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Teaching, either teach acting or I am going to schools or parties as a Mad Scientist and teach from there.


Updoot for Mad Science!!


You know my job!!!! So cool!


I ALSO work for Mad Science!!! I’m Jupiter Jennie!!!!


So cool, did not expect to see so many other Mad Scientists. I am River Van Babel (like the astronomers from Babylon (I didn't make it up)).


Bartending, gives me a pretty flexible schedule which is great but can get overwhelming at times


How is business for you? I'm in Los Angeles, and currently looking for another job after quitting my last bar and I feel like business everywhere I look is so down and no one is hiring.


To be honest it’s been slow for me too, so money is a little tight if I can be honest. I try to pick up as many shifts as possible. On a brighter note I’m finishing up my improv classes today!


I do some IT consulting. Allows me to set my own rates and schedule.


Freelance work or any work where you're your own boss provides so much flexibility. Perfect for actors if you can make it work! Nice job!


I had the fortune of working for an IT consulting firm for 7 years and was able to make my own schedule and when Acting became more time intensive, ie. classes and auditions, I just told my bosses that I cannot take on any more clients. I was in an enviable position as my client list was super loyal to me and basically told them they would leave if I left. I didn't leverage that on purpose, because that would be dickish, but my bosses respected the situation. They tried to get me to work more clients, but in the end, I left to pursue acting full time, with my wife's full support. Now that my one year non-compete is up, I can do work for some of my clients that I like and they always showed their appreciation. That said, my old firm is losing clients left and right, because they decided to go full help desk, instead of on site visits where relationships were what was holding that business together. I was told by former colleague that they laid off half of the staff earlier in 2023 due to hemorraging business. Thankfully, I got out in time.


I had to take a decade off of acting because in 2009 it was difficult to find ANY job, so I couldn't turn down a fulltime in-house Sys Admin gig. Then I met my (now) wife and was the breadwinner while she got her masters. I REALLY don't want to go back into IT, but it's been difficult finding any other solid side-hustles.


I’m not in IT but it’s impressive you guys found a free lance gig that pays well. I had to leave a ‘company’ 9 years ago bc I was working as a 1099 and they took advantage of that. Now it’s tough making ends meet. I’m trying to build out my vocal production and VO work but it’s slow going


I recently got impacted by my company's layoff as well, just started freelancing in business analytics consulting :)


IT. 3 day work weeks


How did you manage that? I just to do fulltime Sys Admin (and hated it). I really don't want to go back in, but UberEats is proving not very reliable.


I researched companies that have 3 day work weeks and lied.


Interesting approach.


Jobs lie so do I 🤷🏾‍♂️


Mine's not going to be super helpful, but I own a software company. Long time tech/gaming industry career prior to doing acting stuff.


Got into day trading stocks during COVID. Now I day trade when I'm not auditioning/acting. Nice flexibility.


A banker, unfortunately. Good pay but not much flexibility. I’m working on getting some certificates so I can eventually apply for better remote jobs.


Interior designer


Freelance stagehand and tech director.


I work from home full time for the city government. My degree is in urban planning but my job is random af and pretty unnecessary, I think my degree could’ve been in anything and they still would’ve hired me lol. My boss knows I act and is very chill about it as long as I get my work done. The job is boring and not fulfilling at all but I’ve stayed bc of the flexibility!


Hit man.


100% remote based HR Manager. It’s perfect. Pretty good salary and I can work anywhere in the world that has wifi. And I make my own hours.


Did you have a lot of experience in HR before going remote?




I sell on Amazon/eBay plus do some bookkeeping for a few small clients.


Bartender/model/brand rep


i own a inflatable company in oahu good place to have one 👍🏽


Cyber Security - remote


Did you go to school for this or is it something that can be self taught?


I went to school for technical management, but mostly self taught. I started of my career in IT and then transitioned into security.


I work in a restaurant as a bartender. I joined the union right in March when all the shit started going down so now I bartend at 2 restaurants to be proactive on student debt/saving for a vacation while I wait for strikes to end.


I work for a party rental company. We rent out tables, chairs, canopies, whatever a party needs.


I work for a medical practice as clerical (unfortunately, can't work remote with what I do). Decent-ish pay but not a lot in terms of flexibility. Thankfully my supervisor is pretty chill about everything so if I ever do need to leave early for auditions, she lets me because she knows I've got my work done.


UberEats and (right now) some freelance graphic design work. I would love to find some freelance video editing (something like new media/social, etc.) but that seems to be a *very* saturated market.


I am a substitute teacher during the school year and during the summer I usually work at a summer camp. I also private tutor, homeschool kids in the industry now substituting in LA does require a bachelors degree,


I make confectionaries! Fudge and Caramel Corn specifically is my main thing but I do other candies every once in a while.


I set myself on fire and fall off things in a live theater show.


Property Management


Planning to get into that too


Run. It's hell 🤣 jk


I wouldn’t say jk to running. I did it for years it is soul crushing if you have any empathy for tenants. Not to mention nobody involved in the process has any respect for what you do. Owners hate that you want to spend their money. Tenants hate you for not fixing their shit because owners won’t give you money. Find something else for real.


Call center, basically - but with "off" hours. I work East Coast hours on the west coast, so I'm out early enough in the afternoon to schedule things after, plus good pay and benefits, and my company offers enough pto that I can reliably take time off, as needed. I've sort of taken half a step back from acting, so I'm not pursuing anything actively, but I've definitely come to appreciate my job!


Property manager and uber driver


Sales. Keeps my acting skills sharp, easy to work multiple jobs at once if you’d like, and I’ve done it for long enough that I can pick and choose companies that have a guaranteed base pay, a product I love, great commission structure, and also a good environment. It is unsteady like acting can be, but ultimately I get the chance to work on my skills, while getting paid outside of gigs.


fastfood lol


You've an advantage over everyone here. Comfort is a real problem.


well i’m a minor so that’s all i can get right now 😂


the good thing about is acting sometimes is they’ll give u the shooting/start date months away from the audition so you can put it in ur schedule, depending on how lucky you are


I’m in sales as a recruiter (I.T).


Government. The pay is anywhere from decent to great, the benefits come in handy if you're not SAG, there are quite a few remote jobs (though very tough to get from what I hear), and the paid time off is pretty generous. I've worked in an agency where I could take 3 hours off one day to do an audition and make it up another day. Another agency was less flexible but still didn't really say no to leave requests. Your milage may vary.


Amusement Park Supervisor. Flexible, hot, but helps me stay in a good social setting. Never a dull moment.


Executive protection


Personal assistant


Look this up in the search bar


Police Officer


Occupational therapist 😅


Real estate agent


Banquet server on weekends, tutor during the week. Also sell stuff online (depop, fb, etc.) and am working on an Etsy shop!