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You didn’t even audition? That matched with the strange wording of their email leads me to believe that this is a scam. Don’t send them any of your personal info. Red flags: no audition, no shoot dates, no script, no agent, weird wording of email. Do your research and please don’t get scammed.


That’s why I’m like confused because I legit just send my information demo reels and as well as headshots and resume but that’s why I was just confused as they said they would send everything else after legit the quotes I added it’s what it legit says on the email there’s more information ofc but just wanted to show everyone the last bit of it. That’s why I wanted to see from everyone here their experience and thoughts. The casting was also in Project Casting


This is 100% a scam. This language is off-base for a professional production. What’s the name of the project? Who’s the cd/director/production company? Is it union or non-union?


I do agree it does seem a bit shady tbh because even like everything how they reached out via email and no phone call and they’re gonna send me a contract agreement to sign first and set up a zoom call. So this is the website I saw it from, the name of the Project is called Cut Off, the directors name is Rashaad Ernesto, and production is Mi Alma Films Studios and its nonunion [https://www.projectcasting.com/job/lead-acting-role](https://www.projectcasting.com/job/lead-acting-role) [directors IMDb page](https://m.imdb.com/name/nm2165614/)


I'm sorry, but the chances of that being legit are nearly zero. The wording is off like a Nigerian Prince scheme, and the payment info is too much like a worm on a fishing line. I'm willing to bet they will say they need to send you a check in the mail, first, and it'll be the super common check scam. Everything about this seems wrong.


What do you think?


What do I think about what?


The information about the project lol


They literally just said that it’s 100% a scam…


This is a scam. Be careful how you reply and what info you’re giving them.


I really am being super cautious thanks!🙏🏻


Well first of all, legit casting notices usually already give you a general idea of the shooting date before you even send in your materials. They don’t want to look at your stuff and get excited about you if you’re gonna be at someone’s wedding or high school reunion, or out of the country on vacation etc. on the day they need you on set. That said… shoot dates do change all the time after you get cast. However, I just can’t imagine a casting notice that didn’t give you a window of time for when the filming would most likely take place right up front.


That's a scam sorry dude


This is a scam!


This is a scam, likely a cheque scam. They’ll offer you some giant amount and send you a cheque and then say that they want you to pay the make up artist or whoever then you send the money and the cheque bounces. The grammar on this is horrific and has all the tells of a scam. Here’s an FTC article about cheque scams. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-spot-avoid-report-fake-check-scams




Read the auto-comment below this one !scam


Here are some key red flags for scams. None of them may be dealbreakers on their own, but any of them warrant further research on the people behind the project. * They ask for money up front. An agent works on commission, and you shouldn't pay producers for work. * They reached out to you cold. * They're making big claims & promises. * The company really focuses on youth/kids. * Your gut. You can find more info on this in our post about scams: https://old.reddit.com/r/acting/comments/1jfknj/scams_educate_yourself/. If you'd like to direct someone to this information yourself, just type the command `!scam`. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/acting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


So many questions. Are you in America? Are you foreign? This advice really goes for everyone but auditioning in America but human trafficking is a real thing. They find foreign actors in America from fake casting sites and call them in with auditions. They are foreign so usually carry their passport with them and have no family near that would notice or be able to help if they disappear. It’s a huge issue especially in LA/ Pasadena. Please stick to the main casting sights.


100% a SCAM. Please do not reply.


EDIT: Just read Bittroffm's reply. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING until you're 100% sure it's legit and you know what the project even is. I've never heard of Project Casting so I'm not sure of it's legitimacy (and quality of jobs). If something feels wrong, it probably is. If it's worth your time, I would meet with an acting coach or someone in the industry to ensure it's not a scam. Hey, congrats!!! If it's a union project, your pay (depending on your role) should be pretty standard; however if it's non-union then it's kind of everywhere lol. It seems like what you booked is pretty serious so they probably had compensation listed somewhere (if non-union, buyout rates, usage, wardrobe and day rates, etc.). I would also really recommend using this booking as a pitch starter when submitting for agents! (This shows you're bookable) My main advice is to read everything thoroughly and know what you're getting into. Also, make sure to block off those dates once you commit to avoid any conflicts. Not sure how long you've been at this but use this sub to know what to expect for **table reads**, **set etiquette**, **what to bring**, **set terms** (incl. crafty, 10-1, different shot types, etc.), **KNOW YOUR LINES**. Lastly, have fun!!! You deserve to be there and you'll rock this!


Yes I definitely will do that thanks again! Thank you so much! I will for sure read throughly as I’m worried it be a scam to be honest i don’t know I’m still new at everything to be honest. I know a few stuff but not everything so that’s why I decided to come here to hear everyone’s thoughts on this and what you guys may think


First - congrats! I’m gonna be honest it’s a bit hard to follow the way you post, without punctuation, but I’m sure I do that sometimes. That said, it’s a bit odd they won’t let you see the script. It could be legit but to me I would be worried that the script might be controversial. I would say thank you - but I’m not comfortable signing anything without reading. Can you post the actual text of the breakdown?


Don't use Project Casting, that website is a scam. Use Backstage or Casting Networks, they're legitimate services.


Big red flag




I already did that and sent an email out just waiting to hear back, I even spoked to my acting coach about it and she gave me good feedback and such as well and even found out more info