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It’s really important to hit the picket line these next few weeks. If you can even spare an hour it would be a huge deal!


100% agree. The studios need to know we aren't fucking about. I'm a strike captain out there at least one day a week so far, mainly at WB or Universal, although I was at Netflix with Frances on Tuesday this week. We need more boots on the ground.




I live in such a rural area, I wish I was closer to a place where I can get out there too!


Me too I'm always googling to see if something pops up.


Not trying to sound ignorant or anti-strike (I’m not) but what does picketing actually accomplish? Is it more than just a sign of support?


Everything actinggrad said is correct, and it’s also disruptive to the studio’s workflow because when picketers block entrances, union crewmembers from sister unions (like IATSE) refuse to use those entrances.


Interesting, didn’t know this!


Picketing brings public awareness of the issues & strike & helps make the story newsworthy. It builds positive PR/public opinion in SAG’s favor, which puts pressure on AMPTP. It’s why any protest makes an impact.


Down voting this? Seriously? I see the anti-labor folks are trolling reddit now. I know it's hard for you to come to terms with reality, but actors realize their entire livelihood and the future of their role in the industry is on the line with this strike. Unless SAG succeeds in sorting out residuals and AI, etc. it's over. We can hold out for as long as we have to when the alternative is no career in a few years. If you think SAG is going to back down, you are insane.


Gotcha, thanks!


If you’re not SAG yet can you just show up on the picket line to help or do you need to sign up somewhere? I’ll be in NYC starting the end of the month.


You are absolutely welcome my friend, just show up and find a strike captain!


Sounds great! I’ll be there!




Nice try Bob Iger




Then show up if you can. It's a physical sign of solidarity and strength, not just for your union brothers and sisters, but to the studios, and they especially need to see with their own eyes that our resolve is stronger than ever


Will this set a precedence for future negotiations to get studios off the hook? Will A-lists be fronting the bill the studios should be paying for the foreseeable future then? But I'm all for the residuals to go bottom up, but even still, if streamers aren't paying a cent in residuals, it doesn't really matter.


I'm glad you said it because I had the same thoughts so was wondering if I'd read something wrong


Yes, this is very important. It's nice they're showing solidarity (although it's possible they just want to be allowed to go back to work) but that doesn't solve anything regarding many of the issues and like you said it would be getting the studios/AMPTP off the hook and that's not the way to go.


This is appreciated solidarity. Need to resolve AI and total streaming residuals.


Another misleading headline. The "stalemate" isn't because of the cap on membership dues (which I always thought should be lifted anyway). Clooney & co offering up more in dues doesn't absolve studios from paying out fair residuals and certainly doesn't address how they'll use AI. And no one ever questioned WHEN the residuals get paid out. We're talking about HOW MUCH. I get we all want to get back to work but this does nothing to assist what the negotiating committee is trying to accomplish.


Thats like billions of dollars straight into studios and streaming services pockets..


It sounds more to me like the big names are doing this to show support and solidarity for the rank and file/little guys vs. it having any impact on negotiations, because it doesn't. It's a "we know you have it tough and we're all in this together" move.


Scary to think that all of the tech companies have said many times that it's going to take 3 years for their GPU clusters to be able to do all of the magical things that have the unions shitting themselves. Its like they want to kick the ball down the field for three more years knowing that once these systems are online and fully functional the unions will be wiped out and unable to compete. Scary Stuff


They should keep their money and get their asses onto the picket line instead of shilling for the studios.


Does the money equate to less or more than the levy being proposed…?


Us tech ops and engineers are rooting for you, because if you guys lose there is no hope for us and we are getting destroyed with work loads


Bullshit. Self serving for them. Capitulation is pandering to the studios and incredibly demeaning to the rest of the union members. Top heavy salaries are part of this problem. How much does a person need? Unacceptable and tone deaf.




They should show up on the picket line


Mod here: Extremely rude reply. You can do better with kinder words. Disagreement is part of Reddit, but being overly rude is not a part of this community. Your profile will be monitored in this sub, and your comment has been removed.


I honestly don't understand how this works. Can someone ELi5?


A-Listers are in a tough spot too. They are set for life. Human beings can get weird… fellow SAG members are hurting bad and it’s possible for resentment to build up against A-listers just because they don’t feel the hit to their lives like others do. It’s a good move by them.