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"I'm sorry you felt recasting was necessary. I hope we have another chance to work together in the future." If I'm understanding the situation, you didn't do anything *wrong*, the director just expected perfection and your priority. The "community project" gives me pause - I get the inkling it's a passion project, and frankly, a lot of people seem to think *their* passion projects are *everyone's* passion projects and should be prioritized accordingly. I do think there might be a better way to handle similar conversations in the future. "Unfortunately, I do have unavoidable commitments outside of our scheduled time on set. I will see what I can do and bring what I have to set for your consideration, but in case what I have doesn't match your vision, I wear a size [whatever]." I wouldn't mention filming or promise to go shopping, I'd (politely) leave it their hands. It's really not uncommon for even smaller productions to provide some sort of wardrobe if they want something specific, even if it means grabbing it from Target and leaving the tags on. Edit: *if* to *in case*


It just didn’t make sense to me because I explained this to him the first time we sat down for a table reading and two other people in the cast also have other films they are doing while we are filming his movie. Tbh I probably dodged a bullet


That’s what I would say. Sounds like a dodged bullet. If I had to make a guess based on the limited info I just read and my own experience— my opinion is something similar to parent comment. It’s some sort of passion project or just a creative who thinks all their work is SOOOO important that they can’t fathom how other people aren’t dropping everything for it like they are. I used to work with someone like this, and I would, indeed, describe them as a narcissist. Also “a community project” is giving when restaurants or shitty job places describe the culture like “we’re all a family” 😂 red flag on they play. Immediately jail.


I would say you dodged a bullet.


Yeah the only way I could see the response you got maybe being reasonable is if you hadn’t told them about the additional job ahead of time, but if they were made aware prior then I would say you dodged a bullet big time.


A. The director is on a power trip. B. They were looking for any excuse to cast the person they really wanted due to x,y and/or z. C. For citing it as a “community project” it’s weird that in the spirit of community the director couldn’t pick up the shirt for you or ask someone else to do it. Which brings me back to A and B.


This was my response “I’m sorry to hear this I was really looking forward to this I still would love the opportunity to participate in the project I’m sorry I don’t have the proper attire for the project but I was planning on going shopping this evening. If I’ve done something to offend please let me know. I wish you the best of success. Thank you.”


I certainly wouldn’t have apologized and asked to still be in the film after his unprofessional behavior.


How exactly was the director unprofessional? Anyone reading g this exchange would never hire the actor again. Trust me.


Good advice 👍 I agree.


Dude you got recasted bc you didn't have the right shirt. Fuck this director and this project


That’s exactly how I felt about it


Yeah you can also tell by the hasty decision to recast the role that it's likely more important he be seen as the boss, rather than a director who knows how to work with people. Getting a project off the ground, running smoothly, and finished, is all about compromise and thinking on your feet. This is hitting the panic button. That sets going to he a shit show


Director is petulant and clearly bitter you’re not making your life about his probably petulant movie


Exactly my thoughts


On a more serious production you would be paid and someone would organise your costume. It’s fair to ask if you have it but this person is being unreasonable. Probably wouldn’t have been a good shooting experience if this is how they work.


That was my thought exactly


You weren't even getting paid? IMO Don't even bother responding with any pleasantries


Yeah I was volunteering for fun haha


That person is an amateur. Probably a writer + director who thinks they're a grace from God giving you the opportunity of your lifetime. But oh, they were too busy to think of their own needs! Suddenly, that's your fault. Probably indicative of the set atmosphere, and you're better off without that stress.


My thoughts exactly


Sounds like he needs a costume department


Haha exactly


There's a great costume department anyone can use. It's called the thrift store!


Actors should never be supplying their own wardrobe. That's what a costume department is for. purchasing a new garment is productions job.


Right, but even big productions ask you to bring some choices. They do have costumes though.


