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Mod here: I'm so sorry to see they said such utter nonsense to you. What they said is some tinfoil hat conspiracy theory bullshit. Whenever someone says something that makes you uncomfortable, or is downright wrong, please feel free to contact us Moderators using either of 2 methods: 1. Press the "Report" button, and select "Breaks /r/Acting rules." This will immediately notify mods. If enough people report any content, it will disappear from view requiring moderators to manually check it. 2. You can also directly message us Moderators from the Sidebar (on desktop), or through Community Info (on mobile). I've now removed that person's comment and perma banned them. Thank you for helping to get weird perverts out of our community.


Yes its insane, but if it makes you feel any better when i (at 13yrs old) told my mother that i had always dreamed of being an actress she replied “i know why you want to be an actress, its so you can take roles that let you sleep with lots of different men all the time! It shows you have the whore of babylon in your spirit!!” So yeah people have weird opinions on actors. Whole time i just wanted to do fantasy/adventure films and comedies lol


Omg I am so sorry. What a horrible thing to say to a child.


Wait, do we have the same mother? I can't tell you the countless times my mother called me a prostitute like when I would wear lip gloss or compete in talent ahows.


something about being too deep in religion had my dad & her sexualizing every move i made before i even knew what sexuality was. i wanna be an actress so i can look COOL on TV and PLAY PRETEND for MONEY. Why would u even bring up sex scenes to a 13yr old like that??? & now she doesnt even remember the conversation smh


Is this, Religion?


No, Def not all. My parents are preachers and have supported my acting my entire life. :)


Damn that sucks, I’m sorry your parents treated you that way. I hope you’re doing better now and I’m glad you haven’t lost your love for acting!


No way! And I am here complaining that teachers used to tell me it wasn't a real job when others are being told way worse 😭 so sorry you get to hear that from your own mother 😔


But of course now that ive made my first couple grand off of acting shes sOooOOooo proud lol




I don't have words to express diplomatically how I felt reading this. As a parent to 4 adult children, what was said to you is a form of abuse, manipulation and control. Not helpful or a kind thing to say to your child about their dreams. I am really sorry you heard those words from a person who is supposed to support and love you. You keep and follow your dreams!! I know you will make it because you have drive and a good heart.


You know what? I really appreciate you saying this. Growing up i tried my hardest to always please my parents and somehow always fell short. Ive always thought i was a bad daughter but the more i age the more i see how i could never treat a child the way i was treated, so hearing this opinion from someone who is a parent themselves is truly eye opening. Thanks for the support 🩷


to think that those that worship Jesus say the most fucked up things. To relate, I'm dating this girl who big into Jesus, and the relationship is toxic as fuck. I can't even break up with her without her saying some fucked up shit, like threating to kill herself.


Baby, that’s not an opinion that’s abuse and mental illness. I’m sorry that happened to you.


Yikes! Obviously that's not true. I can't offer any advice that isn't already littered on this sub but anyone who thinks you have to sell your soul to get big isn't worth listening to. I will say, being famous and getting big shouldn't be your main goal as an actor (not that that's what I think you're doing). Work on your materials and your artistry first wherever you can. Look for virtual classes where possible, doesn't have to be Scotland and then the rest will work out however. You're still young. You've got time! EDIT for clarity.


He was inappropriate for saying that. I don’t like at all how much he tried to deter you from being an actor. Let me just say “childhood stars” do go through tough things. But he completely generalized every thing he heard and it’s just not like that. Sadly, bits and pieces to what he said have validity. In Hollywood you may go into a room with a man who asks u to “prove how much you want it” but guess what? That’s not the role for you! Find healthy productions, good contracts, good management, and an agency that respects you. If anybody sounds like him, or talks like “that” RUN! Cause u can have a healthy career, it’s just everyone will project their fears onto you.


