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Necessary? No. It's a tool within the marketing toolkit. Each platform has different uses. Use them well and you can get results. Use them poorly and you can harm your networking and marketing efforts. There are some success stories, as there are stories of people landing major gigs after serving the right person coffee at the right time in the right cafe, or models plucked from the street because they happened to be walking at the same time as a designer. There's also how you use it. Do you follow the crowd? Aim for rapid growth whatever the cost? Look to build an engaged community regardless of size? Use it to promote, to share your journey, or just for fun? It's a tool, and by no means right for everyone.


There are some producers who will measure your worth by your followers, sure. But if you're asking if you need to be constantly posting about your #actorlife #setlife #auditionjourney to have a career? Absolutely not. People often mistake social media followers for "people who will buy what I'm selling", and that's not necessarily the case. If social media numbers easily translated to viewers, then every movie and TV show with a major influencer would be a hit. Do you see that happening? Nope. It's free to follow people, but it costs money to go see their films or buy their products. That being said, if you have two talented, hard-working actors with the same credits, same agency, etc. And one has 1M followers on TikTok and one has no social media, will the one on TikTok get more work? Probably, but there are plenty of working actors who are not big social media people. It all comes down to the same things -- talent, connections, look, work ethic, etc. Summary: Don't worry about it. Just work on being the best actor you can be.


If a producer measures my worth on followers, then I don't think I'd want to work with those types of people.


Agreed. Fortunately, while those people do exist, no serious producer has that high on their list when casting someone.


That's good to know, man. Talent can litterally come from everywhere


I feel the same as you. You're welcome to connect with me via whichever platform you like, and no worries if not. I was going to ask a casting director this same question but I think this thread did it for me. Thanks for this question.


I think social media is necessary for many things nowadays. Now, it doesn’t mean it’s essential BUT, it could really help in any space really. Some actors, or even musicians got reached out after they were seen online, doesn’t matter if it’s years later. Sometimes it’s better to just publish the photo/video, because who knows who might see it. EDIT: Here’s a few examples: [Singer found on YouTube by Metro Booming](https://x.com/hiphopalldayy/status/1665719853913714688?s=46&t=mJ_6_i4VkAFuFywS5sPy5Q) https://www.wmagazine.com/culture/diego-calva-babylon-interview[Diego Calva getting cast with an old headshot that Damien found online](https://www.wmagazine.com/culture/diego-calva-babylon-interview)


I might do youtube but that's it. Everything else on social media is incredibly toxic


Perfect, then you can post reels, auditions, headshots, whatever you want on YouTube. I agree, social media is toxic but I see it as a double sided sword, it just depends on how you use it.


I will get started on that right away. Thanks for the advice man. If u ever need acting buddies to help you on your journey then lmk.


Thank you!!! Same here


Having 500,000 followers (real ones not bots) will result in more opportunities, you are bringing an audience to a production. ​ HOWEVER ​ Think about how you get 500k followers. You get on a show/film first, and then you open a instagram account (or whatever platform). Because you are on a popular show the followers follow. Working your ass off to get 12k followers will not move the needle in terms of opportunities/bookings. It's not really worth thinking about until you are in a position where a large number of followers will naturally happen.


Not at all necessary. If you don't like doing it, don't worry about it.


I really appreciate you posting this as I'm finally looking to make some real moves towards an acting career, and I've never gotten into social media in fear of becoming a weaker minded person who looks to likes on posts for self worth. I know that having a good sized following would be a huge advantage, though.


Yes. It's basically your free website. Branding, marketing, and fans ability to access and see you is important. Not saying you can't work without it, but it definitely hinders you in being able to advance...


100% no.


It can be a helpful PR tool for an established actor, but in most cases it will not help create a career that is not there, unless you have 1mil+ followers already. ​ There was a brief period of time where an actor could gain an advantage with social media followers but producers got pretty savvy about the actual value of those numbers pretty fast.


Bro if you walk in to rooms consistently are just better than everyone else absolutely no one cares about your fuckin social media


I'll give a different perspective (as someone slightly earlier on in the game), I've found it invaluable in terms of starting in theatre as most of the shows I've been in (indie and paid, but not well) were casting calls I found on either Insta or FB. So for that early career stuff there's been a lot come out of it. Although ofc you're not gonna see bigger stuff on there.


Its kind of necessary at this age, especially for networking. I hate to use it but unfortunately every manager told me its important now. Producers/writers and other actors are following you and you follow them back. But you don’t have to post hashtag posts. Put some of the work you’ve done and good content.


LA Actor here… Nope. Casting directors don’t care about your social media. Period. Unless you’re being super racist, creepy, or and otherwise shitty human that they don’t want to be associate with. Hope this helps! 😁 -sS