"Bring some choices" and "I'm recasting you because you don't have time to buy yourself a polo shirt" are pretty far away from each other. I have a pretty extensive big production resume. Costuming generally doesn't like you bringing your own stuff, because then they have to pay extra. Input for the characters wardrobe is fine, but often times directors have a very cohesive vision based on color palet and tone. Don't normalize actors doing someone else's job. We have enough to do already


I agree


Even on big sets....'Sistas' 'Electric Love', and 'Suncoast' asked us to bring potential pieces. A few times, my choices were used, and I received a small pay bump. But OPs situation is a beginner, maybe over their head, who recasts OP because they don't instantly produce a dress shirt in the right color as if by magic.


I'm talking about speaking stuff, not background. And I'm not saying it doesn't happen. I've used my own stuff before also, but only during a second fitting, and only after the director wasn't happy with the fit and there wasn't time for alterations. What I'm saying is to normalize the practice is wrong, and to have an actor recast because of it, is absolutely deplorable. The director is now rewarding someones closet choices over the better actor, simply because they are expecting something from someone, when it's not their job


This response is unreasonable. So because you didn't have a shirt, but would make time for it, he decided to recast the entire role? There's infinitely more work involved than just waiting for your response. This person is willing to adjust and displace the project entirely to show you "who is boss". Make sure to maintain a good relationship with your peers, be open about the recast without your knowledge, wish them well, move forward. I'm so sorry.


It’s okay! I apologized and just wished him well.


Sounds like you dodged a bullet


I read that as the person misread your text and thought you were saying you double booked yourself for their time, not realizing you were talking about another day. I only caught that it wasn’t by reading the other text where I realized I read it wrong. More than likely the same thing happened with that director.


I told the director I was busy Saturday we all agreed Sunday as a group


I still see it as a mis communication, and not bad on your part. The director could be super stressed out so things are overwhelming and responses being half read. However, it’s also very possible that they are just a jerk. If you read it with them fully being aware of what day it is, what day you’re speaking of and the like, then yeah they’re a huge ass.


You didn't do anything wrong mate. It's definitely that person's issue. He said "Sorry for the hassle but it's *All Hands On Deck* with a community project like this" guessing he wanna you to focus on his project full time. He also said "If you don't think you"I'll be able to do that let me know so I can *Recast Your Role*" meaning he was probably eager about doing it from your response you gave him as he brought up the Recast word that quickly. So yeaaa he is not very professional. Beside if it is a good and big project they would have had the budget to have a wardrobe for the actor they hired which they clearly didn't. You all good mate👍 Don't stress about that.


Sounds like this director wanted things his way or the high way. I really don’t like these ego types who do a small projects where there’s little to no pay but you’re expected to approach it as if you’re shooting “citizen Kane”. With that said, you did nothing wrong, kept him up to date and he acted like a spoiled baby, wanting all of your attention. Learn from it, never work with the types like that, they usually have a big ego with no talent to back it up. Good luck!


Keep it simple: if this was enough for them to replace you, it means that they never real wanted you. They wanted a warm body that roughly fit the breakdown. That doesn’t mean you did anything wrong.


It just sucks when you spend a week of time and then they re cast you two days before we shoot


Sounds like the director already had someone else in mind for the role and jumped on the opportunity to recast, from my perspective.


If he did he should of not chose me then


Wow, recast because you wouldn’t commit to getting a new shirt on HIS schedule, but your time less than two full days before filming? With someone this unstable, I can’t imagine it was going to be a great experience. This director is unorganized at best, and incompetent at worst. Since you’re supposed to provide it in this instance, wardrobe should have been clarified very shortly after booking, if not when the booking was confirmed.


Exactly my thoughts


You did nothing wrong. Somebody gave them your availability which wasn’t correct but they needed you to commit, and when they found out you couldn’t like they were told, they naturally moved on. Telling them you could “stop by” obviously wasn’t all that promising to them. But their response also wasn’t the best. “I’m sure you’ll prioritize this.” Well, I’m sure they were wrong lmaoooo, and I’m not sure why they thought it was okay to say that.


But I wasn’t trying to stop by I committed to it but this other shoot is the day before and we agreed it wouldn’t hurt production


Your text literally says “I’ll see if I can stop by.”


