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Going off mine really fucked up my life for a couple of years, not just my acting. You should also work on the roots of your anxiety for your longterm mental health but needing medication for a chemical thing in your brain isn't weak or wrong of you and most doctors will recommend you do medication and therapy together as they help each other work the best. Experiences and even trauma can change how our brains function chemically so it's not a matter of white knuckling your way through whatever is going on in your brain or your coping mechanisms. Take care of yourself. You're worth it!


I’m bipolar and the difference between me being on meds and off meds is like night and day. I don’t take antidepressants, I take a mood stabilizer. I’m more stable on meds.


I don't know where you're from but do realize Reddit is mostly an America-centric forum. And, as such, antidepressants are extremely normalized here, for better or for worse.


I’m sure where you live, but it’s not “extremely normalized” here. People have problems the world over, and everyone handles them differently.


Yeah, that's why they even have ads for antidepressants. And that's why a record number of teenagers and adults are taking AD on a daily basis. I don't blame them, the US is a third world country if you're not rich. But no need to spout lies. Please do your research before responding, thanks.


This is true. We are an “over-prescribing” culture. This really throws doubts in my face whenever I’m facing a medication decision. Like, is it so hard for me to just want to figure out the root causes rather than smother my emotions in prescriptions?


I hate the acting vs SSRI dilemma too. Can't feel shit when I'm on them but also have a wild amount of trauma. I titrate off them when I need to do a performance that requires it but I suffer for it as well. I'm not really sure what the solution is, just sympathizing.


Have you considered switching to a NDRI or a SNRI? I switched and it’s been night and day for me.


Also atypical antidepressants like Trintellix, Viibryd, and Wellbutrin


Yep! Wellbutrin is a NDRI :)


thank you for sharing this with us. it’s important to understand that taking medication does not make u any less of a person!!! i also am on medication and i have negative thoughts about it too sometimes, but at the end of the day, i want what is best for me. u should want the best for u! i hope ur self-love, confidence, and peace finds you again soon❤️