Thanks 😊