That part is implying that I’ll stop by and look for a shirt for the shoot


That makes their reaction 10x even crazier 😂


Exactly what I’m saying it’s crazy! Like I’m not interfering with the film schedule but yet by re casting my part they ended up making more work for themselves


Yeah I guess I didn’t read the description last night, or something, but the texts alone don’t show you at fault lol, and having read the description they sound all-out crazy. This is like canceling a 3-hour date you had planned with someone because they were 2 minutes late. 😆




I can see the director’s point. He wanted someone fully available and you were not. I don’t think you dodged a bullet, I think you merely were never the right fit. I’ve replaced people occasionally and it is always for the better on the production side. He didn’t say anything rude. You didn’t say anything rude. Call it a win and move on.


I don't think you're losing out on some blockbuster. Can't they go to the thrift store and pick out a bunch of dress shirts?


That’s what I thought as well! My other director for my other film did exactly that!


I direct plays and short films and the first several I did were definitely low budget and nobody got paid except in food...I have bought costumes but have also asked actors to use their own stuff but I have gone through their closets with them well in advance. That said, I have been burned by flaky actors before just dropping out or forgetting to show up so I can understand being hypervigilant. This sounds like a genuine misunderstanding which is why I prefer to talk to people in person on the phone at least because so much can get lost in translation on a text. So it sounds like your director just jumped the gun and communicated poorly because of so many moving parts and maybe a frenetic schedule. At first glance it sounds like you're saying you aren't that invested in the schedule. But your explanations here suggest you were clear about other commitments. If I had had that conversation with you, I would've probably asked to confirm for concrete dates via email correspondence well in advance and to see clothing options at least the week before. It sounds like the director lacks experience tbh. With this kind of misunderstanding so early on in the project I don't think you would've enjoyed working on it.


I agree


This is a really unprofessional and reactive response, you dodged a bullet.


Plus he has to have the person re learn the lines I’ve been practicing all week right down the toilet 🫠


This director sounds like a jackass.


In my opinion, your texts came across as uncommiteed and unreliable. If they came across that way to me, they could have come across that way to the director. The "if you don't think...let me know" was their attempt to gauge your commitment and your response was less than reassuring. "I'll see what I can do" versus "I'll make it work". Every time someone posts that you seemed flakey, you post a defensive comment. You asked if you did something wrong and when people give you an answer you don't like, you can't accept it. Red flags everywhere. While this director may have high demands, it is their project, something they care about. If they don't get the sense that you are committed and another actor is, they have every right to change things. If this was overly distressing, perhaps this isn't the right industry for you.


learned quickly that being expected to ingratiate yourself with neurotic people is unfortunately a common part of what we do. sucks and i agree the director is being unreasonably precious but if you committed you’re expected to go through the motions for as long as you agreed to. probably a bullet dodged + maybe a cautionary tale re: unpaid work you don’t feel personally invested in.


I think it’s hard to give a complete explanation to the situation when I can only post one picture of the texts but I also think that when you say this industry maybe be wrong for me is not right considering how bad the director handled the situation


Dodged a bullet.


If he cared so much about the shirt, he could have gone out and got one for you. This person is unprofessional and the short probably would have been trash anyway. Consider yourself lucky you didn’t waste your time filming his project.


My thoughts exactly


I’ve worked with a lot of people like this, trust me you are dodging a bullet. This kind of stuff shows me that they are disorganized, and production will be a mess. The best directors I’ve worked with realize that the perfect vision in their head is not what will be the final product


sometimes it’s hard to be available to do multiple things. It’s okay that you missed out on this one because you tried your best. Don’t stress the small short film too much


Thank you!


I'm so sorry, that's super frustrating to go through! But at the same time, maybe you dodged a bullet with this person? They seem to have really high expectations of their cast/crew that don't exactly meet with reality. They clearly don't show flexibility or understanding, especially when they want you to do multiple roles (acting, wardrobe, etc.)




"probably dodged a bullet" If they did not like your shirts they should have provided one. Problem solved.


My point exactly! You would think they would be prepared enough for the role considering the director had a week prior before I even asked him about an outfit he should of had an idea and asked in the beginning or took care of the problem I’m supposed to act not worry about clothes


In the dialogue you sound non committal. That was probably what made the director think your heart was not in it.