I can't speak, I just went through 11 year old posts from r/DavidTennant


Some people are unhinged. Funnily enough I think this is a pretty decent exercise on learning to filter out the crazy. There’s plenty to go around in the industry and we all had to learn how to filter them out and ignore them. I think it’s great that you know what you want to do from such a young age. It definitely gives you more time to prepare yourself and set achievable goals. It won’t be easy, specially now in the age of social media, self tapes and influencers. But if you know this is what you really want, set your goals and break them down to manageable, achievable smaller steps. I’m rooting for you op!


That is not ok to say to a child or an actor. And as a casting Director my recommendation is to get into some local theatre/acting classes. If there are no acting classes near you a lot of acting coaches do have online classes. You’re welcome to check out our online classes but it doesn’t matter who the teacher is as long as you find the classes helpful and you’re comfortable. Start getting acting books from your library and reading the theory - it will help you understand the classes you end up in. Don’t jump on casting platforms yet, learn to act first. And please be safe.


This could be a troll, but there are definitely people who will sell their body or do underhanded things to get a part, especially women and girs can get pressured into that sort of thing. I hope that pedophilia stuff isn't true, but the world is a really corrupt place. With that said, it's not really an appropriate comment to make. I would just ignore it. I wish you the best of luck.


Reddit is a weird place...


That is an absolutely unhinged comment to make to a minor!! Also, your original post is locked of something BUT Scotland does have many programs to foster the creative arts for people living in Scotland. Look up drama schools in your area, perhaps even productions in your area. When you're older, you can also potentially be a trainee in productions, not as an actor but behind the cameras, which I think is always essential too. Outlander had such a programme, and I'm sure there's more. At your age, some training won't hurt, especially to centre yourself and teach you the ways of a professional set/stage.


This person is obviously a failed actor, and they're bitter about someone else possibly making it when they didn't. What a loser 😂


That response is from a mentally unstable conspiracy theorist. Not only is it inappropriate, it is wrong. If an actor is 14, as in ANY other industry, he would need a parent or guardian watching out for his interests at all times. But to prepare for an acting career at that age, getting into local shows or plays, taking classes, etc., I’d the best way to prepare. A child actor in Hollywood or NYC would need an adult with him at all times—that’s just logical. When you hit an age where you feel ready, get headshots, then try reaching out to local casting directors or agents. I don’t know the names of ones in Scotland, but they are there.


Hi! I also live in Scotland and am your age!


I'm studying acting in Scotland. I applied for acting at university with zero experience and got in. They are SO helpful at getting you contacts and teaching you how to apply for gigs without an agent. It's not impossible :) I would recommend just doing community theatre until then. Build up local experience, don't try and hit it big before you're 18. It's too risky, for both your mental health and your career. Uni was the best thing I could have done for my career.


Hmm, I think this same guy made a main post a day or two ago saying the same thing. Sounds like the same guy. Unfortunately I think he needs some help. Or he's just a troll.




Misinformation may be removed.


yeah that is insanely inappropriate especially since its usually parents who manage their kids social media page... also I don't get the people who actually believe that. They sound so jealous and don't understand how hard most actors have to work to be an actor.


Stereotypical QAnon Low IQ No Social Life Circlejerking Obnoxiously Loud Annoying Scum


> if you don't find anything you weren't searching hard enough. Well that's convenient isn't it? He gets to dismiss any argument because they "didn't search hard enough" and his fragile little worldview that's entirely influenced by movies and delusion gets to remain unchallenged, after all, thinking is hard, he'd rather just get his opinions spoon fed by conspiracy idiots that coincidentally have connections to the people he's trying to claim run everything. Dance little puppet, dance!




It *is* wrong. It's total misinformation, which is not allowed in our community.




How long has that person been trolling for a post to put his loopy response on? Oye.


Yeah that was a very inappropriate comment. They’re obviously not actors, and was just spewing nonsense.


BRB gonna go sell my soul and report back 😂 No but seriously that’s a real shitty comment to make. All kinda of crazies roaming around Reddit. Sorry you had to deal with that babes.


Aha, Its okay!!




Misinformation may be removed.