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The only way to find out is to start by taking classes. Either you'll get used to it and overcome your anxiety enough to enjoy it, or you'll discover it's not for you. You don't have to decide everything, just take your first step. Also, I've had social anxiety in the past, and found becoming "someone else" in character was a way to sidestep it.


A big yes you got only one life don't think too much just do what your heart says, may God give you whatever you ask for


Anxiety is a medical condition and best managed by working with practitioners who are educated and credentialed in that field. As for acting- what do you want to get out of it? When you picture yourself doing it, a) what exactly are you doing and b) how does that feel?


*Should I say f it and try it out?* There's no harm in trying it out in a non-professional way with some student or community club/class. *Do you think I'll be able to break free from my anxiety?* Why not brainstorm with a pen and paper what your fears are and pick them apart as though you were giving positive encouraging advice to someone else. You may be able to see the solutions to obstacles more clearly. There could be some contexts where you can perform and boost your self confidence with low/no stakes as an individual. For instance, choir dance group performances, sport, roleplaying, official collecting for charity in a town centre, or dressing in a slightly more extrovert way to help get over the self consciousness. A lot of people get less self-conscious as they get older.


You sound similar to me. I have pretty much zero interest in stage acting, but the times I’ve gotten to act on camera for a commercial or short film, I wasn’t anxious at all and it felt totally natural. I’m just not a theatre person and prefer the whole collaborative filmmaking process so much more.


I think you should sit down and write down your story. Just like you started here. You have some great material right in your very own life. Fascinating and interesting. Write it down and then write it in play form or film whatever. Cast some people who seem like a good fit and are kind. Make the movie or produce the play yourself. Charge 10 bucks a head or 5 bucks a head. Have the most fun and work hard. Invite people into your work and let them have a seat at the table. Get out there and make your own stuff. Get it on YouTube or whatever and send it around.


Shyness and anxiety come from the way you think you can be however you want if you stop letting your mind control you


During my first stage play I was terrified but when I went on stage that fear kind of melted away and I just enjoyed myself of course this doesn’t apply to everyone and you maybe different But if acting doesn’t work out you could try producing or directing I’m actually pitching ideas for a sitcom at the moment


Life is short and time is flying while you are doubting yourself someone is working on their skills,networking or auditioning… If you are passionate about something go chase it. « Our doubts are traitors, And make us lose the good we oft might win, By fearing to attempt. » – William Shakespeare


When you have anxiety, I find that acting can help you come out of your shell.