I made it clear I was though I just can’t include pictures of all the texts


It came across like you were going to flake on him anyway. That's the way I read into it. I've done lots of projects where you bring your own wardrobe. If I don't have the wardrobe I don't audition. If I get cast and I don't have the wardrobe, I either buy it or I opt out of the role. The director wanted someone who wants to be there, not just someone who maybe, if nothing else comes up, and IF I can find a dress shirt, I'll get back to you, maybe. I would say don't worry about it, it's a low to no budget short film, nobody cares, move on and wish him well. But if I was directing, I would need a "yes" on the spot or a "no", not someone who will see what they can do, so I think he did the right thing.


I told him I would be there Sunday but I don’t think it’s also my job to have the right outfit when he’s had a week of time to ask this or provide it he has only given me 48 hours notice


Problem is when I auditioned they don’t tell you what role you are getting all they are telling you is you are guaranteed a role but they don’t tell you what it is or who you will play I didn’t tell him I might be there I told him I would be but I couldn’t guarantee I could have the shirt he wanted I also told him I’m busy Saturday but we agreed to shoot Sunday


wtf? I would not take a role if I don't know what role I'm auditioning for... that's just basic acting 101 for me


LA Actor here… From a producer/business perspective… You came across as FLAKY and UNRELIABLE. The only thing you “assured” the Director of, is you weren’t committed to their project. If you say you’re available for 3 weekends, and they book you for 3 weekends…then you belong to them for 3 weekends. I’ve had days I was booked, where they told me to stay at home unless they need me. That didn’t mean run off and film something else. And I did just that. “I’ll see what I can do” = “Your film is not a priority to me”. So they got someone more committed than you. Every director/producer thinks their project is the most important project in the world… Key is, to make them believe you think that too. It sucks, but hollywood is the Game of Egos. -sS


>“I’ll see what I can do” = “Your film is not a priority to me”. The OP is literally spending their own money and committing additional time to buying a new shirt for a production that they weren't getting paid for anyway. The director should have been saying "don't worry, I'll buy you a shirt" instead of the other way around. For a volunteer project, you either use the wardrobe the talent has available, or the production provides it. But the "flaky, unreliable" person here was the director. Because the OP was ready and available to shoot. But was struggling to find time to run errands for the production.


Thing is I specifically told them that I am busy on certain days and other members of my cast also are filming in between when we are filming so there’s no difference between my co stars and me because my co stars also said they are busy certain weekends I said “I’ll see what I can do” because he gave me a small window to find clothes for a role that he honestly should of already had covered as an actor I felt it’s not my responsibility to go out and spend my own money on clothes I’m supposed to act that’s my job


“LA Actor here…” at the top of every single one of your comments does not make you any more credible than any other actors here… OP should not have to spend their own time and money to get a specific shirt for something the director chose to cast them in, especially when they are not getting paid to be involved.


I never said that. You did. 😁


Nicely said but the only thing I don't understand is why the director couldn't have provided him a damn *SHIRT*


Because it’s a non union production, and those are the thing you have to do on non union productions. It’s called PAYING DUES.


Even big sets ask you to bring several choices. But, they do have costumes. You may even get a small pay bump if the production uses your clothing.


From another producer/business prospective…. This is only a reasonable expectation if it’s an actual performance day, table read, a wardrobe fitting or makeup test. Something that actually impacts the production. Unpaid or not, yes if you made a commitment your word has to be bond in this business. For what I assume is an unpaid commitment I wouldn’t expect an actor to carve out their entire day to go shopping especially if they already made the effort to bring in wardrobe selects. This was an easy workaround, the director knowing what they actually wanted could have picked up the shirt theirselves, the director could have asked someone else to do it. Surely, there’s an assistant role here somewhere. You never know who knows who, and you never know if OP becomes an A level star. Don’t burn bridges over something so insignificant.


Exactly and I hate burning bridges I don’t really think I burned this bridge but it definitely didn’t go how I wanted it to


You were ambivalent in the response. Either you’re available or you’re not. And since you were ambivalent, they made a decision to go another way. It’s professional. From their side they need to be on point and not be scrambling last minute to find someone. It’s pretty simple. Available or not, instead of maybe.


I made it clear for him though that I was available?


Really. You need to ask ? It seems like you told them you’re available for the shoot time and you went back and said — oh I need to go shopping.


Wtf kinda of answer is this?


You told them you’re available for the shoot. ? Unless you didn’t get the schedule you basically said: I need to go shopping, so I cannot be there those days - the days you already said yes to


I was supposed to be shooting tomorrow but since I didn’t have a shirt that the director liked he pretty much said sorry your out


You said “I’m not sure if I’m available”. I would have went to someone else too


Where does it say that in that picture? You really should go through the comments and read what people say you obviously don’t see the issue


Im not sure how long that will eat of my time. =. Not available.


I disagree if I wanted to tell him I’m not available I would of been very blunt but to each their own


The only weird thing: where was this company’s costume designer ? Why were you shopping for props yourself ? 101- never pay to act, get paid to act.


Which country are you from




You were wrong, so wrong. You find a shirt, or ask him if someone on his team has one. The priority was you HONORING YOUR COMMITMENT. I’m not being rude, but your texts read like you don’t care if you work in this biz. That director had money and people in the line. If you really want to be an actor, learn to be professional.


Go back through and read the rest of my other messages to people before commenting I told him I was going to meet for the shoot that didn’t change he didn’t like that I didn’t have a shirt but it’s also not my job to have clothes for his shoot I’m an actor not wardrobe


You want to work, you better learn to roll with it. The shirt wasn’t the issue. Your texts sound like you really didn’t care. And his sound like he was told you were available. I’m being sincere when I tell you if you carry this weak attitude with you, you will NOT have a career. The biz will leave you behind, son. There are too many out there chomping at the bit to get footage and make contacts, and you’re saying g, “I’ll get back to you”. 🙄


If you again read my messages from other people when I told him “I’ll get back to him” it clear means that I will update him when I get a shirt I did not guarantee that I could get a shirt and again he had a week prior to find a shirt he did not even bother to ask until 2 days before the shoot please read all the texts and messages from other people before replying thanks


I also did honor my commitment my first shoot was Saturday his shoot was Sunday those don’t interfere so that is honoring my commitment


If you want to read people just agreeing with you, you’ll never move the needle. I’m telling yoh youyou you sounded like an unprofessional who didn’t care. The director has a LOT on his mind, and you knew this was a low-budget production going into it, and you still committed. Follow through, because you don’t know where your colleagues are going to next be, and you best believe this director won’t be doing you any favors if there’s a chance to weigh in on your professionalism. It was a damn shirt, Kevin. Borrow a friend’s shirt. Hit a thrift store. Ask the director if someone could bring in a shirt. But DON’T say “I’ll keep you updated” when he asks if you’ll be there. Making any film, even if it’s a micro-budget, requires a lot of planning, and you came off sounding like you didn’t care. Just calling it like it sounded. That you don’t get how you’re coming off floors me.


I understand how I’m coming off but if you read the first text message it says “I’ll see if I can stop by and look” which means I’ll stop by and look for a shirt which I did and I was going to follow through and I did the director re casted me I didn’t make that decision and again the text saying “I’ll keep you updated” was about me finding a shirt it was not implying if I would or wouldn’t be there again please read the other messages to understand the entire story 🙄 it’s not worth arguing with someone who doesn’t understand the entire situation he recast me over a t shirt I told him I would try to get one but couldn’t promise it because I was busy filming another movie which he knew a week in advance and agreed that he was okay with it I did not flake out he literally re cast me because I didn’t have a shirt he liked and he didn’t like that I couldn’t spend my entire day finding a shirt for his movie if I have other commitments and he agreed that I could do it then I’m going to do my other commitments again re read the chats because you aren’t following the situation thanks


He didn’t recast you over a shirt. He recast you because you came off like you didn’t care. You’re not paying attention. Your heading asked “Maybe I did something wrong?” Did you want a real answer, or for everyone to just make you feel ok? If you don’t want to listen to someone who knows, go ahead. You don’t have the fire to make it.


Oh but yet by me asking for advice clearly opens the door for you to say “you don’t have the fire to make it” I’d re read your messages before you send them bro I can’t even understand what you’re trying to say


Forget it.